Example #1
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	KSI_CTX *ksi = NULL;

	KSI_DataHash *hsh = NULL;
	KSI_RequestHandle *handle[REQUESTS];
	KSI_NetworkClient *http = NULL;

	FILE *logFile = NULL;

	size_t i;

	KSI_DataHasher *hsr = NULL;

	const KSI_CertConstraint pubFileCertConstr[] = {
			{ KSI_CERT_EMAIL, "*****@*****.**"},
			{ NULL, NULL }

	struct {
		size_t ok;
		size_t nok;
	} stat;

	stat.ok = 0;
	stat.nok = 0;

	/* Create new KSI context for this thread. */
	res = KSI_CTX_new(&ksi);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create context.\n");
		goto cleanup;

	res = KSI_CTX_setDefaultPubFileCertConstraints(ksi, pubFileCertConstr);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to configure publications file cert constraints.\n");
		goto cleanup;

	/* Configure the logger. */
	res = OpenLogging(ksi, "multi_curl.log", &logFile);
	if (res != KSI_OK) goto cleanup;

	KSI_LOG_info(ksi, "Using KSI version: '%s'", KSI_getVersion());

	/* Check publications file url. */
	res = KSI_CTX_setPublicationUrl(ksi, "http://verify.guardtime.com/ksi-publications.bin");
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set publications file url.\n");
		goto cleanup;

	res = KSI_HttpClient_new(ksi, &http);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create http client.\n");
		goto cleanup;

	res = KSI_HttpClient_setAggregator(http, "http://ksigw.test.guardtime.com:3332", "anon", "anon");
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set aggregator url.\n");
		goto cleanup;

	KSI_HttpClient_setReadTimeoutSeconds(http, 10);
	KSI_HttpClient_setConnectTimeoutSeconds(http, 10);

	for (i = 0; i < REQUESTS; i++) {
		char buf[100];
		size_t len;
		KSI_AggregationReq *req = NULL;

		len = KSI_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Hello %d", i);
		res = KSI_DataHash_create(ksi, buf, len, KSI_getHashAlgorithmByName("default"), &hsh);
		if (res != KSI_OK) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create hash.");
			goto cleanup;

		res = KSI_AggregationReq_new(ksi, &req);
		if (res != KSI_OK) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create request.");
			goto cleanup;

		res = KSI_AggregationReq_setRequestHash(req, hsh);
		if (res != KSI_OK) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set request hash.");
			goto cleanup;

		res = KSI_NetworkClient_sendSignRequest(http, req, &handle[i]);
		if (res != KSI_OK) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Unable to send aggregation request.");
			goto cleanup;


	res = KSI_NetworkClient_performAll(http, handle, REQUESTS);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to perform requests.");
		goto cleanup;

	for (i = 0; i < REQUESTS; i++) {
		KSI_AggregationResp *resp = NULL;
		res = KSI_RequestHandle_getAggregationResponse(handle[i], &resp);
		if (res != KSI_OK) {
			const KSI_RequestHandleStatus *st = NULL;
			res = KSI_RequestHandle_getResponseStatus(handle[i], &st);
			if (res == KSI_OK) {
				printf("Status code = %ld: %s\n", st->code, st->errm);

			KSI_ERR_statusDump(ksi, stdout);
		} else {
			stat.ok ++;


			"  Successful: %llu\n"
			"      Failed: %llu\n"
			"       TOTAL: %llu\n", (unsigned long long)stat.ok, (unsigned long long)stat.nok, (unsigned long long)(stat.ok + stat.nok));

	res = KSI_OK;


	if (logFile != NULL) fclose(logFile);

	if (res != KSI_OK && ksi != NULL) {
		KSI_ERR_statusDump(ksi, stderr);



	return res;

Example #2
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	KSI_CTX *ksi = NULL;
	int res;
	FILE *out = NULL;
	KSI_Signature *sig = NULL;
	KSI_Signature *ext = NULL;
	KSI_HttpClient *net = NULL;
	unsigned char *raw = NULL;
	unsigned raw_len;
	unsigned count;
	FILE *logFile = NULL;

	if (argc != 5) {
				"  %s <signature> <extended> <extender uri> <pub-file uri| ->\n", argv[0]);
		goto cleanup;

	/* Init KSI context */
	res = KSI_CTX_new(&ksi);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to init KSI context.\n");
		goto cleanup;

	logFile = fopen("ksi_extend.log", "w");
	if (logFile == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open log file.\n");

	KSI_CTX_setLoggerCallback(ksi, KSI_LOG_StreamLogger, logFile);
	KSI_CTX_setLogLevel(ksi, KSI_LOG_DEBUG);

