void init_DMA0( void )
    // Disable DMA channel 0
    DCH0CONCLR = 0x00000080;
    // Disable DMA channel 0 interrupts
    // Clear interrupt flag
    // Enable DMA master
    DMACONSET = 0x00008000;
    // Configure channel 0
    DCH0CON = 0x00000003;
    // Configure starting IRQ - INT0
    DCH0ECON = 0x00000310;
    // Configure channel interrupts / clear all flags
    DCH0INT = 0x00080000;
    // Set start/destination addresses
    DCH0DSA = KVA_TO_PA((void*)&timer_vals);
    DCH0SSA = KVA_TO_PA((void*)&TMR5);
    // Source size = 2 bytes (16-bit timer)
    DCH0SSIZ = 2;
    // Dest size = 4 bytes
    DCH0DSIZ = 4;
    // Transfer size = 2 bytes per event
    DCH0CSIZ = 2;
    // Enable DMA channel 0 interrupts
    IPC9bits.DMA0IP = 3;
    IPC9bits.DMA0IS = 0;
    // Enable channel
    DCH0CONSET = 0x00000080;
Example #2
 * Function:        unsigned int NVMWriteRow(void* address, void* data)
 * Description:     The largest block of data that can be programmed in
 *                  a single operation is 1 row 128 instructions (512 Bytes).  The row at
 *                  the location pointed to by NVMADDR is programmed with the data buffer
 *                  pointed to by NVMSRCADDR.
 * PreCondition:    The row of data must be pre-loaded into a buffer in RAM.
 * Inputs:          address:  Destination Row address to write.
 *                  data:  Location of data to write.
 * Output:          '0' if operation completed successfully.
 * Example:         NVMWriteRow((void*) 0xBD000000, (void*) 0xA0000000)
UINT NVMemWriteRow(void* address, void* data)
    unsigned int res;

    // Set NVMADDR to Address of row t program
    NVMADDR = KVA_TO_PA((unsigned int)address);

    // Set NVMSRCADDR to the SRAM data buffer Address
    NVMSRCADDR = KVA_TO_PA((unsigned int)data);

    // Unlock and Write Row
    res = NVMemOperation(NVMOP_ROW_PGM);

    return res;
Example #3
bool Flash_ErasePage(uint32_t address) {
  PLIB_NVM_FlashAddressToModify(NVM_ID_0, KVA_TO_PA(address));

  while (!PLIB_NVM_FlashWriteCycleHasCompleted(NVM_ID_0)) {

  return !PLIB_NVM_WriteOperationHasTerminated(NVM_ID_0);
Example #4
bool Flash_WriteWord(uint32_t address, uint32_t data) {
  PLIB_NVM_FlashAddressToModify(NVM_ID_0, KVA_TO_PA(address));
  PLIB_NVM_FlashProvideData(NVM_ID_0, data);

  while (!PLIB_NVM_FlashWriteCycleHasCompleted(NVM_ID_0)) {

  return !PLIB_NVM_WriteOperationHasTerminated(NVM_ID_0);
Example #5
void Camera_Init(void)

    LATJbits.LATJ7 = 0;

   CNENAbits.CNIEA1 = 1;
   TRISAbits.TRISA1 = 1; //HSYNC IO Pin

   CNENJbits.CNIEJ2 = 1; //VSYNC
   TRISJbits.TRISJ2 = 1; //VSYNC IO Pin
   CNCONJbits.ON = 1;
   CNCONAbits.ON = 1;
   IFS3bits.CNJIF = 0; //Clear intterupt flag

   IPC31bits.CNJIP = 5;
   IPC29bits.CNAIP = 7;

   IEC3bits.CNJIE = 1;
   IEC3bits.CNAIE = 1;

   // set the transfer event control: what event is to start the DMA transfer
   INTCONbits.INT2EP = 1; // rising edge trigger
   IEC0bits.INT2IE = 1;
   TRISFbits.TRISF5 = 1; //Input for CLK

