Example #1
inline void LED_scan()
	// Latency measurement start
	Latency_start_time( ledLatencyResource );

	// Check for current change event
	if ( LED_currentEvent )
		// Turn LEDs off in low power mode
		if ( LED_currentEvent < 150 )
			LED_enable_current = 0;

			// Pause animations and clear display
			Pixel_setAnimationControl( AnimationControl_WipePause );
			LED_enable_current = 1;

			// Start animations
			Pixel_setAnimationControl( AnimationControl_Forward );

		LED_currentEvent = 0;

	// Check if an LED_pause is set
	// Some ISSI operations need a clear buffer, but still have the chip running
	if ( LED_pause )
		goto led_finish_scan;

	// Check enable state
	if ( LED_enable && LED_enable_current )
		// Disable Hardware shutdown of ISSI chips (pull high)
		GPIO_Ctrl( hardware_shutdown_pin, GPIO_Type_DriveHigh, GPIO_Config_Pullup );
	// Only write pages to I2C if chip is enabled (i.e. Hardware shutdown is disabled)
		// Enable hardware shutdown
		GPIO_Ctrl( hardware_shutdown_pin, GPIO_Type_DriveLow, GPIO_Config_Pullup );
		goto led_finish_scan;

	// Check if any I2C buses have errored
	// Reset the buses and restart the Frame State
	if ( i2c_error() )
		Pixel_FrameState = FrameState_Update;

	// Only start if we haven't already
	// And if we've finished updating the buffers
	if ( Pixel_FrameState == FrameState_Sending )
		goto led_finish_scan;

	// Only send frame to ISSI chip if buffers are ready
	if ( Pixel_FrameState != FrameState_Ready )
		goto led_finish_scan;

	// Adjust frame rate (i.e. delay and do something else for a bit)
	Time duration = Time_duration( LED_timePrev );
	if ( duration.ms < LED_framerate )
		goto led_finish_scan;

	// FPS Display
	if ( LED_displayFPS )
		// Show frame calculation
		printInt32( Time_ms( duration ) );
		print("ms + ");
		printInt32( duration.ticks );
		print(" ticks");

		// Check if we're not meeting frame rate
		if ( duration.ms > LED_framerate )
			print(" - Could not meet framerate: ");
			printInt32( LED_framerate );

		print( NL );

	// Emulated brightness control
	// Lower brightness by LED_brightness
#if ISSI_Chip_31FL3731_define == 1
	for ( uint8_t chip = 0; chip < ISSI_Chips_define; chip++ )
		for ( uint8_t ch = 0; ch < LED_EnableBufferLength; ch++ )
			LED_pageBuffer_brightness[ chip ].ledctrl[ ch ] = LED_pageBuffer[ chip ].ledctrl[ ch ];

		for ( uint8_t ch = 0; ch < LED_BufferLength; ch++ )
			// Don't modify is 0
			if ( LED_pageBuffer[ chip ].buffer[ ch ] == 0 || LED_brightness == 0 )
				LED_pageBuffer_brightness[ chip ].buffer[ ch ] = 0;

			// XXX (HaaTa) Yes, this is a bit slow, but it's pretty accurate
			LED_pageBuffer_brightness[ chip ].buffer[ ch ] =
				(LED_pageBuffer[ chip ].buffer[ ch ] * LED_brightness) / 0xFF;

	// Update frame start time
	LED_timePrev = Time_now();

	// Set the page of all the ISSI chips
	// This way we can easily link the buffers to send the brightnesses in the background
	for ( uint8_t ch = 0; ch < ISSI_Chips_define; ch++ )
		uint8_t bus = LED_ChannelMapping[ ch ].bus;
		// Page Setup
			LED_ChannelMapping[ ch ].addr,

	// Send current set of buffers
	// Uses interrupts to send to all the ISSI chips
	// Pixel_FrameState will be updated when complete
	LED_chipSend = 0; // Start with chip 0

