Vector3 Normalized() const { return *this / Length(); }
bool BufferStream::IsEnd() const { return Position() >= Length(); }
/* ================== V_CalcRefdef ================== */ void V_CalcNormalRefdef ( struct ref_params_s *pparams ) { cl_entity_t *ent, *view; int i; vec3_t angles; float bob, waterOffset; static viewinterp_t ViewInterp; static float oldz = 0; static float lasttime; static float lastang[3]; vec3_t angdelta; vec3_t camAngles, camForward, camRight, camUp; cl_entity_t *pwater; //Force angle change if ( bChangeAngles == true ) { pparams->cl_viewangles[PITCH] = vecTempAngles[PITCH]; pparams->cl_viewangles[YAW] = vecTempAngles[YAW]; pparams->cl_viewangles[ROLL] = vecTempAngles[ROLL]; vecTempAngles = Vector ( 0, 0, 0 ); bChangeAngles = false; } // don't allow cheats in multiplayer if ( pparams->maxclients > 1 ) { gEngfuncs.Cvar_SetValue ("scr_ofsx", 0); gEngfuncs.Cvar_SetValue ("scr_ofsy", 0); gEngfuncs.Cvar_SetValue ("scr_ofsz", 0); } V_DriftPitch ( pparams ); // ent is the player model ( visible when out of body ) ent = gEngfuncs.GetLocalPlayer(); // view is the weapon model (only visible from inside body ) view = gEngfuncs.GetViewModel(); // transform the view offset by the model's matrix to get the offset from // model origin for the view bob = V_CalcBob ( pparams ); // refresh position VectorCopy ( pparams->simorg, pparams->vieworg ); pparams->vieworg[2] += ( bob ); VectorAdd( pparams->vieworg, pparams->viewheight, pparams->vieworg ); VectorCopy ( pparams->cl_viewangles, pparams->viewangles ); gEngfuncs.V_CalcShake(); gEngfuncs.V_ApplyShake( pparams->vieworg, pparams->viewangles, 1.0 ); // never let view origin sit exactly on a node line, because a water plane can // dissapear when viewed with the eye exactly on it. // FIXME, we send origin at 1/128 now, change this? // the server protocol only specifies to 1/16 pixel, so add 1/32 in each axis pparams->vieworg[0] += 1.0/32; pparams->vieworg[1] += 1.0/32; pparams->vieworg[2] += 1.0/32; // Check for problems around water, move the viewer artificially if necessary // -- this prevents drawing errors in GL due to waves waterOffset = 0; if ( pparams->waterlevel >= 2 ) { int i, contents, waterDist, waterEntity; vec3_t point; waterDist = cl_waterdist->value; if ( pparams->hardware ) { waterEntity = gEngfuncs.PM_WaterEntity( pparams->simorg ); if ( waterEntity >= 0 && waterEntity < pparams->max_entities ) { pwater = gEngfuncs.GetEntityByIndex( waterEntity ); if ( pwater && ( pwater->model != NULL ) ) { waterDist += ( pwater->curstate.scale * 16 ); // Add in wave height } } } else { waterEntity = 0; // Don't need this in software } VectorCopy( pparams->vieworg, point ); // Eyes are above water, make sure we're above the waves if ( pparams->waterlevel == 2 ) { point[2] -= waterDist; for ( i = 0; i < waterDist; i++ ) { contents = gEngfuncs.PM_PointContents( point, NULL ); if ( contents > CONTENTS_WATER ) break; point[2] += 1; } waterOffset = (point[2] + waterDist) - pparams->vieworg[2]; } else { // eyes are under water. Make sure we're far enough under point[2] += waterDist; for ( i = 0; i < waterDist; i++ ) { contents = gEngfuncs.PM_PointContents( point, NULL ); if ( contents <= CONTENTS_WATER ) break; point[2] -= 1; } waterOffset = (point[2] - waterDist) - pparams->vieworg[2]; } } pparams->vieworg[2] += waterOffset; V_CalcViewRoll ( pparams ); V_AddIdle ( pparams ); // offsets VectorCopy( pparams->cl_viewangles, angles ); AngleVectors ( angles, pparams->forward, pparams->right, pparams->up ); for ( i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ ) { pparams->vieworg[i] += scr_ofsx->value*pparams->forward[i] + scr_ofsy->value*pparams->right[i] + scr_ofsz->value*pparams->up[i]; } // Treating cam_ofs[2] as the distance if( CL_IsThirdPerson() ) { vec3_t ofs; ofs[0] = ofs[1] = ofs[2] = 0.0; CL_CameraOffset( (float *)&ofs ); VectorCopy( ofs, camAngles ); camAngles[ ROLL ] = 0; AngleVectors( camAngles, camForward, camRight, camUp ); for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { pparams->vieworg[ i ] += -ofs[2] * camForward[ i ]; } } // Give gun our viewangles VectorCopy ( pparams->cl_viewangles, view->angles ); // set up gun position V_CalcGunAngle ( pparams ); // Use predicted origin as view origin. VectorCopy ( pparams->simorg, view->origin ); view->origin[2] += ( waterOffset ); VectorAdd( view->origin, pparams->viewheight, view->origin ); // Let the viewmodel shake at about 10% of the amplitude gEngfuncs.V_ApplyShake( view->origin, view->angles, 0.9 ); for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { view->origin[ i ] += bob * 0.4 * pparams->forward[ i ]; } view->origin[2] += bob; // throw in a little tilt. view->angles[YAW] -= bob * 0.5; view->angles[ROLL] -= bob * 1; view->angles[PITCH] -= bob * 0.3; // pushing the view origin down off of the same X/Z plane as the ent's origin will give the // gun a very nice 'shifting' effect when the player looks up/down. If there is a problem // with view model distortion, this may be a cause. (SJB). view->origin[2] -= 1; // fudge position around to keep amount of weapon visible // roughly equal with different FOV if (pparams->viewsize == 110) { view->origin[2] += 1; } else if (pparams->viewsize == 100) { view->origin[2] += 2; } else if (pparams->viewsize == 90) { view->origin[2] += 1; } else if (pparams->viewsize == 80) { view->origin[2] += 0.5; } // Add in the punchangle, if any VectorAdd ( pparams->viewangles, pparams->punchangle, pparams->viewangles ); // Include client side punch, too VectorAdd ( pparams->viewangles, (float *)&ev_punchangle, pparams->viewangles); V_DropPunchAngle ( pparams->frametime, (float *)&ev_punchangle ); // smooth out stair step ups #if 1 if ( !pparams->smoothing && pparams->onground && pparams->simorg[2] - oldz > 0) { float steptime; steptime = pparams->time - lasttime; if (steptime < 0) //FIXME I_Error ("steptime < 0"); steptime = 0; oldz += steptime * 150; if (oldz > pparams->simorg[2]) oldz = pparams->simorg[2]; if (pparams->simorg[2] - oldz > 18) oldz = pparams->simorg[2]- 18; pparams->vieworg[2] += oldz - pparams->simorg[2]; view->origin[2] += oldz - pparams->simorg[2]; } else { oldz = pparams->simorg[2]; } #endif { static float lastorg[3]; vec3_t delta; VectorSubtract( pparams->simorg, lastorg, delta ); if ( Length( delta ) != 0.0 ) { VectorCopy( pparams->simorg, ViewInterp.Origins[ ViewInterp.CurrentOrigin & ORIGIN_MASK ] ); ViewInterp.OriginTime[ ViewInterp.CurrentOrigin & ORIGIN_MASK ] = pparams->time; ViewInterp.CurrentOrigin++; VectorCopy( pparams->simorg, lastorg ); } } // Smooth out whole view in multiplayer when on trains, lifts if ( cl_vsmoothing && cl_vsmoothing->value && ( pparams->smoothing && ( pparams->maxclients > 1 ) ) ) { int foundidx; int i; float t; if ( cl_vsmoothing->value < 0.0 ) { gEngfuncs.Cvar_SetValue( "cl_vsmoothing", 0.0 ); } t = pparams->time - cl_vsmoothing->value; for ( i = 1; i < ORIGIN_MASK; i++ ) { foundidx = ViewInterp.CurrentOrigin - 1 - i; if ( ViewInterp.OriginTime[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ] <= t ) break; } if ( i < ORIGIN_MASK && ViewInterp.OriginTime[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ] != 0.0 ) { // Interpolate vec3_t delta; double frac; double dt; vec3_t neworg; dt = ViewInterp.OriginTime[ (foundidx + 1) & ORIGIN_MASK ] - ViewInterp.OriginTime[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ]; if ( dt > 0.0 ) { frac = ( t - ViewInterp.OriginTime[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK] ) / dt; frac = min( 1.0, frac ); VectorSubtract( ViewInterp.Origins[ ( foundidx + 1 ) & ORIGIN_MASK ], ViewInterp.Origins[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ], delta ); VectorMA( ViewInterp.Origins[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ], frac, delta, neworg ); VectorSubtract( neworg, pparams->simorg, delta ); VectorAdd( pparams->simorg, delta, pparams->simorg ); VectorAdd( pparams->vieworg, delta, pparams->vieworg ); VectorAdd( view->origin, delta, view->origin ); } } } // Store off v_angles before munging for third person v_angles = pparams->viewangles; v_cl_angles = pparams->cl_viewangles; if ( CL_IsThirdPerson() ) { VectorCopy( camAngles, pparams->viewangles); } // override all previous settings if the viewent isn't the client if ( pparams->viewentity > pparams->maxclients ) { cl_entity_t *viewentity; viewentity = gEngfuncs.GetEntityByIndex( pparams->viewentity ); if ( viewentity ) { VectorCopy( viewentity->origin, pparams->vieworg ); VectorCopy( viewentity->angles, pparams->viewangles ); // Store off overridden viewangles v_angles = pparams->viewangles; } } lasttime = pparams->time; v_origin = pparams->vieworg; }
// Normalization void Normalize() { *this /= Length(); }
int BoxObjCreateCallBack::proc(ViewExp *vpt,int msg, int point, int flags, IPoint2 m, Matrix3& mat ) { Point3 d; if (msg == MOUSE_FREEMOVE) { vpt->SnapPreview(m,m,NULL, SNAP_IN_3D); } else if (msg==MOUSE_POINT||msg==MOUSE_MOVE) { switch(point) { case 0: // Find the node and plug in the wire color { ULONG handle; ob->NotifyDependents(FOREVER, (PartID)&handle, REFMSG_GET_NODE_HANDLE); INode *node = GetCOREInterface()->GetINodeByHandle(handle); if (node) node->SetWireColor(RGB(255, 0, 0)); } sp0 = m; ob->pblock2->SetValue(PB_WIDTH,0,0.0f); ob->pblock2->SetValue(PB_LENGTH,0,0.0f); ob->pblock2->SetValue(PB_HEIGHT,0,0.0f); ob->suspendSnap = TRUE; p0 = vpt->SnapPoint(m,m,NULL,SNAP_IN_3D); p1 = p0 + Point3(.01,.01,.01); mat.SetTrans(float(.5)*(p0+p1)); break; case 1: sp1 = m; p1 = vpt->SnapPoint(m,m,NULL,SNAP_IN_3D); p1.z = p0.z +(float).01; if (flags&MOUSE_CTRL) { mat.SetTrans(p0); } else { mat.SetTrans(float(.5)*(p0+p1)); } d = p1-p0; square = FALSE; if (flags&MOUSE_CTRL) { // Constrain to square base float len; if (fabs(d.x) > fabs(d.y)) len = d.x; else len = d.y; d.x = d.y = 2.0f * len; square = TRUE; } ob->pblock2->SetValue(PB_WIDTH,0,float(fabs(d.x / bhkScaleFactor / 2.0f))); ob->pblock2->SetValue(PB_LENGTH,0,float(fabs(d.y / bhkScaleFactor / 