/* * Class: org_coolreader_crengine_Engine * Method: drawBookCoverInternal * Signature: (Landroid/graphics/Bitmap;[BLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;II)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_coolreader_crengine_Engine_drawBookCoverInternal (JNIEnv * _env, jobject _engine, jobject bitmap, jbyteArray _data, jstring _fontFace, jstring _title, jstring _authors, jstring _seriesName, jint seriesNumber, jint bpp) { CRJNIEnv env(_env); //CRLog::debug("drawBookCoverInternal called"); lString8 fontFace = UnicodeToUtf8(env.fromJavaString(_fontFace)); lString16 title = env.fromJavaString(_title); lString16 authors = env.fromJavaString(_authors); lString16 seriesName = env.fromJavaString(_seriesName); LVStreamRef stream; LVImageSourceRef image; if (_data != NULL && _env->GetArrayLength(_data) > 0) { stream = env.jbyteArrayToStream(_data); if (!stream.isNull()) image = LVCreateStreamImageSource(stream); } LVDrawBuf * drawbuf = BitmapAccessorInterface::getInstance()->lock(_env, bitmap); if (drawbuf != NULL) { int factor = 1; int dx = drawbuf->GetWidth(); int dy = drawbuf->GetHeight(); int MIN_WIDTH = 300; int MIN_HEIGHT = 400; if (dx < MIN_WIDTH || dy < MIN_HEIGHT) { if (dx * 2 < MIN_WIDTH || dy * 2 < MIN_HEIGHT) { dx *= 3; dy *= 3; factor = 3; } else { dx *= 2; dy *= 2; factor = 2; } } LVDrawBuf * drawbuf2 = drawbuf; if (factor > 1) drawbuf2 = new LVColorDrawBuf(dx, dy, drawbuf->GetBitsPerPixel()); if (bpp >= 16) { // native color resolution LVDrawBookCover(*drawbuf2, image, fontFace, title, authors, seriesName, seriesNumber); } else { LVGrayDrawBuf grayBuf(drawbuf2->GetWidth(), drawbuf2->GetHeight(), bpp); LVDrawBookCover(grayBuf, image, fontFace, title, authors, seriesName, seriesNumber); grayBuf.DrawTo(drawbuf2, 0, 0, 0, NULL); } if (factor > 1) { drawbuf->DrawRescaled(drawbuf2, 0, 0, drawbuf->GetWidth(), drawbuf->GetHeight(), 0); delete drawbuf2; } //CRLog::trace("getPageImageInternal calling bitmap->unlock"); BitmapAccessorInterface::getInstance()->unlock(_env, bitmap, drawbuf); } else { CRLog::error("bitmap accessor is invalid"); } //CRLog::debug("drawBookCoverInternal finished"); }
/* * Class: org_coolreader_crengine_ReaderView * Method: setPageBackgroundTextureInternal * Signature: ([BI)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_coolreader_crengine_ReaderView_setPageBackgroundTextureInternal (JNIEnv * _env, jobject _this, jbyteArray jdata, jint tileFlags ) { CRJNIEnv env(_env); ReaderViewNative * p = getNative(_env, _this); LVImageSourceRef img; if ( jdata!=NULL ) { LVStreamRef stream = env.jbyteArrayToStream( jdata ); if ( !stream.isNull() ) { img = LVCreateStreamImageSource(stream); } } p->_docview->setBackgroundImage(img, tileFlags!=0); }
