Example #1
Link_Delay_File::Link_Delay_File (Access_Type access, Format_Type format, Units_Type flow, bool turn_flag, bool flow_flag) : 
	Db_Header (access, format)
	Flow_Units (flow);
	Turn_Flag (turn_flag);
	Lane_Use_Flows (flow_flag);
	Setup ();
Example #2
void Data_Service::Read_Lane_Uses (Lane_Use_File &file)
	int i, num, index, first_index, rec, lanes0, lanes1, lane, group, periods, size;

	Dir_Itr dir_itr;
	Link_Data *link_ptr;
	Lane_Use_Period period_rec;
	Use_Period_Array period_array;
	Use_Period_Itr period_itr;
	Int_Set time_sort;
	Int_Set_Itr time_itr;
	Link_Dir_Data index_rec, *index_ptr;
	Integers lane_type;
	Int_RItr lane_ritr;
	Lane_Use_Data lane_use_rec;

	//---- store the lane use data ----

	Show_Message (String ("Reading %s -- Record") % file.File_Type ());
	Set_Progress ();
	Initialize_Lane_Uses (file);

	num = 0;

	while (file.Read ()) {
		Show_Progress ();

		lane_use_rec.Clear ();

		if (Get_Lane_Use_Data (file, lane_use_rec)) {
			lane_use_array.push_back (lane_use_rec);
	End_Progress ();
	file.Close ();

	Print (2, String ("Number of %s Records = %d") % file.File_Type () % Progress_Count ());

	num = (int) lane_use_array.size ();

	if (num && num != Progress_Count ()) {
		Print (1, String ("Number of %s Data Records = %d") % file.File_ID () % num);
	if (num > 0) {
		System_Data_True (LANE_USE);

		Lane_Use_Data *lane_use_ptr;
		Dir_Data *dir_ptr;

		//---- create directional link list ---- 

		while (num--) {
			lane_use_ptr = &lane_use_array [num];
			dir_ptr = &dir_array [lane_use_ptr->Dir_Index ()];

			lane_use_ptr->Next_Index (dir_ptr->First_Lane_Use ());
			dir_ptr->First_Lane_Use (num);

		//----- identify time period restrictions ----

		size = (int) dir_array.size ();

		for (index=0, dir_itr = dir_array.begin (); dir_itr != dir_array.end (); dir_itr++, index++) {
			first_index = dir_itr->First_Lane_Use ();
			if (first_index < 0) continue;

			//---- sort lane use time points ----

			link_ptr = &link_array [dir_itr->Link ()];
			time_sort.clear ();

			for (num = first_index; num >= 0; num = lane_use_ptr->Next_Index ()) {
				lane_use_ptr = &lane_use_array [num];

				time_sort.insert (lane_use_ptr->Start ());
				time_sort.insert (lane_use_ptr->End ());

			//---- create start-end time combinations ----

			period_array.clear ();
			period_rec.Clear ();
			periods = 0;

			for (time_itr = time_sort.begin (); time_itr != time_sort.end (); time_itr++) {
				period_rec.End (*time_itr);
				if (periods > 0) {
					period_array.push_back (period_rec);
				period_rec.Start (*time_itr);
			periods = 0;

			//---- identify lane use records within each time period ----

			dir_itr->First_Lane_Use ((int) use_period_array.size ());

			for (period_itr = period_array.begin (); period_itr != period_array.end (); period_itr++) {
				period_itr->Index ((int) use_period_index.size ());

				for (num = first_index; num >= 0; num = lane_use_ptr->Next_Index ()) {
					lane_use_ptr = &lane_use_array [num];

					if (period_itr->Start () >= lane_use_ptr->Start () && period_itr->End () <= lane_use_ptr->End ()) {
						period_itr->Add_Record ();
						index_rec.Link (num);
						index_rec.Dir (0);
						use_period_index.push_back (index_rec);
				if (period_itr->Records () == 0) continue;

				//---- check for lane groups ----

				num = period_itr->Records ();
				lanes1 = 0;
				lanes0 = dir_itr->Lanes ();
				lane_type.assign (lanes0, 0);

				for (i=1, rec=period_itr->Index (); i <= num; i++, rec++) {
					index_ptr = &use_period_index [rec];
					lane_use_ptr = &lane_use_array [index_ptr->Link ()];

