Example #1
static MCAdType MCAdTypeFromCString(const char *p_string)
    if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(p_string, "banner"))
        return kMCAdTypeBanner;
    else if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(p_string, "text"))
        return kMCAdTypeText;
    else if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(p_string, "full screen"))
        return kMCAdTypeFullscreen;    
    return kMCAdTypeUnknown;
static MCActivityIndicatorType MCActivityIndicatorTypeFromCString(const char *p_string)
#ifdef /* MCActivityIndicatorTypeFromCString */ LEGACY_EXEC
    if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(p_string, "white"))
        return kMCActivityIndicatorWhite;
    else if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(p_string, "large white"))
        return kMCActivityIndicatorWhiteLarge;
    else if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(p_string, "gray"))
        return kMCActivityIndicatorGray;
    return kMCActivityIndicatorWhite;
#endif /* MCActivityIndicatorTypeFromCString */
Example #3
static MCBusyIndicatorType MCBusyIndicatorTypeFromCString(const char *p_string)
#ifdef /* MCBusyIndicatorTypeFromCString */ LEGACY_EXEC
    if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(p_string, "in line"))
        return kMCBusyIndicatorInLine;
    else if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(p_string, "square"))
        return kMCBusyIndicatorSquare;
    else if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(p_string, "keyboard"))
        return kMCBusyIndicatorKeyboard;
    return kMCBusyIndicatorSquare;
#endif /* MCBusyIndicatorTypeFromCString */    
Example #4
void MCSystemListFontsForFamily(MCExecPoint& ep, const char *p_family)
    uint32_t t_styles;
    t_styles = 0;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; s_droid_fonts[i].name != nil; i++)
        if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(s_droid_fonts[i].name, p_family))
            t_styles = s_droid_fonts[i].styles;
    if (t_styles == 0)
        t_styles = MCAndroidCustomFontsGetStyle(p_family);
    ep . clear();        
    if (t_styles & kMCAndroidFontStyleRegular)
        ep.concatcstring("plain", EC_RETURN, ep.getsvalue().getlength() == 0);
    if (t_styles & kMCAndroidFontStyleBold)
        ep.concatcstring("bold", EC_RETURN, ep.getsvalue().getlength() == 0);
    if (t_styles & kMCAndroidFontStyleItalic)
        ep.concatcstring("italic", EC_RETURN, ep.getsvalue().getlength() == 0);
    if (t_styles & kMCAndroidFontStyleBoldItalic)
        ep.concatcstring("bold-italic", EC_RETURN, ep.getsvalue().getlength() == 0);
Exec_stat MCHandleSetAllowedOrientations(void *context, MCParameter *p_parameters)
	bool t_success;
	t_success = true;
	char *t_orientations;
	t_orientations = nil;
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCParseParameters(p_parameters, "s", &t_orientations);
	char **t_orientations_array;
	uint32_t t_orientations_count;
	t_orientations_array = nil;
	t_orientations_count = 0;
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCCStringSplit(t_orientations, ',', t_orientations_array, t_orientations_count);
	uint32_t t_orientations_set;
	t_orientations_set = 0;
	if (t_success)
		for(uint32_t i = 0; i < t_orientations_count; i++)
			for(uint32_t j = 0; s_orientation_names[j] != nil; j++)
				if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(t_orientations_array[i], s_orientation_names[j]))
					t_orientations_set |= (1 << j);
	s_allowed_orientations = t_orientations_set;
	for(uint32_t i = 0; i < t_orientations_count; i++)
	return ES_NORMAL;
Example #6
static bool MCTextLayoutFontFromHFONT(void *p_font, MCTextLayoutFont*& r_font)
	bool t_success;
	t_success = true;

	// First fetch the HFONT's LOGFONT structure
	LOGFONTA t_logfont;
	if (t_success)
		if (!GetObjectA(p_font, sizeof(LOGFONTA), &t_logfont))
			t_success = false;

	if (t_success)
		t_logfont . lfHeight = -256;

	// Now use this to search for an existing layout font
	MCTextLayoutFont *self;
	self = nil;
	if (t_success)
		self = MCTextLayoutFontFind(t_logfont);
		if (self != nil)
			r_font = self;
			return true;