2.0f))); ob->pblock2->SetValue(PB_HEIGHT,0,float(fabs(d.z / bhkScaleFactor / 2.0f))); ob->pmapParam->Invalidate(); if (msg==MOUSE_POINT && (Length(sp1-sp0)<3 || Length(d)<0.1f)) { return CREATE_ABORT; } break; case 2: #ifdef _OSNAP p1.z = p0.z + vpt->SnapLength(vpt->GetCPDisp(p0,Point3(0,0,1),sp1,m,TRUE)); #else p1.z = p0.z + vpt->SnapLength(vpt->GetCPDisp(p1,Point3(0,0,1),sp1,m)); #endif if (!square) mat.SetTrans(float(.5)*(p0+p1)); d = p1-p0; if (square) { // Constrain to square base float len; if (fabs(d.x) > fabs(d.y)) len = d.x; else len = d.y; d.x = d.y = 2.0f * len; } ob->pblock2->SetValue(PB_WIDTH,0,float(fabs(d.x / bhkScaleFactor / 2.0f))); ob->pblock2->SetValue(PB_LENGTH,0,float(fabs(d.y / bhkScaleFactor / 2.0f))); ob->pblock2->SetValue(PB_HEIGHT,0,float(d.z / bhkScaleFactor / 2.0f)); ob->pmapParam->Invalidate(); if (msg==MOUSE_POINT) { ob->suspendSnap = FALSE; return CREATE_STOP; } break; } } else if (msg == MOUSE_ABORT) { return CREATE_ABORT; } return TRUE; }
/* ================== V_CalcSpectatorRefdef ================== */ void V_CalcSpectatorRefdef ( struct ref_params_s * pparams ) { vec3_t angles; static viewinterp_t ViewInterp; static float bob = 0.0f; static vec3_t velocity ( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); static int lastWeaponModelIndex = 0; static int lastViewModelIndex = 0; cl_entity_t * ent = gEngfuncs.GetEntityByIndex( g_iUser2 ); cl_entity_t * gunModel = gEngfuncs.GetViewModel(); static float lasttime; static float lastang[3]; static float lastorg[3]; vec3_t delta; pparams->onlyClientDraw = false; // refresh position VectorCopy ( pparams->simorg, v_sim_org ); // get old values VectorCopy ( pparams->cl_viewangles, v_cl_angles ); VectorCopy ( pparams->viewangles, v_angles ); VectorCopy ( pparams->vieworg, v_origin ); v_frametime = pparams->frametime; if ( pparams->nextView == 0 ) { // first renderer cycle, full screen switch ( g_iUser1 ) { case OBS_CHASE_LOCKED: V_GetChasePos( g_iUser2, NULL, v_origin, v_angles ); break; case OBS_CHASE_FREE: V_GetChasePos( g_iUser2, v_cl_angles, v_origin, v_angles ); break; case OBS_ROAMING : VectorCopy (v_cl_angles, v_angles); VectorCopy (v_sim_org, v_origin); break; case OBS_IN_EYE : V_GetInEyePos( g_iUser2, v_origin, v_angles ); break; case OBS_MAP_FREE : pparams->onlyClientDraw = true; V_GetMapFreePosition( v_cl_angles, v_origin, v_angles ); break; case OBS_MAP_CHASE : pparams->onlyClientDraw = true; V_GetMapChasePosition( g_iUser2, v_cl_angles, v_origin, v_angles ); break; } if ( gHUD.m_Spectator.m_pip->value ) pparams->nextView = 1; // force a second renderer view gHUD.m_Spectator.m_iDrawCycle = 0; } else { // second renderer cycle, inset window // set inset parameters pparams->viewport[0] = XRES(gHUD.m_Spectator.m_OverviewData.insetWindowX); // change viewport to inset window pparams->viewport[1] = YRES(gHUD.m_Spectator.m_OverviewData.insetWindowY); pparams->viewport[2] = XRES(gHUD.m_Spectator.m_OverviewData.insetWindowWidth); pparams->viewport[3] = YRES(gHUD.m_Spectator.m_OverviewData.insetWindowHeight); pparams->nextView = 0; // on further view pparams->onlyClientDraw = false; // override some settings in certain modes switch ( (int)gHUD.m_Spectator.m_pip->value ) { case INSET_CHASE_FREE : V_GetChasePos( g_iUser2, v_cl_angles, v_origin, v_angles ); break; case INSET_IN_EYE : V_GetInEyePos( g_iUser2, v_origin, v_angles ); break; case INSET_MAP_FREE : pparams->onlyClientDraw = true; V_GetMapFreePosition( v_cl_angles, v_origin, v_angles ); break; case INSET_MAP_CHASE : pparams->onlyClientDraw = true; if ( g_iUser1 == OBS_ROAMING ) V_GetMapChasePosition( 0, v_cl_angles, v_origin, v_angles ); else V_GetMapChasePosition( g_iUser2, v_cl_angles, v_origin, v_angles ); break; } gHUD.m_Spectator.m_iDrawCycle = 1; } // do the smoothing only once per frame, not in roaming or map mode if ( (gHUD.m_Spectator.m_iDrawCycle == 0) && (g_iUser1 == OBS_IN_EYE) ) { // smooth angles VectorSubtract( v_angles, lastang, delta ); if ( Length( delta ) != 0.0f ) { VectorCopy( v_angles, ViewInterp.Angles[ ViewInterp.CurrentAngle & ORIGIN_MASK ] ); ViewInterp.AngleTime[ ViewInterp.CurrentAngle & ORIGIN_MASK ] = pparams->time; ViewInterp.CurrentAngle++; VectorCopy( v_angles, lastang ); } if ( cl_vsmoothing && cl_vsmoothing->value ) { int foundidx; int i; float t; t = pparams->time - cl_vsmoothing->value; for ( i = 1; i < ORIGIN_MASK; i++ ) { foundidx = ViewInterp.CurrentAngle - 1 - i; if ( ViewInterp.AngleTime[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ] <= t ) break; } if ( i < ORIGIN_MASK && ViewInterp.AngleTime[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ] != 0.0 ) { // Interpolate double dt; float da; vec3_t v1,v2; AngleVectors( ViewInterp.Angles[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ], v1, NULL, NULL ); AngleVectors( ViewInterp.Angles[ (foundidx + 1) & ORIGIN_MASK ], v2, NULL, NULL ); da = AngleBetweenVectors( v1, v2 ); dt = ViewInterp.AngleTime[ (foundidx + 1) & ORIGIN_MASK ] - ViewInterp.AngleTime[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ]; if ( dt > 0.0 && ( da < 22.5f) ) { double frac; frac = ( t - ViewInterp.AngleTime[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK] ) / dt; frac = min( 1.0, frac ); // interpolate angles InterpolateAngles( ViewInterp.Angles[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ], ViewInterp.Angles[ (foundidx + 1) & ORIGIN_MASK ], v_angles, frac ); } } } // smooth origin VectorSubtract( v_origin, lastorg, delta ); if ( Length( delta ) != 0.0 ) { VectorCopy( v_origin, ViewInterp.Origins[ ViewInterp.CurrentOrigin & ORIGIN_MASK ] ); ViewInterp.OriginTime[ ViewInterp.CurrentOrigin & ORIGIN_MASK ] = pparams->time; ViewInterp.CurrentOrigin++; VectorCopy( v_origin, lastorg ); } // don't smooth in roaming (already smoothd), if ( cl_vsmoothing && cl_vsmoothing->value ) { int foundidx; int i; float t; t = pparams->time - cl_vsmoothing->value; for ( i = 1; i < ORIGIN_MASK; i++ ) { foundidx = ViewInterp.CurrentOrigin - 1 - i; if ( ViewInterp.OriginTime[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ] <= t ) break; } if ( i < ORIGIN_MASK && ViewInterp.OriginTime[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ] != 0.0 ) { // Interpolate vec3_t delta; double frac; double dt; vec3_t neworg; dt = ViewInterp.OriginTime[ (foundidx + 1) & ORIGIN_MASK ] - ViewInterp.OriginTime[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ]; if ( dt > 0.0 ) { frac = ( t - ViewInterp.OriginTime[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK] ) / dt; frac = min( 1.0, frac ); VectorSubtract( ViewInterp.Origins[ ( foundidx + 1 ) & ORIGIN_MASK ], ViewInterp.Origins[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ], delta ); VectorMA( ViewInterp.Origins[ foundidx & ORIGIN_MASK ], frac, delta, neworg ); // Dont interpolate large changes if ( Length( delta ) < 64 ) { VectorCopy( neworg, v_origin ); } } } } } // Hack in weapon model: if ( (g_iUser1 == OBS_IN_EYE || gHUD.m_Spectator.m_pip->value == INSET_IN_EYE) && ent && g_iUser2 ) { // get position for weapon model VectorCopy( v_origin, gunModel->origin); VectorCopy( v_angles, gunModel->angles); // add idle tremble gunModel->angles[PITCH]*=-1; // calculate player velocity float timeDiff = ent->curstate.msg_time - ent->prevstate.msg_time; if ( timeDiff > 0 ) { vec3_t distance; VectorSubtract(ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, distance); VectorScale(distance, 1/timeDiff, distance ); velocity[0] = velocity[0]*0.66f + distance[0]*0.33f; velocity[1] = velocity[1]*0.66f + distance[1]*0.33f; velocity[2] = velocity[2]*0.66f + distance[2]*0.33f; VectorCopy(velocity, pparams->simvel); pparams->onground = 1; bob = V_CalcBob( pparams ); } vec3_t forward; AngleVectors(v_angles, forward, NULL, NULL ); for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { gunModel->origin[ i ] += bob * 0.4 * forward[ i ]; } // throw in a little tilt. gunModel->angles[YAW] -= bob * 0.5; gunModel->angles[ROLL] -= bob * 1; gunModel->angles[PITCH] -= bob * 0.3; VectorCopy( gunModel->angles, gunModel->curstate.angles ); VectorCopy( gunModel->angles, gunModel->latched.prevangles ); if ( lastWeaponModelIndex != ent->curstate.weaponmodel ) { // weapon model changed lastWeaponModelIndex = ent->curstate.weaponmodel; lastViewModelIndex = V_FindViewModelByWeaponModel( lastWeaponModelIndex ); if ( lastViewModelIndex ) { gEngfuncs.pfnWeaponAnim(0,0); // reset weapon animation } else { // model not found gunModel->model = NULL; // disable weaopn model lastWeaponModelIndex = lastViewModelIndex = 0; } } if ( lastViewModelIndex ) { gunModel->model = IEngineStudio.GetModelByIndex( lastViewModelIndex ); gunModel->curstate.modelindex = lastViewModelIndex; gunModel->curstate.frame = 0; gunModel->curstate.colormap = 0; gunModel->index = g_iUser2; } else { gunModel->model = NULL; // disable weaopn model } } else { gunModel->model = NULL; // disable weaopn model lastWeaponModelIndex = lastViewModelIndex = 0; } lasttime = pparams->time; // write back new values into pparams VectorCopy ( v_angles, pparams->viewangles ) VectorCopy ( v_origin, pparams->vieworg ); }
//returns normalized vector Vec4f Normalized() const { return *this / Length(); }
bool TextAutoSizingValue::adjustNodeSizes() { bool objectsRemoved = false; // Remove stale nodes. Nodes may have had their renderers detached. We'll // also need to remove the style from the documents m_textAutoSizedNodes // collection. Return true indicates we need to do that removal. Vector<RefPtr<Node> > nodesForRemoval; HashSet<RefPtr<Node> >::iterator end = m_autoSizedNodes.end(); for (HashSet<RefPtr<Node> >::iterator i = m_autoSizedNodes.begin(); i != end; ++i) { RefPtr<Node> autoSizingNode = *i; RenderText* text = static_cast<RenderText*>(autoSizingNode->renderer()); if (!text || !text->style().textSizeAdjust().isAuto() || !text->candidateComputedTextSize()) { // remove node. nodesForRemoval.append(autoSizingNode); objectsRemoved = true; } } unsigned count = nodesForRemoval.size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++) m_autoSizedNodes.remove(nodesForRemoval[i]); // If we only have one piece of text with the style on the page don't // adjust it's size. if (m_autoSizedNodes.size() <= 1) return objectsRemoved; // Compute average size float cumulativeSize = 0; end = m_autoSizedNodes.end(); for (HashSet<RefPtr<Node> >::iterator i = m_autoSizedNodes.begin(); i != end; ++i) { RefPtr<Node> autoSizingNode = *i; RenderText* renderText = static_cast<RenderText*>(autoSizingNode->renderer()); cumulativeSize += renderText->candidateComputedTextSize(); } float averageSize = roundf(cumulativeSize / m_autoSizedNodes.size()); // Adjust sizes bool firstPass = true; end = m_autoSizedNodes.end(); for (HashSet<RefPtr<Node> >::iterator i = m_autoSizedNodes.begin(); i != end; ++i) { const RefPtr<Node>& autoSizingNode = *i; RenderText* text = static_cast<RenderText*>(autoSizingNode->renderer()); if (text && text->style().fontDescription().computedSize() != averageSize) { float specifiedSize = text->style().fontDescription().specifiedSize(); float scaleChange = averageSize / specifiedSize; if (scaleChange > MAX_SCALE_INCREASE && firstPass) { firstPass = false; averageSize = roundf(specifiedSize * MAX_SCALE_INCREASE); scaleChange = averageSize / specifiedSize; } RefPtr<RenderStyle> style = cloneRenderStyleWithState(text->style()); FontDescription fontDescription = style->fontDescription(); fontDescription.setComputedSize(averageSize); style->setFontDescription(fontDescription); style->font().update(autoSizingNode->document().ensureStyleResolver().fontSelector()); text->parent()->setStyle(style.releaseNonNull()); RenderElement* parentRenderer = text->parent(); if (parentRenderer->isAnonymousBlock()) parentRenderer = parentRenderer->parent(); // If we have a list we should resize ListMarkers separately. RenderObject* listMarkerRenderer = parentRenderer->firstChild(); if (listMarkerRenderer->isListMarker()) { RefPtr<RenderStyle> style = cloneRenderStyleWithState(listMarkerRenderer->style()); style->setFontDescription(fontDescription); style->font().update(autoSizingNode->document().ensureStyleResolver().fontSelector()); toRenderListMarker(*listMarkerRenderer).setStyle(style.releaseNonNull()); } // Resize the line height of the parent. const RenderStyle& parentStyle = parentRenderer->style(); Length lineHeightLength = parentStyle.specifiedLineHeight(); int specifiedLineHeight = 0; if (lineHeightLength.isPercent()) specifiedLineHeight = minimumValueForLength(lineHeightLength, fontDescription.specifiedSize()); else specifiedLineHeight = lineHeightLength.value(); int lineHeight = specifiedLineHeight * scaleChange; if (!lineHeightLength.isFixed() || lineHeightLength.value() != lineHeight) { RefPtr<RenderStyle> newParentStyle = cloneRenderStyleWithState(parentStyle); newParentStyle->setLineHeight(Length(lineHeight, Fixed)); newParentStyle->setSpecifiedLineHeight(lineHeightLength); newParentStyle->setFontDescription(fontDescription); newParentStyle->font().update(autoSizingNode->document().ensureStyleResolver().fontSelector()); parentRenderer->setStyle(newParentStyle.releaseNonNull()); } } } return objectsRemoved; }
void CPackage::Truncate( int newLength ) { if(newLength < Length()) m_end = m_head+newLength; }
int CPackage::ValidPackage() { return Length(); }
