Example #1
bool CDpiForDialog::Attach(HWND hWnd, HWND hCenterParent, DpiValue* pCurDpi /*= NULL*/)
	mh_Dlg = hWnd;

	wchar_t szLog[100];

	mh_OldFont = (HFONT)SendMessage(hWnd, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0);
	if ((mh_OldFont != NULL)
		&& (GetObject(mh_OldFont, sizeof(mlf_InitFont), &mlf_InitFont) > 0))
		mn_InitFontHeight = mlf_InitFont.lfHeight;
		_wsprintf(szLog, SKIPLEN(countof(szLog)) L"CDpiForDialog(x%08X) Font='%s' lfHeight=%i", (DWORD)(DWORD_PTR)hWnd, mlf_InitFont.lfFaceName, mlf_InitFont.lfHeight);
		mn_InitFontHeight = 8;
		mlf_InitFont.lfHeight = mn_InitFontHeight;
		lstrcpyn(mlf_InitFont.lfFaceName, L"MS Shell Dlg", countof(mlf_InitFont.lfFaceName));
		mlf_InitFont.lfWeight = 400;
		mlf_InitFont.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
		_wsprintf(szLog, SKIPLEN(countof(szLog)) L"CDpiForDialog(x%08X) DefaultFont='%s' lfHeight=%i", (DWORD)(DWORD_PTR)hWnd, mlf_InitFont.lfFaceName, mlf_InitFont.lfHeight);


	// Up to Windows 8 - OS will care of dialog scaling
	// And what will happens in Windows 8.1?
	// If `Per-monitor` dpi was choosed in the OS settings,
	// we need to re-scale our dialog manually!
	// But if one dpi was choosed for all monitors?

	CDpiAware::QueryDpi(hCenterParent ? hCenterParent : hWnd, &m_InitDpi);

	if (!m_Items.Initialized())

	if (CDpiAware::IsPerMonitorDpi())
		// When Windows 8.1 is in per-monitor mode
		// and application is marked as per-monitor-dpi aware
		// Windows does not resize dialogs automatically.
		// Our resources are designed for standard 96 dpi.
		m_CurDpi.SetDpi(96, 96);
		MArray<DlgItem>* p = NULL;
		if (m_Items.Get(m_CurDpi.Ydpi, &p) && p)
			delete p;
		p = LoadDialogItems(hWnd);
		m_Items.Set(m_CurDpi.Ydpi, p);

		// Need to resize the dialog?
		if (m_InitDpi.Ydpi != m_CurDpi.Ydpi)
			if (!SetDialogDPI(m_InitDpi))
				return false;

			if (pCurDpi)
		m_CurDpi.SetDpi(m_InitDpi.Xdpi, m_InitDpi.Ydpi);

	return true;
Example #2
bool CDpiForDialog::Attach(HWND hWnd, HWND hCenterParent, CDynDialog* apDlgTemplate)
	mh_Dlg = hWnd;

	wchar_t szLog[100];

	mn_TemplateFontSize = apDlgTemplate ? apDlgTemplate->GetFontPointSize() : 8;

	mh_OldFont = (HFONT)SendMessage(hWnd, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0);
	if ((mh_OldFont != NULL)
		&& (GetObject(mh_OldFont, sizeof(mlf_InitFont), &mlf_InitFont) > 0))
		_wsprintf(szLog, SKIPLEN(countof(szLog)) L"CDpiForDialog(x%08X) Font='%s' lfHeight=%i Points=%u", (DWORD)(DWORD_PTR)hWnd, mlf_InitFont.lfFaceName, mlf_InitFont.lfHeight, mn_TemplateFontSize);
		mlf_InitFont.lfHeight = GetFontSizeForDpi(NULL, 96);
		lstrcpyn(mlf_InitFont.lfFaceName, L"MS Shell Dlg", countof(mlf_InitFont.lfFaceName));
		mlf_InitFont.lfWeight = 400;
		mlf_InitFont.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
		_wsprintf(szLog, SKIPLEN(countof(szLog)) L"CDpiForDialog(x%08X) DefaultFont='%s' lfHeight=%i Points=%u", (DWORD)(DWORD_PTR)hWnd, mlf_InitFont.lfFaceName, mlf_InitFont.lfHeight, mn_TemplateFontSize);


	// Up to Windows 8 - OS will care of dialog scaling
	// And what will happens in Windows 8.1?
	// If `Per-monitor` dpi was choosed in the OS settings,
	// we need to re-scale our dialog manually!
	// But if one dpi was choosed for all monitors?

	CDpiAware::QueryDpiForMonitor(NULL, &m_InitDpi); // Whole desktop DPI (in most cases that will be Primary monitor DPI)

	if (!m_Items.Initialized())

	bool bPerMonitor = CDpiAware::IsPerMonitorDpi();
	DEBUGTEST(bPerMonitor = true);

	if (bPerMonitor)
		// When Windows 8.1 is in per-monitor mode
		// and application is marked as per-monitor-dpi aware
		// Windows does not resize dialogs automatically.
		// Our resources are designed for standard 96 dpi.
		MArray<DlgItem>* p = NULL;
		if (m_Items.Get(m_CurDpi.Ydpi, &p) && p)
			delete p;
		p = LoadDialogItems(hWnd);
		m_Items.Set(m_CurDpi.Ydpi, p);

		DpiValue CurMonDpi;
		CDpiAware::QueryDpi(hCenterParent ? hCenterParent : hWnd, &CurMonDpi);

		// Need to resize the dialog?
		if (m_CurDpi.Ydpi != CurMonDpi.Ydpi)
			if (!SetDialogDPI(CurMonDpi))
				return false;
		m_CurDpi.SetDpi(m_InitDpi.Xdpi, m_InitDpi.Ydpi);

	return true;