Example #1
void TEST_fillPrimitives(u16 step) {

    u16 halfStep      = (u16) (step / 2),
        quartStep     = (u16) (halfStep / 2),
        halfQuartStep = (u16) (quartStep / 2);

    u16 w = LCD_getWidth(),
        h = LCD_getHeight();

    for (u16 x = 0; x < w; x += step) {
        LCD_drawFastVLine(x, 0, h, DGRAY);

    for (u16 y = 0; y < h; y += step) {
        LCD_drawFastHLine(0, y, w, DGRAY);

    for (u16 x = 0; x < w; x += step) {
        for (u16 y = 0; y < h; y += step) {
            LCD_drawRect(x, y, halfStep, halfStep, DGREEN);
            LCD_fillRect(x + halfStep, y + halfStep, halfStep, halfStep, GREENYELLOW);
            LCD_drawCircle(x + quartStep, y + quartStep, halfQuartStep, GREENYELLOW);
            LCD_fillCircle(x + halfStep + quartStep, y + halfStep + quartStep, halfQuartStep, DGREEN);
            LCD_putPixel(x + quartStep, y + quartStep, YELLOW);

            LCD_drawLine(x + halfStep, y + halfStep, x + step, y + step, WHITE);
Example #2
int main(void)
	char cmd, subcmd, x, y, v, w, r;	//variables used for loops, buffering of command bytes, counters etc.
	uint16_t color;		//counters for long stuff that may go over 256
	uint8_t pressureThreshhold = 10;



	//flush any received chars

	LCD_drawString("Ready For Command", 0, 10, 1, WHITE, USART_recv);

    /* Replace with your application code */
    while (1)  {
		if(!RX_available()) {

			TSPoint p = TouchScreen_getPoint();

			if(p.z > pressureThreshhold) {
				USART_printf("X = %d\r\n", p.x);
				USART_printf("Y = %d\r\n", p.y);
				USART_printf("Pressure = %d\r\n", p.z);

		} else {
			cmd = USART_recv();
			switch(cmd) {

				case 124:
					subcmd = USART_recv();

					switch(subcmd) {

						case 1:	//clear screen
						case 3:	//draw circle
							x = USART_recv();
							y = USART_recv();
							r = USART_recv();

								// get integer color
							color = USART_recv();
							color = color << 8;
							color |= USART_recv();  

							LCD_drawCircle(x, y, r, color);
						case 4:
							x = USART_recv();
							y = USART_recv();
							r = USART_recv();

							// get integer color
							color = USART_recv();	//store it and increment RX_read
							color = color << 8;
							color |= USART_recv();

							LCD_fillCircle(x, y, r, color);
						case 12:	//line
							x = USART_recv();
							y = USART_recv();
							v = USART_recv();
							w = USART_recv();

							// get integer color
							color = USART_recv();
							color = color << 8;
							color |= USART_recv();

							LCD_drawLine(x, y, v, w, color);
 						case 15:
							x = USART_recv();
							y = USART_recv();
							v = USART_recv();
							w = USART_recv();

							// get integer color
							color = USART_recv();
							color = color << 8;
							color |= USART_recv();

							LCD_drawRectangle(x, y, v, w, color);
						case 16:		//set pixel
							x = USART_recv();
							y = USART_recv();

							color = USART_recv();
							color = color << 8;
							color |= USART_recv();
							LCD_setPixel(x, y, color);
						case 18:
							x = USART_recv();
							y = USART_recv();
							v = USART_recv();
							w = USART_recv();

							// get integer color
							color = USART_recv();
							color = color << 8;
							color |= USART_recv();

							LCD_fillRectangle(x, y, v, w, color);
						case 20: // draw text
							x = USART_recv();

							y = USART_recv();

							// size
							r = USART_recv();

							// get integer color
							color = USART_recv();	//store it and increment RX_read
							color = color << 8;
							color |= USART_recv();

							// send string end with 0
							LCD_drawString(NULL, x, y, r, color, USART_recv);