Example #1
// add new file entry to directory, return new inode
void dir_tree_file_create (DirTree *dtree, fuse_ino_t parent_ino, const char *name, mode_t mode,
    DirTree_file_create_cb file_create_cb, fuse_req_t req, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    DirEntry *dir_en, *en;
    DirTreeFileOpData *op_data;
    LOG_debug (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Adding new entry '%s' to directory ino: %"INO_FMT, name, parent_ino);
    dir_en = g_hash_table_lookup (dtree->h_inodes, GUINT_TO_POINTER (parent_ino));
    // entry not found
    if (!dir_en || dir_en->type != DET_dir) {
        LOG_msg (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Directory (%"INO_FMT") not found !", parent_ino);
        file_create_cb (req, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, fi);
    // create a new entry
    en = dir_tree_add_entry (dtree, name, mode, DET_file, parent_ino, 0, time (NULL));
    if (!en) {
        LOG_msg (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Failed to create file: %s !", name);
        file_create_cb (req, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, fi);
    //XXX: set as new 
    en->is_modified = TRUE;

    op_data = file_op_data_create (dtree, en->ino);
    op_data->en = en;
    op_data->ino = en->ino;
    en->op_data = (gpointer) op_data;
    file_create_cb (req, TRUE, en->ino, en->mode, en->size, fi);
Example #2
void dir_tree_dir_create (DirTree *dtree, fuse_ino_t parent_ino, const char *name, mode_t mode,
     dir_tree_mkdir_cb mkdir_cb, fuse_req_t req)
    DirEntry *dir_en, *en;
    DirTreeFileOpData *op_data;
    LOG_debug (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Creating dir: %s", name);
    dir_en = g_hash_table_lookup (dtree->h_inodes, GUINT_TO_POINTER (parent_ino));
    // entry not found
    if (!dir_en || dir_en->type != DET_dir) {
        LOG_msg (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Directory (%"INO_FMT") not found !", parent_ino);
        mkdir_cb (req, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    // create a new entry
    en = dir_tree_add_entry (dtree, name, mode, DET_dir, parent_ino, 10, time (NULL));
    if (!en) {
        LOG_msg (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Failed to create dir: %s !", name);
        mkdir_cb (req, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    //XXX: set as new 
    en->is_modified = FALSE;
    // do not delete it
    en->age = G_MAXUINT32;
    en->mode = DIR_DEFAULT_MODE;

    mkdir_cb (req, TRUE, en->ino, en->mode, en->size, en->ctime);
Example #3
// existing file is opened, create context data
gboolean dir_tree_file_open (DirTree *dtree, fuse_ino_t ino, struct fuse_file_info *fi, 
    DirTree_file_open_cb file_open_cb, fuse_req_t req)
    DirTreeFileOpData *op_data;
    DirEntry *en;

    op_data = file_op_data_create (dtree, ino);
    op_data->c_fi = fi;
    op_data->c_req = req;
    op_data->file_open_cb = file_open_cb;

    en = g_hash_table_lookup (dtree->h_inodes, GUINT_TO_POINTER (ino));

    // if entry does not exist
    // or it's not a directory type ?
    if (!en) {
        LOG_msg (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Entry (ino = %"INO_FMT") not found !", ino);
        file_open_cb (op_data->c_req, FALSE, op_data->c_fi);
        return FALSE;

    op_data->en = en;
    op_data->en->op_data = (gpointer) op_data;

    LOG_debug (DIR_TREE_LOG, "[%p %p] dir_tree_open  inode %"INO_FMT, op_data, fi, ino);

    if (!s3client_pool_get_client (application_get_read_client_pool (dtree->app), dir_tree_file_open_on_http_ready, op_data)) {
        LOG_err (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Failed to get S3HttpConnection from the pool !");

    return TRUE;
Example #4
// file is closed, free context data
void dir_tree_file_release (DirTree *dtree, fuse_ino_t ino, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    DirEntry *en;
    DirTreeFileOpData *op_data;
    LOG_debug (DIR_TREE_LOG, "dir_tree_file_release  inode %d", ino);

    en = g_hash_table_lookup (dtree->h_inodes, GUINT_TO_POINTER (ino));

    // if entry does not exist
    // or it's not a directory type ?
    if (!en) {
        LOG_msg (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Entry (ino = %"INO_FMT") not found !", ino);

    op_data = (DirTreeFileOpData *) en->op_data;
  //  op_data->en = en;
  //  op_data->ino = ino;
    if (op_data->http)
        s3http_client_release (op_data->http);
    // releasing written file
    if (op_data->tmp_write_fd) {
        if (!s3client_pool_get_client (application_get_write_client_pool (dtree->app), dir_tree_file_release_on_http_ready, op_data)) {
            LOG_err (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Failed to get S3HttpConnection from the pool !");
    } else {
        file_op_data_destroy (op_data);
Example #5
File: main.c Project: skoobe/riofs
// USR2 signal: reopen log file
static void sigusr2_cb (G_GNUC_UNUSED evutil_socket_t sig, G_GNUC_UNUSED short events, G_GNUC_UNUSED void *user_data)
    Application *app = _app;

