bool Path::copy( const QString & src, const QString & dest ) { Path srcp( src ), destp( dest ); if( !srcp.fileExists() || !destp.dir().dirExists() ) return false; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN bool s_unc = false, d_unc = false; QString srcw( srcp.path() ); srcw = srcw.replace( "/", "\\" ); QString destw( destp.path() ); destw = destw.replace( "/", "\\" ); if( srcw[0] == '\\' && srcw[1] == '\\' ) s_unc = true; if( destw[0] == '\\' && destw[1] == '\\' ) d_unc = true; srcw.replace( "\\\\", "\\" ); if( s_unc ) srcw = "\\" + srcw; destw.replace( "\\\\", "\\" ); if( d_unc ) destw = "\\" + destw; bool ret = CopyFileA( srcw.toLatin1(), destw.toLatin1(), false ) != 0; if( !ret ) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); LOG_1( "Copy failed with error: " + QString::number(err) ); LOG_1( "Src: " + srcw + "Dest: " + destw ); } return ret; #else system( QString( "cp " + srcp.path() + " " + destp.path() ).toLatin1() ); return true; #endif }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLingerConnection::StartLinger // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TInt CLingerConnection::StartLinger() { LOG_1( _L("CLingerConnection::StartLinger") ); if ( !iAttached ) { // Read settings ReadSettings(); if ( iLingerInterval != 0 ) { TInt err = OpenAndAttach(); if ( err != KErrNone ) { // Write to log LOG_2( _L("OpenAndAttach: err: %d"), err ); return( err ); } if ( iLingerInterval > 0 ) { // Start timer StartTimer( KDataInactivityInterval ); LOG_1( _L("Linger timer started OK") ); } } } return KErrNone; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CVpnSipObserver::RunL // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CVpnSipObserver::RunL() { LOG_1( "CVpnSipObserver::RunL iStatus = %d", iStatus.Int()); if ( iStatus == KErrNone ) { TInt val = 0; // SIP Profile Server notified completion of SIP deregistration. TInt err = iSIPProperty.Get( KPSVpnSipUid, KVpnSipState, val ); if ( err == KErrNone && val == ESipDeregisterCompleted ) { // If SIP is deregistered, let the VPN Connection Agent to // proceed VPN session start. LOG_( "CVpnSipObserver::RunL SIP is deregistered. VPN Connection Agent continue with VPN start." ); iAgent.ProceedServiceStart(); } else { // Keep monitoring. Subscribe(); } } // Check if observer can be restarted. else if ( iStatus != KErrCancel && iStatus != KErrServerTerminated && iStatus != KErrNotSupported ) { // Keep monitoring. Subscribe(); } else { // Error. LOG_1( "CVpnSipObserver::RunL Unknown error situation, iStatus = %d", iStatus.Int() ); } }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CSilenceAction::ConstructL // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CSilenceAction::ConstructL( ) { LOG_1( _L("->CSilenceAction::ConstructL: START") ); iPhoneClient = CPhCltCommandHandler::NewL(); LOG_1( _L("<-CSilenceAction::ConstructL: END") ); }
JobBurner::JobBurner( const JobAssignment & jobAssignment, Slave * slave, int options ) : QObject( slave ) , mSlave( slave ) , mCmd( 0 ) , mJobAssignment( jobAssignment ) , mJob( jobAssignment.job() ) , mLoaded( false ) , mOutputTimer( 0 ) , mMemTimer( 0 ) , mLogFlushTimer( 0 ) , mCheckupTimer( 0 ) , mState( StateNew ) , mOptions( Options(options) ) , mCurrentCopy( 0 ) , mLogFilesReady( false ) , mLogFile( 0 ) , mLogStream( 0 ) , mCmdPid( 0 ) { mOutputTimer = new QTimer( this ); connect( mOutputTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), SLOT( updateOutput() ) ); mMemTimer = new QTimer( this ); connect( mMemTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), SLOT( checkMemory() ) ); mCheckupTimer = new QTimer( this ); connect( mCheckupTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), SLOT( checkup() ) ); mCheckupTimer->start(30000); /* Ensure we are actually assigned some tasks to work on */ mTaskAssignments = mJobAssignment.jobTaskAssignments(); if( mTaskAssignments.isEmpty() ) { jobErrored( QString("JobAssignment has no assigned tasks, Job Assignment key: %1").arg(mJobAssignment.key()) ); return; } // Double check that we are still assigned mJobAssignment.reload(); if( mJobAssignment.jobAssignmentStatus().status() != "ready" ) { LOG_1( "JobAssignment no longer ready, cancelling the burn" ); cancel(); return; } /* Make