int32_t WINAPI DetourWeWinMain(HINSTANCE instance, HINSTANCE prevInstance, LPSTR commandLine, int32_t showCommand) { LOGGING_INFO(lg) << "Entering main program."; LOGGING_DEBUG(lg) << "Command line: " << (commandLine ? commandLine : "NULL"); // Initialize COM base::com::guard com; event_array[EVENT_WE_START]([&](lua_State* L, int idx){ }); int32_t result = base::std_call<int32_t>(pgTrueWeWinMain, instance, prevInstance, commandLine, showCommand); event_array[EVENT_WE_EXIT]([&](lua_State* L, int idx){ }); LOGGING_INFO(lg) << "Main program exit."; // Finish engine here to prevent .net module crash // Before we stop the lua engine, we should stop hook // UninstallHooks(); //ShutdownLua(); return result; }
MissionControl::MissionControl( IControl4MC* controller, DriverModule* driverModule, TrajectoryFactory* trajectoryFactory, StreetPatcher* streetPatcher ) : mStateMachine( controller, driverModule, trajectoryFactory, streetPatcher ) , tf(trajectoryFactory) , dm(driverModule) , sp(streetPatcher) { this->controller = controller; //hier gibt es die unterschiedlichen Debug Levels. Falls du noch einen Stream brauchst muss du ihn in der mcLogging.h und der XML definieren //LOGGING_TRACE(mcLogger, "mcLogger Logger is running (Trace)"<<endl); //LOGGING_DEBUG(mcLogger, "mcLogger Logger is running.(Debug)"<<endl); LOGGING_INFO(mcLogger, "Missioncontrol constructed."<<endl); //LOGGING_WARNING(mcLogger,"mcLogger Logger is running (Warning)"<<endl ); //LOGGING_ERROR(mcLogger, "mcLogger Logger is running (Error)"<<endl); m_maneuverList = ManeuverList::getDummy(); LOGGING_INFO( mcLogger, "Default maneuverlist: " << m_maneuverList->toString() ); mStateMachine.setManeuverList( m_maneuverList ); mStateMachine.initiate(); // Start listening to timer events. From now on, for every timer, // my eventTimerFired function will be calle.d controller->getTimer()->addListener( this ); }
void MissionControl::eventManeuverListReceived( std::string maneuverList ) { LOGGING_INFO(mcLogger, "Maneuverlist received."<<endl); m_maneuverList = ManeuverList::parse(maneuverList, this); //TODO fire we are ready. mStateMachine.setManeuverList( m_maneuverList ); mStateMachine.process_event( EvGetReady() ); LOGGING_INFO( mcLogger, "ManeuverList:" << endl << m_maneuverList->toString() ); }
void MissionControl::setBoostCommand( enumSpeedCommand command ) { if( command == SPEED_COMMAND_BOOST ) { LOGGING_INFO( mcLogger, "Received Boost command." << endl ); mStateMachine.process_event( EvSpeedBoost() ); } else { LOGGING_INFO( mcLogger, "Received Speed Normal command." << endl ); mStateMachine.process_event( EvSpeedNormal() ); } }
DS301Node::Ptr DS301Group::addNode(const uint8_t node_id, const CanDevPtr can_device, HeartBeatMonitor::Ptr heartbeat_monitor) { LOGGING_INFO(CanOpen, "Adding new DS301Node with id " << node_id << endl); DS301Node::Ptr node(new NodeT(node_id, can_device, heartbeat_monitor)); m_nodes.push_back(node); return node; }
void MissionControl::eventReadyToGeneratePatchTrajectory() { LOGGING_INFO(mcLogger, "eventReadyToGenerateTrajectory"<<endl); mStateMachine.process_event( EvTrajectoryReady() ); }