					//---- must be a full length restriction ----

					if (lane_use_ptr->Offset () > 0 || lane_use_ptr->Length () > 0) continue;
					group = i;

					if (lane_use_ptr->Type () == APPLY) {

						//---- must apply to a subset of lanes ----

						if (lane_use_ptr->Low_Lane () <= dir_itr->Left () && 
							lane_use_ptr->High_Lane () >= (dir_itr->Left () + dir_itr->Lanes ())) {
					} else if ((lane_use_ptr->Type () == LIMIT && dat->Use_Permission (lane_use_ptr->Use (), NONE)) ||
						(lane_use_ptr->Type () == PROHIBIT && lane_use_ptr->Use () == ANY_USE_CODE)) {
						group = -1;
					lanes0 = lane_use_ptr->Low_Lane () - dir_itr->Left ();
					if (lanes0 < 0) lanes0 = 0;
					lanes1 = lane_use_ptr->High_Lane () - dir_itr->Left ();
					if (lanes1 >= dir_itr->Lanes ()) lanes1 = dir_itr->Lanes () - 1;
					for (lane = lanes0; lane <= lanes1; lane++) {
						lane_type [lane] = group;
				lanes0 = lanes1 = group = 0;

				for (lane_ritr = lane_type.rbegin (); lane_ritr != lane_type.rend (); lane_ritr++) {
					if (*lane_ritr < 0) continue;
					if (lanes0 == 0) {
						group = *lane_ritr;
					} else if (*lane_ritr == group) {
					} else {
				period_itr->Lanes0 (lanes0);
				period_itr->Lanes1 (lanes1);

				if (lanes0 != 0 && lanes1 != 0) {

					//----- set flow index for lane groups ----

					if (Lane_Use_Flows () && dir_itr->Use_Index () < 0) {
						dir_itr->Use_Index (size + Add_Lane_Use_Flows ());
						lane_use_flow_index.push_back (index);

					//---- set the group flags ----

					for (i=1, rec=period_itr->Index (); i <= num; i++, rec++) {
						index_ptr = &use_period_index [rec];
						if (i > group) index_ptr->Dir (1);

			//---- save the period records ----

			for (period_itr = period_array.begin (); period_itr != period_array.end (); period_itr++) {
				if (period_itr->Records () > 0) {
					period_itr->Periods (--periods);
					use_period_array.push_back (*period_itr);
		Print (1, "Number of Lane Use Flow Records = ") << Num_Lane_Use_Flows ();
Example #3
void LinkSum::Program_Control (void)
	int i, field, ngroup, num;
	bool binary;
	String key, token;

	Location_File *location_file;
	Db_Field *fld;	
	Doubles dbl;
	Doubles_Itr itr;

	//---- set the equivalence flags ----

	Zone_Equiv_Flag (Check_Control_Key (NEW_GROUP_TRAVEL_FILE));

	group_select = Set_Control_Flag (SELECT_BY_LINK_GROUP);
	Link_Equiv_Flag (group_select || Report_Flag (LINK_GROUP) || Report_Flag (TRAVEL_TIME) || 
		Report_Flag (GROUP_REPORT) || Report_Flag (GROUP_SUMMARY) || Check_Control_Key (NEW_GROUP_SUMMARY_FILE));

	//---- open network files ----

	Data_Service::Program_Control ();

	Read_Select_Keys ();

	turn_flag = System_File_Flag (TURN_DELAY);
	Print (2, String ("%s Control Keys:") % Program ());	

	//---- open the compare performance file ----
	key = Get_Control_String (COMPARE_PERFORMANCE_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		compare_file.File_Type ("Compare Performance File");
		Print (1);

		if (Check_Control_Key (COMPARE_PERFORMANCE_FORMAT)) {
			compare_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (COMPARE_PERFORMANCE_FORMAT));
		compare_file.Open (Project_Filename (key));
		compare_flag = true;
	num_inc = sum_periods.Num_Periods ();
	if (num_inc < 1) num_inc = 1;

	cap_factor = (double) sum_periods.Range_Length () / (Dtime (1, HOURS) * num_inc);
	if (cap_factor <= 0.0) cap_factor = 1.0;