sure each of the tasks are still valid, some could have already been unassigned or cancelled */ /* Also verify that the jobtask record matches the assignment */ mTasks = JobTask::table()->records( mTaskAssignments.keys( JobTaskAssignment::schema()->field("fkeyjobtask")->pos() ), /*select=*/true, /*useCache=*/false ); foreach( JobTaskAssignment jta, mTaskAssignments ) { JobTask task = jta.jobTask(); if( jta.jobAssignmentStatus().status() != "ready" || task.status() != "assigned" || != Host::currentHost() ) { LOG_1( QString("JobTask no longer assigned, discarding. keyJobTask: %1 keyJobTaskAssignment: %2 jobtask status: %3 jobtaskassignment status: %4") .arg(task.key()).arg(jta.key()).arg(task.status()).arg(jta.jobAssignmentStatus().status()) ); mTaskAssignments -= jta; mTasks -= task; } }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CSilenceAction::ActionMuteRingingToneL //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CSilenceAction::ActionMuteRingingTone( ) { LOG_1( _L("->CSilenceAction::ActionMuteRingingTone: START") ); if ( !IsActive() ) { iPhoneClient->MuteRingingTone(iStatus); SetActive(); } LOG_1( _L("<-CSilenceAction::ActionMuteRingingTone: END") ); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLingerConnection::StopLinger // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CLingerConnection::StopLinger() { LOG_1( _L("CLingerConnection::StopLinger") ); if ( iAttached ) { CancelTimer(); CloseConnection(); iLingering = EFalse; LOG_1( _L("Linger timer stopped") ); } }
void CPKCS12Handler::SaveCertificatesToDiskL() { LOG_("-> CPKCS12Handler::SaveCertificatesToDiskL()"); TInt certCount(0); // first the CAs (if any; not required necessarily) if (iCACerts) { certCount = iCACerts->Count(); LOG_1(" Saving %d CA Certificates", certCount); for (TInt i = 0; i < certCount; i++) { CX509Certificate* cert = iCACerts->At(i); // Generate filename with running identifier // Use TFileName, because the function isn't stack // critical TFileName fn; fn.Format(KCAFileNameStem(), i+1); WriteToFileL(cert->Encoding(), fn); } } LOG(else LOG_(" No CA Certs found!")); // Then the user certs if (iUserCerts) { certCount = iUserCerts->Count(); LOG_1(" Saving %d User Certificates", certCount); for (TInt i = 0; i < certCount; i++) { CX509Certificate* cert = iUserCerts->At(i); TFileName fn; fn.Format(KUserCertFileNameStem(), i+1); WriteToFileL(cert->Encoding(), fn); } } LOG(else LOG_(" No User Certs found!")); LOG_("<- CPKCS12Handler::SaveCertificatesToDiskL()"); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAORAUManagerImpl::RAUEventSubscribeIssueRequest // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CAORAUManagerImpl::RAUEventSubscribeIssueRequest( TRequestStatus& aStatus ) { LOG_1( _L("CAORAUManagerImpl::RAUEventSubscribeIssueRequest") ); iRAUEventProperty.Subscribe( aStatus ); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAOTimer::StartRetryTimer // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CAOTimer::StartRetryTimer() { LOG_1( _L("CAOTimer::StartRetryTimer") ); __ASSERT_DEBUG( !iRetryTimer->IsActive(), Panic( ERetryTimerAlreadyActive ) ); iRetryTimerCount = 0; // First check if the current retry timer value is more than 30 minutes iCurrentRetryTimerInterval = 0; if( iSettings.RetryTimerValue() > KMaxTimerInSeconds ) { // First interval is 30 minutes iCurrentRetryTimerInterval = KMaxTimerInSeconds * KSecondsToMicro; } else { // use current value iCurrentRetryTimerInterval = iSettings.RetryTimerValue() * KSecondsToMicro; } TCallBack cb( RetryTimerCallBack, this ); iRetryTimer->Start( iCurrentRetryTimerInterval, iCurrentRetryTimerInterval, cb ); }
void CPKCS12Handler::AttachCertificateL(CX509Certificate* aCert, const TPKIKeyIdentifier& aKeyId) { LOG_("-> CPKCS12Handler::AttachCertificateL()"); TRequestStatus requestStatus; TAny* resArray(NULL); // Perform asynchronous PKI operation synchronously iPkiService->AttachCertificateL(aKeyId, DEFAULT_KEY_LEN, EPKIRSA, aCert->Encoding(), &resArray, requestStatus); User::WaitForRequest(requestStatus); iPkiService->Finalize(resArray); // Check for operation status TInt status = requestStatus.Int(); if (status != KErrNone) { LOG_1("<- CPKCS12Handler::AttachCertificateL() LEAVE: %d", status); User::Leave(status); } LOG_("<- CPKCS12Handler::AttachCertificateL() OK"); }