	// Otherwise we must go ahead and create a new font
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCMemoryNew(self);

	if (t_success)
		self -> handle = CreateFontIndirectA(&t_logfont);
		if (self -> handle == nil)
			t_success = false;

	if (t_success)
		MCListPushFront(s_fonts, self);
		self -> info = t_logfont;

		// Now see if the font is a linked font
		for(MCTextLayoutLinkedFont *t_links = s_linked_fonts; t_links != nil; t_links = t_links -> next)
			if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(t_links -> name, self -> info . lfFaceName))
				self -> linking = t_links;

		r_font = self;
	return t_success;
Example #7
static MCAndroidCustomFont* look_up_custom_font_by_name(const char *p_name)
    for (MCAndroidCustomFont *t_font = s_custom_fonts; t_font != nil; t_font = t_font->next)
        if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(p_name, t_font->name))
            return t_font;
    return nil;
Exec_stat MCHandleStartActivityIndicator(void *p_context, MCParameter *p_parameters)
#ifdef /* MCHandleStartActivityIndicator */ LEGACY_EXEC
    MCActivityIndicatorType t_indicator_type;
    t_indicator_type = kMCActivityIndicatorWhite;
    char *t_style;
    t_style = nil;
    MCLocation t_location;
    t_location.x = -1;
    t_location.y = -1;
    MCExecPoint ep(nil, nil, nil);
    if (p_parameters != nil)
        // Provide backwards compatibility here for "whiteLarge" rather than "large white".
        if (MCCStringEqualCaseless (ep.getsvalue().getstring(), "whiteLarge"))
            MCCStringClone("large white", t_style);
            t_style = ep.getsvalue().clone();
        if (t_style != nil)
            p_parameters = p_parameters->getnext();
    if (p_parameters != nil)
        if (ep.getformat() != VF_STRING || ep.ston() == ES_NORMAL)
            t_location.x = ep.getint4();
            p_parameters = p_parameters->getnext();
            if (p_parameters != nil)
                if (ep.getformat() != VF_STRING || ep.ston() == ES_NORMAL)
                    t_location.y = ep.getint4();
                    p_parameters = p_parameters->getnext();
        if (t_location.y == -1)
            t_location.x = -1;

    MCExecContext t_ctxt(ep);
	t_ctxt . SetTheResultToEmpty();

	if (t_style != nil)
		t_indicator_type = MCActivityIndicatorTypeFromCString(t_style);
    MCActivityIndicatorExecStart(t_ctxt, t_indicator_type, t_location);
    return t_ctxt.GetStat();
#endif /* MCHandleStartActivityIndicator */
Example #9
bool MCNativeControl::LookupAction(const char *p_action, MCNativeControlAction& r_action)
	for(uint32_t i = 0; s_native_control_actions[i] . name != nil; i++)
		if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(p_action, s_native_control_actions[i] . name))
			r_action = s_native_control_actions[i] . action;
			return true;
	return false;
Example #10
bool MCNativeControl::LookupType(const char *p_type, MCNativeControlType& r_type)
	for(uint32_t i = 0; s_native_control_types[i] . name != nil; i++)
		if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(p_type, s_native_control_types[i] . name))
			r_type = s_native_control_types[i] . type;
			return true;
	return false;
Example #11
bool MCNativeControl::LookupProperty(const char *p_property, MCNativeControlProperty& r_prop)
	for(uint32_t i = 0; s_native_control_properties[i] . name != nil; i++)
		if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(p_property, s_native_control_properties[i] . name))
			r_prop = s_native_control_properties[i] . property;
			return true;
	return false;
Example #12
bool MCNativeControl::ParseEnum(MCExecPoint& ep, MCNativeControlEnumEntry *p_entries, int32_t& r_value)
	for(uint32_t i = 0; p_entries[i] . key != nil; i++)
		if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(p_entries[i] . key, ep . getcstring()))
			r_value = p_entries[i] . value;
			return true;
	MCeerror->add(EE_OBJECT_BADSTYLE, 0, 0, ep.getsvalue());
	return false;
Example #13
bool MCStackFullscreenModeFromString(const char *p_string, MCStackFullscreenMode &r_mode)
	for (uint32_t i = 0; s_fullscreenmode_names[i].name != nil; i++)
		if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(p_string, s_fullscreenmode_names[i].name))
			r_mode = s_fullscreenmode_names[i].mode;
			return true;

