void CWndTutorial::OnInitialUpdate() 
	// 여기에 코딩하세요
	DWORD dwRight = m_rectClient.Width() * 50 / 100;

	LoadTutorial( MakePath( DIR_CLIENT,  _T( "tutorial.inc" ) ) );

	// 윈도를 중앙으로 옮기는 부분.
	// CRect rectRoot = m_pWndRoot->GetLayoutRect();
	// CRect rectWindow = GetWindowRect();
	// CPoint point( rectRoot.right - rectWindow.Width(), 110 );
	// Move( point );
Example #2
//		튜토리얼 매니져 초기화 함수.
void cTutorialManager::Init() 												// 초기화 함수.
	if( !LoadMsg("Data/Script/Tutorial/Tutorial_Msg.bin") )
#ifdef _GMTOOL_
		MessageBox(NULL, "Failed to load tutorial message", __FUNCTION__, MB_OK);

	if( !LoadTutorial("Data/Script/Tutorial/Tutorial_Script.bin") )
#ifdef _GMTOOL_
		MessageBox(NULL, "Failed to load tutorial info", __FUNCTION__, MB_OK);

	if( !LoadHelperInfo("Data/Script/Tutorial/Help_Link_List.bin") )
#ifdef _GMTOOL_
		MessageBox(NULL, "Failed to load helper info", __FUNCTION__, MB_OK);