EXPORT_C void CPKCS12Handler::SaveSecurityObjectsToDiskL(const TDesC8& aData, const TDesC& aPwd, const TDesC& aDir) { LOG_("-> CPKCS12Handler::SaveSecurityObjectsToDiskL()"); if (iOutputDir) { delete iOutputDir; iOutputDir = NULL; } // Output dir needs to end with backslash iOutputDir = aDir.AllocL(); LOG_1(" Using output dir: '%S'", iOutputDir); ExtractSecurityObjectsL(aData, aPwd); // Save CA/user certificates to disk SaveCertificatesToDiskL(); // Save private keys to disk SaveKeysToDiskL(); LOG_("<- CPKCS12Handler::SaveSecurityObjectsToDiskL()"); }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TAOState::HandleResetFactorySettingsL // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TAOState* TAOState::HandleResetFactorySettingsL( TBool aReset ) { LOG_1( _L("TAOState::HandleResetFactorySettingsL") ); TAOState* newState = NULL; if ( aReset ) { // Close connection CancelAll(); // Respond to Rfs that connection has been torn down and rfs sequence // can continue RProperty::Set( KPDPContextManager2, KPDPContextManagerFactorySettingsReset, EPDPContextManagerFactorySettingsResetStartReply ); newState = iStatePool.ChangeState( EStateResetFactorySettings ); } else { newState = DoActivatePDPContextL(); } return newState; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAOGpds::ConstructL // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CAOGpds::ConstructL() { LOG_1( _L("CAOGpds::ConstructL") ); // Create active schduler wiat for synchronizing async operations iWait = new( ELeave ) CActiveSchedulerWait; }
void exploreFile( QString path ) { QFileInfo fi(path); QStringList args; QString dirPath = QFileInfo( path ).path(); QString cmd; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN cmd = "explorer.exe"; if( fi.isFile() && fi.exists() ) { args << "/select,"; args << path.replace("/","\\"); } else args << dirPath.replace("/", "\\"); #endif #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX args << dirPath.replace('\\', '/'); cmd = "thunar"; #endif #ifdef Q_OS_MAC args << dirPath.replace('\\', '/'); cmd = "open"; #endif if( !QProcess::startDetached( cmd, args ) ) { LOG_1( "Unable to start " + cmd ); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAOSettings::LingerTimerValue // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TInt CAOSettings::LingerTimerValue( const TUint aIapId ) const { LOG_1( _L("CAOSettings::LingerTimerValue") ); for ( TInt j=0; j < iLingerSettings.Count(); j++ ) { if ( iLingerSettings[ j ].iIap == aIapId ) { LOG_3( _L("Linger setting found >> iap: %d, interval: %d"), aIapId, iLingerSettings[ j ].iInterval); if ( iLingerSettings[ j ].iInterval == 0 ) { return KLingerForEver; } else { return ( iLingerSettings[ j ].iInterval ); } } } LOG_2( _L("LingerTimerValue() not found >> iap: %d"), aIapId ); return KLingerOff; // Linger is off }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TAOState::HandleExternalConnectionCreatedL // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TAOState* TAOState::HandleExternalConnectionCreatedL() { LOG_1( _L("TAOState::HandleExternalConnectionCreatedL") ); CancelAll(); return iStatePool.ChangeState( TAOState::EStateExternalConnection ); }
bool IniConfig::writeToFile( const QString & fileName ) { QString filePath = fileName; if( filePath.isEmpty() ) filePath = mFile; QFile file(filePath); if( ! ) { LOG_1( "Unable to open config file for writing at: " + filePath ); return false; } QTextStream out(&file); QMap<QString, QMap<QString,QString> >::Iterator it; for(it = mValMap.begin(); it != mValMap.end(); ++it) { if( !it.value().isEmpty() ){ out << '[' << (it.key().isEmpty() ? QString("NO_SECTION") : it.key()) << ']' << '\n'; for( QMap<QString,QString>::Iterator valit = it.value().begin(); valit!