     // just flush, if log file name is not specified
    if (!app->log_file_name || !app->f_log) {
        fflush (app->f_log);

    LOG_msg (APP_LOG, "Reopening log file: %s !", app->log_file_name);

    fflush (app->f_log);
    fclose (app->f_log);

    app->f_log = fopen (app->log_file_name, "a+");
    if (!app->f_log) {
        LOG_err (APP_LOG, "Failed to open log file: %s, output goes to stdout. Error: %s", app->log_file_name, strerror (errno));
        // XXX: set output to stdout
        logger_set_file (stdout);

    logger_set_file (app->f_log);

Example #6
// add new chunk range to the chunks pending queue
void dir_tree_file_read (DirTree *dtree, fuse_ino_t ino, 
    size_t size, off_t off,
    DirTree_file_read_cb file_read_cb, fuse_req_t req,
    struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    DirEntry *en;
    char full_name[1024];
    DirTreeFileOpData *op_data;
    DirTreeFileRange *range;
    en = g_hash_table_lookup (dtree->h_inodes, GUINT_TO_POINTER (ino));

    // if entry does not exist
    // or it's not a directory type ?
    if (!en) {
        LOG_msg (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Entry (ino = %"INO_FMT") not found !", ino);
        file_read_cb (req, FALSE, NULL, 0);
    op_data = (DirTreeFileOpData *) en->op_data;
    LOG_debug (DIR_TREE_LOG, "[%p %p] Read Object  inode %"INO_FMT", size: %zd, off: %"OFF_FMT, req, op_data, ino, size, off);
    op_data->file_read_cb = file_read_cb;
    op_data->en = en;
    op_data->dtree = dtree;

    range = g_new0 (DirTreeFileRange, 1);
    range->off = off;
    range->size = size;
    range->c_req = req;
    g_queue_push_tail (op_data->q_ranges_requested, range);
    LOG_debug (DIR_TREE_LOG, "[%p] more data b: %zd", range->c_req, range->size);

    // already reading data
    if (op_data->op_in_progress) {

    if (op_data->http) {
        LOG_debug (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Adding from main");
        range = g_queue_pop_head (op_data->q_ranges_requested);
        if (range) {
            op_data->c_size = range->size;
            op_data->c_off = range->off;
            op_data->c_req = range->c_req;
            g_free (range);
            // perform the next chunk request
            op_data->op_in_progress = TRUE;
            dir_tree_file_read_prepare_request (op_data, op_data->http, op_data->c_off, op_data->c_size);

Example #7
void THROW_NoSuchMethod(CTX ctx, ksfp_t *sfp, kclass_t cid, kmethodn_t mn)
	CWB_t cwbbuf, *cwb = CWB_open(ctx, &cwbbuf);
	char msg[256], mname[256];
	knh_printf(ctx, cwb->w, "Script!!: No Such Method: %T.%M", cid, mn);
	knh_snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s", CWB_totext(ctx, cwb));
	CWB_close(ctx, cwb);
	knh_printf(ctx, cwb->w, "%C.%M", cid, mn);
	knh_snprintf(mname, sizeof(mname), "%s", CWB_totext(ctx, cwb));
	CWB_close(ctx, cwb);
	KNH_NTHROW2(ctx, sfp, msg, "konoha:type", K_FAILED, KNH_LDATA(LOG_msg(msg), LOG_s("method", mname)));
Example #8
void THROW_ParamTypeError(CTX ctx, ksfp_t *sfp, size_t n, kmethodn_t mn, kclass_t reqt, kclass_t cid)
	CWB_t cwbbuf, *cwb = CWB_open(ctx, &cwbbuf);
	char msg[256], mname[256];
	knh_printf(ctx, cwb->w, "Script!!: Type Error: %T.%M(#%d)", cid, mn, (int)n);
	knh_snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s", CWB_totext(ctx, cwb));
	CWB_close(ctx, cwb);
	knh_printf(ctx, cwb->w, "%C.%M", cid, mn);
	knh_snprintf(mname, sizeof(mname), "%s", CWB_totext(ctx, cwb));
	CWB_close(ctx, cwb);
	KNH_NTHROW2(ctx, sfp, msg, "konoha:type", K_FAILED, KNH_LDATA(LOG_msg(msg), LOG_s("method", mname), LOG_i("argument", n), LOG_t("requested_type", reqt), LOG_t("given_type", cid)));
Example #9
// return directory buffer from the cache
// or regenerate directory cache
void dir_tree_fill_dir_buf (DirTree *dtree, 
        fuse_ino_t ino, size_t size, off_t off,
        dir_tree_readdir_cb readdir_cb, fuse_req_t req)
    DirEntry *en;
    DirTreeFillDirData *dir_fill_data;
    time_t t;
    LOG_debug (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Requesting directory buffer for dir ino %"INO_FMT", size: %zd, off: %"OFF_FMT, ino, size, off);
    en = g_hash_table_lookup (dtree->h_inodes, GUINT_TO_POINTER (ino));

