Example #1
// Start and stop the wave file
static void StartWave( BOOL bTurnOn )
	static HMCI hPlayWave;

	if ( !bTurnOn )
	{ // turn the sound off
		if ( hPlayWave )
		{ // If playing, stop it
			MCIClose( hPlayWave );
			hPlayWave = NULL;
	{ // turn the sound on
		if ( hPlayWave )
			return;	// If already playing, return

		if ( hPlayWave = MCIOpen (GetApp()->m_hDeviceWAV, TEST_WAVE, NULL/*lpAlias*/) )
			MCILoop( hPlayWave, TRUE );
			if ( !MCIPlay( hPlayWave, GetApp()->GetMainWnd() ) )
				MCIClose( hPlayWave );
				hPlayWave = NULL;
Example #2
BOOL CScene::OnInitDialog(HWND hWnd, HWND hWndFocus, LPARAM lParam)
	// Force the caption flag off for win95
	DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLong( hWnd, GWL_STYLE );
	SetWindowLong( hWnd, GWL_STYLE, dwStyle & (~WS_CAPTION) );

	// Get the command string
	STRING szString;
	GetWindowText( hWnd, szString, sizeof(STRING)-1 );
	FNAME szMidi;
	GetStringParm( szString, 1/*nIndex*/, ',', szMidi );
	LPLONG lpSwitches = ExtractSwitches( szString );

	// Create the sound class with or w/o wavemix
	m_pSound = new CSound((BOOL)GetSwitchValue( 'w', lpSwitches));
	if (m_pSound)
		m_pSound->Open( NULL/*"powersnd.dll"*/ );

	if ( lpSwitches )
		FreeUp( (LPTR)lpSwitches );

	// Fix the coordinates from the resource file
	RepositionDialogControls( hWnd );

	// Center the scene within the app's client area
	CenterWindow( hWnd );

	// This should not be necessary, since it's done in the OnClose()
	if ( m_hMidiTheme )
	{ // close any looping midi theme
		MCIClose( m_hMidiTheme );
		m_hMidiTheme = NULL;

	if ( *szMidi )
	{ // The scene has a midi theme, so start it
		LPLONG lpMidiSwitches = ExtractSwitches( szMidi );
		if ( m_hMidiTheme = MCIOpen( GetApp()->m_hDeviceMID, szMidi, NULL/*lpAlias*/ ) )
			if ( lpMidiSwitches )
				MCILoop( m_hMidiTheme, (BOOL)GetSwitchValue( 'l', lpMidiSwitches ) );
			if ( !MCIPlay( m_hMidiTheme, GetApp()->GetMainWnd() ) )
				MCIClose( m_hMidiTheme );
				m_hMidiTheme = NULL;
			} // if it's not looping, it will close itself when it ends
		if ( lpMidiSwitches )
			FreeUp( (LPTR)lpMidiSwitches );

	// if we have an animation object then setup a timer for it
	m_idAnimatorTimer = SetTimer(hWnd, ANIMATOR_TIMER_ID, 1, NULL);

Example #3
void CBelongsScene::ToonInitDone()
	STRING szName;

	ShowDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_EDIT, TRUE);
	UpdateWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_EDIT));
	SetFocus(GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_EDIT));
	//GetApp()->GetSettingString("Name", szName, "", FALSE);
	szName[0] = '\0';
	if (lstrlen(szName))
		SetDlgItemText(m_hWnd, IDC_EDIT, szName);
		Edit_SetSel(GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_EDIT), 0, -1);
		Edit_SetSel(GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_EDIT), -1, 0);
		UpdateWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hWnd, IDC_EDIT));
		FORWARD_WM_COMMAND(m_hWnd, IDC_NEXT, m_hWnd, 0, PostMessage);
		FNAME szFileName;

		GetPathName(szFileName, ENTER_NAME_WAVE);
		if (m_hSound)
			m_hSound = NULL;
		m_hSound = MCIOpen(GetApp()->m_hDeviceWAV, szFileName, NULL); 
		if (m_hSound)
			if (!MCIPlay(m_hSound, m_hWnd))
				m_hSound = NULL;
Example #4
LOCAL void Story_OnLButtonDown(HWND hWindow, BOOL fDoubleClick, int x, int y, UINT keyFlags)
	if ( SHIFT )
	if ( bTrack )
	PSTORY pStory = GetStory(hWindow);
	if (!pStory)
	if (pStory->m_fPlaying)

	if (pStory->m_fPlaying)
	SetCapture( hWindow ); bTrack = TRUE;
	if ( GetFocus() != hWindow )
		SetFocus( hWindow );
	bInRect = YES;
	DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLong(hWindow, GWL_STYLE);
	int i;
	if ((i = pStory->FindHotSpot(x, y)) >= 0)
		HDC hDC = GetDC(hWindow);
		pStory->m_iHighlight = i + 1;
		Story_OnDraw(hWindow, hDC, &pStory->m_lpWordData[i].rArea, TRUE);
		if (lstrlen(pStory->m_szStoryFile))
 			pStory->m_hMCIfile = MCIOpen( App.m_hDeviceWAV, pStory->m_szStoryFile, NULL/*lpAlias*/ );
		if ( pStory->m_hMCIfile )
			FORWARD_WM_COMMAND(GetParent(hWindow), GET_WINDOW_ID(hWindow), hWindow, 0, SendMessage);
			MCIPlay( pStory->m_hMCIfile, NULL, pStory->m_lpWordData[i].dwFrom, pStory->m_lpWordData[i].dwTo );
			MCIClose( pStory->m_hMCIfile );
			pStory->m_hMCIfile = NULL;
		ReleaseDC(hWindow, hDC);
Example #5
void Video_GotoShot( HWND hWindow, LPVIDEO lpVideo, SHOTID lShot, long lCount, int iFrames, int iEventCode )
	LPSHOT lpShot;