	KSI_LOG_info(ksi, "Using KSI version: '%s'", KSI_getVersion());

	res = KSI_HttpClient_new(ksi, &net);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create new network provider.\n");
		goto cleanup;

	res = KSI_HttpClient_setExtender(net, argv[3], "anon", "anon");
	if (res != KSI_OK) goto cleanup;

	if (strcmp(argv[4], "-")) {
		res = KSI_HttpClient_setPublicationUrl(net, argv[4]);
		if (res != KSI_OK) goto cleanup;

	res = KSI_CTX_setNetworkProvider(ksi, (KSI_NetworkClient *)net);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set new network provider.\n");
		goto cleanup;

	/* Read the signature. */
	res = KSI_Signature_fromFile(ksi, argv[1], &sig);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		KSI_ERR_statusDump(ksi, stdout);
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to read signature from '%s'\n", argv[1]);
		goto cleanup;

	/* Make sure the signature is ok. */
	res = KSI_verifySignature(ksi, sig);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to verify signature.\n");
		KSI_ERR_statusDump(ksi, stderr);
		goto cleanup;

	/* Extend the signature. */
	res = KSI_extendSignature(ksi, sig, &ext);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
			printf("No suitable publication to extend to.\n");
			goto cleanup;
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to extend signature.\n");
		KSI_ERR_statusDump(ksi, stderr);
		goto cleanup;

	/* To be extra sure, lets verify the extended signature. */
	res = KSI_verifySignature(ksi, ext);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to verify the extended signature.\n");
		KSI_ERR_statusDump(ksi, stderr);
		goto cleanup;

	/* Serialize the extended signature. */
	res = KSI_Signature_serialize(ext, &raw, &raw_len);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to serialize extended signature.\n");
		goto cleanup;

	/* Open output file. */
	out = fopen(argv[2], "wb");
	if (out == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open output file '%s'\n", argv[2]);
		res = KSI_IO_ERROR;
		goto cleanup;

	count = (unsigned)fwrite(raw, 1, raw_len, out);
	if (count != raw_len) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write output file.\n");
		res = KSI_IO_ERROR;
		goto cleanup;

	printf("Signature extended.");


	if (logFile != NULL) fclose(logFile);
	if (out != NULL) fclose(out);

	return res;
Example #3
int KSI_TcpClient_new(KSI_CTX *ctx, KSI_NetworkClient **tcp) {
	int res;
	KSI_NetworkClient *tmp = NULL;
	KSI_TcpClient *t = NULL;
	TcpClient_Endpoint *endp_aggr = NULL;
	TcpClient_Endpoint *endp_ext = NULL;
	TcpClient_Endpoint *endp_pub = NULL;


	if (ctx == NULL || tcp == NULL) {
		KSI_pushError(ctx, res = KSI_INVALID_ARGUMENT, NULL);
		goto cleanup;

	res = KSI_AbstractNetworkClient_new(ctx, &tmp);
	if (tmp == NULL) {
		KSI_pushError(ctx, res = KSI_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL);
		goto cleanup;

	t = KSI_new(KSI_TcpClient);
	if (tmp == NULL) {
		KSI_pushError(ctx, res = KSI_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL);
		goto cleanup;

	t->sendRequest = sendRequest;
	t->transferTimeoutSeconds = 10;
	t->http = NULL;

	res = KSI_HttpClient_new(ctx, &t->http);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		KSI_pushError(ctx, res, NULL);
		goto cleanup;

	/* Create implementations for abstract endpoints. */
	res = TcpClient_Endpoint_new(&endp_aggr);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		KSI_pushError(ctx, res, NULL);
		goto cleanup;

	res = TcpClient_Endpoint_new(&endp_ext);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		KSI_pushError(ctx, res, NULL);
		goto cleanup;

	res = TcpClient_Endpoint_new(&endp_pub);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		KSI_pushError(ctx, res, NULL);
		goto cleanup;

	/* Set implementations for abstract endpoints. */
	res = KSI_NetEndpoint_setImplContext(tmp->aggregator, endp_aggr, (void (*)(void*))TcpClient_Endpoint_free);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		KSI_pushError(ctx, res, NULL);
		goto cleanup;
	endp_aggr = NULL;

	res = KSI_NetEndpoint_setImplContext(tmp->extender, endp_ext, (void (*)(void*))TcpClient_Endpoint_free);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		KSI_pushError(ctx, res, NULL);
		goto cleanup;
	endp_ext = NULL;

	res = KSI_NetEndpoint_setImplContext(tmp->publicationsFile, endp_pub, (void (*)(void*))TcpClient_Endpoint_free);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		KSI_pushError(ctx, res, NULL);
		goto cleanup;
	endp_pub = NULL;

	tmp->sendExtendRequest = prepareExtendRequest;
	tmp->sendSignRequest = prepareAggregationRequest;
	tmp->sendPublicationRequest = sendPublicationRequest;
	tmp->implFree = (void (*)(void *))tcpClient_free;
	tmp->requestCount = 0;

	tmp->impl = t;
	t = NULL;

	*tcp = tmp;
	tmp = NULL;

	res = KSI_OK;



	return res;