void MissionControl::eventTrajectoryEmpty() { LOGGING_INFO(mcLogger, "eventTrajectoryEmpty"<<endl); mStateMachine.process_event( EvTrajectoryEmpty() ); }
void MissionControl::eventJurySignalReceived (juryActions ja, int maneuverEntryID ) { LOGGING_INFO(mcLogger, "eventJurySignalReceived: " << endl << "\tmaneuverID:" << maneuverEntryID << " action: " << ja << endl ); if(maneuverEntryID < 0) { LOGGING_ERROR(mcLogger, "received a negative maneuver id! Cant handle this!!!!!" <<endl); return; } if(((unsigned int)maneuverEntryID) != m_maneuverList->getCurrentAbsManeuverID()) { m_maneuverList->setManeuverId(maneuverEntryID); } switch (ja) { case action_GETREADY : mStateMachine.process_event( EvGetReady() ); break; case action_START: //if(m_maneuverList->setManeuverId(maneuverEntryID) || true) { //TODO remove true mStateMachine.process_event( EvJuryGo() ); /*} else { LOGGING_ERROR(mcLogger, "Got wrong entry id!" <<endl); mStateMachine.process_event( EvError() ); }*/ break; case action_STOP: //TODO: send stop to driver module, best in the SM itself mStateMachine.process_event( EvJuryStop() ); break; } }
void MissionControl::eventTimerFired( timerType type, unsigned long timerID ) { if( type == TIMER_TYPE_HALTING_AT_CROSSING ) { LOGGING_INFO(mcLogger, "Timer fired (Halting at crossing)"<<endl); mStateMachine.process_event( EvTimerHaltingAtCrossing() ); } else if( type == TIMER_TYPE_PARKING ) { LOGGING_INFO(mcLogger, "Timer fired (parking)" <<endl); mStateMachine.process_event( EvTimerParking() ); } else if( type == TIMER_TYPE_HALTING_AT_OBSTACLE ) { LOGGING_INFO(mcLogger, "Timer fired (obstacle stop)" <<endl); mStateMachine.process_event( EvTimerObstacleStop() ); } else if( type == TIMER_TYPE_CHECKING_AT_OBSTACLE ) { LOGGING_INFO(mcLogger, "Timer fired (obstacle check)" <<endl); mStateMachine.process_event( EvTimerObstacleCheck() ); } else if( type == TIMER_TYPE_RETURN_AFTER_OBSTACLE ) { LOGGING_INFO(mcLogger, "Timer fired (return after obstacle)" <<endl); mStateMachine.process_event( EvTimerObstacleRightlane() ); } else if( type == TIMER_TYPE_CHECK_TRAJECTORY_FREE ) { LOGGING_INFO(mcLogger, "Timer fired (check if return traj is free)" <<endl); mStateMachine.process_event( EvTimerTrajectoryFree() ); } else if( type == TIMER_TYPE_CHECK_TRAJECTORY_FREE_AGAIN ) { LOGGING_INFO(mcLogger, "Timer fired (check if return traj is free...again)" <<endl); mStateMachine.process_event( EvTimerTrajectoryFreeAgain() ); } else if( type == TIMER_TYPE_DRIVE_WITHOUT_TRAJECTORY ) { LOGGING_INFO(mcLogger, "Timer fired ( drive without a trajetory)" <<endl); mStateMachine.process_event( EvTimerDriveWithNoTrajectory() ); } else if( type == TIMER_SET_SMALL_FORWARD_TRAJ ) { LOGGING_INFO(mcLogger, "Timer fired ( setting small forward trajetory)" <<endl); mStateMachine.process_event( EvTimerSetSmallForwardTraj() ); } else { // ignore } }