	if ( !(lpShot = Video_GetShot( lpVideo, lShot, lCount )) )
		MCIStop( lpVideo->hDevice, YES/*bWait*/ );
		MCIPlay( lpVideo->hDevice, hWindow/*Notify Myself*/ );

	if ( lpShot->wDisk != lpVideo->wDisk )
		if ( !Video_Open( hWindow, lpVideo, lpShot->wDisk, lpShot->lStartFrame ) )

	if ( lpShot->lShotID != lpVideo->lCurrentShot || !iEventCode )
	{ // if the shot is changing, or a NULL event code...

		// Send the notification message if the shot is changing
		lpShot->iLastEvent = iEventCode;
		LPPSHOT lppShot = &lpShot;
		FORWARD_WM_COMMAND( GetParent(hWindow), GET_WINDOW_ID(hWindow),
			LOWORD(lppShot), HIWORD(lppShot), SendMessage );
		if ( !(*lppShot) ) // if the application rejects this shot...
			return; // get out, and whatever is playing keeps playing

		// Set the previous shot variables, unless we could cause an infinite loop
		if ( lpShot->bGoesPrev )
			LPSHOT lpCurrentShot = Video_GetShotPtr( lpVideo, lpVideo->lCurrentShot );
			if ( lpCurrentShot && !lpCurrentShot->bGoesPrev )
				lpVideo->lPrevFrame = MCIGetPosition( lpVideo->hDevice );
				lpVideo->lPrevShot = lpVideo->lCurrentShot;
		lpVideo->lCurrentShot = lpShot->lShotID;

	// Calculate the lFrom and lTo frames
	long lTo = lpShot->lEndFrame;
	long lFrom = lpShot->lStartFrame;
	if ( iFrames > 0 )
		lFrom = max( lTo - iFrames, lFrom );

	if ( lpShot->lIndentFrames )
	{ // If indention is being used...
		lFrom += lpShot->lIndentFrames;
		lpShot->lIndentFrames = 0;
		if ( lFrom > lTo )
			lFrom = lTo;
	else // Clear any disabled hotspot flags
		Video_ShotEnableHotspots( lpVideo, lpShot );

	MCIStop( lpVideo->hDevice, YES/*bWait*/ );
	MCIPlay( lpVideo->hDevice, hWindow/*Notify Myself*/, lFrom, lTo );
	lpVideo->lLastShotToPlay = lpVideo->lCurrentShot;
Example #6
void CBelongsScene::PlayBelongsTo(BOOL fNameOnly)
	STRING szName;
	FNAME szNameWave;
	FNAME szFileName;
	BOOL fGotName = FALSE;

	GetDlgItemText(m_hWnd, IDC_EDIT, szName, sizeof(szName));
	if (!lstrlen(szName))

	// See if the name is in the table (for names longer than 8)
	STRING szTheName;
	int len = lstrlen(szName);
	for (int n = 0; n <= len; ++n)
		if (isspace(szName[n]))
			szTheName[n] = '-';
			szTheName[n] = szName[n];

	for (int i = 0; i < m_nNames; ++i)
		if (!lstrcmpi(m_pNames[i].m_szName, szTheName))
		{ // found it, now play the wav
			GetPathName(szNameWave, m_pNames[i].m_szFileName);
			fGotName = FileExistsExpand(szNameWave, NULL);

	// See if file for this name exists
	// in normal content directory
	if (!fGotName)
		GetPathName(szNameWave, szName);
		lstrcat(szNameWave, ".wav");
		fGotName = FileExistsExpand(szNameWave, NULL);
	// Try the windows directory for a custom name
	if (!fGotName)
		GetWindowsDirectory(szNameWave, sizeof(szNameWave));
		lstrcat(szNameWave, szName);
		lstrcat(szNameWave, ".wav");
		fGotName = FileExistsExpand(szNameWave, NULL);

	if (fNameOnly && !fGotName)

	if (m_hSound)
		m_hSound = NULL;

	if (!fNameOnly)
		GetPathName(szFileName, BELONGS_TO_WAVE);
		if ( m_hSound = MCIOpen(GetApp()->m_hDeviceWAV, szFileName, NULL) )
			MCIPlay(m_hSound, NULL);
			m_hSound = NULL;

	if (fGotName)
	{	// If we have a name play it
		if ( m_hSound = MCIOpen(GetApp()->m_hDeviceWAV, szNameWave, NULL) )
			MCIPlay(m_hSound, NULL);
			m_hSound = NULL;
	{	// Otherwise, play it letter by letter
		STRING szName;
		GetDlgItemText(m_hWnd, IDC_EDIT, szName, sizeof(szName));

		STRING szLetter;
		FNAME szFileName;
		BOOL fExists = FALSE;
		int i = 0;
		char c;
		while ( c = szName[i++] )
			szLetter[0] = c;
			szLetter[1] = '\0';
			lstrcat(szLetter, ".wav");
			GetPathName(szFileName, szLetter);
			if ( !FileExistsExpand(szFileName, NULL) )
			if ( m_hSound = MCIOpen(GetApp()->m_hDeviceWAV, szFileName, NULL) )
				MCIPlay(m_hSound, NULL);
				m_hSound = NULL;