bool LIB_EDIT_FRAME::LoadComponentAndSelectLib( LIB_ALIAS* aLibEntry, PART_LIB* aLibrary ) { if( GetScreen()->IsModify() && !IsOK( this, _( "The current component is not saved.\n\nDiscard current changes?" ) ) ) return false; SelectActiveLibrary( aLibrary ); return LoadComponentFromCurrentLib( aLibEntry ); }
bool LIB_EDIT_FRAME::LoadComponentAndSelectLib( const LIB_ID& aLibId, int aUnit, int aConvert ) { if( GetScreen()->IsModify() && GetCurPart() ) { if( !HandleUnsavedChanges( this, _( "The current symbol has been modified. Save changes?" ), [&]()->bool { return saveCurrentPart(); } ) ) { return false; } } SelectActiveLibrary( aLibId.GetLibNickname() ); return LoadComponentFromCurrentLib( aLibId.GetLibItemName(), aUnit, aConvert ); }
void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::LoadOneLibraryPart( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxString cmp_name; LIB_ALIAS* libEntry = NULL; m_canvas->EndMouseCapture( ID_NO_TOOL_SELECTED, m_canvas->GetDefaultCursor() ); if( GetScreen()->IsModify() && !IsOK( this, _( "The current component is not saved.\n\nDiscard current changes?" ) ) ) return; PART_LIB* lib = GetCurLib(); // No current lib, ask user for the library to use. if( !lib ) { SelectActiveLibrary(); lib = GetCurLib(); if( !lib ) return; } // Get the name of the current part to preselect it LIB_PART* current_part = GetCurPart(); wxString part_name = current_part ? current_part->GetName() : wxString( wxEmptyString ); wxArrayString dummyHistoryList; int dummyLastUnit; SCHLIB_FILTER filter; filter.LoadFrom( lib->GetName() ); cmp_name = SelectComponentFromLibrary( &filter, dummyHistoryList, dummyLastUnit, true, NULL, NULL, part_name ); if( cmp_name.IsEmpty() ) return; GetScreen()->ClrModify(); m_lastDrawItem = m_drawItem = NULL; // Delete previous library component, if any SetCurPart( NULL ); m_aliasName.Empty(); // Load the new library component libEntry = lib->FindAlias( cmp_name ); PART_LIB* searchLib = lib; if( !libEntry ) { // Not found in the active library: search inside the full list // (can happen when using Viewlib to load a component) libEntry = Prj().SchLibs()->FindLibraryAlias( LIB_ID( wxEmptyString, cmp_name ) ); if( libEntry ) { searchLib = libEntry->GetLib(); // The entry to load is not in the active lib // Ask for a new active lib wxString msg = _( "The selected component is not in the active library." ); msg += "\n\n"; msg += _( "Do you want to change the active library?" ); if( IsOK( this, msg ) ) SelectActiveLibrary( searchLib ); } } if( !libEntry ) { wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "Part name '%s' not found in library '%s'" ), GetChars( cmp_name ), GetChars( searchLib->GetName() ) ); DisplayError( this, msg ); return; } PART_LIB* old = SetCurLib( searchLib ); LoadComponentFromCurrentLib( libEntry ); SetCurLib( old ); DisplayLibInfos(); }