// // Replace a substring of this string with another string // void STR_String::Replace(int pos, int num, rcSTR_String str) { //bounds(pos, 0, Length()-1); //bounds(pos+num, 0, Length()); assertd(num >= 1); if (str.Length() < num) { // Remove some data from the string by replacement memcpy(this->m_data + pos + str.Length(), this->m_data + pos + num, this->m_len - pos - num + 1); memcpy(this->m_data + pos, str.ReadPtr(), str.Length()); } else { // Insert zero or more characters into the string AllocBuffer(this->m_len + str.Length() - num, true); if (str.Length() != num) memcpy(this->m_data + pos + str.Length(), this->m_data + pos + num, Length() - pos - num + 1); memcpy(this->m_data + pos, str.ReadPtr(), str.Length()); } this->m_len += str.Length() - num; }
// // Replace a character in this string with another string // void STR_String::Replace(int pos, rcSTR_String str) { //bounds(pos, 0, Length()-1); if (str.Length() < 1) { // Remove one character from the string memcpy(this->m_data + pos, this->m_data + pos + 1, this->m_len - pos); } else { // Insert zero or more characters into the string AllocBuffer(this->m_len + str.Length() - 1, true); if (str.Length() != 1) memcpy(this->m_data + pos + str.Length(), this->m_data + pos + 1, Length() - pos); memcpy(this->m_data + pos, str.ReadPtr(), str.Length()); } this->m_len += str.Length() - 1; }
bool FileStore::GoToEnd() { return Seek(Length()); }
const T &Back() const { condcheck((Capacity() != 0) && (!Empty())); return m_CircleQ[(m_Head + Length() + Capacity() - 1) % Capacity()]; }
Feature<char>::operator std::string() const { return std::string(get(), Length()); }
size_t BackOff() const { return (m_Head + Length() - 1 + Capacity()) % Capacity(); }
int HelixObjCreateCallBack::proc(ViewExp *vpt,int msg, int point, int flags, IPoint2 m, Matrix3& mat ) { float r; #ifdef _3D_CREATE DWORD snapdim = SNAP_IN_3D; #else DWORD snapdim = SNAP_IN_PLANE; #endif #ifdef _OSNAP if (msg == MOUSE_FREEMOVE) { vpt->SnapPreview(m,m,NULL, snapdim); } #endif if (msg==MOUSE_POINT||msg==MOUSE_MOVE) { switch(point) { case 0: ob->suspendSnap = TRUE; sp0 = m; createType = ob->dlgCreateMeth; p[0] = vpt->SnapPoint(m,m,NULL,snapdim); mat.SetTrans(p[0]); // Set Node's transform ob->pblock->SetValue(PB_RADIUS1,0,0.01f); ob->pmapParam->Invalidate(); break; case 1: sp1 = m; p[1] = vpt->SnapPoint(m,m,NULL,snapdim); if ( createType ) { // radius r = Length(p[1]-p[0]); center = p[0]; } else {// diameter center = (p[0]+p[1]) / 2.0f; r = Length(center-p[0]); mat.SetTrans(center); // Modify Node's transform } ob->pblock->SetValue(PB_RADIUS1,0,r); ob->pblock->SetValue(PB_RADIUS2,0,r); // Make this the same for now ob->pmapParam->Invalidate(); r1 = r; if (msg==MOUSE_POINT) { if(Length(m-sp0)<3 || Length(p[1]-p[0])<0.1f) { return CREATE_ABORT; } } break; case 2: sp2 = m; #ifdef _OSNAP ht = vpt->SnapLength(vpt->GetCPDisp(p[1],Point3(0,0,1),sp1,m,TRUE)); #else ht = vpt->SnapLength(vpt->GetCPDisp(p[1],Point3(0,0,1),sp1,m)); #endif ob->pblock->SetValue(PB_HEIGHT,0,float(ht)); ob->pmapParam->Invalidate(); break; case 3: r = vpt->SnapLength(vpt->GetCPDisp(p[1],Point3(0,0,1),sp2,m)) + r1; ob->pblock->SetValue(PB_RADIUS2,0,r); ob->pmapParam->Invalidate(); if (msg==MOUSE_POINT) { ob->suspendSnap = FALSE; return CREATE_STOP; } break; } } else if (msg == MOUSE_ABORT) { return CREATE_ABORT; } return TRUE; }