int main(int argc, char* argv1[]) { TSK_VS_INFO* lVsInfo = NULL; TSK_OFF_T lCnt = 0; char lBuf[32768] = { 0 }; unsigned lCntRead = 0; TSK_IMG_INFO* lImgInfo = OS_FH_INVALID; OS_FH_TYPE lOut = OS_FH_INVALID; const TSK_TCHAR *const *argv; #ifdef TSK_WIN32 argv = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &argc); #else argv = (const TSK_TCHAR *const *) argv1; #endif lOut = OS_FOPEN_WRITE(argv[2]); if (lOut == OS_FH_INVALID) { LOGGING_ERROR("Could not open export image in write mode. \n") exit(1); } lImgInfo = tsk_img_open( 1, /* number of images */ (argv + 1), /* path to images */ TSK_IMG_TYPE_DETECT, /* disk image type */ 0); /* size of device sector in bytes */ if (lImgInfo != NULL) { TSK_OFF_T lSizeSectors = lImgInfo->size / lImgInfo->sector_size + \ (lImgInfo->size % lImgInfo->sector_size ? 1 : 0); LOGGING_INFO("Image size (Bytes): %lu, Image size (sectors): %lu\n", lImgInfo->size, lSizeSectors); lVsInfo = tsk_vs_open(lImgInfo, 0, TSK_VS_TYPE_DETECT); if (lVsInfo != NULL) { if (tsk_vs_part_walk(lVsInfo, 0, /* start */ lVsInfo->part_count - 1, /* end */ TSK_VS_PART_FLAG_ALL, /* all partitions */ part_act, /* callback */ (void*) lOut /* data passed to the callback */ ) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Problem when walking partitions. \n"); } } else { LOGGING_DEBUG("Volume system cannot be opened.\n"); for (lCnt = 0; lCnt < lSizeSectors; lCnt++) { lCntRead = lCnt == lSizeSectors - 1 ? lImgInfo->size % lImgInfo->sector_size : lImgInfo->sector_size; LOGGING_DEBUG("Reading %u bytes\n", lCntRead); tsk_img_read( lImgInfo, /* handler */ lCnt * lImgInfo->sector_size, /* start address */ lBuf, /* buffer to store data in */ lCntRead /* amount of data to read */ ); data_act(lBuf, lCntRead, lCnt * lImgInfo->sector_size, lOut); } } } else { LOGGING_ERROR("Problem opening the image. \n"); tsk_error_print(stderr); exit(1); } if (lOut != OS_FH_INVALID) { OS_FCLOSE(lOut); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void __fastcall FakeWeMessageShow(const char *message, int flag) { LOGGING_INFO(lg) << message; base::fast_call<void>(RealWeMessageShow, message, flag); }
void TrafficSignDetAruco::detectMarkers(cv::Mat& input, bool histogramEqualization /*= true*/) { // only perform detection if dictionary is loaded, otherwise aruco's detection crashes because of a division by zero if(dictionaryLoaded) { // next line not needed, it is performed in aruco's detect method //detectedMarkers.clear(); cv::Mat equalizedImage(input.size(), input.type()); cv::Mat* image; image = &input; // detect the marker markerDetector.detect(*image, detectedMarkers, cameraMatrix, distortionCoefficients, MARKER_SIZE); if(detectedMarkers.size() > 0) { // save current car pose oadrive::core::ExtendedPose2d positionCar( Environment::getInstance()->getCarPose() ); // calculate position of markers in camera coordinate system and add every marker to environment for(size_t i = 0; i < detectedMarkers.size(); ++i) { // map traffic sign into range [0, 2*Pi) cv::Mat R; cv::Rodrigues(detectedMarkers[i].Rvec, R); // R is 3x3 double r32 =<float>(2,1); double r33 =<float>(2,2); double trafficSignYaw = std::atan2(r32,r33); trafficSignYaw *= -1; int factor = trafficSignYaw / (2 * M_PI); trafficSignYaw -= factor * 2 * M_PI; if(trafficSignYaw < 0) { trafficSignYaw += 2 * M_PI; } // angle must be in range (Pi/2 to 3*Pi/2) - otherwise