LALFindChirpSPData (
    LALStatus                  *status,
    FindChirpSegmentVector     *fcSegVec,
    DataSegmentVector          *dataSegVec,
    FindChirpDataParams        *params

  UINT4                 i, k;
  UINT4                 cut;
  CHAR                  infoMsg[512];

  REAL4                *w;
  REAL4                *amp;
  COMPLEX8             *wtilde;
  REAL4                *tmpltPower;

  REAL4Vector          *dataVec;
  REAL4                *spec;
  COMPLEX8             *resp;

  COMPLEX8             *outputData;
  REAL4                 segNormSum;

  /* stuff added for continous chisq test */
  REAL4Vector          *dataPower = NULL;
  REAL4		        PSDsum = 0;
  INT4 			startIX = 0;
  INT4			endIX = 0;
  COMPLEX8Vector       *fftVec = NULL;
  FindChirpSegment     *fcSeg;
  DataSegment          *dataSeg;

   * make sure that the arguments are reasonable

  /* check that the output exists */
  ASSERT( fcSegVec, status,
      ": fcSegVec" );
  ASSERT( fcSegVec->data, status,
      ": fcSegVec->data" );
  ASSERT( fcSegVec->data->data, status,
      ": fcSegVec->data->dat" );
  ASSERT( fcSegVec->data->data->data, status,
      ": fcSegVec->data->data->data" );

  /* check that the parameter structure exists */
      FINDCHIRPSPH_MSGENULL ": params" );

  /* check that the workspace vectors exist */
  ASSERT( params->ampVec, status,
  ASSERT( params->ampVec->data, status,

  ASSERT( params->wVec, status,
  ASSERT( params->wVec->data, status,

  ASSERT( params->wtildeVec, status,
  ASSERT( params->wtildeVec->data, status,

  ASSERT( params->tmpltPowerVec, status,
  ASSERT( params->tmpltPowerVec->data, status,

  /* check that the fft plans exist */
  ASSERT( params->fwdPlan, status,
  ASSERT( params->invPlan, status,

  /* check that the parameter values are reasonable */
  ASSERT( params->fLow >= 0, status,
  ASSERT( params->dynRange > 0, status,

  /* check that the input exists */
  ASSERT( dataSegVec, status,
      ": dataSegVec" );
  ASSERT( dataSegVec->data, status,
      ": dataSegVec->data" );
  ASSERT( dataSegVec->data->chan, status,
      ": dataSegVec->data->chan" );
  ASSERT( dataSegVec->data->chan->data, status,
      ": dataSegVec->data->chan->data" );

  /* check that the parameter structure is set */
  /* to the correct waveform approximant       */
  if ( params->approximant != FindChirpSP )

   * set up local segment independent pointers

  w          = params->wVec->data;
  amp        = params->ampVec->data;
  wtilde     = params->wtildeVec->data;
  tmpltPower = params->tmpltPowerVec->data;

  /* allocate memory to store some temporary info for the
     continous chisq test */
  fcSeg        = &(fcSegVec->data[0]);
  fftVec = XLALCreateCOMPLEX8Vector( fcSeg->data->data->length );

   * loop over data segments

  for ( i = 0; i < dataSegVec->length; ++i )

     * set up segment dependent pointers

    dataSeg      = &(dataSegVec->data[i]);
    fcSeg        = &(fcSegVec->data[i]);

    dataVec      = dataSeg->chan->data;
    spec         = dataSeg->spec->data->data;
    resp         = dataSeg->resp->data->data;

    outputData   = fcSeg->data->data->data;
    dataPower    = fcSeg->dataPower->data;

    ASSERT( params->wtildeVec->length == fcSeg->data->data->length, status,

    /* store the waveform approximant in the data segment */
    fcSeg->approximant = params->approximant;

     * compute htilde and store in fcSeg

    LALForwardRealFFT( status->statusPtr, fcSeg->data->data,
        dataVec, params->fwdPlan );
    CHECKSTATUSPTR( status );

    /* compute strain */
    for ( k = 0; k < fcSeg->data->data->length; ++k )
      REAL4 p = crealf(outputData[k]);
      REAL4 q = cimagf(outputData[k]);
      REAL4 x = crealf(resp[k]) * params->dynRange;
      REAL4 y = cimagf(resp[k]) * params->dynRange;

      outputData[k] = crectf( p*x - q*y, p*y + q*x );

     * compute inverse power spectrum

    /* set low frequency cutoff inverse power spectrum */
    cut = params->fLow / dataSeg->spec->deltaF > 1 ?
      params->fLow / dataSeg->spec->deltaF : 1;
    snprintf( infoMsg, XLAL_NUM_ELEM(infoMsg),
        "low frequency cut off index = %d\n", cut );
    LALInfo( status, infoMsg );