	// Latency measurement end
	Latency_end_time( ledLatencyResource );
Example #2
inline void LED_scan()
	// Latency measurement start
	Latency_start_time( ledLatencyResource );

	// Check for current change event
	if ( LED_currentEvent )
		// Turn LEDs off in low power mode
		if ( LED_currentEvent < 150 )
			LED_enable = 0;

			// Pause animations and clear display
			Pixel_setAnimationControl( AnimationControl_WipePause );
			LED_enable = 1;

			// Start animations
			Pixel_setAnimationControl( AnimationControl_Forward );

		LED_currentEvent = 0;

	// Check if an LED_pause is set
	// Some ISSI operations need a clear buffer, but still have the chip running
	if ( LED_pause )
		goto led_finish_scan;

	// Check enable state
	if ( LED_enable )
		// Disable Hardware shutdown of ISSI chips (pull high)
		GPIOB_PSOR |= (1<<16);
	// Only write pages to I2C if chip is enabled (i.e. Hardware shutdown is disabled)
		// Enable hardware shutdown
		GPIOB_PCOR |= (1<<16);
		goto led_finish_scan;

	// Only start if we haven't already
	// And if we've finished updating the buffers
	if ( Pixel_FrameState == FrameState_Sending )
		goto led_finish_scan;

	// Only send frame to ISSI chip if buffers are ready
	if ( Pixel_FrameState != FrameState_Ready )
		goto led_finish_scan;

	// Adjust frame rate (i.e. delay and do something else for a bit)
	Time duration = Time_duration( LED_timePrev );
	if ( duration.ms < LED_framerate )
		goto led_finish_scan;

	// FPS Display
	if ( LED_displayFPS )
		// Show frame calculation
		printInt32( Time_ms( duration ) );
		print("ms + ");
		printInt32( duration.ticks );
		print(" ticks");

		// Check if we're not meeting frame rate
		if ( duration.ms > LED_framerate )
			print(" - Could not meet framerate: ");
			printInt32( LED_framerate );

		print( NL );

	// Emulated brightness control
	// Lower brightness by LED_brightness
#if ISSI_Chip_31FL3731_define == 1
	uint8_t inverse_brightness = 0xFF - LED_brightness;
	for ( uint8_t chip = 0; chip < ISSI_Chips_define; chip++ )
		for ( uint8_t ch = 0; ch < LED_BufferLength; ch++ )
			// Don't modify is 0
			if ( LED_pageBuffer[ chip ].buffer[ ch ] == 0 )
				LED_pageBuffer_brightness[ chip ].buffer[ ch ] = 0;

			LED_pageBuffer_brightness[ chip ].buffer[ ch ] =
				LED_pageBuffer[ chip ].buffer[ ch ] - inverse_brightness < 0
				? 0x0
				: LED_pageBuffer[ chip ].buffer[ ch ] - inverse_brightness;

	// Update frame start time
	LED_timePrev = Time_now();

	// Set the page of all the ISSI chips
	// This way we can easily link the buffers to send the brightnesses in the background
	for ( uint8_t ch = 0; ch < ISSI_Chips_define; ch++ )
		uint8_t bus = LED_ChannelMapping[ ch ].bus;
		// Page Setup
			LED_ChannelMapping[ ch ].addr,

#if ISSI_Chip_31FL3731_define == 1 || ISSI_Chip_31FL3732_define == 1
		// Reset LED enable mask
		// XXX At high speeds, the IS31FL3732 seems to have random bit flips
		//     To get around this, just re-set the enable mask before each send
		// XXX Might be sufficient to do this every N frames though
		while ( i2c_send( bus, (uint16_t*)&LED_ledEnableMask[ ch ], sizeof( LED_EnableBuffer ) / 2 ) == -1 )
			delay_us( ISSI_SendDelay );

	// Send current set of buffers
	// Uses interrupts to send to all the ISSI chips
	// Pixel_FrameState will be updated when complete
	LED_chipSend = 0; // Start with chip 0

	// Latency measurement end
	Latency_end_time( ledLatencyResource );