Example #1
// Called from the editor... does one instance of the robot dialog box
int do_robot_dialog()
	int i;

	// Only open 1 instance of this window...
	if ( MainWindow != NULL ) return 0;
	// Close other windows
	Cur_goody_count = 0;

	// Open a window with a quit button
	MainWindow = ui_open_window( TMAPBOX_X+20, TMAPBOX_Y+20, 765-TMAPBOX_X, 545-TMAPBOX_Y, WIN_DIALOG );
	QuitButton = ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow, 20, 286, 40, 32, "Done", NULL );

	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow, GOODY_X+50, GOODY_Y-3, 25, 22, "<<", GoodyPrevType );
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow, GOODY_X+80, GOODY_Y-3, 25, 22, ">>", GoodyNextType );

	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow, GOODY_X+50, GOODY_Y+21, 25, 22, "<<", GoodyPrevID );
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow, GOODY_X+80, GOODY_Y+21, 25, 22, ">>", GoodyNextID );

	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow, GOODY_X+50, GOODY_Y+45, 25, 22, "<<", GoodyPrevCount );
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow, GOODY_X+80, GOODY_Y+45, 25, 22, ">>", GoodyNextCount );

	InitialMode[0] = ui_add_gadget_radio( MainWindow,  6, 58, 16, 16, 0, "Hover" );
	InitialMode[1] = ui_add_gadget_radio( MainWindow, 76, 58, 16, 16, 0, "Normal" );
	InitialMode[2] = ui_add_gadget_radio( MainWindow,  6, 78, 16, 16, 0, "(hide)" );
	InitialMode[3] = ui_add_gadget_radio( MainWindow, 76, 78, 16, 16, 0, "Avoid" );
	InitialMode[4] = ui_add_gadget_radio( MainWindow,  6, 98, 16, 16, 0, "Follow" );
	InitialMode[5] = ui_add_gadget_radio( MainWindow, 76, 98, 16, 16, 0, "Station" );

	// The little box the robots will spin in.
	RobotViewBox = ui_add_gadget_userbox( MainWindow,155, 5, 150, 125 );

	// The little box the robots will spin in.
	ContainsViewBox = ui_add_gadget_userbox( MainWindow,10, 202, 100, 80 );

	// A bunch of buttons...
	i = 135;
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,190,i,53, 26, "<<Typ", 			RobotPrevType );
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,247,i,53, 26, "Typ>>", 			RobotNextType );							i += 29;		
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,190,i,110, 26, "Next in Seg", LocalObjectSelectNextinSegment );	i += 29;		

	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,190,i,53, 26, "<<Obj",		 	LocalObjectSelectPrevinMine );
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,247,i,53, 26, ">>Obj",			LocalObjectSelectNextinMine ); 		i += 29;		

	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,190,i,110, 26, "Delete", 		LocalObjectDelete );						i += 29;		
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,190,i,110, 26, "Create New", 	LocalObjectPlaceObject );				i += 29;		
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,190,i,110, 26, "Set Path", 	med_set_ai_path );
	Time = timer_get_fixed_seconds();

	old_object = -2;		// Set to some dummy value so everything works ok on the first frame.

	if ( Cur_object_index == -1 )

	return 1;

