void scope::register_(lua_State* L) const { for (detail::registration* r = m_chain; r != 0; r = r->m_next) { LUABIND_CHECK_STACK(L); r->register_(L); } }
void LUABIND_API unref(lua_State *L, int ref) { LUABIND_CHECK_STACK(L); int t = LUA_REGISTRYINDEX; if (ref >= 0) { lua_rawgeti(L, t, FREELIST_REF); lua_rawseti(L, t, ref); /* t[ref] = t[FREELIST_REF] */ lua_pushnumber(L, ref); lua_rawseti(L, t, FREELIST_REF); /* t[FREELIST_REF] = ref */ } }
inline T object_cast_impl(const Obj& obj, const Policies&) { if (obj.lua_state() == 0) { #ifndef LUABIND_NO_EXCEPTIONS throw cast_failed(0, typeid(T)); #else lua_State* L = obj.lua_state(); cast_failed_callback_fun e = get_cast_failed_callback(); if (e) e(L, typeid(T)); assert(0 && "object_cast failed. If you want to handle this error use luabind::set_error_callback()"); std::terminate(); #endif } LUABIND_CHECK_STACK(obj.lua_state()); typedef typename detail::find_conversion_policy<0, Policies>::type converter_policy; typename mpl::apply_wrap2<converter_policy,T,lua_to_cpp>::type converter; obj.pushvalue(); lua_State* L = obj.lua_state(); detail::stack_pop p(L, 1); #ifndef LUABIND_NO_ERROR_CHECKING if (converter.match(L, LUABIND_DECORATE_TYPE(T), -1) < 0) { #ifndef LUABIND_NO_EXCEPTIONS throw cast_failed(L, typeid(T)); #else cast_failed_callback_fun e = get_cast_failed_callback(); if (e) e(L, typeid(T)); assert(0 && "object_cast failed. If you want to handle this error use luabind::set_error_callback()"); std::terminate(); #endif } #endif return converter.apply(L, LUABIND_DECORATE_TYPE(T), -1); }
boost::optional<T> object_cast_nothrow_impl(const Obj& obj, const Policies&) { typedef typename detail::find_conversion_policy<0, Policies>::type converter_policy; typename mpl::apply_wrap2<converter_policy,T,lua_to_cpp>::type converter; if (obj.lua_state() == 0) return boost::optional<T>(); LUABIND_CHECK_STACK(obj.lua_state()); obj.pushvalue(); lua_State* L = obj.lua_state(); detail::stack_pop p(L, 1); #ifndef LUABIND_NO_ERROR_CHECKING if (converter.match(L, LUABIND_DECORATE_TYPE(T), -1) < 0) return boost::optional<T>(); #endif return boost::optional<T>(converter.apply(L, LUABIND_DECORATE_TYPE(T), -1)); }
void register_(lua_State* L) const { LUABIND_CHECK_STACK(L); assert(lua_gettop(L) >= 1); lua_pushstring(L, m_name); lua_gettable(L, -2); detail::stack_pop p(L, 1); // pops the table on exit if (!lua_istable(L, -1)) { lua_pop(L, 1); lua_newtable(L); lua_pushstring(L, m_name); lua_pushvalue(L, -2); lua_settable(L, -4); } m_scope.register_(L); }