CString Util::GetRootPath() { // return ::FuncGetInstallRootPath(); // return "/home/siteview/chenxing/monitor"; string path=::GetSiteViewRootPath(); return path.c_str(); char buf[100]={0}; strcpy(buf,"siteview.ini"); INIFile inf=LoadIni(buf); std::string name=GetIniSetting(inf,"InstallPath","RootPath",""); if(name.empty()) return "D:\\v70"; else return name.c_str(); return "/usr/local"; return "/usr/local"; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- __fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent *Owner) : TForm(Owner) { IniFile = TPath::Combine(ExtractFilePath(Application->ExeName), "ttlogin++.ini"); LangFile = TPath::Combine(ExtractFilePath(Application->ExeName), "lang.ini"); SHFILEINFO fi; ImageListSmall->Handle = SHGetFileInfo(L"", 0, &fi, sizeof(SHFILEINFO), SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX | SHGFI_SMALLICON); LoadIni(); LangIni(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { // read an INI. If file doesn't exist, that's OK. INIFile ini = LoadIni("test.ini"); if(ini.size()) { // Note that existing INIs will be added to, though if any of the keys // listed below already exist, this program will modify them. cout << "About to modify test.ini, which presently contains:\n"; DumpIni(ini); } cout << "\nLoading INI with the following information, plus comments\n\n"; cout <<"[Favorites]\ncolor=blue\nfood=pizza\nbeer=homebrew\n\n"; cout << "[Computing]\nOperating System=Linux\nToolkit=FLTK\nComment=Now isn't this fun?\n\n"; PutIniSetting(ini, "", "; This is a comment about the whole INI file"); PutIniSetting(ini, "Favorites", "; This is a list of favorites"); PutIniSetting(ini, "Favorites", "color", "blue"); PutIniSetting(ini, "Favorites", "food", "pizza"); PutIniSetting(ini, "Favorites", "beer", "homebrew"); PutIniSetting(ini, "Computing", "; Information about computing preferences"); PutIniSetting(ini, "Computing", "Operating System", "Linux"); PutIniSetting(ini, "Computing", "Toolkit", "FLTK"); PutIniSetting(ini, "Computing", "Comment", "This will be replaced in next line."); PutIniSetting(ini, "Computing", "Comment", "Now isn't this fun?"); cout << "\nINI Ready, saving to disk\n\n"; SaveIni(ini, "test.ini"); cout << "Loading from disk to verify.\n\n"; INIFile ini2 = LoadIni("test.ini"); cout << "Contents of ini just read\n\n"; DumpIni(ini2); cout << "\nChecking single value for section Computing, key Comment:\n"; cout << "Value is: " << GetIniSetting(ini2, "Computing", "Comment") << std::endl; cout << "\nChecking unset value for section Computing, \nkey Distribution, with default of \"RedHat\"\n"; cout << "Value is: " << GetIniSetting(ini2, "Computing", "Distribution", "RedHat") << "\n\nDone\n\n"; return (0); }
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWindow *parent) : QQuickView(parent) { setSource(QUrl::fromLocalFile("H:/VK/main.qml").toString()); photoSize = "130"; // !!! SET QNAM AND CACHE manager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this); cache = new QNetworkDiskCache(this); // 500 Mb cache->setMaximumCacheSize(500*1024*1024); cache->setCacheDirectory("cacheDir"); manager->setCache(cache); // SET CACHED NAM TO QMLENGINE TO MyNetworkAccessManagerFactory* namFactory = new MyNetworkAccessManagerFactory(); QQmlEngine* eng = engine(); eng->setNetworkAccessManagerFactory(namFactory); QQmlProperty((QObject*)rootObject(), "color").write("#F5F5F5"); QQmlProperty((QObject*)rootObject(), "height").write(height()); wallObj = rootObject(); //wallObj->setProperty("color", "#F5F5F5"); //wallObj->setProperty("height",height()); connect((QObject*)wallObj, SIGNAL(login()),this,SLOT(login())); connect((QObject*)wallObj, SIGNAL(getGroups()),this, SLOT(getGroups())); connect((QObject*)wallObj, SIGNAL(getWall(QString)),this, SLOT(getWall(QString))); connect((QObject*)wallObj, SIGNAL(morePosts()), this, SLOT(morePosts())); connect((QObject*)wallObj, SIGNAL(setPhotoSize(QString)), this, SLOT(setPhotoSize(QString))); LoadIni("H:/VK/config.ini"); // do we have token if( settings->contains("token")){ // its a unlimit token qDebug() << " HAVE TOKEN "; if(ReadConfig("expires").toInt()==0){ Token = ReadConfig("token").toString(); } // if no doesnt it token expire else if(ReadConfig("expDate").toDate()<=QDate::currentDate()){ Token = ReadConfig("token").toString(); } // if havent token login }else{ login(); qDebug() << " NEED LOGIN "; } }
