void Blitter_16bppAnim::Draw(const Blitter::BlitterParams *bp, ZoomLevel zoom)
	const Pixel *src, *src_line;
	Colour16 *dst, *dst_line;
	Anim *anim, *anim_line;

	/* Find where to start reading in the source sprite */
	src_line = (const Pixel *)bp->sprite + (bp->skip_top * bp->sprite_width + bp->skip_left) * ScaleByZoom(1, zoom);
	dst_line = (Colour16 *)bp->dst + bp->top * bp->pitch + bp->left;
	anim_line = this->anim_buf + ((Colour16 *)bp->dst - (Colour16 *)_screen.dst_ptr) + bp->top * this->anim_buf_width + bp->left;

	for (int y = 0; y < bp->height; y++) {
		dst = dst_line;
		dst_line += bp->pitch;

		src = src_line;
		src_line += bp->sprite_width * ScaleByZoom(1, zoom);

		anim = anim_line;
		anim_line += this->anim_buf_width;

		for (int x = 0; x < bp->width; x++) {
			switch (mode) {
					/* In case the m-channel is zero, do not remap this pixel in any way */
					anim->m = 0;
					anim->v = 0;
					if (src->m == 0) {
						if (src->a != 0) *dst = ComposeColourPA(src->c, src->a, *dst);
					} else {
						uint8 r = bp->remap[src->m];
						if (r != 0) {
							*dst = ComposeColourPA(AdjustBrightness(LookupColourInPalette(r), src->v), src->a, *dst);
							if (src->a == 15 && r >= PALETTE_ANIM_START) {
								anim->m = r - PALETTE_ANIM_START + 1;
								anim->v = src->v >> 1;

					/* TODO -- We make an assumption here that the remap in fact is transparency, not some colour.
					 *  This is never a problem with the code we produce, but newgrfs can make it fail... or at least:
					 *  we produce a result the newgrf maker didn't expect ;) */

					/* Make the current colour a bit more black, so it looks like this image is transparent */
					if (src->a != 0) *dst = MakeTransparent(*dst, 192);
					anim->m = 0;
					anim->v = 0;

					if (src->a == 15 && src->m >= PALETTE_ANIM_START) {
						*dst = AdjustBrightness(LookupColourInPalette(src->m), src->v);
						anim->m = src->m - PALETTE_ANIM_START + 1;
						anim->v = src->v >> 1;
					} else {
						if (src->a != 0) {
Example #2
void Blitter_32bppAnim::DrawRect(void *video, int width, int height, uint8 colour)
	if (_screen_disable_anim) {
		/* This means our output is not to the screen, so we can't be doing any animation stuff, so use our parent DrawRect() */
		Blitter_32bppOptimized::DrawRect(video, width, height, colour);

	Colour colour32 = LookupColourInPalette(colour);
	uint16 *anim_line;

	anim_line = ((uint32 *)video - (uint32 *)_screen.dst_ptr) + this->anim_buf;

	do {
		Colour *dst = (Colour *)video;
		uint16 *anim = anim_line;

		for (int i = width; i > 0; i--) {
			*dst = colour32;
			/* Set the colour in the anim-buffer too */
			*anim = colour | (DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS << 8);
		video = (uint32 *)video + _screen.pitch;
		anim_line += this->anim_buf_width;
	} while (--height);
Example #3
void Blitter_32bppAnim::PaletteAnimate(const Palette &palette)

	this->palette = palette;
	/* If first_dirty is 0, it is for 8bpp indication to send the new
	 *  palette. However, only the animation colours might possibly change.
	 *  Especially when going between toyland and non-toyland. */
	assert(this->palette.first_dirty == PALETTE_ANIM_START || this->palette.first_dirty == 0);

	const uint16 *anim = this->anim_buf;
	Colour *dst = (Colour *)_screen.dst_ptr;