	return false;
Example #14
bool MCAd::FindByNameOrId(const char *p_name, MCAd *&r_ad)
	char *t_id_end;
	uint32_t t_id;
	t_id = strtoul(p_name, &t_id_end, 10);
	if (t_id_end != p_name)
		return FindById(t_id, r_ad);
	for(MCAd *t_ad = s_ads; t_ad != nil; t_ad = t_ad -> m_next)
		if (t_ad -> GetName() != nil && MCCStringEqualCaseless(t_ad -> GetName(), p_name))
			r_ad = t_ad;
			return true;
	return false;
Example #15
bool MCNativeControl::FindByNameOrId(const char *p_name, MCNativeControl*& r_control)
	char *t_id_end;
	uint32_t t_id;
	t_id = strtoul(p_name, &t_id_end, 10);
	if (t_id_end != p_name)
		return FindById(t_id, r_control);
	for(MCNativeControl *t_control = s_native_controls; t_control != nil; t_control = t_control -> m_next)
		if (!t_control -> m_deleted && t_control -> GetName() != nil && MCCStringEqualCaseless(t_control -> GetName(), p_name))
			r_control = t_control;
			return true;
	return false;
Example #16
static bool cgi_multipart_get_boundary(char *&r_boundary)
	bool t_success = true;
	char *t_content_type;
	t_content_type = MCS_getenv("CONTENT_TYPE");

	char *t_params = NULL;
	uint32_t t_index = 0;
	char **t_names = NULL;
	char **t_values = NULL;
	uint32_t t_param_count = 0;
	t_success = MCCStringFirstIndexOf(t_content_type, ';', t_index);

	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCMultiPartParseHeaderParams(t_content_type + t_index + 1, t_names, t_values, t_param_count);