Example #2
static window_event_result robot_dialog_created(UI_DIALOG *const w, robot_dialog *const r)
	r->quitButton = ui_add_gadget_button(w, 20, 286, 40, 32, "Done", NULL);
	r->prev_powerup_type = ui_add_gadget_button(w, GOODY_X+50, GOODY_Y-3, 25, 22, "<<", GoodyPrevType);
	r->next_powerup_type = ui_add_gadget_button(w, GOODY_X+80, GOODY_Y-3, 25, 22, ">>", GoodyNextType);
	r->prev_powerup_id = ui_add_gadget_button(w, GOODY_X+50, GOODY_Y+21, 25, 22, "<<", GoodyPrevID);
	r->next_powerup_id = ui_add_gadget_button(w, GOODY_X+80, GOODY_Y+21, 25, 22, ">>", GoodyNextID);
	r->prev_powerup_count = ui_add_gadget_button(w, GOODY_X+50, GOODY_Y+45, 25, 22, "<<", GoodyPrevCount);
	r->next_powerup_count = ui_add_gadget_button(w, GOODY_X+80, GOODY_Y+45, 25, 22, ">>", GoodyNextCount);
	r->initialMode[0] = ui_add_gadget_radio(w,  6, 58, 16, 16, 0, "Hover");
	r->initialMode[1] = ui_add_gadget_radio(w, 76, 58, 16, 16, 0, "Normal");
	r->initialMode[2] = ui_add_gadget_radio(w,  6, 78, 16, 16, 0, "(hide)");
	r->initialMode[3] = ui_add_gadget_radio(w, 76, 78, 16, 16, 0, "Avoid");
	r->initialMode[4] = ui_add_gadget_radio(w,  6, 98, 16, 16, 0, "Follow");
	r->initialMode[5] = ui_add_gadget_radio(w, 76, 98, 16, 16, 0, "Station");
	// The little box the robots will spin in.
	r->robotViewBox = ui_add_gadget_userbox(w, 155, 5, 150, 125);
	// The little box the robots will spin in.
	r->containsViewBox = ui_add_gadget_userbox(w, 10, 202, 100, 80);
	// A bunch of buttons...
	int i = 135;
	r->prev_robot_type = ui_add_gadget_button(w, 190, i, 53, 26, "<<Typ", 			RobotPrevType);
	r->next_robot_type = ui_add_gadget_button(w, 247, i, 53, 26, "Typ>>", 			RobotNextType);							i += 29;		
	r->next_segment = ui_add_gadget_button(w, 190, i, 110, 26, "Next in Seg", LocalObjectSelectNextinSegment);	i += 29;		
	r->prev_object = ui_add_gadget_button(w, 190, i, 53, 26, "<<Obj",		 	LocalObjectSelectPrevinMine);
	r->next_object = ui_add_gadget_button(w, 247, i, 53, 26, ">>Obj",			LocalObjectSelectNextinMine); 		i += 29;		
	r->delete_object = ui_add_gadget_button(w, 190, i, 110, 26, "Delete", 		LocalObjectDelete);						i += 29;		
	r->new_object = ui_add_gadget_button(w, 190, i, 110, 26, "Create New", 	LocalObjectPlaceObject);				i += 29;		
	r->set_path = ui_add_gadget_button(w, 190, i, 110, 26, "Set Path", 	med_set_ai_path);
	r->time = timer_query();
	r->old_object = -2;		// Set to some dummy value so everything works ok on the first frame.
	if ( Cur_object_index == object_none)
	return window_event_result::handled;
Example #3
void do_robot_window()
	int	i;
	fix	DeltaTime, Temp;
	int	first_object_index;

	if ( MainWindow == NULL ) return;

	first_object_index = Cur_object_index;
	while (!is_legal_type_for_this_window(Cur_object_index)) {
		if (first_object_index == Cur_object_index) {

	// Call the ui code..
	ui_button_any_drawn = 0;

	// If we change objects, we need to reset the ui code for all
	// of the radio buttons that control the ai mode.  Also makes
	// the current AI mode button be flagged as pressed down.
	if (old_object != Cur_object_index )	{
		for (	i=0; i < NUM_BOXES; i++ )	{
			InitialMode[i]->flag = 0;		// Tells ui that this button isn't checked
			InitialMode[i]->status = 1;	// Tells ui to redraw button
		if ( Cur_object_index > -1 ) {
			int	behavior = Objects[Cur_object_index].ctype.ai_info.behavior;
			if ( !((behavior >= MIN_BEHAVIOR) && (behavior <= MAX_BEHAVIOR))) {
				Objects[Cur_object_index].ctype.ai_info.behavior = AIB_NORMAL;
				behavior = AIB_NORMAL;
			InitialMode[behavior - MIN_BEHAVIOR]->flag = 1;	// Mark this button as checked

	// If any of the radio buttons that control the mode are set, then
	// update the cooresponding AI state.
	for (	i=0; i < NUM_BOXES; i++ )	{
		if ( InitialMode[i]->flag == 1 )	
			if (Objects[Cur_object_index].ctype.ai_info.behavior != MIN_BEHAVIOR+i) {
				Objects[Cur_object_index].ctype.ai_info.behavior = MIN_BEHAVIOR+i;		// Set the ai_state to the cooresponding radio button
				call_init_ai_object(&Objects[Cur_object_index], MIN_BEHAVIOR+i);

	// A simple frame time counter for spinning the objects...
	Temp = timer_get_fixed_seconds();
	DeltaTime = Temp - Time;
	Time = Temp;

	// Redraw the object in the little 64x64 box
	if (Cur_object_index > -1 )	{
		int id;
		gr_set_current_canvas( RobotViewBox->canvas );
		id = get_object_id(&Objects[Cur_object_index]);
		if ( id > -1 )	
			draw_robot_picture(id, &angles, -1 );
			gr_clear_canvas( CGREY );
		angles.h += fixmul(0x1000, DeltaTime );
	} else {
		// no object, so just blank out
		gr_set_current_canvas( RobotViewBox->canvas );
		gr_clear_canvas( CGREY );