   TRISK = 0xff; //Input for portk

   DCH0CONbits.CHPRI = 0b11;  //Camera DMA channel has highest priority
   DCH0ECONbits.SIRQEN = 1;
   DCH0DSA = KVA_TO_PA(&GraphicsFrame[0][0][0]);
   DCH0SSA = KVA_TO_PA((void*)&PORTK);
   DCH0SSIZ = 1;
   DCH0DSIZ = (480<<1);
   DCH0CSIZ = 1;

Example #6
 * Function:        unsigned int NVMWriteWord(void* address, unsigned int data)
 * Description:     The smallest block of data that can be programmed in
 *                  a single operation is 1 instruction word (4 Bytes).  The word at
 *                  the location pointed to by NVMADDR is programmed.
 * PreCondition:    None
 * Inputs:          address:   Destination address to write.
 *                  data:      Word to write.
 * Output:          '0' if operation completed successfully.
 * Example:         NVMWriteWord((void*) 0xBD000000, 0x12345678)
UINT NVMemWriteWord(void* address, UINT data)
    UINT res;

    NVMADDR = KVA_TO_PA((unsigned int)address);

    // Load data into NVMDATA register
    NVMDATA = data;

    // Unlock and Write Word
    res = NVMemOperation(NVMOP_WORD_PGM);

	return res;
Example #7
 * Function:        unsigned int NVMErasePage(void* address)
 * Description:     A page erase will erase a single page of program flash,
 *                  which equates to 1k instructions (4KBytes). The page to
 *                  be erased is selected using NVMADDR. The lower bytes of
 *                  the address given by NVMADDR are ignored in page selection.
 * PreCondition:    None
 * Inputs:          address:  Destination page address to Erase.
 * Output:          '0' if operation completed successfully.
 * Example:         NVMemErasePage((void*) 0xBD000000)
UINT NVMemErasePage(void* address)
    UINT res;

    // Convert Address to Physical Address
	NVMADDR = KVA_TO_PA((unsigned int)address);

	// Unlock and Erase Page
	res = NVMemOperation(NVMOP_PAGE_ERASE);

	// Return WRERR state.
	return res;

Example #8
 * Function: void APP_HostHIDPICkitInitialize(void);
 * Overview: Initializes the demo code
 * PreCondition: None
 * Input: None
 * Output: None
void APP_HostHIDPICkitInitialize() {
    pickit.state = DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED;
    pickit.goSEND_OUTPUT_REPORT = false;
    pickit.inUse = false;
    pickit.buffer = NULL;
    // init DMA
    // Iniialisation DMA UART TX
    IFS1bits.U2TXIF = 0; 
    IEC1bits.U2TXIE = 0;

    IEC1CLR= _IEC1_DMA0IE_MASK; // disable DMA channel 0 interrupts
    IFS1CLR= _IFS1_DMA0IF_MASK;  //0x00010000; // clear existing DMA channel 0 interrupt flag
    DMACONSET= _DMACON_ON_MASK; // enable the DMA controller

    // program the transfer
    DCH0SSA=KVA_TO_PA(rspBuffer); // transfer source physical address
    DCH0DSA=KVA_TO_PA(&U2TXREG); // transfer destination physical address
    DCH0ECONbits.SIRQEN = 1; // Activation de la commande via interruption
    DCH0SSIZ=BUFFER_SIZE; // source size 256 bytes
    DCH0DSIZ=1; // destination size 1 bytes
    DCH0CSIZ=1; // 1 bytes transferred per event    
Example #9
Timer 3 interrupt.
Used to generate the horiz and vert sync pulse under control of the state machine
void __ISR(_TIMER_3_VECTOR, IPL7SOFT) T3Interrupt(void) {
    static int *VPtr;
    static unsigned char AlternateField = 0;                        // used to count odd/even fields in composite video
    static unsigned int LineCnt = 1;