    /* set inverse power spectrum to zero */
    memset( wtilde, 0, params->wtildeVec->length * sizeof(COMPLEX8) );

    /* compute inverse of S_v */
    for ( k = cut; k < params->wtildeVec->length; ++k )
      if ( spec[k] == 0 )

      wtilde[k] = crectf( 1.0 / spec[k], cimagf(wtilde[k]) );

     * truncate inverse power spectrum in time domain if required

    if ( params->invSpecTrunc )
      /* compute square root of inverse power spectrum */
      for ( k = cut; k < params->wtildeVec->length; ++k )
        wtilde[k] = crectf( sqrt( crealf(wtilde[k]) ), cimagf(wtilde[k]) );

      /* set nyquist and dc to zero */
      wtilde[params->wtildeVec->length-1] = crectf( 0.0, cimagf(wtilde[params->wtildeVec->length-1]) );
      wtilde[0] = crectf( 0.0, cimagf(wtilde[0]) );

      /* transform to time domain */
      LALReverseRealFFT( status->statusPtr, params->wVec, params->wtildeVec,
          params->invPlan );
      CHECKSTATUSPTR (status);

      /* truncate in time domain */
      memset( w + params->invSpecTrunc/2, 0,
          (params->wVec->length - params->invSpecTrunc) * sizeof(REAL4) );

      /* transform to frequency domain */
      LALForwardRealFFT( status->statusPtr, params->wtildeVec, params->wVec,
          params->fwdPlan );
      CHECKSTATUSPTR (status);

      /* normalise fourier transform and square */
        REAL4 norm = 1.0 / (REAL4) params->wVec->length;
        for ( k = cut; k < params->wtildeVec->length; ++k )
          wtilde[k] = crectf( crealf(wtilde[k]) * ( norm ), cimagf(wtilde[k]) );
          wtilde[k] = crectf( crealf(wtilde[k]) * ( crealf(wtilde[k]) ), cimagf(wtilde[k]) );
          wtilde[k] = crectf( crealf(wtilde[k]), 0.0 );

      /* set nyquist and dc to zero */
      wtilde[params->wtildeVec->length-1] = crectf( 0.0, cimagf(wtilde[params->wtildeVec->length-1]) );
      wtilde[0] = crectf( 0.0, cimagf(wtilde[0]) );

    /* set inverse power spectrum below cut to zero */
    memset( wtilde, 0, cut * sizeof(COMPLEX8) );

    /* convert from S_v to S_h */
    for ( k = cut; k < params->wtildeVec->length; ++k )
      REAL4 respRe = crealf(resp[k]) * params->dynRange;
      REAL4 respIm = cimagf(resp[k]) * params->dynRange;
      REAL4 modsqResp = (respRe * respRe + respIm * respIm);
      REAL4 invmodsqResp;
      if ( modsqResp == 0 )
      invmodsqResp = 1.0 / modsqResp;
      wtilde[k] = crectf( crealf(wtilde[k]) * ( invmodsqResp ), cimagf(wtilde[k]) );

     * compute segment normalisation, outputData, point fcSeg at data segment

    for ( k = 0; k < cut; ++k )
      outputData[k] = 0.0;

    for ( k = 0; k < cut; ++k )
      fftVec->data[k] = 0.0;

    memset( tmpltPower, 0, params->tmpltPowerVec->length * sizeof(REAL4) );
    memset( fcSeg->segNorm->data, 0, fcSeg->segNorm->length * sizeof(REAL4) );

    fcSeg->tmpltPowerVec = params->tmpltPowerVec;

    segNormSum = 0.0;
    for ( k = 1; k < fcSeg->data->data->length; ++k )
      tmpltPower[k] = amp[k] * amp[k] * crealf(wtilde[k]);
      segNormSum += tmpltPower[k];
      fcSeg->segNorm->data[k] = segNormSum;

    /*  Compute whitened data for continous chisq test */
    for ( k = 0; k < fcSeg->data->data->length; ++k )
      fftVec->data[k] = crectf( crealf(outputData[k]) * sqrt( crealf(wtilde[k]) ), cimagf(outputData[k]) * sqrt( crealf(wtilde[k]) ) );

    /* get the whitened time series */
    LALReverseRealFFT( status->statusPtr, dataPower, fftVec,
          params->invPlan );
    dataPower->data[0] = 0;

    /* compute the cumulative power used for the continous
       chisq test */
    for ( k = 1; k < dataPower->length; k++ )
      dataPower->data[k] =
        dataPower->data[k-1] +
        dataPower->data[k] * dataPower->data[k];