	//---- open the compare link map file ----
	key = Get_Control_String (COMPARE_LINK_MAP_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		link_map_file.File_Type ("Compare Link Map File");
		Print (1);

		if (Check_Control_Key (COMPARE_LINK_MAP_FORMAT)) {
			link_map_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (COMPARE_LINK_MAP_FORMAT));
		link_map_file.Open (Project_Filename (key));
		link_map_flag = true;

	//---- get minimum volume ----
	minimum_volume = Get_Control_Double (MINIMUM_LINK_VOLUME);

	//---- person-based statistics ----

	person_flag = Get_Control_Flag (PERSON_BASED_STATISTICS);

	//---- get the select by link group flag ----

	group_select = Get_Control_Flag (SELECT_BY_LINK_GROUP);
	if (group_select || select_subareas || select_polygon || select_facilities) select_flag = true;

	//---- turning movement data ----

	if (turn_flag) {

		//---- open the compare turn delays file ----
		key = Get_Control_String (COMPARE_TURN_DELAY_FILE);

		if (!key.empty ()) {
			turn_compare_file.File_Type ("Compare Turn Delay File");
			Print (1);

			if (Check_Control_Key (COMPARE_TURN_DELAY_FORMAT)) {
				turn_compare_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (COMPARE_TURN_DELAY_FORMAT));
			turn_compare_file.Open (Project_Filename (key));
			turn_compare_flag = true;

		//---- select turn nodes----
		key = exe->Get_Control_Text (TURN_NODE_RANGE);

		if (!key.empty () && !key.Equals ("ALL")) {
			if (!turn_range.Add_Ranges (key)) {
				exe->Error ("Adding Turn Node Ranges");

	//---- create link activity file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_LINK_ACTIVITY_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		if (!System_File_Flag (LOCATION)) {
			Error ("A Location File is needed for the Link Activity File");
		location_file = System_Location_File ();
		binary = (location_file->Record_Format () == BINARY);

		Print (1);
		activity_file.File_Type ("New Link Activity File");

		if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_LINK_ACTIVITY_FORMAT)) {
			activity_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (NEW_LINK_ACTIVITY_FORMAT));
		activity_file.Create (Project_Filename (key));

		//---- copy location field name ----

		key = Get_Control_Text (COPY_LOCATION_FIELDS);
		if (key.empty ()) {
			Error ("Location Field Names are Required for Link Activity File");
		link_db.File_Type ("Link Location Database");

		//---- set required fields ----

		link_db.Add_Field ("LINK", DB_INTEGER, 10);
		activity_file.Add_Field ("LINK", DB_INTEGER, 10);

		//---- copy selected fields ----

		while (!key.Split (token)) {
			field = location_file->Field_Number (token);
			if (field < 0) {
				Error (String ("Field %s was Not Found in the Location File") % token);
			field_list.push_back (field);

			fld = location_file->Field (field);

			link_db.Add_Field (fld->Name (), fld->Type (), fld->Size (), fld->Units (), binary);
			activity_file.Add_Field (fld->Name (), fld->Type (), fld->Size (), fld->Units (), binary);
		activity_file.Write_Header ();
		activity_flag = true;

	//---- create zone travel file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_ZONE_TRAVEL_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		if (!System_File_Flag (LOCATION)) {
			Error ("A Location File is needed for the Zone Travel File");
		Print (1);
		zone_file.File_Type ("New Zone Travel File");

		if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_ZONE_TRAVEL_FORMAT)) {
			zone_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (NEW_ZONE_TRAVEL_FORMAT));
		zone_file.Create (Project_Filename (key));
		zone_flag = true;

	//---- create zone group travel file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_GROUP_TRAVEL_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		if (!System_File_Flag (LOCATION)) {
			Error ("A Location File is needed for the Group Travel File");
		Print (1);
		group_file.File_Type ("New Group Travel File");

		if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_GROUP_TRAVEL_FORMAT)) {
			group_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (NEW_GROUP_TRAVEL_FORMAT));
		group_file.Create (Project_Filename (key));
		group_flag = true;

	if (!activity_flag && !zone_flag && !group_flag) {
		System_File_False (LOCATION);