    switch ( VState) {    											// vertical state machine
        case SV_PREEQ:  // 0            							// prepare for the new horizontal line
            VPtr = VideoBuf;
            LineCnt = 1;

        case SV_SYNC:   // 1
            if(!vga) {                                              // if the video is composite
                P_VID_OC_REG = SvSyncT;                             // start the vertical sync pulse for composite
            	VCount += AlternateField;                           // in composite video the alternative field has one extra line
            	AlternateField ^= 1;
            P_VERT_SET_LO;										    // start the vertical sync pulse for vga

        case SV_POSTEQ: // 2
        	//if(!vga) P_VID_OC_REG = C_HSYNC_T; 			            // end of the vertical sync pulse for composite
            P_VERT_SET_HI;                                          // end of the vertical sync pulse for vga

        case SV_LINE:   // 3
            P_SPI_INPUT = 0;                                        // preload the SPI with 4 zero bytes to pad the start of the video
                DCH1SSA = KVA_TO_PA((void*) (VPtr));                // update the DMA1 source address (DMA1 is used for VGA data)
             //   DCH0SSA = KVA_TO_PA((void*) (VPtr - 1));            // update the DMA0 source address (DMA0 is used for composite data)
            if(!Display24Lines || LineCnt++ % 3) VPtr += HBuf/32;   // move the pointer to the start of the next line
            DmaChnEnable(1);                                        // arm the DMA transfer

    if (--VCount == 0) {											// count down the number of lines
        VCount = VC[VState&3];										// set the new count
        VState = VS[VState&3];    									// and advance the state machine

    mT3ClearIntFlag();    											// clear the interrupt flag
Example #10
void CANAssignMemoryBuffer(CAN_MODULE module, void * buffer, UINT sizeInBytes)


	/* This function converts the provided

	 * buffer address to a physical address

	 * and stores this address in CxFIFOBA

	 * register.


	CAN_REGISTERS * canRegisters = (CAN_REGISTERS *)canModules[module];

	canRegisters->CxFIFOBA = KVA_TO_PA(buffer);

Example #11
 * Function:        _EthAckPacket
 * PreCondition:    None
 * Input:           pPkt       - buffer/packet to be acknowledged or NULL
 *                  pRemList   - list to look for done packets and to remove the packets from
 *                  pAddList   - list were to add the removed packets
 *                  ackFnc     - function to be called for each acknowledged buffer in turn
 *                  fParam     - function argument
 * Output:          ETH_RES_OK - success
 *                  ETH_RES_PACKET_QUEUED - there are packets queued
 *                  ETH_RES_NO_PACKET - no packets available in the queue
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        This function acknowledges a packet.
 *                  The supplied packet has to have been completed otherwise the call will fail.
 *                  When pPkt==NULL, all packets with EOWN==0 will be acknowledged.
 * Note:            None
eEthRes _EthAckPacket(const void* pPkt, sEthDcptList* pRemList, sEthDcptList* pAddList, pEthBuffAck ackFnc, void* fParam)

	sEthDNode	*pEDcpt;
	sEthDNode	*prev, *next;
	int		nAcks;
	int		pktFound;
	int		buffIx;


	for(pEDcpt=pRemList->head; pEDcpt!=0; pEDcpt=next)
		if(pEDcpt->hwDcpt.hdr.SOP && (pPkt==0 || pEDcpt->hwDcpt.pEDBuff==(unsigned char*)KVA_TO_PA(pPkt)))
		{ // found the beg of a packet

				break;		// hw not done with it

				while(pEDcpt->hwDcpt.hdr.EOWN);			// shouldn't happen
				SlAddTail(pAddList, pEDcpt);	// ack this node
					void* pBuff;
					(*ackFnc)(pBuff, buffIx++, fParam);	// call user's acknowledge


			// reconstruct the removed list
				// prev->next_ed shouldn't matter here!