	/* Let's walk the anim buffer and try to find the pixels */
	for (int y = this->anim_buf_height; y != 0 ; y--) {
		for (int x = this->anim_buf_width; x != 0 ; x--) {
			uint colour = GB(*anim, 0, 8);
			if (colour >= PALETTE_ANIM_START) {
				/* Update this pixel */
				*dst = this->AdjustBrightness(LookupColourInPalette(colour), GB(*anim, 8, 8));
		dst += _screen.pitch - this->anim_buf_width;

	/* Make sure the backend redraws the whole screen */
	_video_driver->MakeDirty(0, 0, _screen.width, _screen.height);
void Blitter_32bppAnim::PaletteAnimate(uint start, uint count)

	/* Never repaint the transparency pixel */
	if (start == 0) {

	const uint8 *anim = this->anim_buf;
	uint32 *dst = (uint32 *)_screen.dst_ptr;

	/* Let's walk the anim buffer and try to find the pixels */
	for (int y = this->anim_buf_height; y != 0 ; y--) {
		for (int x = this->anim_buf_width; x != 0 ; x--) {
			uint colour = *anim;
			if (IsInsideBS(colour, start, count)) {
				/* Update this pixel */
				*dst = LookupColourInPalette(colour);
		dst += _screen.pitch - this->anim_buf_width;

	/* Make sure the backend redraws the whole screen */
	_video_driver->MakeDirty(0, 0, _screen.width, _screen.height);
Example #5
void Blitter_32bppAnim::SetPixel(void *video, int x, int y, uint8 colour)
	*((Colour *)video + x + y * _screen.pitch) = LookupColourInPalette(colour);

	/* Set the colour in the anim-buffer too, if we are rendering to the screen */
	if (_screen_disable_anim) return;
	this->anim_buf[((uint32 *)video - (uint32 *)_screen.dst_ptr) + x + y * this->anim_buf_width] = colour | (DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS << 8);
Example #6
void Blitter_32bppAnim::SetPixel(void *video, int x, int y, uint8 colour)
	*((Colour *)video + x + y * _screen.pitch) = LookupColourInPalette(colour);

	/* Set the colour in the anim-buffer too, if we are rendering to the screen */
	if (_screen_disable_anim) return;
	assert(_screen.pitch == this->anim_buf_pitch); // precondition for translating 'video' into an 'anim_buf' offset below.
	this->anim_buf[((uint32 *)video - (uint32 *)_screen.dst_ptr) + x + y * this->anim_buf_pitch] = colour | (DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS << 8);
Example #7
void Blitter_32bppBase::DrawRect(void *video, int width, int height, uint8 colour)
	Colour colour32 = LookupColourInPalette(colour);

	do {
		Colour *dst = (Colour *)video;
		for (int i = width; i > 0; i--) {
			*dst = colour32;
		video = (uint32 *)video + _screen.pitch;
	} while (--height);
Example #8
Sprite *Blitter_16bppSimple::Encode(const SpriteLoader::Sprite *sprite, AllocatorProc *allocator)
	Pixel *dst;
	Sprite *dest_sprite = (Sprite *)allocator(sizeof(*dest_sprite) + (size_t)sprite->height * (size_t)sprite->width * sizeof(Pixel));

	dest_sprite->height = sprite->height;
	dest_sprite->width  = sprite->width;
	dest_sprite->x_offs = sprite->x_offs;
	dest_sprite->y_offs = sprite->y_offs;

	dst = (Pixel *)dest_sprite->data;
	SpriteLoader::CommonPixel *src = (SpriteLoader::CommonPixel *)sprite->data;

	for (int i = 0; i < sprite->height * sprite->width; i++) {
		if (src->m == 0) {
			dst[i].c = To16(src->r, src->g, src->b);
			dst[i].a = src->a / 16;
			dst[i].m = 0;
			dst[i].v = 0;
		} else {
			/* Get brightest value */
			uint8 rgb_max = max(src->r, max(src->g, src->b));
#if 0
			/* Pre-convert the mapping channel to a RGB value,
			   use 32bpp AdjustBrightness() variant for better colors,
			   because this function is not called each frame */
			if (rgb_max == 0) rgb_max = Blitter_32bppBase::DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS;
			dst[i].c = To16(Blitter_32bppBase::AdjustBrightness(LookupColourInPalette32(src->m), rgb_max));
			dst[i].v = rgb_max / 16;
			rgb_max /= 16;

