Example #1
broadcast_add_coding_history (SF_BROADCAST_INFO* bext, unsigned int channels, unsigned int samplerate)
{	char chnstr [16] ;
	int count ;

	switch (channels)
	{	case 0 :
			return SF_FALSE ;

		case 1 :
			strncpy (chnstr, "mono", sizeof (chnstr)) ;
			break ;

		case 2 :
			strncpy (chnstr, "stereo", sizeof (chnstr)) ;
			break ;

	default :
		LSF_SNPRINTF (chnstr, sizeof (chnstr), "%uchn", channels) ;
		break ;

	count = LSF_SNPRINTF (bext->coding_history, sizeof (bext->coding_history), "F=%u,A=PCM,M=%s,W=24,T=%s-%s", samplerate, chnstr, PACKAGE, VERSION) ;

	if (count >= SIGNED_SIZEOF (bext->coding_history))
		bext->coding_history_size = sizeof (bext->coding_history) ;
	{	count += count & 1 ;
		bext->coding_history_size = count ;
		} ;

	return SF_TRUE ;
} /* broadcast_add_coding_history */
Example #2
static const char *
mat4_marker_to_str (int marker)
{	static char str [32] ;

	switch (marker)
		case MAT4_BE_PCM_16	:	return "big endian 16 bit PCM" ;
		case MAT4_LE_PCM_16	:	return "little endian 16 bit PCM" ;

		case MAT4_BE_PCM_32	:	return "big endian 32 bit PCM" ;
		case MAT4_LE_PCM_32	:	return "little endian 32 bit PCM" ;

		case MAT4_BE_FLOAT :	return "big endian float" ;
		case MAT4_LE_FLOAT :	return "big endian float" ;

		case MAT4_BE_DOUBLE	:	return "big endian double" ;
		case MAT4_LE_DOUBLE	:	return "little endian double" ;
		} ;

	/* This is a little unsafe but is really only for debugging. */
	str [sizeof (str) - 1] = 0 ;
	LSF_SNPRINTF (str, sizeof (str) - 1, "%08X", marker) ;
	return str ;
} /* mat4_marker_to_str */
Example #3
static void
psf_log_syserr (SF_PRIVATE *psf, int error)
	/* Only log an error if no error has been set yet. */
	if (psf->error == 0)
	{	psf->error = SFE_SYSTEM ;
		LSF_SNPRINTF (psf->syserr, sizeof (psf->syserr), "System error : %s", strerror (error)) ;
		} ;

	return ;
} /* psf_log_syserr */
Example #4
static int
gen_coding_history (char * added_history, int added_history_max, const SF_INFO * psfinfo)
{	char chnstr [16] ;
	int count, width ;

	**	From : http://www.sr.se/utveckling/tu/bwf/docs/codhist2.htm
	**	Parameter            Variable string <allowed option>                 Unit
	**	==========================================================================================
	**	Coding Algorithm     A=<ANALOGUE, PCM, MPEG1L1, MPEG1L2, MPEG1L3,
	**	                     MPEG2L1, MPEG2L2, MPEG2L3>
	**	Sampling frequency   F=<11000,22050,24000,32000,44100,48000>          [Hz]
	**	Bit-rate             B=<any bit-rate allowed in MPEG 2 (ISO/IEC       [kbit/s per channel]
	**	                     13818-3)>
	**	Word Length          W=<8, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24>                [bits]
	**	Mode                 M=<mono, stereo, dual-mono, joint-stereo>
	**	Text, free string    T=<a free ASCII-text string for in house use.
	**	                     This string should contain no commas (ASCII
	**	                     2Chex). Examples of the contents: ID-No; codec
	**	                     type; A/D type>

	switch (psfinfo->channels)
	{	case 0 :
			return SF_FALSE ;

		case 1 :
			strncpy (chnstr, "mono", sizeof (chnstr)) ;
			break ;

		case 2 :
			strncpy (chnstr, "stereo", sizeof (chnstr)) ;
			break ;

		default :
			LSF_SNPRINTF (chnstr, sizeof (chnstr), "%uchn", psfinfo->channels) ;
			break ;
		} ;

	switch (SF_CODEC (psfinfo->format))
	{	case SF_FORMAT_PCM_U8 :
		case SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8 :
			width = 8 ;
			break ;
		case SF_FORMAT_PCM_16 :
			width = 16 ;
			break ;
		case SF_FORMAT_PCM_24 :
			width = 24 ;
			break ;
		case SF_FORMAT_PCM_32 :
			width = 32 ;
			break ;
			width = 24 ; /* Bits in the mantissa + 1 */
			break ;
			width = 53 ; /* Bits in the mantissa + 1 */
			break ;
			width = 12 ;
			break ;
		default :
			width = 42 ;
			break ;
		} ;

	count = LSF_SNPRINTF (added_history, added_history_max,
							psfinfo->samplerate, width, chnstr, PACKAGE, VERSION) ;

	if (count >= added_history_max)
		return 0 ;

	return count ;
} /* gen_coding_history */
Example #5
static int
mat4_read_header (SF_PRIVATE *psf)
{	int		marker, namesize, rows, cols, imag ;
	double	value ;
	const char *marker_str ;
	char	name [64] ;

	psf_binheader_readf (psf, "pm", 0, &marker) ;