			{	// done, just one packet ack-ed
				break;	// done


Example #12
    int direction
    /* pBDT is the pointer to the ping pong BDT entries
     * for the endpoint and direction  In this driver we
     * dont check for the data toggle while receiving data from
     * the host. The assumption here is that the host is correct */

    /* If the endpoint is stalled, the stall will be cleared */

    uint16_t size;

    DRV_USB_BDT_ENTRY * currentBDTEntry;

    currentBDTEntry = pBDT + endpointObj->nextPingPong;

    /* Calculate the size of the transaction */
        /* If data is moving from device to host
         * then enable data toggle syncronization */

        currentBDTEntry->byte[0] = 0x08;

        /* Adjust buffer address for the number of
         * bytes sent */
        currentBDTEntry->word[1] = (uint32_t)
            (KVA_TO_PA (irp->data + irp->size - 

        if(irp->nPendingBytes == 0)  
            /* This applies when we need to send a ZLP */
            size = 0;
            size = (irp->nPendingBytes > endpointObj->maxPacketSize)
                ? endpointObj->maxPacketSize: irp->nPendingBytes;

        /* Update the pending bytes only if the 
         * data direction is from device to host. The
         * pending bytes for the other direction is 
         * updated in the ISR */

        irp->nPendingBytes -= size;
        /* Data is moving from host to device */
        currentBDTEntry->byte[0] = 0x0;

        /* Adjust the buffer address for the number of bytes
         * received so far */

        currentBDTEntry->word[1] = (uint32_t)
            (KVA_TO_PA (irp->data + irp->nPendingBytes));
        size = (irp->size - irp->nPendingBytes > 
                    endpointObj->maxPacketSize) ? endpointObj->maxPacketSize :
                    irp->size - irp->nPendingBytes;


    /* We set up the data toggle. This will be active
     * only if DTS is active. Clear the DATA0/1 and 
     * then set it according to the next data toggle
     * to be used.*/

    currentBDTEntry->byte[0] &= 0xBF;
    currentBDTEntry->byte[0] |= (endpointObj->nextDataToggle << 6);
    /* Set the size */
    currentBDTEntry->shortWord[1] = size;
    /* Set the UOWN bit */

    currentBDTEntry->byte[0] |= 0x80;

    endpointObj->nextDataToggle ^= 0x1;

 * Function:        EthRxBuffersAppend
 * PreCondition:    EthInit, EthAddDescriptors, EthRxSetBufferSize should have been called.
 *                  each buffer supplied should be >= EthRxSetBufferSize().
 * Input:           ppBuff - pointer to an array of buffers (could be NULL terminated) to be appended to the receiving process
 *                  nBuffs - number of buffers supplied (or 0 if ppBuff is NULL terminated)
 *                  rxFlags  - flags applied to all RX buffers passed
 * Output:          ETH_RES_OK for success,
 *                  an error code otherwise
 * Side Effects:    None
 * Overview:        This function supplies buffers to the receiving process and enables the receiving part of the controller.
 *                  As soon as the controller starts receiving data packets these will be stored into memory
 *                  at the addresses specified by these buffers.
 *                  A received packet can consist of multiple buffers, split across buffers with the SAME size, as specified in the EthRxSetBufferSize().
 *                  Each buffer needs an associated receive descriptor. Therefore, the number of needed
 *                  receive descriptors should be available for this function to succeed.
 *                  Once a receive operation is scheduled, EthRxPacket() can be called to get the received packet.
 * Note:            - Not multithreaded safe. Don't call from from both ISR -non ISR code or multiple ISR's!
 *                  - This function enables the Ethernet receiving.
 *                  - When a packet is split into multiple buffers, all buffers have the same size, set by the EthRxSetBufferSize().
 *                  - The append process continues until a NULL buffer pointer is retrieved or nBuffs buffers are appended.
 *                  - Only RX eEthBuffFlags are relevant for this function
eEthRes EthRxBuffersAppend(void* ppBuff[], int nBuffs, eEthBuffFlags rxFlags)
	void*   	pBuff;
	sEthDNode	*pEDcpt;
	eEthRes		res=ETH_RES_OK;
	sEthDcptList	newList={0, 0};


