Example #1
IPath::SearchResult CPathFinder::GetPath(
	const MoveData& moveData,
	const float3& startPos,
	const CPathFinderDef& pfDef,
	IPath::Path& path,
	bool testMobile,
	bool exactPath,
	unsigned int maxNodes,
	bool needPath,
	int ownerId,
	bool synced
) {

	// Clear the given path.
	path.pathCost = PATHCOST_INFINITY;

	// Store som basic data.
	maxSquaresToBeSearched = std::min(MAX_SEARCHED_NODES_PF - 8U, maxNodes);
	this->testMobile = testMobile;
	this->exactPath = exactPath;
	this->needPath = needPath;
	start = startPos;
	startxSqr = (int(start.x) / SQUARE_SIZE)|1;
	startzSqr = (int(start.z) / SQUARE_SIZE)|1;

	// Clamp the start position
	if (startxSqr <         0) startxSqr =            0;
	if (startxSqr >= gs->mapx) startxSqr = gs->mapxm1;
	if (startzSqr <         0) startzSqr =            0;
	if (startzSqr >= gs->mapy) startzSqr = gs->mapym1;

	startSquare = startxSqr + startzSqr * gs->mapx;

	// Start up the search.
	IPath::SearchResult result = InitSearch(moveData, pfDef, ownerId, synced);

	// Respond to the success of the search.
	if (result == IPath::Ok || result == IPath::GoalOutOfRange) {
		FinishSearch(moveData, path);

			LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "Path found.");
			LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "Nodes tested: %u", testedNodes);
			LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "Open squares: %u", openSquareBuffer.GetSize());
			LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "Path nodes: "_STPF_, path.path.size());
			LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "Path cost: %f", path.pathCost);
	} else {
			LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "No path found!");
			LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "Nodes tested: %u", testedNodes);
			LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "Open squares: %u", openSquareBuffer.GetSize());
	return result;
Example #2
const CKeyBindings::ActionList&
	CKeyBindings::GetActionList(const CKeySet& ks) const
	static const ActionList empty;
	const ActionList* alPtr = NULL;

	if (ks.AnyMod()) {
		KeyMap::const_iterator it = bindings.find(ks);
		if (it == bindings.end()) {
			alPtr = &empty;
		} else {
			alPtr = &(it->second);
	else {
		// have to check for an AnyMod keyset as well as the normal one
		CKeySet anyMod = ks;
		KeyMap::const_iterator nit = bindings.find(ks);
		KeyMap::const_iterator ait = bindings.find(anyMod);
		const bool haveNormal = (nit != bindings.end());
		const bool haveAnyMod = (ait != bindings.end());
		if (!haveNormal && !haveAnyMod) {
			alPtr = &empty;
		else if (haveNormal && !haveAnyMod) {
			alPtr = &(nit->second);
		else if (!haveNormal && haveAnyMod) {
			alPtr = &(ait->second);
		else {
			// combine the two lists (normal first)
			static ActionList merged;
			merged = nit->second;
			const ActionList& aal = ait->second;
			for (int i = 0; i < (int)aal.size(); ++i) {
			alPtr = &merged;

		const bool isEmpty = (alPtr == &empty);
		LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "GetAction: %s (0x%03X)%s",
				ks.GetString(false).c_str(), ks.Key(),
				(isEmpty ? "  EMPTY" : ""));
		if (!isEmpty) {
			const ActionList& al = *alPtr;
			for (size_t i = 0; i < al.size(); ++i) {
				LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "  %s  \"%s\"",
						al[i].command.c_str(), al[i].rawline.c_str());

	return *alPtr;
Example #3
IPath::SearchResult IPathFinder::GetPath(
	const MoveDef& moveDef,
	const CPathFinderDef& pfDef,
	const CSolidObject* owner,
	float3 startPos,
	IPath::Path& path,
	const unsigned int maxNodes
) {

	// Clear the path
	path.pathCost = PATHCOST_INFINITY;

	// initial calculations
	if (isEstimator) {
		maxBlocksToBeSearched = std::min(MAX_SEARCHED_NODES_PE - 8U, maxNodes);
	} else {
		maxBlocksToBeSearched = std::min(MAX_SEARCHED_NODES_PF - 8U, maxNodes);
	mStartBlock.x  = startPos.x / BLOCK_PIXEL_SIZE;
	mStartBlock.y  = startPos.z / BLOCK_PIXEL_SIZE;
	mStartBlockIdx = BlockPosToIdx(mStartBlock);
	assert((unsigned)mStartBlock.x < nbrOfBlocks.x && (unsigned)mStartBlock.y < nbrOfBlocks.y);

	// Check cache (when there is one)
	int2 goalBlock;
	goalBlock.x = pfDef.goalSquareX / BLOCK_SIZE;
	goalBlock.y = pfDef.goalSquareZ / BLOCK_SIZE;
	const CPathCache::CacheItem* ci = GetCache(mStartBlock, goalBlock, pfDef.sqGoalRadius, moveDef.pathType, pfDef.synced);
	if (ci != nullptr) {
		path = ci->path;
		return ci->result;

	// Start up a new search
	IPath::SearchResult result = InitSearch(moveDef, pfDef, owner);

	// If search was successful, generate new path
	if (result == IPath::Ok || result == IPath::GoalOutOfRange) {
		FinishSearch(moveDef, pfDef, path);

		// Save to cache
		AddCache(&path, result, mStartBlock, goalBlock, pfDef.sqGoalRadius, moveDef.pathType, pfDef.synced);

			LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "==== %s: Search completed ====", (isEstimator) ? "PE" : "PF");
			LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "Tested blocks: %u", testedBlocks);
			LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "Open blocks: %u", openBlockBuffer.GetSize());
			LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "Path length: " _STPF_, path.path.size());
			LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "Path cost: %f", path.pathCost);
			LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "==============================");
	} else {
			LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "==== %s: Search failed! ====", (isEstimator) ? "PE" : "PF");
			LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "Tested blocks: %u", testedBlocks);
			LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "Open blocks: %u", openBlockBuffer.GetSize());
			LOG_L(L_DEBUG, "============================");

	return result;