//		LocalObjectSelectNextInMine();

	// Redraw the contained object in the other little box
	if ((Cur_object_index > -1 ) && (Cur_goody_count > 0))	{
		int id;

		gr_set_current_canvas( ContainsViewBox->canvas );
		id = Cur_goody_id;
		if ( id > -1 )	 {
                        int ol_type=0;
			if (Cur_goody_type == OBJ_ROBOT)
				ol_type = OL_ROBOT;
			else if (Cur_goody_type == OBJ_POWERUP)
				ol_type = OL_POWERUP;
				Int3();	//	Error?  Unknown goody type!

			draw_robot_picture(id, &goody_angles, ol_type );
		} else
			gr_clear_canvas( CGREY );
		goody_angles.h += fixmul(0x1000, DeltaTime );
	} else {
		// no object, so just blank out
		gr_set_current_canvas( ContainsViewBox->canvas );
		gr_clear_canvas( CGREY );

//		LocalObjectSelectNextInMine();

	// If anything changes in the ui system, redraw all the text that
	// identifies this robot.

	if (ui_button_any_drawn || (old_object != Cur_object_index) )	{
		int	i;
		char	type_text[STRING_LENGTH+1],id_text[STRING_LENGTH+1];

		if (Cur_object_index != -1) {
			Cur_goody_type = Objects[Cur_object_index].contains_type;
			Cur_goody_id = Objects[Cur_object_index].contains_id;
			if (Objects[Cur_object_index].contains_count < 0)
				Objects[Cur_object_index].contains_count = 0;
			Cur_goody_count = Objects[Cur_object_index].contains_count;

		ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, GOODY_X, GOODY_Y,    " Type:");
		ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, GOODY_X, GOODY_Y+24, "   ID:");
		ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, GOODY_X, GOODY_Y+48, "Count:");

		for (i=0; i<STRING_LENGTH; i++)
			id_text[i] = ' ';
		id_text[i] = 0;

		switch (Cur_goody_type) {
			case OBJ_ROBOT:
				strcpy(type_text, "Robot  ");
				strncpy(id_text, Robot_names[Cur_goody_id], strlen(Robot_names[Cur_goody_id]));
			case OBJ_POWERUP:
				strcpy(type_text, "Powerup");
				strncpy(id_text, Powerup_names[Cur_goody_id], strlen(Powerup_names[Cur_goody_id]));
				editor_status("Illegal contained object type (%i), changing to powerup.", Cur_goody_type);
				Cur_goody_type = OBJ_POWERUP;
				Cur_goody_id = 0;
				strcpy(type_text, "Powerup");
				strncpy(id_text, Powerup_names[Cur_goody_id], strlen(Powerup_names[Cur_goody_id]));

		ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, GOODY_X+108, GOODY_Y, type_text);
		ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, GOODY_X+108, GOODY_Y+24, id_text);
		ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, GOODY_X+108, GOODY_Y+48, "%i", Cur_goody_count);

		if ( Cur_object_index > -1 )	{
			int	id = Objects[Cur_object_index].id;
			char	id_text[12];
			int	i;

			for (i=0; i<STRING_LENGTH; i++)
				id_text[i] = ' ';
			id_text[i] = 0;

			strncpy(id_text, Robot_names[id], strlen(Robot_names[id]));

			ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12,  6, "Robot: %3d ", Cur_object_index );
			ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 22, "   Id: %3d", id);
			ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 38, " Name: %8s", id_text);

		}	else {
			ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12,  6, "Robot: none" );
			ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 22, " Type: ?  "  );
			ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 38, " Name: ________" );
		Update_flags |= UF_WORLD_CHANGED;

	if ( QuitButton->pressed || (last_keypress==KEY_ESC))	{

	old_object = Cur_object_index;
Example #4
int robot_dialog_handler(UI_DIALOG *, d_event *event, robot_dialog *r)
	int	i;
	fix	DeltaTime;
	fix64	Temp;
	int	first_object_index;
	int keypress = 0;
	int rval = 0;
	if (event->type == EVENT_KEY_COMMAND)
		keypress = event_key_get(event);
	Assert(MainWindow != NULL);

	first_object_index = Cur_object_index;
	while (!is_legal_type_for_this_window(Cur_object_index)) {
		if (first_object_index == Cur_object_index) {

	// Call the ui code..
	ui_button_any_drawn = 0;