	//---- get the number of direction groups ----

	ngroup = Highest_Control_Group (NEW_LINK_DIRECTION_FILE, 0);

	if (ngroup > 0) {
		Dir_Group group, *group_ptr;

		//---- process each group ----

		for (i=1; i <= ngroup; i++) {
			key = Get_Control_String (NEW_LINK_DIRECTION_FILE, i);
			if (key.empty ()) continue;

			Print (1);
			dir_group.push_back (group);
			group_ptr = &dir_group.back ();

			group_ptr->group = i;
			group_ptr->file = new Link_Direction_File ();
			group_ptr->file->File_Type (String ("New Link Direction File #%d") % i);

			if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_LINK_DIRECTION_FORMAT, i)) {
				group_ptr->file->Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (NEW_LINK_DIRECTION_FORMAT, i));
			group_ptr->file->Lane_Use_Flows (Lane_Use_Flows ());
			group_ptr->file->Create (Project_Filename (key));

			//---- get the field name ----

			key = Get_Control_Text (NEW_LINK_DIRECTION_FIELD, i);
			if (key.empty ()) {
				Error (String ("New Link Direction Field #%d is Missing") % i);
			group_ptr->field = Performance_Code (key);

			group_ptr->index = Get_Control_Flag (NEW_LINK_DIRECTION_INDEX, i);
			group_ptr->flip = Get_Control_Flag (NEW_LINK_DIRECTION_FLIP, i);

			if (group_ptr->flip && !compare_flag) {
				Warning ("Link Direction Flipping requires Comparison Data");
				group_ptr->flip = false;
			Set_Link_Dir (group_ptr);

	//---- get the number of groups ----

	ngroup = Highest_Control_Group (NEW_LINK_DATA_FILE, 0);

	if (ngroup > 0) {
		Data_Group group, *group_ptr;

		//---- process each group ----

		for (i=1; i <= ngroup; i++) {
			key = Get_Control_String (NEW_LINK_DATA_FILE, i);
			if (key.empty ()) continue;

			Print (1);
			data_group.push_back (group);
			group_ptr = &data_group.back ();

			group_ptr->group = i;
			group_ptr->file = new Link_Data_File ();
			group_ptr->file->File_Type (String ("New Link Data File #%d") % i);

			if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_LINK_DATA_FORMAT, i)) {
				group_ptr->file->Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (NEW_LINK_DATA_FORMAT, i));
			group_ptr->file->Lane_Use_Flows (Lane_Use_Flows ());
			group_ptr->file->Create (Project_Filename (key));

			//---- get the field name ----

			key = Get_Control_Text (NEW_LINK_DATA_FIELD, i);
			if (key.empty ()) {
				Error (String ("New Link Data Field #%d is Missing") % i);
			group_ptr->field = Performance_Code (key);

			Set_Link_Data (group_ptr);

	//---- data summary file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_DATA_SUMMARY_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		Print (1);
		summary_file.File_Type ("New Data Summary File");

		if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_DATA_SUMMARY_FORMAT)) {
			summary_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (NEW_DATA_SUMMARY_FORMAT));
		summary_file.Add_Field ("MEASURE", DB_STRING, 40);
		summary_file.Add_Field ("VALUE", DB_DOUBLE, 12.2);
		if (compare_flag) summary_file.Add_Field ("COMPARE", DB_DOUBLE, 12.2);

		summary_file.Create (Project_Filename (key));
		summary_flag = true;

		//---- data summary periods ----

		if (!Control_Key_Empty (NEW_DATA_SUMMARY_PERIODS)) {
			periods_flag = data_periods.Add_Ranges (Get_Control_Text (NEW_DATA_SUMMARY_PERIODS));

		//---- data summary ratios ----

		if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_DATA_SUMMARY_RATIOS)) {
			Double_List list;
			Dbl_Itr itr;

			Get_Control_List (NEW_DATA_SUMMARY_RATIOS, list);

			for (i=0, itr = list.begin (); itr != list.end (); itr++, i++) {
				if (i > 0 && *itr >= 1.0) {
					data_ratios.push_back (Round (*itr * 100.0));
					ratios_flag = true;