void MainWindow::onPropsChange( PropsRef props ) { for ( int i=0; i<props->count(); i++ ) { QString name = props->name( i ); QString value = props->value( i ); int v = (value != "0"); CRLog::debug("MainWindow::onPropsChange [%d] '%s'=%s ", i, props->name(i), props->value(i).toUtf8().data() ); if ( name == PROP_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN ) { bool state = windowState().testFlag(Qt::WindowFullScreen); bool vv = v ? true : false; if ( state != vv ) setWindowState( windowState() ^ Qt::WindowFullScreen ); } if ( name == PROP_WINDOW_SHOW_MENU ) { ui->menuBar->setVisible( v ); } if ( name == PROP_WINDOW_SHOW_SCROLLBAR ) { ui->scroll->setVisible( v ); } if ( name == PROP_BACKGROUND_IMAGE ) { lString16 fn = qt2cr(value); LVImageSourceRef img; if ( !fn.empty() && fn[0]!='[' ) { CRLog::debug("Background image file: %s", LCSTR(fn)); LVStreamRef stream = LVOpenFileStream(fn.c_str(), LVOM_READ); if ( !stream.isNull() ) { img = LVCreateStreamImageSource(stream); } } fn.lowercase(); bool tiled = ( fn.pos(lString16("\\textures\\"))>=0 || fn.pos(lString16("/textures/"))>=0); ui->view->getDocView()->setBackgroundImage(img, tiled); } if ( name == PROP_WINDOW_TOOLBAR_SIZE ) { ui->mainToolBar->setVisible( v ); } if ( name == PROP_WINDOW_SHOW_STATUSBAR ) { ui->statusBar->setVisible( v ); } if ( name == PROP_WINDOW_STYLE ) { QApplication::setStyle( value ); } } }
bool ImportEpubDocument( LVStreamRef stream, ldomDocument * m_doc, LVDocViewCallback * progressCallback, CacheLoadingCallback * formatCallback ) { LVContainerRef arc = LVOpenArchieve( stream ); if ( arc.isNull() ) return false; // not a ZIP archive // check root media type lString16 rootfilePath = EpubGetRootFilePath(arc); if ( rootfilePath.empty() ) return false; EncryptedDataContainer * decryptor = new EncryptedDataContainer(arc); if (decryptor->open()) { CRLog::debug("EPUB: encrypted items detected"); } LVContainerRef m_arc = LVContainerRef(decryptor); if (decryptor->hasUnsupportedEncryption()) { // DRM!!! createEncryptedEpubWarningDocument(m_doc); return true; } m_doc->setContainer(m_arc); // read content.opf EpubItems epubItems; //EpubItem * epubToc = NULL; //TODO LVArray<EpubItem*> spineItems; lString16 codeBase; //lString16 css; // { codeBase=LVExtractPath(rootfilePath, false); CRLog::trace("codeBase=%s", LCSTR(codeBase)); } LVStreamRef content_stream = m_arc->OpenStream(rootfilePath.c_str(), LVOM_READ); if ( content_stream.isNull() ) return false; lString16 ncxHref; lString16 coverId; LVEmbeddedFontList fontList; EmbeddedFontStyleParser styleParser(fontList); // reading content stream { ldomDocument * doc = LVParseXMLStream( content_stream ); if ( !doc ) return false; CRPropRef m_doc_props = m_doc->getProps(); lString16 author = doc->textFromXPath( lString16(L"package/metadata/creator")); lString16 title = doc->textFromXPath( lString16(L"package/metadata/title")); m_doc_props->setString(DOC_PROP_TITLE, title); m_doc_props->setString(DOC_PROP_AUTHORS, author ); for ( int i=1; i<50; i++ ) { ldomNode * item = doc->nodeFromXPath( lString16(L"package/metadata/identifier[") + lString16::itoa(i) + L"]" ); if (!item) break; lString16 key = item->getText(); if (decryptor->setManglingKey(key)) { CRLog::debug("Using font mangling key %s", LCSTR(key)); break; } } CRLog::info("Author: %s Title: %s", LCSTR(author), LCSTR(title)); for ( int i=1; i<20; i++ ) { ldomNode * item = doc->nodeFromXPath( lString16(L"package/metadata/meta[") + lString16::itoa(i) + L"]" ); if ( !item ) break; lString16 name = item->getAttributeValue(L"name"); lString16 content = item->getAttributeValue(L"content"); if ( name == L"cover" ) coverId = content; else if ( name==L"calibre:series" ) m_doc_props->setString(DOC_PROP_SERIES_NAME, content ); else if ( name==L"calibre:series_index" ) m_doc_props->setInt(DOC_PROP_SERIES_NUMBER, content.atoi() ); } // items for ( int i=1; i<50000; i++ ) { ldomNode * item = doc->nodeFromXPath( lString16(L"package/manifest/item[") + lString16::itoa(i) + L"]" ); if ( !item ) break; lString16 href = item->getAttributeValue(L"href"); lString16 mediaType = item->getAttributeValue(L"media-type"); lString16 id = item->getAttributeValue(L"id"); if ( !href.empty() && !id.empty() ) { if ( id==coverId ) { // coverpage file lString16 coverFileName = codeBase + href; CRLog::info("EPUB coverpage file: %s", LCSTR(coverFileName)); LVStreamRef stream = m_arc->OpenStream(coverFileName.c_str(), LVOM_READ); if ( !stream.isNull() ) { LVImageSourceRef img = LVCreateStreamImageSource(stream); if ( !img.isNull() ) { CRLog::info("EPUB coverpage image is correct: %d x %d", img->GetWidth(), img->GetHeight() ); m_doc_props->setString(DOC_PROP_COVER_FILE, coverFileName); } } } EpubItem * epubItem = new EpubItem; epubItem->href = href; epubItem->id = id; epubItem->mediaType = mediaType; epubItems.add( epubItem ); // // register embedded document fonts // if (mediaType == L"application/vnd.ms-opentype" // || mediaType == L"application/x-font-otf" // || mediaType == L"application/x-font-ttf") { // TODO: more media types? // // TODO: // fontList.add(codeBase + href); // } } if ( mediaType==L"text/css" ) { lString16 name = LVCombinePaths(codeBase, href); LVStreamRef cssStream = m_arc->OpenStream(name.c_str(), LVOM_READ); if (!cssStream.isNull()) { lString8 cssFile = UnicodeToUtf8(LVReadTextFile(cssStream)); lString16 base = name; LVExtractLastPathElement(base); CRLog::trace("style: %s", cssFile.c_str()); styleParser.parse(base, cssFile); } } } // spine == itemrefs if ( epubItems.length()>0 ) { ldomNode * spine = doc->nodeFromXPath( lString16(L"package/spine") ); if ( spine ) { EpubItem * ncx = epubItems.findById( spine->getAttributeValue(L"toc") ); //TODO //EpubItem * ncx = epubItems.findById(lString16("ncx")); if ( ncx!=NULL ) ncxHref = codeBase + ncx->href; for ( int i=1; i<50000; i++ ) { ldomNode * item = doc->nodeFromXPath( lString16(L"package/spine/itemref[") + lString16::itoa(i) + L"]" ); if ( !item ) break; EpubItem * epubItem = epubItems.findById( item->getAttributeValue(L"idref") ); if ( epubItem ) { // TODO: add to document spineItems.add( epubItem ); } } } } delete doc; } if ( spineItems.length()==0 ) return false; #if BUILD_LITE!=1 if ( m_doc->openFromCache(formatCallback) ) { if ( progressCallback ) { progressCallback->OnLoadFileEnd( ); } return true; } #endif lUInt32 saveFlags = m_doc->getDocFlags(); m_doc->setDocFlags( saveFlags ); m_doc->setContainer( m_arc ); ldomDocumentWriter writer(m_doc); #if 0 m_doc->setNodeTypes( fb2_elem_table ); m_doc->setAttributeTypes( fb2_attr_table ); m_doc->setNameSpaceTypes( fb2_ns_table ); #endif //m_doc->setCodeBase( codeBase ); ldomDocumentFragmentWriter appender(&writer, lString16(L"body"), lString16(L"DocFragment"), lString16::empty_str ); writer.OnStart(NULL); writer.OnTagOpenNoAttr(L"", L"body"); int fragmentCount = 0; for ( int i=0; i<spineItems.length(); i++ ) { if ( spineItems[i]->mediaType==L"application/xhtml+xml" ) { lString16 name = codeBase + spineItems[i]->href; appender.addPathSubstitution( name, lString16(L"_doc_fragment_") + lString16::itoa(i) ); } } for ( int i=0; i<spineItems.length(); i++ ) { if ( spineItems[i]->mediaType==L"application/xhtml+xml" ) { lString16 name = codeBase + spineItems[i]->href; { CRLog::debug("Checking fragment: %s", LCSTR(name)); LVStreamRef stream = m_arc->OpenStream(name.c_str(), LVOM_READ); if ( !stream.isNull() ) { appender.setCodeBase( name ); lString16 base = name; LVExtractLastPathElement(base); //CRLog::trace("base: %s", LCSTR(base)); //LVXMLParser LVHTMLParser parser(stream, &appender); if ( parser.CheckFormat() && parser.Parse() ) { // valid fragmentCount++; lString8 headCss = appender.getHeadStyleText(); //CRLog::trace("style: %s", headCss.c_str()); styleParser.parse(base, headCss); } else { CRLog::error("Document type is not XML/XHTML for fragment %s", LCSTR(name)); } } } } } ldomDocument * ncxdoc = NULL; if ( !ncxHref.empty() ) { LVStreamRef stream = m_arc->OpenStream(ncxHref.c_str(), LVOM_READ); lString16 codeBase = LVExtractPath( ncxHref ); if ( codeBase.length()>0 && codeBase.lastChar()!='/' ) codeBase.append(1, L'/'); appender.setCodeBase(codeBase); if ( !stream.isNull() ) { ldomDocument * ncxdoc = LVParseXMLStream( stream ); if ( ncxdoc!=NULL ) { ldomNode * navMap = ncxdoc->nodeFromXPath( lString16(L"ncx/navMap")); if ( navMap!=NULL ) ReadEpubToc( m_doc, navMap, m_doc->getToc(), appender ); delete ncxdoc; } } } writer.OnTagClose(L"", L"body"); writer.OnStop(); CRLog::debug("EPUB: %d documents merged", fragmentCount); if (!fontList.empty()) { // set document font list, and register fonts m_doc->getEmbeddedFontList().set(fontList); m_doc->registerEmbeddedFonts(); m_doc->forceReinitStyles(); } if ( fragmentCount==0 ) return false; #if 0 // set stylesheet //m_doc->getStyleSheet()->clear(); m_doc->setStyleSheet( NULL, true ); //m_doc->getStyleSheet()->parse(m_stylesheet.c_str()); if ( !css.empty() && m_doc->getDocFlag(DOC_FLAG_ENABLE_INTERNAL_STYLES) ) { m_doc->setStyleSheet( "p.p { text-align: justify }\n" "svg { text-align: center }\n" "i { display: inline; font-style: italic }\n" "b { display: inline; font-weight: bold }\n" "abbr { display: inline }\n" "acronym { display: inline }\n" "address { display: inline }\n" "p.title-p { hyphenate: none }\n" //abbr, acronym, address, blockquote, br, cite, code, dfn, div, em, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, kbd, p, pre, q, samp, span, strong, var , false); m_doc->setStyleSheet( UnicodeToUtf8(css).c_str(), false ); //m_doc->getStyleSheet()->parse(UnicodeToUtf8(css).c_str()); } else { //m_doc->getStyleSheet()->parse(m_stylesheet.c_str()); //m_doc->setStyleSheet( m_stylesheet.c_str(), false ); } #endif #if 0 LVStreamRef out = LVOpenFileStream( L"c:\\doc.xml" , LVOM_WRITE ); if ( !out.isNull() ) m_doc->saveToStream( out, "utf-8" ); #endif // DONE! if ( progressCallback ) { progressCallback->OnLoadFileEnd( ); m_doc->compact(); m_doc->dumpStatistics(); } return true; }