	// If we change objects, we need to reset the ui code for all
	// of the radio buttons that control the ai mode.  Also makes
	// the current AI mode button be flagged as pressed down.
	if (r->old_object != Cur_object_index )	{
		for (	i=0; i < NUM_BOXES; i++ )
			ui_radio_set_value(r->initialMode[i], 0);
		if ( Cur_object_index != object_none ) {
			int	behavior = Objects[Cur_object_index].ctype.ai_info.behavior;
			if ( !((behavior >= MIN_BEHAVIOR) && (behavior <= MAX_BEHAVIOR))) {
				Objects[Cur_object_index].ctype.ai_info.behavior = AIB_NORMAL;
				behavior = AIB_NORMAL;
			ui_radio_set_value(r->initialMode[behavior - MIN_BEHAVIOR], 1);

	// If any of the radio buttons that control the mode are set, then
	// update the cooresponding AI state.
	for (	i=0; i < NUM_BOXES; i++ )	{
		if ( GADGET_PRESSED(r->initialMode[i]) )	
			if (Objects[Cur_object_index].ctype.ai_info.behavior != MIN_BEHAVIOR+i) {
				Objects[Cur_object_index].ctype.ai_info.behavior = MIN_BEHAVIOR+i;		// Set the ai_state to the cooresponding radio button
				call_init_ai_object(&Objects[Cur_object_index], MIN_BEHAVIOR+i);
				rval = 1;

	// Redraw the object in the little 64x64 box
	if (event->type == EVENT_UI_DIALOG_DRAW)
		// A simple frame time counter for spinning the objects...
		Temp = timer_query();
		DeltaTime = Temp - r->time;
		r->time = Temp;

		if (Cur_object_index != object_none )	{
			dxxobject *obj = &Objects[Cur_object_index];

			gr_set_current_canvas( r->robotViewBox->canvas );
			draw_object_picture(obj->id, &r->angles, obj->type );
			r->angles.h += fixmul(0x1000, DeltaTime );
		} else {
			// no object, so just blank out
			gr_set_current_canvas( r->robotViewBox->canvas );
			gr_clear_canvas( CGREY );

	//		LocalObjectSelectNextInMine();

	// Redraw the contained object in the other little box
	if (event->type == EVENT_UI_DIALOG_DRAW)
		if ((Cur_object_index != object_none ) && (Cur_goody_count > 0))	{
			gr_set_current_canvas( r->containsViewBox->canvas );
			if ( Cur_goody_id > -1 )
				draw_object_picture(Cur_goody_id, &r->goody_angles, Cur_goody_type);
				gr_clear_canvas( CGREY );
			r->goody_angles.h += fixmul(0x1000, DeltaTime );
		} else {
			// no object, so just blank out
			gr_set_current_canvas( r->containsViewBox->canvas );
			gr_clear_canvas( CGREY );

	//		LocalObjectSelectNextInMine();

	// If anything changes in the ui system, redraw all the text that
	// identifies this robot.

	if (event->type == EVENT_UI_DIALOG_DRAW)
		int	i;
		char	id_text[STRING_LENGTH+1];
		const char *type_text;

		if (Cur_object_index != object_none) {
			Cur_goody_type = Objects[Cur_object_index].contains_type;
			Cur_goody_id = Objects[Cur_object_index].contains_id;
			if (Objects[Cur_object_index].contains_count < 0)
				Objects[Cur_object_index].contains_count = 0;
			Cur_goody_count = Objects[Cur_object_index].contains_count;

		ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, GOODY_X, GOODY_Y,    " Type:");
		ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, GOODY_X, GOODY_Y+24, "   ID:");
		ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, GOODY_X, GOODY_Y+48, "Count:");

		for (i=0; i<STRING_LENGTH; i++)
			id_text[i] = ' ';
		id_text[i] = 0;

		switch (Cur_goody_type) {
			case OBJ_ROBOT:
				type_text = "Robot  ";
				strncpy(id_text, Robot_names[Cur_goody_id], strlen(Robot_names[Cur_goody_id]));
			case OBJ_POWERUP:
				type_text = "Powerup";
				strncpy(id_text, Powerup_names[Cur_goody_id], strlen(Powerup_names[Cur_goody_id]));
				editor_status("Illegal contained object type (%i), changing to powerup.", Cur_goody_type);
				Cur_goody_type = OBJ_POWERUP;
				Cur_goody_id = 0;
				type_text = "Powerup";
				strncpy(id_text, Powerup_names[Cur_goody_id], strlen(Powerup_names[Cur_goody_id]));

		ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, GOODY_X+108, GOODY_Y, "%s", type_text);
		ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, GOODY_X+108, GOODY_Y+24, "%s", id_text);
		ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, GOODY_X+108, GOODY_Y+48, "%i", Cur_goody_count);

		if ( Cur_object_index != object_none )	{
			int	id = Objects[Cur_object_index].id;
			char	id_text[12];
			int	i;

			for (i=0; i<STRING_LENGTH; i++)
				id_text[i] = ' ';
			id_text[i] = 0;

			strncpy(id_text, Robot_names[id], strlen(Robot_names[id]));

			ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12,  6, "Robot: %3u ", static_cast<unsigned>(Cur_object_index) );
			ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 22, "   Id: %3d", id);
			ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 38, " Name: %8s", id_text);

		}	else {
			ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12,  6, "Robot: none" );
			ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 22, " Type: ?  "  );
			ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 38, " Name: ________" );
	if (ui_button_any_drawn || (r->old_object != Cur_object_index) )
		Update_flags |= UF_WORLD_CHANGED;
	if (event->type == EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSE)
		MainWindow = NULL;
		return 0;

	if ( GADGET_PRESSED(r->quitButton) || (keypress==KEY_ESC))
		return 1;

	r->old_object = Cur_object_index;
	return rval;
Example #5
// Called from the editor... does one instance of the robot dialog box
int do_robot_dialog()
	int i;
	robot_dialog *r;

	// Only open 1 instance of this window...
	if ( MainWindow != NULL ) return 0;
	MALLOC(r, robot_dialog, 1);
	if (!r)
		return 0;

	// Close other windows
	Cur_goody_count = 0;
	memset(&r->angles, 0, sizeof(vms_angvec));
	memset(&r->goody_angles, 0, sizeof(vms_angvec));

	// Open a window with a quit button
	MainWindow = ui_create_dialog( TMAPBOX_X+20, TMAPBOX_Y+20, 765-TMAPBOX_X, 545-TMAPBOX_Y, DF_DIALOG, (int (*)(UI_DIALOG *, d_event *, void *))robot_dialog_handler, r );
	r->quitButton = ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow, 20, 286, 40, 32, "Done", NULL );

	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow, GOODY_X+50, GOODY_Y-3, 25, 22, "<<", GoodyPrevType );
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow, GOODY_X+80, GOODY_Y-3, 25, 22, ">>", GoodyNextType );

	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow, GOODY_X+50, GOODY_Y+21, 25, 22, "<<", GoodyPrevID );
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow, GOODY_X+80, GOODY_Y+21, 25, 22, ">>", GoodyNextID );

	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow, GOODY_X+50, GOODY_Y+45, 25, 22, "<<", GoodyPrevCount );
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow, GOODY_X+80, GOODY_Y+45, 25, 22, ">>", GoodyNextCount );

	r->initialMode[0] = ui_add_gadget_radio( MainWindow,  6, 58, 16, 16, 0, "Hover" );
	r->initialMode[1] = ui_add_gadget_radio( MainWindow, 76, 58, 16, 16, 0, "Normal" );
	r->initialMode[2] = ui_add_gadget_radio( MainWindow,  6, 78, 16, 16, 0, "(hide)" );
	r->initialMode[3] = ui_add_gadget_radio( MainWindow, 76, 78, 16, 16, 0, "Avoid" );
	r->initialMode[4] = ui_add_gadget_radio( MainWindow,  6, 98, 16, 16, 0, "Follow" );
	r->initialMode[5] = ui_add_gadget_radio( MainWindow, 76, 98, 16, 16, 0, "Station" );

	// The little box the robots will spin in.
	r->robotViewBox = ui_add_gadget_userbox( MainWindow,155, 5, 150, 125 );

	// The little box the robots will spin in.
	r->containsViewBox = ui_add_gadget_userbox( MainWindow,10, 202, 100, 80 );

	// A bunch of buttons...
	i = 135;
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,190,i,53, 26, "<<Typ", 			RobotPrevType );
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,247,i,53, 26, "Typ>>", 			RobotNextType );							i += 29;		
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,190,i,110, 26, "Next in Seg", LocalObjectSelectNextinSegment );	i += 29;		

	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,190,i,53, 26, "<<Obj",		 	LocalObjectSelectPrevinMine );
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,247,i,53, 26, ">>Obj",			LocalObjectSelectNextinMine ); 		i += 29;		

	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,190,i,110, 26, "Delete", 		LocalObjectDelete );						i += 29;		
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,190,i,110, 26, "Create New", 	LocalObjectPlaceObject );				i += 29;		
	ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,190,i,110, 26, "Set Path", 	med_set_ai_path );
	r->time = timer_query();

	r->old_object = -2;		// Set to some dummy value so everything works ok on the first frame.

	if ( Cur_object_index == object_none )

	return 1;