    // if directory does not exist
    // or it's not a directory type ?
    if (!en || en->type != DET_dir) {
        LOG_msg (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Directory (ino = %"INO_FMT") not found !", ino);
        readdir_cb (req, FALSE, size, off, NULL, 0);
    t = time (NULL);

    // already have directory buffer in the cache
    if (en->dir_cache_size && t >= en->dir_cache_created && t - en->dir_cache_created <= dtree->dir_cache_max_time) {
        LOG_debug (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Sending directory buffer (ino = %"INO_FMT") from cache !", ino);
        readdir_cb (req, TRUE, size, off, en->dir_cache, en->dir_cache_size);

    LOG_debug (DIR_TREE_LOG, "cache time: %ld  now: %ld", en->dir_cache_created, t);
    // reset dir cache
    if (en->dir_cache)
        g_free (en->dir_cache);
    en->dir_cache_size = 0;
    en->dir_cache_created = 0;

    dir_fill_data = g_new0 (DirTreeFillDirData, 1);
    dir_fill_data->dtree = dtree;
    dir_fill_data->ino = ino;
    dir_fill_data->size = size;
    dir_fill_data->off = off;
    dir_fill_data->readdir_cb = readdir_cb;
    dir_fill_data->req = req;
    dir_fill_data->en = en;

    if (!s3client_pool_get_client (application_get_ops_client_pool (dtree->app), dir_tree_fill_dir_on_http_ready, dir_fill_data)) {
        LOG_err (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Failed to get HTTP client !");
        readdir_cb (req, FALSE, size, off, NULL, 0);
        g_free (dir_fill_data);

Example #10
// send data via HTTP client
void dir_tree_file_write (DirTree *dtree, fuse_ino_t ino, 
    const char *buf, size_t size, off_t off, 
    DirTree_file_write_cb file_write_cb, fuse_req_t req,
    struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    DirEntry *en;
    DirTreeFileOpData *op_data;
    ssize_t out_size;

    en = g_hash_table_lookup (dtree->h_inodes, GUINT_TO_POINTER (ino));

    // if entry does not exist
    // or it's not a directory type ?
    if (!en) {
        LOG_msg (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Entry (ino = %"INO_FMT") not found !", ino);
        file_write_cb (req, FALSE,  0);
    op_data = (DirTreeFileOpData *) en->op_data;
    LOG_debug (DIR_TREE_LOG, "[%p] Writing Object  inode %"INO_FMT", size: %zd, off: %"OFF_FMT, op_data, ino, size, off);

    // if tmp file is not opened
    if (!op_data->tmp_write_fd) {
        char filename[1024];

        op_data->en = en;
        op_data->op_in_progress = TRUE;
        snprintf (filename, sizeof (filename), "%s/s3ffs.XXXXXX", application_get_tmp_dir (dtree->app));
        op_data->tmp_write_fd = mkstemp (filename);
        if (op_data->tmp_write_fd < 0) {
            LOG_err (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Failed to create tmp file !");
            file_write_cb (req, FALSE, 0);

    // if http client is not acquired yet
    //if (!op_data->con_http) {
    //XXX: here decide if switch to multi part upload
    out_size = pwrite (op_data->tmp_write_fd, buf, size, off);
    if (out_size < 0) {
        file_write_cb (req, FALSE, 0);
    } else
        file_write_cb (req, TRUE, out_size);