	for(pBuff=*ppBuff; pBuff!=0 && nBuffs; pBuff=*(++ppBuff), nBuffs--)
		{	// we've run out of descriptors...
		// ok valid descriptor
		// pas it to hw, always use linked descriptors
		pEDcpt->hwDcpt.pEDBuff=(unsigned char*)KVA_TO_PA(pBuff);

        pEDcpt->hwDcpt.hdr.w=_SDCPT_HDR_NPV_MASK_|_SDCPT_HDR_EOWN_MASK_;	// hw owned



		else if(!IS_KVA(pBuff))

		SlAddTail(&newList, pEDcpt);

	if(pBuff && nBuffs)
	{	// failed, still buffers in the descriptors, put back the removed nodes
		SlAppendTail(&_EthRxFreeList, &newList);
		return res;

	// all's well
		_EthAppendBusyList(&_EthRxBusyList, &newList, 1);

		{	// 1st time reception!
		ETHCON1SET=_ETHCON1_RXEN_MASK;		// and we're running!

	return ETH_RES_OK;

Example #14
void DRIVER _DRV_USB_MAKE_NAME(Initialize) 
    const SYS_MODULE_INIT * const init
    DRV_USB_OBJ * drvObj;
    DRV_USB_INIT * usbInit;

    if(gDrvUSBGroup.gDrvUSBObj.inUse == true)
        /* Cannot initialize an object that is
         * already in use. */

        SYS_ASSERT(false, "Instance already in use");

    usbInit = (DRV_USB_INIT *) init;
    drvObj  = &gDrvUSBGroup.gDrvUSBObj;

    /* Populate the driver object with
     * the required data */

    drvObj->inUse           = true;
    drvObj->status          = SYS_STATUS_BUSY; 
    drvObj->operationMode   = usbInit->operationMode; 
    drvObj->pBDT            = (DRV_USB_BDT_ENTRY *)(usbInit->endpointTable);

    /* Turn off USB module */


    /* Setup the Hardware */

    if ( usbInit->stopInIdle )
        PLIB_USB_StopInIdleEnable( DRV_USB_PERIPHERAL_ID );
        PLIB_USB_StopInIdleDisable( DRV_USB_PERIPHERAL_ID );

    if ( usbInit->suspendInSleep )
        PLIB_USB_AutoSuspendEnable( DRV_USB_PERIPHERAL_ID );
        PLIB_USB_AutoSuspendDisable( DRV_USB_PERIPHERAL_ID );

    /* Setup the USB Module based on the selected
     * mode */

        case USB_OPMODE_DEVICE:
            _DRV_USB_DEVICE_INIT(drvObj, 0);
        case USB_OPMODE_HOST:
            _DRV_USB_HOST_INIT(drvObj, 0);
        case USB_OPMODE_OTG:
            SYS_ASSERT(false, "What mode are you trying?");


    /* Clear and enable the interrupts */

    /* Assign the BDT address */

            (void *)((uint32_t)KVA_TO_PA(drvObj->pBDT) ));

    /* Set number of clients to zero */

    drvObj->nClients = 0;
    drvObj->status = SYS_STATUS_READY; 