CString Util::GetSVMQAddress() { char buf[1024]={0}; // strcpy(buf,"siteview.ini"); sprintf(buf,"%s/MonitorManager/siteview.ini",GetRootPath().getText()); INIFile inf=LoadIni(buf); std::string name=GetIniSetting(inf,"InstallPath","SVMQAddress",""); if(name.empty()) return ""; else return name.c_str(); }
void COption::Init(CSearchToolBar& toolbar, CMainListView& listview) { m_pToolBar = &toolbar; m_pListView = &listview; LoadIni(); // Read Susie Plugin if (m_option.bSusieUse) { CSusie susie; susie.LoadSpi(m_option.SusieDir); } }
void TextureReplacer::NotifyConfigChanged() { gameID_ = g_paramSFO.GetValueString("DISC_ID"); enabled_ = !gameID_.empty() && (g_Config.bReplaceTextures || g_Config.bSaveNewTextures); if (enabled_) { basePath_ = GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_TEXTURES) + gameID_ + "/"; // If we're saving, auto-create the directory. if (g_Config.bSaveNewTextures && !File::Exists(basePath_ + NEW_TEXTURE_DIR)) { File::CreateFullPath(basePath_ + NEW_TEXTURE_DIR); } enabled_ = File::Exists(basePath_) && File::IsDirectory(basePath_); } if (enabled_) { enabled_ = LoadIni(); } }
bool Util::SendMsgToWsServer(string szId, string szText) { bool bRet = true; string errorMsg = ""; if(sendmsg == NULL) { //Init(); char buf[1024]={0}; sprintf(buf,"%s/fcgi-bin/MonitorScheduleWeb.dll",GetRootPath().getText()); //strPath = ".\\MonitorScheduleWeb.dll"; //puts(strPath); HMODULE m_hWebDll=::LoadLibrary(buf); if(m_hWebDll==NULL) throw MSException("Load MonitorScheduleWeb.dll failed"); sendmsg = (SendMsg)::GetProcAddress(m_hWebDll, "SendMsg"); if(sendmsg == NULL) { puts(" 获取dll函数失败, Failed to GetProcAddress: MonitorScheduleWeb.dll 's SendMsg; "); } sprintf(buf,"%s/fcgi-bin/WebECC.ini",GetRootPath().getText()); INIFile inf=LoadIni(buf); szServer=GetIniSetting(inf,"WebECC","WebService",""); szPort=GetIniSetting(inf,"WebECC","WebPort",""); //puts(szServer.c_str()); //puts(szPort.c_str()); } bRet = sendmsg(szId, szText, szServer, szPort, errorMsg); if(bRet) { puts("sendmsg sucess\n"); } else { puts("sendmsg failed\n"); puts(errorMsg.c_str()); } return bRet; }
void CGuide::Notify(TNotifyUI& msg) { if (_tcsicmp(msg.sType, DUI_MSGTYPE_WINDOWINIT) == 0) { m_btnNext = static_cast<CButtonUI*>(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("btnright"))); m_btnPrev = static_cast<CButtonUI*>(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("btnleft"))); m_labelHtml = static_cast<CLabelUI*>(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("current"))); m_pFrame = static_cast<CVerticalLayoutUI*>(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("bg"))); ASSERT(m_btnPrev != NULL && m_btnNext != NULL && m_labelHtml != NULL && m_pFrame != NULL); LoadIni(); SetGuideIndex(0); } else if (_tcsicmp(msg.sType, DUI_MSGTYPE_CLICK) == 0) { if (_tcsicmp(msg.pSender->GetName(), MY_DUILIB_BTN_CLOSE) == 0) { Close(); } else if (_tcsicmp(msg.pSender->GetName(), MY_DUILIB_BTN_SURE) == 0) { Close(); } else if (msg.pSender == m_btnNext) { m_nCurrent++; m_nCurrent %= m_nCount; SetGuideIndex(m_nCurrent); } else if (msg.pSender == m_btnPrev) { m_nCurrent += m_nCount; // 用于保证当前索引为非负数 m_nCurrent--; m_nCurrent %= m_nCount; SetGuideIndex(m_nCurrent); } } }