    /* hard wired to quarter segment !! */
    startIX = floor(1.0/4.0 * (REAL4) dataPower->length + 0.5);
    endIX = floor(3.0/4.0 * (REAL4) dataPower->length + 0.5);
    /* compute the total power in the uncorrupted data */
    dataPower->data[dataPower->length - 1 ] = 2.0 *
      (dataPower->data[endIX] - dataPower->data[startIX]);
    for ( k = cut; k < fcSeg->data->data->length; ++k )
      outputData[k] *= ((REAL4) crealf(wtilde[k]) * amp[k]);

    /* set output frequency series parameters */
    strncpy( fcSeg->data->name, dataSeg->chan->name, LALNameLength );

    fcSeg->data->epoch.gpsSeconds      = dataSeg->chan->epoch.gpsSeconds;
    fcSeg->data->epoch.gpsNanoSeconds  = dataSeg->chan->epoch.gpsNanoSeconds;

    fcSeg->data->f0     = dataSeg->chan->f0;
    fcSeg->data->deltaF = 1.0 /
      ( (REAL8) dataSeg->chan->data->length * dataSeg->chan->deltaT ) ;

    fcSeg->deltaT       = dataSeg->chan->deltaT;
    fcSeg->number       = dataSeg->number;
    fcSeg->analyzeSegment = dataSeg->analyzeSegment;

    /* store low frequency cutoff and invSpecTrunc in segment */
    fcSeg->fLow         = params->fLow;
    fcSeg->invSpecTrunc = params->invSpecTrunc;

  } /* end loop over data segments */

  /* Find the min power from the whitened time series */
  /* For the continuous chisq test */
  fcSeg = &(fcSegVec->data[0]);
  PSDsum = fcSeg->dataPower->data->data[fcSeg->dataPower->data->length - 1 ];

  for ( i = 1; i < dataSegVec->length; ++i )
    fcSeg = &(fcSegVec->data[i]);
    ((fcSeg->dataPower->data->data[fcSeg->dataPower->data->length - 1 ] < PSDsum)    &&
    (fcSeg->dataPower->data->data[fcSeg->dataPower->data->length - 1 ] > 0))
    PSDsum == 0
      PSDsum = fcSeg->dataPower->data->data[fcSeg->dataPower->data->length - 1 ];

  /* reset each dataPower's last element to the min power */
  for ( i = 0; i < dataSegVec->length; ++i )
    fcSeg = &(fcSegVec->data[i]);
    fcSeg->dataPower->data->data[fcSeg->dataPower->data->length - 1 ] = PSDsum;


  /* clean up the data used for the continous chisq test */
  XLALDestroyCOMPLEX8Vector( fftVec );

  /* normal exit */
  RETURN( status );
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
  static LALStatus status;

  RealFFTPlan    *fwd = NULL;
  RealFFTPlan    *rev = NULL;
  REAL4Vector    *dat = NULL;
  REAL4Vector    *rfft = NULL;
  REAL4Vector    *ans = NULL;
  COMPLEX8Vector *dft = NULL;
  COMPLEX8Vector *fft = NULL;
  /* The test itself should pass at 1e-4, but it might fail at
   * some rare cases where accuracy is bad for some numbers. */
  REAL8           eps = 3e-4;
  /* very conservative floating point precision */
  REAL8           eps = 1e-6;
  REAL8           lbn;
  REAL8           ssq;
  REAL8           var;
  REAL8           tol;

  UINT4 nmax;
  UINT4 m;
  UINT4 n;
  UINT4 i;
  UINT4 j;
  UINT4 k;
  UINT4 s = 0;

  FILE *fp;

  ParseOptions( argc, argv );
  m = m_;
  n = n_;

  fp = verbose ? stdout : NULL ;

  if ( n == 0 )
    nmax = 65536;
    nmax = n--;

  while ( n < nmax )
    if ( n < 128 )
      n *= 2;

    LALSCreateVector( &status, &dat, n );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    LALSCreateVector( &status, &rfft, n );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    LALSCreateVector( &status, &ans, n );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    LALCCreateVector( &status, &dft, n / 2 + 1 );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    LALCCreateVector( &status, &fft, n / 2 + 1 );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    LALCreateForwardRealFFTPlan( &status, &fwd, n, 0 );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    LALCreateReverseRealFFTPlan( &status, &rev, n, 0 );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );

     * Do m trials of random data.
    for ( i = 0; i < m; ++i )
      srand( s++ ); /* seed the random number generator */

