CoriolisLoad (Coriolis *inst, const LWLoadState *lState) { LWError err; short fn; // Exit if it's not the same version number (defaults will be used). LWLOAD_I2 (lState, &inst->tversion, 1); if (inst->tversion != CS_VERSION) { inst->tversion = CS_VERSION; return NULL; } LWLOAD_I2 (lState, &fn, 1); inst->fnoise = (FracNoise) fn; if (!(err = (*vpfunc->load) (inst->coriolisscale, lState))) (*vpfunc->getVal) (inst->coriolisscale, 0, NULL, inst->scl); else return (err); if (!(err = (*vpfunc->load) (inst->coriolistwist, lState))) (*vpfunc->getVal) (inst->coriolistwist, 0, NULL, inst->tws); else return (err); if (!(err = (*vpfunc->load) (inst->coriolisoffset, lState))) (*vpfunc->getVal) (inst->coriolisoffset, 0, NULL, inst->off); else return (err); if (!(err = (*vpfunc->load) (inst->increment, lState))) (*vpfunc->getVal) (inst->increment, 0, NULL, inst->inc); else return (err); if (!(err = (*vpfunc->load) (inst->lacunarity, lState))) (*vpfunc->getVal) (inst->lacunarity, 0, NULL, inst->lac); else return (err); if (!(err = (*vpfunc->load) (inst->octaves, lState))) (*vpfunc->getVal) (inst->octaves, 0, NULL, inst->oct); else return (err); return (NULL); }
DentedLoad (Dented *inst, const LWLoadState *lState) { LWError err; short fn; // Exit if it's not the same version number (defaults will be used). LWLOAD_I2 (lState, &inst->tversion, 1); if (inst->tversion != DT_VERSION) { inst->tversion = DT_VERSION; return NULL; } LWLOAD_I2 (lState, &fn, 1); inst->fnoise = (FracNoise) fn; if (!(err = (*vpfunc->load) (inst->scale, lState))) (*vpfunc->getVal) (inst->scale, 0, NULL, inst->scl); else return (err); if (!(err = (*vpfunc->load) (inst->power, lState))) (*vpfunc->getVal) (inst->power, 0, NULL, inst->pwr); else return (err); if (!(err = (*vpfunc->load) (inst->frequency, lState))) (*vpfunc->getVal) (inst->frequency, 0, NULL, inst->frq); else return (err); if (!(err = (*vpfunc->load) (inst->octaves, lState))) (*vpfunc->getVal) (inst->octaves, 0, NULL, inst->oct); else return (err); return (NULL); }