	r_boundary = NULL;
	if (t_success)
		for (uint32_t i = 0; i < t_param_count; i++)
			if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(t_names[i], "boundary") && MCCStringLength(t_values[i]) > 0)
				r_boundary = t_values[i];
				t_values[i] = NULL;
	if (t_success)
		t_success = r_boundary != NULL;
	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < t_param_count; i++)
	return t_success;
Example #17
static MCAndroidCustomFont* look_up_custom_font_by_family_and_style(const char *p_family, bool p_bold, bool p_italic)
    MCAndroidCustomFont *t_closest_font;
    t_closest_font = nil;
    for (MCAndroidCustomFont *t_font = s_custom_fonts; t_font != nil; t_font = t_font->next)
        if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(p_family, t_font->family))
            if ((p_bold && p_italic && t_font->style == kMCAndroidFontStyleBoldItalic) || 
                (p_bold && t_font->style == kMCAndroidFontStyleBold) || 
                (p_italic && t_font->style == kMCAndroidFontStyleItalic))
                return t_font;
            else if (t_closest_font == nil)
                t_closest_font = t_font;
    return t_closest_font;
Example #18
static MCAndroidFontStyle MCAndroidCustomFontsGetStyle(const char *p_name)
    MCAndroidFontStyle t_styles;
    t_styles = 0;
    for (MCAndroidCustomFont *t_font = s_custom_fonts; t_font != nil; t_font = t_font->next)
        if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(p_name, t_font->family))
            t_styles |= t_font->style;
    if (t_styles == 0)
        MCAndroidCustomFont *t_font;
        t_font = look_up_custom_font_by_name(p_name);
        if (t_font != nil)
            t_styles |= t_font->style;
    return t_styles;    
Example #19
bool MCField::macmatchfontname(const char *p_font_name, char p_derived_font_name[])
	ATSUFontID t_font_id;
	if (ATSUFindFontFromName(p_font_name, strlen(p_font_name), kFontFullName, kFontNoPlatform, kFontNoScript, kFontNoLanguage, &t_font_id) == noErr ||
		ATSUFindFontFromName(p_font_name, strlen(p_font_name), kFontUniqueName, kFontNoPlatform, kFontNoScript, kFontNoLanguage, &t_font_id) == noErr ||
		ATSUFindFontFromName(p_font_name, strlen(p_font_name), kFontFamilyName, kFontNoPlatform, kFontNoScript, kFontNoLanguage, &t_font_id) == noErr ||
		ATSUFindFontFromName(p_font_name, strlen(p_font_name), kFontNoName, kFontNoPlatform, kFontNoScript, kFontNoLanguage, &t_font_id) == noErr)
		// Fetch the style name
		char t_style_name[64];
		ByteCount t_style_name_length;
		t_style_name_length = 0;
		ATSUFindFontName(t_font_id, kFontStyleName, kFontMacintoshPlatform, kFontNoScript, kFontNoLanguage, 63, t_style_name, &t_style_name_length, NULL);
		t_style_name[t_style_name_length] = '\0';
		// Fetch the full name
		char t_full_name[256];
		ByteCount t_full_name_length;
		t_full_name_length = 0;
		ATSUFindFontName(t_font_id, kFontFullName, kFontMacintoshPlatform, kFontNoScript, kFontNoLanguage, 255, t_full_name, &t_full_name_length, NULL);
		t_full_name[t_full_name_length] = '\0';
		// MW-2011-09-02: Make sure we don't do anything at all if style is regular
		//   (output name should be fullname!)
		if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(t_style_name, "Regular"))
			p_font_name = p_font_name; // Do nothing
		else if (MCCStringEndsWithCaseless(t_full_name, "Bold Italic"))
			t_full_name[t_full_name_length - 12] = '\0';
		else if (MCCStringEndsWithCaseless(t_full_name, "Bold"))
			t_full_name[t_full_name_length - 5] = '\0';
		else if (MCCStringEndsWithCaseless(t_full_name, "Italic"))
			t_full_name[t_full_name_length - 7] = '\0';
		strcpy(p_derived_font_name, t_full_name);
		return true;
	return false;
Example #20
bool MCNativeControl::ParseSet(MCExecPoint& ep, MCNativeControlEnumEntry *p_entries, int32_t& r_value)
    bool t_success = true;
	char **t_members_array;
	uint32_t t_members_count;
	t_members_array = nil;
	t_members_count = 0;
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCCStringSplit(ep.getcstring(), ',', t_members_array, t_members_count);
	int32_t t_members_set;
	t_members_set = 0;
	if (t_success)
		for(uint32_t i = 0; t_success && i < t_members_count; i++)
            bool t_found = false;
			for(uint32_t j = 0; !t_found && p_entries[j].key != nil; j++)
				if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(t_members_array[i], p_entries[j].key))
					t_members_set |= p_entries[j].value;
                    t_found = true;
            if (!t_found)
                t_success = false;
	for(uint32_t i = 0; i < t_members_count; i++)
    if (t_success)
        r_value = t_members_set;
	return t_success;
Example #21
