Example #1
void	CIKFoot::set_ref_bone				( )
		get_ref_bone(	Kinematics()->LL_GetTransform( m_foot_bone_id )	,	
						Kinematics()->LL_GetTransform( m_toe_bone_id ) 
Example #2
Fmatrix&	CIKFoot::foot_to_ref_bone_transform	( Fmatrix& m )  const
	if(m_ref_bone == 2)
		m.set( Fidentity );
		return m;
	m.mul_43( Fmatrix().invert( Kinematics()->LL_GetTransform( m_foot_bone_id ) ), Kinematics()->LL_GetTransform( m_toe_bone_id ) );
	return m;
Example #3
void	CIKFoot::Collide( SIKCollideData &cld, ik_foot_collider	&collider, const Fmatrix &ref_bone, const Fmatrix& object_matrix, CGameObject *O, bool foot_step ) const
	VERIFY( O->Visual( )->dcast_PKinematics() == Kinematics() );
	ik_foot_geom fg;
	SetFootGeom( fg ,ref_bone, object_matrix );
	collider.collide( cld, fg, O, foot_step );
Example #4
void CIKFoot::Create		(  IKinematics	*K, LPCSTR section, u16 bones[4] )
	m_K = K;
	m_ref_bone		= 2;
	if( m_ref_bone	== 2 )
		m_foot_normal.v			.set( 1, 0, 0 );//2
		m_foot_normal.bone		= 2;
		m_foot_direction.v		.set( 0, 0, 1 );//2
		m_foot_direction.bone	= 2;
	} else
		m_foot_normal.v		.set( 0, 0, -1 );//3
		m_foot_normal.bone		= 3;
		m_foot_direction.v	.set( 1, 0, 0 );//3
		m_foot_direction.bone	= 3;

	//	m_foot_normal.v			.set( 1, 0, 0 );//2
	//	m_foot_normal.bone		= 2;

	//load settings	
	if( section )
		if( !!K->LL_UserData()->r_bool( section, "align_toe" ))
			m_ref_bone = 3;
		m_foot_normal.bone		= m_ref_bone;
		m_foot_direction.bone	= m_ref_bone;

		m_foot_normal.v		= Kinematics()->LL_UserData()->r_fvector3( section, "foot_normal" );
		m_foot_direction.v	= Kinematics()->LL_UserData()->r_fvector3( section, "foot_direction" );
	set_toe( bones );
Example #5
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void starsim( Int_t nevents=1, Int_t rngSeed=1234 )
	gROOT->ProcessLine(".L bfc.C");
		TString simple = "y2012 geant gstar usexgeom agml ";
		bfc(0, simple );
	gSystem->Load( "libVMC.so");
	gSystem->Load( "StarGeneratorUtil.so" );
	gSystem->Load( "StarGeneratorEvent.so" );
	gSystem->Load( "StarGeneratorBase.so" );
	gSystem->Load( "libMathMore.so"   );
	gSystem->Load( "xgeometry.so"     );

	// Setup RNG seed and captuire ROOT TRandom
	// Create the primary event generator and insert it
	// before the geant maker
	//  StarPrimaryMaker *
	_primary = new StarPrimaryMaker();
		_primary -> SetFileName( "kinematics.starsim.root");
		chain -> AddBefore( "geant", _primary );
	// Initialize primary event generator and all sub makers
	_primary -> Init();
	// Setup geometry and set starsim to use agusread for input
	command("gkine -4 0");
	command("gfile o pythia6.starsim.fzd");
	// Setup PT and ETA distributions
	Double_t pt0 = 3.0;
	ptDist = new TF1("ptDist","(x/[0])/(1+(x/[0])^2)^6",0.0,10.0);
	ptDist->SetParameter(0, pt0);
	etaDist = new TF1("etaDist","-TMath::Erf(x+2.6)*TMath::Erf(x-2.6)",-0.8,+0.8);
	// Trigger on nevents
	trig( nevents );
	//	command("call agexit");  // Make sure that STARSIM exits properly
Example #6
void CIKFoot::set_toe(  u16 bones[4] )

	VERIFY( Kinematics() );

	m_foot_bone_id = bones[2];
	m_toe_bone_id =	bones[3];

	xr_vector<Fmatrix> binds;
	Kinematics()->LL_GetBindTransform( binds );
	const Fmatrix bind_ref	= binds[ bones[m_ref_bone] ];
	const Fmatrix ibind_ref = Fmatrix().invert( bind_ref );

	const Fmatrix bind2		= binds[ bones[2] ] ;
	const Fmatrix ibind2	= Fmatrix().invert( bind2 );

	//const Fmatrix ref_to_b2	= Fmatrix().mul_43( ibind2, bind_ref );
	const Fmatrix b2to_ref	= Fmatrix().mul_43(  ibind_ref, bind2 );

	const Fmatrix bind3		= binds[ bones[3] ] ;
	const Fmatrix ibind3	= Fmatrix().invert( bind3 );

	m_bind_b2_to_b3.mul_43( ibind2, bind3 );
	Fvector ax ,foot_normal, foot_dir; 
	get_local_vector( 2, foot_normal, m_foot_normal );
	get_local_vector( 2, foot_dir, m_foot_direction );

	//ref_to_b2.transform_tiny( foot_normal, m_foot_normal.v );
	//ref_to_b2.transform_tiny( foot_dir, m_foot_direction.v );

	ax.add( foot_normal, foot_dir );
	Fvector pos; pos.set( 0, 0, 0 );
	Fmatrix ibind = ibind3;
	envc pred( ibind, ax, pos );
	Kinematics()->EnumBoneVertices( pred, bones[3] );
	bind3.transform_tiny( pos );
	ibind2.transform_tiny( pos );
	m_toe_position.v.set( pos );
	ibind.set( ibind2 );
	ax.set( foot_normal );
	Kinematics()->EnumBoneVertices( pred, bones[2] );
	m_toe_position.v.x = _max( pos.x, m_toe_position.v.x );
	ax.sub( foot_normal, foot_dir );
	pred.start_pos.set(0,0,0);pos.set( 0, 0, 0 );
	Kinematics()->EnumBoneVertices( pred, bones[2] );
	m_heel_position.v = pred.pos	;
	m_heel_position.v.add( Fvector().mul( foot_dir,
		Fvector().sub( m_toe_position.v, pos ).dotproduct( foot_dir ) * 0.2f	) 
	m_heel_position.bone = 2;
	bind2.transform_tiny( m_toe_position.v );
	ibind_ref.transform_tiny( m_toe_position.v );
	m_toe_position.bone = ref_bone();

	get_local_vector( foot_normal, m_foot_normal );
	m_foot_width = ( Fvector().sub( m_toe_position.v, b2to_ref.c ) ).dotproduct(  foot_normal );