			/* Black pixel (8bpp or old 32bpp image), so use default value */
			if (rgb_max == 0) rgb_max = DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS;

			/* Pre-convert the mapping channel to a RGB value,
			   use 32bpp AdjustBrightness() variant for better colors,
			   because this function is not called each frame */
			dst[i].c = AdjustBrightness(LookupColourInPalette(src->m), rgb_max);
			dst[i].v = rgb_max;

			dst[i].a = src->a / 16;
			dst[i].m = src->m;

	return dest_sprite;
void Blitter_32bppAnim::CopyFromBuffer(void *video, const void *src, int width, int height)
	assert(video >= _screen.dst_ptr && video <= (uint32 *)_screen.dst_ptr + _screen.width + _screen.height * _screen.pitch);
	uint32 *dst = (uint32 *)video;
	uint32 *usrc = (uint32 *)src;
	uint8 *anim_line = ((uint32 *)video - (uint32 *)_screen.dst_ptr) + this->anim_buf;

	int count = (_use_palette == PAL_DOS) ? PALETTE_ANIM_SIZE_DOS : PALETTE_ANIM_SIZE_WIN;

	for (; height > 0; height--) {
		/* We need to keep those for palette animation. */
		uint32 *dst_pal = dst;
		uint8 *anim_pal = anim_line;

		memcpy(dst, usrc, width * sizeof(uint32));
		usrc += width;
		dst += _screen.pitch;
		/* Copy back the anim-buffer */
		memcpy(anim_line, usrc, width * sizeof(uint8));
		usrc = (uint32 *)((uint8 *)usrc + width);
		anim_line += this->anim_buf_width;

		/* Okay, it is *very* likely that the image we stored is using
		 * the wrong palette animated colours. There are two things we
		 * can do to fix this. The first is simply reviewing the whole
		 * screen after we copied the buffer, i.e. run PaletteAnimate,
		 * however that forces a full screen redraw which is expensive
		 * for just the cursor. This just copies the implementation of
		 * palette animation, much cheaper though slightly nastier. */
		for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
			uint colour = *anim_pal;
			if (IsInsideBS(colour, PALETTE_ANIM_SIZE_START, count)) {
				/* Update this pixel */
				*dst_pal = LookupColourInPalette(colour);
Example #10
void Blitter_32bppAnim::CopyFromBuffer(void *video, const void *src, int width, int height)
	assert(video >= _screen.dst_ptr && video <= (uint32 *)_screen.dst_ptr + _screen.width + _screen.height * _screen.pitch);
	Colour *dst = (Colour *)video;
	const uint32 *usrc = (const uint32 *)src;
	assert(_screen.pitch == this->anim_buf_pitch); // precondition for translating 'video' into an 'anim_buf' offset below.
	uint16 *anim_line = ((uint32 *)video - (uint32 *)_screen.dst_ptr) + this->anim_buf;

	for (; height > 0; height--) {
		/* We need to keep those for palette animation. */
		Colour *dst_pal = dst;
		uint16 *anim_pal = anim_line;

		memcpy(dst, usrc, width * sizeof(uint32));
		usrc += width;
		dst += _screen.pitch;
		/* Copy back the anim-buffer */
		memcpy(anim_line, usrc, width * sizeof(uint16));
		usrc = (const uint32 *)((const uint16 *)usrc + width);
		anim_line += this->anim_buf_pitch;