static bool cgi_multipart_header_callback(void *p_context, MCMultiPartHeader *p_header)
	bool t_success = true;
	cgi_multipart_context_t *t_context = (cgi_multipart_context_t*)p_context;
	if (p_header != NULL)
		if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(p_header->name, "Content-Disposition"))
			if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(p_header->value, "form-data"))
				t_context->disposition = kMCDispositionFormData;
			else if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(p_header->value, "file"))
				t_context->disposition = kMCDispositionFile;
				t_context->disposition = kMCDispositionUnknown;
			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_header->param_count; i++)
				if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(p_header->param_name[i], "name"))
					grab_string(t_context->name, p_header->param_value[i]);
				else if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(p_header->param_name[i], "filename"))
					grab_string(t_context->file_name, p_header->param_value[i]);
		else if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(p_header->name, "Content-Type"))
			grab_string(t_context->type, p_header->value);
			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_header->param_count; i++)
				if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(p_header->param_name[i], "boundary"))
					grab_string(t_context->boundary, p_header->param_value[i]);
		if (cgi_context_is_form_data(t_context))
			MCExecPoint ep;
			t_success = t_context->name != NULL;
			if (t_success)
				cgi_fetch_variable_value_for_key(s_cgi_post, t_context->name, MCCStringLength(t_context->name), ep, t_context->post_variable);
				cgi_fetch_variable_value_for_key(s_cgi_post_binary, t_context->name, MCCStringLength(t_context->name), ep, t_context->post_binary_variable);
		else if (cgi_context_is_file(t_context))
			const char *t_temp_dir = cgi_get_upload_temp_dir();
			const char *t_error = NULL;
			if (t_temp_dir == NULL || !MCS_exists(t_temp_dir, False))
				t_context->file_status = kMCFileStatusNoUploadFolder;
			else if (!MCMultiPartCreateTempFile(cgi_get_upload_temp_dir(), t_context->file_handle, t_context->temp_name))
				t_context->file_status = kMCFileStatusIOError;
	return t_success;
Example #22
static bool create_custom_font_from_path(const char *p_path, FT_Library p_library, MCAndroidCustomFont *&r_custom_font)
    bool t_success;
    t_success = true;
    char *t_buffer;
    t_buffer = nil;
    uint32_t t_file_size;
    t_file_size = 0;
    if (t_success)
        t_success = load_custom_font_file_into_buffer_from_path(p_path, t_buffer, t_file_size);
    FT_Face t_font_face;
    t_font_face = nil;
    if (t_success)
        t_success = FT_New_Memory_Face(p_library, (FT_Byte *)t_buffer, t_file_size, 0, &t_font_face) == 0;
    MCAndroidCustomFont *t_font;
    t_font = nil;
    if (t_success)
        t_success = MCMemoryNew(t_font);
    if (t_success)
        t_success = MCCStringClone(p_path, t_font->path);
    if (t_success)
        t_success = MCCStringClone(t_font_face->family_name, t_font->family);
    if (t_success)
        if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(t_font_face->style_name, "bold"))
            t_font->style = kMCAndroidFontStyleBold;
        else if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(t_font_face->style_name, "italic"))
            t_font->style = kMCAndroidFontStyleItalic;
        else if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(t_font_face->style_name, "bold italic"))
            t_font->style = kMCAndroidFontStyleBoldItalic;
            t_font->style = kMCAndroidFontStyleRegular;
    if (t_success)
        FT_SfntName t_sft_name;
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < FT_Get_Sfnt_Name_Count(t_font_face); i++)
            // Attempt to fetch the name of the font.  The name is name id 4 as defined in https://developer.apple.com/fonts/TTRefMan/RM06/Chap6name.html
            // It appears that the platform to use here is 1 (Macintosh according to the spec).
            FT_Get_Sfnt_Name(t_font_face, i, &t_sft_name);
            if (t_sft_name.name_id == 4 && t_sft_name.platform_id == 1 && t_sft_name.encoding_id == 0 && t_sft_name.language_id == 0 && t_sft_name.string_len != 0)
                t_success = MCCStringCloneSubstring((char *)t_sft_name.string, t_sft_name.string_len, t_font->name); 
    if (t_success)
        t_success = t_font->name != nil;
    if (t_success)
        r_custom_font = t_font;
    if (t_font_face != nil)
    /*UNCHECKED */ MCMemoryDelete(t_buffer);
    return t_success;
Exec_stat MCProperty::mode_set(MCExecPoint& ep)
			MCVariableValue *t_settings;
			t_settings = ep . getarray();