=it.value().end(); ++valit ) out << valit.key() << '=' << valit.value() << '\n'; out << "\n"; } } LOG_3( "Wrote config file to: " + filePath ); return true; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLingerConnection::ConstructL // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CLingerConnection::ConstructL() { LOG_1( _L("CLingerConnection::ConstructL") ); // Create timer iTimer = CPeriodic::NewL( CActive::EPriorityStandard ); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLingerConnection::StartTimer() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CLingerConnection::StartTimer( TInt aTimerInterval, TBool aReset ) { LOG_1( _L("CLingerConnection::StartTimer") ); if ( aReset ) { iLingerTimerCount = 0; } TCallBack cb( TimerCallBack, this ); // if linger timer is negative we should not start timer but linger forever... if ( iLingerInterval > 0 ) { LOG_2( _L("iTimer->Start: aTimerInterval: %d"), aTimerInterval ); if( aTimerInterval > KMaxTimerInSeconds ) { // Maximum allowed interval is 30 minutes. // This restriction comes from TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iCurrentTimerInterval = KMaxTimerInSeconds; } else { // use current value iCurrentTimerInterval = aTimerInterval; } LOG_2( _L("iTimer->Start: iCurrentTimerInterval: %d"), iCurrentTimerInterval ); CancelTimer(); iTimer->Start( ( iCurrentTimerInterval * KSecondsToMicro ), ( iCurrentTimerInterval * KSecondsToMicro ), cb ); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLingerConnection::OpenAndAttach // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TInt CLingerConnection::OpenAndAttach() { LOG_1( _L("CLingerConnection::OpenAndAttach") ); if ( !iAttached ) { // Open TInt err = iConnection.Open( *iSocketServ, KAfInet ); if ( err != KErrNone ) { return ( err ); } // Attach to keep the connection open err = iConnection.Attach( TPckg< TConnectionInfo >( iConnectionInfo ), RConnection::EAttachTypeNormal ); if ( err != KErrNone ) { iConnection.Close(); return ( err ); } iAttached = ETrue; } return KErrNone; }
void write( QString & input, QString output ) { if( readFile( output ) != input ) { if( !writeFullFile( output, input ) ) LOG_1( "Couldn't open " + output + " for writing" ); } }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TAOState::HandleSwitchFromDisconnectedL // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TAOState* TAOState::HandleSwitchFromDisconnectedL( MAOConnectionManager::TFailureReason /*aReason*/ ) { LOG_1( _L("TAOState::HandleSwitchFromDisconnectedL") ); return NULL; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAOConnectionImpl::DoCancel // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CAOConnectionImpl::DoCancel() { LOG_1( _L("CAOConnectionImpl::DoCancel") ); ChangeState( EDisconnected ); CompleteSelf( iStatus, KErrCancel ); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAOConnectionImpl::PDPContextDisconnectionIssueRequest // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CAOConnectionImpl::PDPContextDisconnectionIssueRequest( TRequestStatus& aStatus ) { LOG_1( _L("CAOConnectionImpl::PDPContextDisconnectionIssueRequest") ); iPDPContextDisconnectionProperty.Subscribe( aStatus ); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAOConnectionImpl::HandleConnectionCallBackL // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CAOConnectionImpl::HandleConnectionCallBackL() { LOG_1( _L("CAOConnectionImpl::HandleConnectionCallBackL") ); iConnectionTimer->Cancel(); CompleteSelf( iStatus, iActivationError ); }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TAOState::TAOState( MAOStateContext& aStateContext, MAOStatePool& aStatePool ): iStateContext( aStateContext ), iStatePool( aStatePool ), iFlags( 0 ) { LOG_1( _L("TAOState::TAOState") ); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAOGpds::CAOGpds // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAOGpds::CAOGpds( RMmCustomAPI& aCustomAPI ): CActive( EPriorityStandard ), iCustomAPI( aCustomAPI ) { LOG_1( _L("CAOGpds::CAOGpds") ); CActiveScheduler::Add( this ); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAOTimer::RetryTimerCallBack // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TInt CAOTimer::RetryTimerCallBack( TAny* aSelf ) { LOG_1( _L("CAOTimer::RetryTimerCallBack") ); CAOTimer* self = static_cast<CAOTimer*>( aSelf ); TRAPD( err, self->HandleRetryTimerCallBackL() ); return err; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAOTimer::~CAOTimer // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAOTimer::~CAOTimer() { LOG_1( _L("CAOTimer::~CAOTimer") ); delete iUnconnectTimer; delete iConnectionTimer; delete iRetryTimer; }