the car can't see the sign /*if(trafficSignYaw < M_PI_2) { trafficSignYaw += M_PI; } else if(trafficSignYaw > M_PI + M_PI_2) { trafficSignYaw -= M_PI; }*/ //std::cout << "yaw: " << trafficSignYaw << std::endl; oadrive::core::ExtendedPose2d positionMarkerCar(detectedMarkers[i]<float>(0) + CAMERA2CAR_X, detectedMarkers[i]<float>(2) + CAMERA2CAR_Y, trafficSignYaw); oadrive::core::ExtendedPose2d positionWorld( birdViewPositionConverter->car2World(positionCar, positionMarkerCar) ); LOGGING_INFO(TrafficSignLogger, "traffic sign detected: " << detectedMarkers[i].id << ", x: " << detectedMarkers[i]<float>(0) + CAMERA2CAR_X << ", y: " << detectedMarkers[i]<float>(2) + CAMERA2CAR_Y << ", yaw: " << trafficSignYaw << endl); Environment::getInstance()->addTrafficSign(positionWorld, detectedMarkers[i].id); } } // histogram equalization cv::equalizeHist(input, equalizedImage); image = &equalizedImage; // detect the marker markerDetector.detect(*image, detectedMarkers, cameraMatrix, distortionCoefficients, MARKER_SIZE); if(detectedMarkers.size() > 0) { // save current car pose oadrive::core::ExtendedPose2d positionCar( Environment::getInstance()->getCarPose() ); // calculate position of markers in camera coordinate system and add every marker to environment for(size_t i = 0; i < detectedMarkers.size(); ++i) { // map traffic sign into range [0, 2*Pi) cv::Mat R; cv::Rodrigues(detectedMarkers[i].Rvec, R); // R is 3x3 double r32 =<float>(2,1); double r33 =<float>(2,2); double trafficSignYaw = std::atan2(r32,r33); trafficSignYaw *= -1; int factor = trafficSignYaw / (2 * M_PI); trafficSignYaw -= factor * 2 * M_PI; if(trafficSignYaw < 0) { trafficSignYaw += 2 * M_PI; } // angle must be in range (Pi/2 to 3*Pi/2) - otherwise the car can't see the sign /*if(trafficSignYaw < M_PI_2) { trafficSignYaw += M_PI; } else if(trafficSignYaw > M_PI + M_PI_2) { trafficSignYaw -= M_PI; }*/ //std::cout << "yaw: " << trafficSignYaw << std::endl; oadrive::core::ExtendedPose2d positionMarkerCar(detectedMarkers[i]<float>(0) + CAMERA2CAR_X, detectedMarkers[i]<float>(2) + CAMERA2CAR_Y, trafficSignYaw); oadrive::core::ExtendedPose2d positionWorld( birdViewPositionConverter->car2World(positionCar, positionMarkerCar) ); LOGGING_INFO(TrafficSignLogger, "traffic sign detected: " << detectedMarkers[i].id << ", x: " << detectedMarkers[i]<float>(0) + CAMERA2CAR_X << ", y: " << detectedMarkers[i]<float>(2) + CAMERA2CAR_Y << ", yaw: " << trafficSignYaw << endl); Environment::getInstance()->addTrafficSign(positionWorld, detectedMarkers[i].id); } } } }
int luaopen_wehelper(lua_State* L) { NYDWE::lg = logging::get(L); NYDWE::InstallHooks(); LOGGING_INFO(NYDWE::lg) << "YDWE startup complete."; return 0; }
void MissionControl::eventUTurn() { LOGGING_INFO( mcLogger, "Received U-Turn command." << endl ); mStateMachine.process_event( EvUTurn() ); }
//TODO: remove void MissionControl::eventWaitOver() { LOGGING_INFO(mcLogger, "eventWaitOver"<<endl); //dm->drive(); }