bool Option::LoadOption() { if(g_strRootPath.IsEmpty()) return false; printf("\n"); char filepath[1024]={0}; sprintf(filepath,"%s/fcgi-bin/mc.config",g_strRootPath.getText()); string svalue; INIFile inif=LoadIni(filepath); svalue=GetIniSetting(inif,"MonitorSchedule","DemoMode",""); if(!svalue.empty()) m_isDemo= (svalue=="true") ? true :false; printf("DemoMode:%d\n",m_isDemo); svalue.clear(); svalue=GetIniSetting(inif,"MonitorSchedule","PreLoadLibrary",""); if(!svalue.empty()) m_PreLoadLibrary+=svalue+","; svalue.clear(); svalue=GetIniSetting(inif,"MonitorSchedule","DemoLibrary",""); if(!svalue.empty()) m_DemoDLL=svalue; svalue.clear(); svalue=GetIniSetting(inif,"MonitorSchedule","DemoFunction",""); if(!svalue.empty()) m_DemoFunction=svalue; svalue.clear(); svalue=GetIniSetting(inif,"MonitorSchedule","SEID",""); if(!svalue.empty()) { m_seid=atoi(svalue.c_str()); Univ::seid= m_seid; } printf("SEID:%d\n",m_seid); svalue.clear(); svalue=GetIniSetting(inif,"MonitorSchedule","EnableAppendMassRecord",""); if(!svalue.empty()) Univ::enablemass=(atoi(svalue.c_str())!=0); printf("Enable AppendMass:%d\n",Univ::enablemass); svalue.clear(); svalue=GetIniSetting(inif,"MonitorSchedule","MilliSecondBetweenAppend",""); if(!svalue.empty()) Univ::msappend=atoi(svalue.c_str()); printf("MilliSecond Between AppendMass:%d\n",Univ::msappend); svalue.clear(); svalue=GetIniSetting(inif,"MonitorSchedule","MonitorTreadPlusCount",""); if(!svalue.empty()) Univ::pluscount=atoi(svalue.c_str()); printf("Monitor Tread Plus Count:%d\n",Univ::pluscount); svalue.clear(); svalue=GetIniSetting(inif,"information","CheckTime",""); if(!svalue.empty()) m_checktime=atoi(svalue.c_str()); printf("CheckTime:%d\n",m_checktime); svalue.clear(); svalue=GetIniSetting(inif,"MonitorSchedule","UseLocalBuffer",""); //char aaa[2000]={0}; //sprintf(aaa,"file is %s, UseLocalBuffer is %s\n", filepath,svalue.c_str()); //OutputDebugString(aaa); if(!svalue.empty()) m_UseLocalBuffer=(svalue=="true")? true : false; printf("UseLocalBuffer:%d\n",m_UseLocalBuffer); svalue.clear(); svalue=GetIniSetting(inif,"MonitorSchedule","ServerHost",""); if(!svalue.empty()) m_ServerAddress=svalue; printf("ServerHost:%s\n",m_ServerAddress.c_str()); svalue.clear(); string svdbHostAddr=GetSvdbAddr(); printf("SvdbHostAddr:%s\n",svdbHostAddr.c_str()); printf("PreLoadLibrary: %s\n",m_PreLoadLibrary.c_str()); printf("\n"); return true; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::btnApplyClick(TObject *Sender) { SaveIni(); LoadIni(); InitMenu(); }
/// Constructor CLastDir::CLastDir() { LoadIni(); }
//初始化 bool CServerGameDesk::InitDeskGameStation() { LoadIni(); //加载配置文件 LoadExtIni(m_pDataManage->m_InitData.uRoomID); //重新加载配置文件里面的 return true; }
/* main - top-level driver * */ int main (int c, char *v[]) { char szname[MAX_PATH]; BOOL fFilesOnly = FALSE; LoadIni (); SHIFT (c, v); if (c == 0) { printf ("Symref: Server = %s\n", szServer); printf (" Scope = '%s'\n", szScope); } else while (c) { if (!strcmp (*v, "-d") && c >= 2) { SHIFT (c, v); SRSendNewDatabase (*v); } else if (!strcmp (*v, "-f")) fFilesOnly = TRUE; else if (!strcmp (*v, "-i")) { SHIFT (c, v); while (c != 0 && (*v[0] != '-' || !strcmp (*v, "-"))) { if (!strcmp (*v, "-")) { while (fgetl (szname, MAX_PATH, stdin)) if (strlen (szname) != 0) SRSendAddDirectory (szname); } else SRSendAddDirectory (*v); SHIFT (c, v); } continue; } else if (!strcmp (*v, "-ig")) { SHIFT (c, v); while (c != 0 && (*v[0] != '-' || !strcmp (*v, "-"))) { if (!strcmp (*v, "-")) { while (fgetl (szname, MAX_PATH, stdin)) if (strlen (szname) != 0) SRSendNoiseWord (szname); } else SRSendNoiseWord (*v); SHIFT (c, v); } continue; } else if (!strcmp (*v, "-ie")) { SHIFT (c, v); while (c != 0 && (*v[0] != '-' || !strcmp (*v, "-"))) { if (!strcmp (*v, "-")) { while (fgetl (szname, MAX_PATH, stdin)) if (strlen (szname) != 0) SRSendAddExtention (szname); } else SRSendAddExtention (*v); SHIFT (c, v); } continue; } else if (!strcmp (*v, "-s") && c >= 2) { SHIFT (c, v); WriteProfileString (PSZAPPNAME, PSZSCOPE, *v); LoadIni (); } else if (!strcmp (*v, "-S") && c >= 2) { SHIFT (c, v); WriteProfileString (PSZAPPNAME, PSZSERVER, *v); LoadIni (); } else if (!strcmp (*v, "-shutdown")) SRSendShutdown (); else if (!strcmp (*v, "-sync")) SRSendSync (); else if (*v[0] == '-') Usage (); else SRSendSymLocate (*v, fFilesOnly, szScope); SHIFT (c, v); } return 0; }