			if (t_settings == NULL)

			MCExecPoint ep_key(ep);

			if (t_settings -> fetch_element(ep_key, "verbose") == ES_NORMAL)
				MCU_stob(ep_key . getsvalue(), MCcrashreportverbose);

			if (t_settings -> fetch_element(ep_key, "filename") == ES_NORMAL)
				if (MCcrashreportfilename != NULL)
					delete MCcrashreportfilename;
				MCcrashreportfilename = ep_key . getsvalue() . getlength() > 0 ? ep_key . getsvalue() . clone() : NULL;


			MCVariableValue *t_settings = ep.getarray();

			if (t_settings == NULL)

			MCExecPoint ep_key(ep);

			if (t_settings -> fetch_element(ep_key, "token") == ES_NORMAL)
				MClicenseparameters . license_token = ep_key . getsvalue() . clone();

			if (t_settings -> fetch_element(ep_key, "name") == ES_NORMAL)
				MClicenseparameters . license_name = ep_key . getsvalue() . clone();

			if (t_settings -> fetch_element(ep_key, "organization") == ES_NORMAL)
				MClicenseparameters . license_organization = ep_key . getsvalue() . clone();

			if (t_settings -> fetch_element(ep_key, "class") == ES_NORMAL)
				static struct { const char *tag; uint32_t value; } s_class_map[] =
					{ "community", kMCLicenseClassCommunity },
					{ "commercial", kMCLicenseClassCommercial },
					{ "professional", kMCLicenseClassProfessional },
					{ NULL, kMCLicenseClassNone }
				uint4 t_index;
				for(t_index = 0; s_class_map[t_index] . tag != NULL; ++t_index)
					if (ep_key . getsvalue() == s_class_map[t_index] . tag)

				MClicenseparameters . license_class = s_class_map[t_index] . value;

			if (t_settings -> fetch_element(ep_key, "multiplicity") == ES_NORMAL && ep_key . ton() == ES_NORMAL)
				MClicenseparameters . license_multiplicity = ep_key . getuint4();

			if (t_settings -> fetch_element(ep_key, "scriptlimit") == ES_NORMAL && ep_key . ton() == ES_NORMAL)
				MClicenseparameters . script_limit = ep_key . getnvalue() <= 0 ? 0 : ep_key . getuint4();

			if (t_settings -> fetch_element(ep_key, "dolimit") == ES_NORMAL && ep_key . ton() == ES_NORMAL)
				MClicenseparameters . do_limit = ep_key . getnvalue() <= 0 ? 0 : ep_key . getuint4();

			if (t_settings -> fetch_element(ep_key, "usinglimit") == ES_NORMAL && ep_key . ton() == ES_NORMAL)
				MClicenseparameters . using_limit = ep_key . getnvalue() <= 0 ? 0 : ep_key . getuint4();

			if (t_settings -> fetch_element(ep_key, "insertlimit") == ES_NORMAL && ep_key . ton() == ES_NORMAL)
				MClicenseparameters . insert_limit = ep_key . getnvalue() <= 0 ? 0 : ep_key . getuint4();

			if (t_settings -> fetch_element(ep_key, "deploy") == ES_NORMAL)
				static struct { const char *tag; uint32_t value; } s_deploy_map[] =
					{ "windows", kMCLicenseDeployToWindows },
					{ "macosx", kMCLicenseDeployToMacOSX },
					{ "linux", kMCLicenseDeployToLinux },
					{ "ios", kMCLicenseDeployToIOS },
					{ "android", kMCLicenseDeployToAndroid },
					{ "winmobile", kMCLicenseDeployToWinMobile },
					{ "meego", kMCLicenseDeployToLinuxMobile },
					{ "server", kMCLicenseDeployToServer },
					{ "ios-embedded", kMCLicenseDeployToIOSEmbedded },
					{ "android-embedded", kMCLicenseDeployToIOSEmbedded },

				MClicenseparameters . deploy_targets = 0;

				uint32_t t_target_count;
				char **t_targets;
				t_target_count = 0;
				t_targets = nil;
				if (MCCStringSplit(ep_key . getcstring(), ',', t_targets, t_target_count))
					for(uint32_t i = 0; i < t_target_count; i++)
						for(uint32_t j = 0; j < sizeof(s_deploy_map) / sizeof(s_deploy_map[0]); j++)
							if (MCCStringEqualCaseless(s_deploy_map[j] . tag, t_targets[i]))
								MClicenseparameters . deploy_targets |= s_deploy_map[j] . value;
					MCCStringArrayFree(t_targets, t_target_count);

			if (t_settings -> fetch_element(ep_key, "addons") == ES_NORMAL && ep_key . getformat() == VF_ARRAY)
				MClicenseparameters . addons = new MCVariableValue(*(ep_key . getarray()));

			MCObject *t_object;
			t_object = getobj(ep);
			if (t_object != NULL)
				MCmessageboxredirect = t_object;
				MCmessageboxredirect = NULL;

	// MM-2012-11-06: [[ Property Listener ]]
		if (ep.getuint4(MCpropertylistenerthrottletime, line, pos, EE_OBJECT_NAN) != ES_NORMAL)
			return ES_ERROR;			
		return ES_NOT_HANDLED;

	return ES_NORMAL;