		/* Okay, it is *very* likely that the image we stored is using
		 * the wrong palette animated colours. There are two things we
		 * can do to fix this. The first is simply reviewing the whole
		 * screen after we copied the buffer, i.e. run PaletteAnimate,
		 * however that forces a full screen redraw which is expensive
		 * for just the cursor. This just copies the implementation of
		 * palette animation, much cheaper though slightly nastier. */
		for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
			uint colour = GB(*anim_pal, 0, 8);
			if (colour >= PALETTE_ANIM_START) {
				/* Update this pixel */
				*dst_pal = this->AdjustBrightness(LookupColourInPalette(colour), GB(*anim_pal, 8, 8));
					/* Make the current colour a bit more black, so it looks like this image is transparent */
					if (src->a != 0) *dst = MakeTransparent(*dst, 192);
					anim->m = 0;
					anim->v = 0;

					if (src->a == 15 && src->m >= PALETTE_ANIM_START) {
						*dst = AdjustBrightness(LookupColourInPalette(src->m), src->v);
						anim->m = src->m - PALETTE_ANIM_START + 1;
						anim->v = src->v >> 1;
					} else {
						if (src->a != 0) {
							if (src->m >= PALETTE_ANIM_START) {
								*dst = ComposeColourPANoCheck(AdjustBrightness(LookupColourInPalette(src->m), src->v), src->a, *dst);
							} else {
								*dst = ComposeColourPA(src->c, src->a, *dst);
						anim->m = 0;
						anim->v = 0;
			src += ScaleByZoom(1, zoom);
Example #12
void Blitter_32bppBase::SetPixel(void *video, int x, int y, uint8 colour)
	*((Colour *)video + x + y * _screen.pitch) = LookupColourInPalette(colour);
Example #13
void Blitter_16bppSimple::Draw(const Blitter::BlitterParams *bp, ZoomLevel zoom)
	const Pixel *src, *src_line;
	Colour16 *dst, *dst_line;

	/* Find where to start reading in the source sprite */
	src_line = (const Pixel *)bp->sprite + (bp->skip_top * bp->sprite_width + bp->skip_left) * ScaleByZoom(1, zoom);
	dst_line = (Colour16 *)bp->dst + bp->top * bp->pitch + bp->left;

	for (int y = 0; y < bp->height; y++) {
		dst = dst_line;
		dst_line += bp->pitch;

		src = src_line;
		src_line += bp->sprite_width * ScaleByZoom(1, zoom);

		for (int x = 0; x < bp->width; x++) {
			switch (mode) {
					/* In case the m-channel is zero, do not remap this pixel in any way */
					if (src->m == 0) {
						if (src->a != 0) *dst = ComposeColourPA(src->c, src->a, *dst);
					} else {
						if (bp->remap[src->m] != 0) *dst = ComposeColourPA(AdjustBrightness(LookupColourInPalette(bp->remap[src->m]), src->v), src->a, *dst);

				case BM_CRASH_REMAP:
					if (src->m == 0) {
						if (src->a != 0) {
							uint8 g = MakeDark(src->c);
							*dst = ComposeColourRGBA(g, g, g, src->a, *dst);
					} else {
						if (bp->remap[src->m] != 0) *dst = ComposeColourPA(AdjustBrightness(LookupColourInPalette(bp->remap[src->m]), src->v), src->a, *dst);

					/* TODO -- We make an assumption here that the remap in fact is transparency, not some colour.
					 *  This is never a problem with the code we produce, but newgrfs can make it fail... or at least:
					 *  we produce a result the newgrf maker didn't expect ;) */

					/* Make the current colour a bit more black, so it looks like this image is transparent */
					if (src->a != 0) *dst = MakeTransparent(*dst, 192);

				case BM_BLACK_REMAP:
					if (src->a != 0) {
						*dst = Colour16(0, 0, 0);

					if (src->a != 0) *dst = ComposeColourPA(src->c, src->a, *dst);
			src += ScaleByZoom(1, zoom);