	/* MAT4 file must start with a double for the samplerate. */
	if (marker == MAT4_BE_DOUBLE)
	{	psf->endian = psf->rwf_endian = SF_ENDIAN_BIG ;
		marker_str = "big endian double" ;
	else if (marker == MAT4_LE_DOUBLE)
	{	psf->endian = psf->rwf_endian = SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE ;
		marker_str = "little endian double" ;

	psf_log_printf (psf, "GNU Octave 2.0 / MATLAB v4.2 format\nMarker : %s\n", marker_str) ;

	psf_binheader_readf (psf, "444", &rows, &cols, &imag) ;

	psf_log_printf (psf, " Rows  : %d\n Cols  : %d\n Imag  : %s\n", rows, cols, imag ? "True" : "False") ;

	psf_binheader_readf (psf, "4", &namesize) ;

	if (namesize >= SIGNED_SIZEOF (name))
		return SFE_MAT4_BAD_NAME ;

	psf_binheader_readf (psf, "b", name, namesize) ;
	name [namesize] = 0 ;

	psf_log_printf (psf, " Name  : %s\n", name) ;

	psf_binheader_readf (psf, "d", &value) ;

	LSF_SNPRINTF (psf->u.scbuf, sizeof (psf->u.scbuf), " Value : %f\n", value) ;
	psf_log_printf (psf, psf->u.scbuf) ;

	if ((rows != 1) || (cols != 1))

	psf->sf.samplerate = lrint (value) ;

	/* Now write out the audio data. */

	psf_binheader_readf (psf, "m", &marker) ;

	psf_log_printf (psf, "Marker : %s\n", mat4_marker_to_str (marker)) ;

	psf_binheader_readf (psf, "444", &rows, &cols, &imag) ;

	psf_log_printf (psf, " Rows  : %d\n Cols  : %d\n Imag  : %s\n", rows, cols, imag ? "True" : "False") ;

	psf_binheader_readf (psf, "4", &namesize) ;

	if (namesize >= SIGNED_SIZEOF (name))
		return SFE_MAT4_BAD_NAME ;

	psf_binheader_readf (psf, "b", name, namesize) ;
	name [namesize] = 0 ;

	psf_log_printf (psf, " Name  : %s\n", name) ;

	psf->dataoffset = psf_ftell (psf) ;

	if (rows == 0 && cols == 0)
	{	psf_log_printf (psf, "*** Error : zero channel count.\n") ;
		} ;

	psf->sf.channels	= rows ;
	psf->sf.frames		= cols ;

	psf->sf.format = psf->endian | SF_FORMAT_MAT4 ;
	switch (marker)
	{	case MAT4_BE_DOUBLE :
		case MAT4_LE_DOUBLE :
				psf->sf.format |= SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE ;
				psf->bytewidth = 8 ;
				break ;

		case MAT4_BE_FLOAT :
		case MAT4_LE_FLOAT :
				psf->sf.format |= SF_FORMAT_FLOAT ;
				psf->bytewidth = 4 ;
				break ;

		case MAT4_BE_PCM_32	:
		case MAT4_LE_PCM_32	:
				psf->sf.format |= SF_FORMAT_PCM_32 ;
				psf->bytewidth = 4 ;
				break ;

		case MAT4_BE_PCM_16	:
		case MAT4_LE_PCM_16	:
				psf->sf.format |= SF_FORMAT_PCM_16 ;
				psf->bytewidth = 2 ;
				break ;

		default :
				psf_log_printf (psf, "*** Error : Bad marker %08X\n", marker) ;
		} ;

	if ((psf->filelength - psf->dataoffset) < psf->sf.channels * psf->sf.frames * psf->bytewidth)
	{	psf_log_printf (psf, "*** File seems to be truncated. %D <--> %D\n",
				psf->filelength - psf->dataoffset, psf->sf.channels * psf->sf.frames * psf->bytewidth) ;
	else if ((psf->filelength - psf->dataoffset) > psf->sf.channels * psf->sf.frames * psf->bytewidth)
		psf->dataend = psf->dataoffset + rows * cols * psf->bytewidth ;

	psf->datalength = psf->filelength - psf->dataoffset - psf->dataend ;

	psf->sf.sections = 1 ;

	return 0 ;
} /* mat4_read_header */