/* The transport property is constructed from the XML node, * \verbatim <propNode>, \endverbatim that is a child of the * \verbatim <transport> \endverbatim node and specifies a type of * transport property (like viscosity) */ LTPspecies_Const::LTPspecies_Const(const XML_Node& propNode, const std::string name, TransportPropertyType tp_ind, const thermo_t* const thermo) : LTPspecies(&propNode, name, tp_ind, thermo) { m_model = LTP_TD_CONSTANT; double A_k = getFloatCurrent(propNode, "toSI"); if (A_k > 0.0) { m_coeffs.push_back(A_k); } else { throw LTPError("negative or zero " + propNode.name()); } }
LTPspecies_Arrhenius::LTPspecies_Arrhenius(const XML_Node& propNode, const std::string name, TransportPropertyType tp_ind, const thermo_t* thermo) : LTPspecies(&propNode, name, tp_ind, thermo) { m_model = LTP_TD_ARRHENIUS; m_temp = 0.0; m_prop = 0.0; doublereal A_k, n_k, Tact_k; getArrhenius(propNode, A_k, n_k, Tact_k); if (A_k <= 0.0) { throw LTPError("negative or zero " + propNode.name()); } m_coeffs.push_back(A_k); m_coeffs.push_back(n_k); m_coeffs.push_back(Tact_k); m_coeffs.push_back(log(A_k)); }