       * Create data and compute error tolerance.
       * Reference: Kaneko and Liu,
       * "Accumulation of round-off error in fast fourier tranforms"
       * J. Asssoc. Comp. Mach, Vol 17 (No 4) 637-654, October 1970.
      srand( i ); /* seed the random number generator */
      ssq = 0;
      for ( j = 0; j < n; ++j )
        dat->data[j] = 20.0 * rand() / (REAL4)( RAND_MAX + 1.0 ) - 10.0;
        ssq += dat->data[j] * dat->data[j];
        fp ? fprintf( fp, "%e\n", dat->data[j] ) : 0;
      lbn = log( n ) / log( 2 );
      var = 2.5 * lbn * eps * eps * ssq / n;
      tol = 5 * sqrt( var ); /* up to 5 sigma excursions */
      fp ? fprintf( fp, "\neps = %e \ntol = %e\n", eps, tol ) : 0;

       * Perform forward FFT and DFT (only if n < 100).
      LALForwardRealFFT( &status, fft, dat, fwd );
      TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
      LALREAL4VectorFFT( &status, rfft, dat, fwd );
      TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
      LALREAL4VectorFFT( &status, ans, rfft, rev );
      TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
      fp ?  fprintf( fp, "rfft()\t\trfft(rfft())\trfft(rfft())\n\n"  ) : 0;
      for ( j = 0; j < n; ++j )
        fp ? fprintf( fp, "%e\t%e\t%e\n",
            rfft->data[j], ans->data[j], ans->data[j] / n ) : 0;
      if ( n < 128 )
        LALForwardRealDFT( &status, dft, dat );
        TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );

         * Check accuracy of FFT vs DFT.
        fp ? fprintf( fp, "\nfftre\t\tfftim\t\t" ) : 0;
        fp ? fprintf( fp, "dtfre\t\tdftim\n" ) : 0;
        for ( k = 0; k <= n / 2; ++k )
          REAL8 fftre = creal(fft->data[k]);
          REAL8 fftim = cimag(fft->data[k]);
          REAL8 dftre = creal(dft->data[k]);
          REAL8 dftim = cimag(dft->data[k]);
          REAL8 errre = fabs( dftre - fftre );
          REAL8 errim = fabs( dftim - fftim );
          REAL8 avere = fabs( dftre + fftre ) / 2 + eps;
          REAL8 aveim = fabs( dftim + fftim ) / 2 + eps;
          REAL8 ferre = errre / avere;
          REAL8 ferim = errim / aveim;
          fp ? fprintf( fp, "%e\t%e\t", fftre, fftim ) : 0;
          fp ? fprintf( fp, "%e\t%e\n", dftre, dftim ) : 0;
          /* fp ? fprintf( fp, "%e\t%e\t", errre, errim ) : 0; */
          /* fp ? fprintf( fp, "%e\t%e\n", ferre, ferim ) : 0; */
          if ( ferre > eps && errre > tol )
            fputs( "FAIL: Incorrect result from forward transform\n", stderr );
            fprintf( stderr, "\tdifference = %e\n", errre );
            fprintf( stderr, "\ttolerance  = %e\n", tol );
            fprintf( stderr, "\tfrac error = %e\n", ferre );
            fprintf( stderr, "\tprecision  = %e\n", eps );
            return 1;
          if ( ferim > eps && errim > tol )
            fputs( "FAIL: Incorrect result from forward transform\n", stderr );
            fprintf( stderr, "\tdifference = %e\n", errim );
            fprintf( stderr, "\ttolerance  = %e\n", tol );
            fprintf( stderr, "\tfrac error = %e\n", ferim );
            fprintf( stderr, "\tprecision  = %e\n", eps );
            return 1;

       * Perform reverse FFT and check accuracy vs original data.
      LALReverseRealFFT( &status, ans, fft, rev );
      TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
      fp ? fprintf( fp, "\ndat->data[j]\tans->data[j] / n\n" ) : 0;
      for ( j = 0; j < n; ++j )
        REAL8 err = fabs( dat->data[j] - ans->data[j] / n );
        REAL8 ave = fabs( dat->data[j] + ans->data[j] / n ) / 2 + eps;
        REAL8 fer = err / ave;
        fp ? fprintf( fp, "%e\t%e\n", dat->data[j], ans->data[j] / n ) : 0;
        /* fp ? fprintf( fp, "%e\t%e\n", err, fer ) : 0; */
        if ( fer > eps && err > tol )
          fputs( "FAIL: Incorrect result after reverse transform\n", stderr );
          fprintf( stderr, "\tdifference = %e\n", err );
          fprintf( stderr, "\ttolerance  = %e\n", tol );
          fprintf( stderr, "\tfrac error = %e\n", fer );
          fprintf( stderr, "\tprecision  = %e\n", eps );
          return 1;

    LALSDestroyVector( &status, &dat );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    LALSDestroyVector( &status, &rfft );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    LALSDestroyVector( &status, &ans );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    LALCDestroyVector( &status, &dft );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    LALCDestroyVector( &status, &fft );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    LALDestroyRealFFTPlan( &status, &fwd );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    LALDestroyRealFFTPlan( &status, &rev );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );

  return 0;