} /* DRV_USB_Initialize */
void vDMA0_ISR( void )
#define START_SHORT_LOW 3437
#define START_SHORT_HIGH 3656
#define START_LONG_LOW 4062
#define START_LONG_HIGH 4375
#define BIT_SHORT_LOW 312
#define BIT_SHORT_HIGH 370
#define BIT_LONG_LOW 625
#define BIT_LONG_HIGH 800
#define NUM_KEYS 27
    const static unsigned int raw_codes[NUM_KEYS] =
        0x00FD00FF, 0x00FD807F, 0x00FD40BF,
        0x00FD20DF, 0x00FDA05F, 0x00FD609F,
        0x00FD10EF, 0x00FD906F, 0x00FD50AF,
        0x00FD30CF, 0x00FDB04F, 0x00FD708F,
        0x00FD08F7, 0x00FD8877, 0x00FD48B7,
        0x00FD28D7, 0x00FDA857, 0x00FD6897,
        0x00FD18E7, 0x00FD9867, 0x00FD58A7
    const static unsigned char key_codes[NUM_KEYS] =
        0x11, 0x12, 0x13,
        0x21, 0x22, 0x23,
        0x31, 0x32, 0x33,
        0x41, 0x42, 0x43,
        0x51, 0x52, 0x53,
        0x61, 0x62, 0x63,
        0x71, 0x72, 0x73

    typedef enum STATE { START, NEW_CODE } STATE;
    static STATE cState = START;
    unsigned short pulse_width;
    static unsigned char code = 0x00;
    unsigned int raw_code = 0;
    int i = 0;
    portBASE_TYPE highPriWoken = pdFALSE;
    // Clear the event flag
    DCH0INTCLR = 0x000000FF;
    // Case cState is
    switch( cState )
        // START
        case START:
            // Calculate pulse width
            pulse_width = timer_vals[1] - timer_vals[0];
            // If long pulse
            if( pulse_width > START_LONG_LOW &&
                pulse_width < START_LONG_HIGH )
                timer_vals[0] = timer_vals[1];
                // Configure DMA for NEW_CODE state
                // Change dest, src, dest size
                DCH0DSA = KVA_TO_PA((void*)&timer_vals[1]);
                DCH0SSA = KVA_TO_PA((void*)&TMR5);
                DCH0DSIZ = 64;
                // Re-enable DMA channel
                DCH0CONSET = 0x00000080;
                // Move to NEW_CODE state
                cState = NEW_CODE;
            // If short pulse
            else if( pulse_width > START_SHORT_LOW &&
                     pulse_width < START_SHORT_HIGH )
                if( code )
                    xQueueSendToBackFromISR( queueRemoteCodes, &code, &highPriWoken );
                    cState = START;
                // Re-enable DMA channel
                DCH0CONSET = 0x00000080;
        // NEW_CODE
        case NEW_CODE:
            // Calculate new code value
            for( i = 0; i < 32; ++i )
                unsigned short this_time = timer_vals[i + 1] - timer_vals[i];
                if( this_time > BIT_LONG_LOW &&
                     this_time < BIT_LONG_HIGH )
                    raw_code = (raw_code << 1) | 0x00000001;
                    raw_code = raw_code << 1;
            // Translate raw code value
            code = 0x00;
            for( i = 0; !code && i < NUM_KEYS; ++i )
                if( raw_codes[i] == raw_code )
                    code = key_codes[i];
            // Configure DMA for START state
            // Change dest, src, dest size
            DCH0DSA = KVA_TO_PA((void*)&timer_vals);
            DCH0SSA = KVA_TO_PA((void*)&TMR5);
            DCH0DSIZ = 4;
            // Re-enable DMA channel
            DCH0CONSET = 0x00000080;
            // Move to START state
            cState = START;
Example #16
    void DesCrypt(word32 *key, word32 *iv, byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz,
                  int dir, int algo, int cryptoalgo)
        securityAssociation *sa_p ;
        bufferDescriptor *bd_p ;
        const byte *in_p, *in_l ;
        byte *out_p, *out_l ;
        volatile securityAssociation sa __attribute__((aligned (8)));
        volatile bufferDescriptor bd __attribute__((aligned (8)));
        /* get uncached address */

        in_l = in;
        out_l = out ;
        sa_p = KVA0_TO_KVA1(&sa) ; 
        bd_p = KVA0_TO_KVA1(&bd) ;
        in_p = KVA0_TO_KVA1(in_l) ;
        out_p= KVA0_TO_KVA1(out_l);
            XMEMCPY((void *)in_p, (void *)in, sz);
        XMEMSET((void *)out_p, 0, sz);