	//---- group summary file ----

	key = Get_Control_String (NEW_GROUP_SUMMARY_FILE);

	if (!key.empty ()) {
		Print (1);
		group_sum_file.File_Type ("New Group Summary File");

		if (Check_Control_Key (NEW_GROUP_SUMMARY_FORMAT)) {
			group_sum_file.Dbase_Format (Get_Control_String (NEW_GROUP_SUMMARY_FORMAT));
		group_sum_file.Add_Field ("MEASURE", DB_STRING, 40);
		group_sum_file.Add_Field ("VALUE", DB_DOUBLE, 12.2);
		if (compare_flag) group_sum_file.Add_Field ("COMPARE", DB_DOUBLE, 12.2);

		group_sum_file.Create (Project_Filename (key));
		group_sum_flag = true;

	//---- read report types ----

	List_Reports ();

	if (!compare_flag && (Report_Flag (TIME_CHANGE) || Report_Flag (VOLUME_CHANGE) ||
		Report_Flag (TOP_TIME_CHANGE) || Report_Flag (TOP_VOL_CHANGE) || Report_Flag (RELATIVE_GAP))) {

		Error ("A Compare Performance File is Required for Change Reports");

	//---- process support data ----

	if (Link_Equiv_Flag ()) {
		link_equiv.Read (Report_Flag (LINK_EQUIV));

	if (group_flag) {
		zone_equiv.Read (Report_Flag (ZONE_EQUIV));

	//---- allocate work space ----

	if (periods_flag || ratios_flag) {
		num = (periods_flag) ? (int) data_periods.size () : 1;
		num += (ratios_flag) ? (int) data_ratios.size () : 1;
		if (num_inc + 1 > num) {
			num = num_inc + 1;
	} else {
		num = num_inc + 1;
	sum_bin.assign (num, dbl);

	for (itr = sum_bin.begin (); itr != sum_bin.end (); itr++) {
		itr->assign (NUM_SUM_BINS, 0.0);
Example #4
bool Link_Delay_File::Set_Field_Numbers (void)
	bool flag = false;

	//---- required fields ----

	link = Required_Field ("LINK");
	flow = Required_Field (FLOW_RATE_FIELD_NAMES);

	if (Version () <= 40) {
		start = Optional_Field (START_FIELD_NAMES);
		end = Optional_Field (END_FIELD_NAMES);

		if (start < 0 && end < 0) {
			start = end = Required_Field ("PERIOD", "TIME");
			time = Required_Field ("AVG_TIME", "TTIME", "SUM");
			flag = true;
		} else {
			time = Required_Field (TRAVEL_TIME_FIELD_NAMES);
	} else {
		time = Required_Field (TRAVEL_TIME_FIELD_NAMES);
		start = Required_Field (START_FIELD_NAMES);
		end = Required_Field (END_FIELD_NAMES);

	if (link < 0 || flow < 0 || time < 0 || start < 0 || end < 0) return (false);

	//---- other required fields ----

	dir = LinkDir_Type_Field ();

	type = Optional_Field ("TYPE", "USE", "HOV", "GROUP");

	//---- nested optional fields ----

	Num_Nest_Field (Optional_Field (CONNECTION_FIELD_NAMES));
	if (Num_Nest_Field () < 0) turn_flag = false;

	out_link = Optional_Field (OUT_LINK_FIELD_NAMES);
	out_flow = Optional_Field (FLOW_OUT_FIELD_NAMES);
	out_time = Optional_Field (TIME_OUT_FIELD_NAMES);

	//---- set default units ----

	if (flag) {
		Set_Units (start, SECONDS);
		Set_Units (end, SECONDS);
	} else {
		Set_Units (start, DAY_TIME);
		Set_Units (end, DAY_TIME);
	Set_Units (flow, flow_units);
	Set_Units (time, SECONDS);
	Set_Units (out_flow, flow_units);
	Set_Units (out_time, SECONDS);

	Units_Type units = Get_Units (flow);
	if (units != NO_UNITS) Flow_Units (units);

	Lane_Use_Flows ((type >= 0));

	return (true);