Example #1
      mapper_functions[n].read_nt           = mapper_##n##_read_nt;           \
      mapper_functions[n].write_nt          = mapper_##n##_write_nt;          \

    // NROM
    MAPPER_NONE(     0)
    // SxROM, all of which use the Nintendo MMC1
    MAPPER_W(        1)
    // Most common configuration of the UxROM boardset
    MAPPER_W(        2)
    // CNROM board and a very similar board used for Panesian games
    MAPPER_W(        3)
    // "iNES Mapper 004 is a wide abstraction that can represent boards using the
    // Nintendo MMC3, Nintendo MMC6, or functional clones of any of the above. Most
    // games utilizing TxROM, DxROM, and HKROM boards use this designation."
    MAPPER_WP(       4)
    // MMC5/ExROM - Used by Castlevania III
    MAPPER_RWPN(     5)
    // AxROM - Rare games often use this one
    MAPPER_W(        7)
    // MMC2 - only used by Punch-Out!!
    MAPPER_WP(       9)
    // Color Dreams
    MAPPER_W(       11)
    // Mapper-2-ish
    MAPPER_W(       71)
    // Camerica/Capcom mapper used by the Quattro * games
    MAPPER_W(      232)

    #undef MAPPER_NONE
Example #2
      mapper_fns_table[n].ppu_tick_callback = mapper_##n##_ppu_tick_callback; \
      mapper_fns_table[n].read_nt           = mapper_##n##_read_nt;           \
      mapper_fns_table[n].write_nt          = mapper_##n##_write_nt;          \

    // NROM
    MAPPER_NONE(  0)
    // SxROM, all of which use the Nintendo MMC1
    MAPPER_W(     1)
    // Most common configuration of the UxROM boardset
    MAPPER_W(     2)
    // CNROM board and a very similar board used for Panesian games
    MAPPER_W(     3)
    // "iNES Mapper 004 is a wide abstraction that can represent boards using the
    // Nintendo MMC3, Nintendo MMC6, or functional clones of any of the above. Most
    // games utilizing TxROM, DxROM, and HKROM boards use this designation."
    MAPPER_WP(    4)
    // MMC5/ExROM - Used by Castlevania III
    MAPPER_RWPN(  5)
    // AxROM - Rare games often use this one
    MAPPER_W(     7)
    // MMC2 - only used by Punch-Out!!
    MAPPER_WP(    9)
    // MMC4 - very similar to MMC2
    MAPPER_WP(   10)
    // Color Dreams
    MAPPER_W(    11)
    // NES-CPROM - only used by Videomation
    MAPPER_W(    13)
    // Action 53 multicart
    MAPPER_W(    28)
    // Mapper-2-ish