Example #11
// return entry attributes
void dir_tree_getattr (DirTree *dtree, fuse_ino_t ino, 
    dir_tree_getattr_cb getattr_cb, fuse_req_t req)
    DirEntry  *en;
    LOG_debug (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Getting attributes for %d", ino);
    en = g_hash_table_lookup (dtree->h_inodes, GUINT_TO_POINTER (ino));
    // entry not found
    if (!en) {
        LOG_msg (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Entry (%d) not found !", ino);
        getattr_cb (req, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    getattr_cb (req, TRUE, en->ino, en->mode, en->size, en->ctime);
Example #12
// set entry's attributes
// update directory cache
void dir_tree_setattr (DirTree *dtree, fuse_ino_t ino, 
    struct stat *attr, int to_set,
    dir_tree_setattr_cb setattr_cb, fuse_req_t req, void *fi)
    DirEntry  *en;
    LOG_debug (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Setting attributes for %d", ino);
    en = g_hash_table_lookup (dtree->h_inodes, GUINT_TO_POINTER (ino));
    // entry not found
    if (!en) {
        LOG_msg (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Entry (%d) not found !", ino);
        setattr_cb (req, FALSE, 0, 0, 0);
    //XXX: en->mode
    setattr_cb (req, TRUE, en->ino, en->mode, en->size);
Example #13
// lookup entry and return attributes
void dir_tree_lookup (DirTree *dtree, fuse_ino_t parent_ino, const char *name,
    dir_tree_lookup_cb lookup_cb, fuse_req_t req)
    DirEntry *dir_en, *en;
    LOG_debug (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Looking up for '%s' in directory ino: %d", name, parent_ino);
    dir_en = g_hash_table_lookup (dtree->h_inodes, GUINT_TO_POINTER (parent_ino));
    // entry not found
    if (!dir_en || dir_en->type != DET_dir) {
        LOG_msg (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Directory (%d) not found !", parent_ino);
        lookup_cb (req, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    en = g_hash_table_lookup (dir_en->h_dir_tree, name);
    if (!en) {
        LOG_debug (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Entry '%s' not found !", name);
        lookup_cb (req, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    // file is removed
    if (en->age == 0) {
        LOG_debug (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Entry '%s' is removed !", name);
        lookup_cb (req, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    // hide it
    if (en->is_modified) {
        LOG_debug (DIR_TREE_LOG, "Entry '%s' is modified !", name);
        lookup_cb (req, TRUE, en->ino, en->mode, 0, en->ctime);

    lookup_cb (req, TRUE, en->ino, en->mode, en->size, en->ctime);
Example #14
// socket event during connection
static void s3http_client_connection_event_cb (struct bufferevent *bev, short what, void *ctx)
    S3HttpClient *http = (S3HttpClient *) ctx;

	if (!(what & BEV_EVENT_CONNECTED)) {
        // XXX: reset
        http->connection_state = S3C_disconnected;
        LOG_msg (HTTP_LOG, "Failed to establish connection !");
        // inform client that we are disconnected
        if (http->on_close_cb)
            http->on_close_cb (http, http->cb_ctx);

        s3http_client_release (http);
    LOG_debug (HTTP_LOG, "Connected to the server ! %p", http);

    http->connection_state = S3C_connected;
    evbuffer_drain (bufferevent_get_input (bev), -1);
    evbuffer_drain (bufferevent_get_output (bev), -1);
    http->response_state = S3R_expected_first_line;
    bufferevent_enable (http->bev, EV_READ);
    bufferevent_setcb (http->bev, 
        s3http_client_read_cb, s3http_client_write_cb, s3http_client_event_cb,
    // inform client that we are connected
    if (http->on_connection_cb)
        http->on_connection_cb (http, http->cb_ctx);
    // send initial request as soon as we are connected
    s3http_client_send_initial_request (http);
Example #15
File: main.c Project: skoobe/riofs
// ignore SIGPIPE
static void sigpipe_cb (G_GNUC_UNUSED evutil_socket_t sig, G_GNUC_UNUSED short events, G_GNUC_UNUSED void *user_data)
    LOG_msg (APP_LOG, "Got SIGPIPE");
Example #16
KNHAPI2(void) THROW_OutOfRange(CTX ctx, ksfp_t *sfp, kint_t n, size_t max)
	KNH_NTHROW2(ctx, sfp, "Script!!", "array_indexing", K_FAILED, KNH_LDATA(LOG_msg("out of array range"), LOG_i("index", n), LOG_i("arraysize", max)));
Example #17
void THROW_Arithmetic(CTX ctx, ksfp_t *sfp, const char *msg)
	KNH_NTHROW2(ctx, sfp, "Script!!", "arithmetic_operator", K_FAILED, KNH_LDATA(LOG_msg(msg)));
Example #18
void THROW_StackOverflow(CTX ctx, ksfp_t *sfp)
	KNH_NTHROW2(ctx, sfp, "Script!!", "konoha:stack", K_FAILED,
			KNH_LDATA(LOG_msg("stack overflow"), LOG_u("stacksize", (ctx->esp - ctx->stack))));
Example #19
void THROW_Halt(CTX ctx, ksfp_t *sfp, const char *msg)
	KNH_NTHROW2(ctx, sfp, "Panic!!", "konoha", K_FAILED, KNH_LDATA(LOG_msg(msg)));