        /* Set up the Security Association */
        XMEMSET((byte *)KVA0_TO_KVA1(&sa), 0, sizeof(sa));
        sa_p->SA_CTRL.ALGO = algo ; 
        sa_p->SA_CTRL.LNC = 1;
        sa_p->SA_CTRL.LOADIV = 1;
        sa_p->SA_CTRL.FB = 1;
        sa_p->SA_CTRL.ENCTYPE = dir ; /* Encryption/Decryption */
        sa_p->SA_CTRL.CRYPTOALGO = cryptoalgo;
        sa_p->SA_CTRL.KEYSIZE = 1 ; /* KEY is 192 bits */
        XMEMCPY((byte *)KVA0_TO_KVA1(&sa.SA_ENCKEY[algo==PIC32_ALGO_TDES ? 2 : 6]),
                (byte *)key, algo==PIC32_ALGO_TDES ? 24 : 8);
        XMEMCPY((byte *)KVA0_TO_KVA1(&sa.SA_ENCIV[2]), (byte *)iv, 8);

        XMEMSET((byte *)KVA0_TO_KVA1(&bd), 0, sizeof(bd));
        /* Set up the Buffer Descriptor */
        bd_p->BD_CTRL.BUFLEN = sz;
        bd_p->BD_CTRL.LIFM = 1;
        bd_p->BD_CTRL.SA_FETCH_EN = 1;
        bd_p->BD_CTRL.LAST_BD = 1;
        bd_p->BD_CTRL.PKT_INT_EN = 1;
        bd_p->BD_CTRL.DESC_EN = 1;
        bd_p->SA_ADDR = (unsigned int)KVA_TO_PA(&sa) ; /* (unsigned int)sa_p; */
        bd_p->SRCADDR = (unsigned int)KVA_TO_PA(in) ; /* (unsigned int)in_p; */
        bd_p->DSTADDR = (unsigned int)KVA_TO_PA(out); /* (unsigned int)out_p; */
        bd_p->NXTPTR = (unsigned int)KVA_TO_PA(&bd);
        bd_p->MSGLEN = sz ;
        /* Fire in the hole! */
        CECON = 1 << 6;
        while (CECON);
        CEPOLLCON = 10; // 10 SYSCLK delay between BD checks
        /* Run the engine */
        CEBDPADDR = (unsigned int)KVA_TO_PA(&bd) ; /* (unsigned int)bd_p ; */
        CEINTEN = 0x07;
#if ((__PIC32_FEATURE_SET0 == 'E') && (__PIC32_FEATURE_SET1 == 'C'))   // No output swap
        CECON = 0x27;
        CECON = 0xa7;

        WAIT_ENGINE ;

        if((cryptoalgo == PIC32_CRYPTOALGO_CBC) ||
           (cryptoalgo == PIC32_CRYPTOALGO_TCBC)||
           (cryptoalgo == PIC32_CRYPTOALGO_RCBC)) {
            /* set iv for the next call */
            if(dir == PIC32_ENCRYPTION) {
	        XMEMCPY((void *)iv, (void*)&(out_p[sz-DES_IVLEN]), DES_IVLEN) ;
	        } else {
                ByteReverseWords((word32*)iv, (word32 *)&(in_p[sz-DES_IVLEN]),


#if ((__PIC32_FEATURE_SET0 == 'E') && (__PIC32_FEATURE_SET1 == 'C'))   // No output swap
        ByteReverseWords((word32*)out, (word32 *)KVA0_TO_KVA1(out), sz);
        SYS_DEVCON_DataCacheInvalidate((word32)out, sz);