void IbeoSourceWrapper::run() { // Create ibeo source icl_sourcesink::SourceSinkManager manager; nibeo::IbeoSourceNoAPI::Ptr ibeo_source = manager.createSource<nibeo::IbeoMsg>(m_ibeo_uri, std::vector<std::string>(), true); nncom::NcomSource::Ptr ncom_source = manager.createSource<nncom::Ncom>(m_ncom_uri); // We create a data element ptr that we will use to work on. nibeo::IbeoMsgStamped::Ptr ibeo_element; nncom::NcomStamped::Ptr ncom_element; icl_gps::AbsolutePose* ref_pose = NULL; // for each time step for (; manager.good(); manager.advance()) { ibeo_element = ibeo_source->get(); ncom_element = ncom_source->get(); // Skip messages other than IbeoScanMsg nibeo::IbeoScanMsg scan_msg; if(!scan_msg.fromIbeoMsg(*ibeo_element)) continue; LOGGING_INFO(Gpu_voxels, "Number of points in ibeo msg: " << scan_msg.number_of_points << endl); // Copy points to std::vector std::vector<Vector3f> point_cloud(scan_msg.number_of_points); for(int i = 0; i < scan_msg.number_of_points; ++i) { point_cloud[i].x = (*scan_msg.scan_points)[i].x; point_cloud[i].y = (*scan_msg.scan_points)[i].y; point_cloud[i].z = (*scan_msg.scan_points)[i].z; } // Handle position nncom::Ncom ncom_msg = *ncom_element; // Unwrap message icl_gps::AbsolutePose abs_pose(ncom_msg->mLon, ncom_msg->mLat, ncom_msg->mAlt, ncom_msg->mTrack); LOGGING_INFO(Gpu_voxels, "Current pose. long: " << abs_pose.longitude() << " lat: " << abs_pose.latitude() << " alt: " << abs_pose.altitude() << " bear: " << abs_pose.bearing() << endl); if(!ref_pose) // Use first position as reference { ref_pose = new icl_gps::AbsolutePose(abs_pose.longitude(), abs_pose.latitude(), abs_pose.altitude(), abs_pose.bearing()); LOGGING_INFO(Gpu_voxels, "Set reference pose. long: " << abs_pose.longitude() << " lat: " << abs_pose.latitude() << " alt: " << abs_pose.altitude() << " bear: " << abs_pose.bearing() << endl); } icl_gps::RelativePose rel_pose = abs_pose - *ref_pose; icl_math::Pose2d rel_pose2d = rel_pose.toPose2d(); LOGGING_INFO(Gpu_voxels, "Relative pose. north: " << rel_pose.north() << " east: " << rel_pose.east() << " alt: " << rel_pose.altitude() << endl); Matrix4f matrix; // copy pose2d rotation matrix matrix.a11 = rel_pose2d(0,0); matrix.a12 = rel_pose2d(0,1); matrix.a21 = rel_pose2d(1,0); matrix.a22 = rel_pose2d(1,1); // copy pose2d translation vector matrix.a14 = rel_pose2d(0,2); matrix.a24 = rel_pose2d(1,2); // set generals structure of transformation matrix matrix.a33 = 1.0f; matrix.a44 = 1.0f; // set z-translation (altitude) matrix.a34 = static_cast<float>(rel_pose.altitude()); // set additional translation matrix.a14 += m_additional_translation.x; matrix.a24 += m_additional_translation.y; matrix.a34 += m_additional_translation.z; LOGGING_INFO(Gpu_voxels, "Matrix4f: " << endl << matrix.a11 << " " << matrix.a12 << " " << matrix.a13 << " " << matrix.a14 << endl << matrix.a21 << " " << matrix.a22 << " " << matrix.a23 << " " << matrix.a24 << endl << matrix.a31 << " " << matrix.a32 << " " << matrix.a33 << " " << matrix.a34 << endl << matrix.a41 << " " << matrix.a42 << " " << matrix.a43 << " " << matrix.a44 << endl); LOGGING_INFO(Gpu_voxels, "Transform point cloud..." << endl); CudaMath::transform(point_cloud, matrix); // todo: keep point cloud in gpu mem m_callback(point_cloud); } }