Example #1
static bool MCConvertNativeFromUTF16(const uint16_t *p_chars, uint32_t p_char_count, uint8_t*& r_output, uint32_t& r_output_length)
	uint8_t *t_output;
	uint32_t t_output_length;
	if (!MCMemoryAllocate(p_char_count, t_output))
		return false;

	uint32_t t_index;
	t_index = 0;
	t_output_length = 0;
	while(t_index < p_char_count)
		if (p_chars[t_index] < 128 && (t_index == p_char_count - 1 || p_chars[t_index + 1] < 128))
			t_output[t_output_length++] = (char)p_chars[t_index];
			t_index += 1;
			uint32_t t_start;
			t_start = t_index;
			uint32_t t_codepoint;
			t_codepoint = MCUnicodeCodepointAdvance((const uint2 *)p_chars, p_char_count, t_index);
			while(t_index < p_char_count)
				uint4 t_old_index;
				t_old_index = t_index;
				t_codepoint = MCUnicodeCodepointAdvance((const uint2 *)p_chars, p_char_count, t_index);
				if (MCUnicodeCodepointIsBase(t_codepoint))
					t_index = t_old_index;

			uint8_t t_char;
			if (!MCUnicodeMapToNative(p_chars + t_start, t_index - t_start, t_char))
				t_char = '?';
			t_output[t_output_length++] = t_char;

	MCMemoryReallocate(t_output, t_output_length, t_output);

	r_output = t_output;
	r_output_length = t_output_length;

	return true;
Example #2
void MCFontBreakText(MCFontRef p_font, MCStringRef p_text, MCRange p_range, MCFontBreakTextCallback p_callback, void *p_callback_data, bool p_rtl)
	// MW-2013-12-19: [[ Bug 11559 ]] If the font has a nil font, do nothing.
	if (p_font -> fontstruct == nil)

    // If the text is small enough, don't bother trying to break it
    /*if (p_length <= (kMCFontBreakTextCharLimit * (p_is_unicode ? 2 : 1)))
        p_callback(p_font, p_text, p_length, p_is_unicode, p_callback_data);
    //p_callback(p_font, p_text, p_length, p_is_unicode, p_callback_data);
    // Scan forward in the string for possible break locations. Breaks are
    // assigned a quality value as some locations are better for breaking than
    // others. The qualities are:
    //  0.  no break found
    //  1.  grapheme break found
    //  2.  URL break found ('/' char)
    //  3.  word break found
    // This isn't a particularly good algorithm but should suffice until full
    // Unicode support is added and a proper breaking algorithm implemented.
    uint32_t t_stride;
    t_stride = kMCFontBreakTextCharLimit;
    uindex_t t_end = p_range.offset + p_range.length;
    uindex_t t_length = p_range.length;
    uindex_t t_offset = (p_rtl) ? 0 : p_range.offset;
    while (t_length > 0)
        int t_break_quality;
        uindex_t t_break_point, t_index;

        t_break_quality = 0;
        t_break_point = 0;
        t_index = 0;

        // Find the best break within the next stride characters. If there are
        // no breaking points, extend beyond the stride until one is found.
        while ((t_index < t_stride || t_break_quality == 0) && t_index < t_length)
            codepoint_t t_char;
            uindex_t t_advance;
            if (p_rtl)
                t_char = MCStringGetCharAtIndex(p_text, t_end - t_index - t_offset);
                t_char = MCStringGetCharAtIndex(p_text, t_offset + t_index);
            if (MCUnicodeCodepointIsHighSurrogate(t_char))
                // Surrogate pair
                if (p_rtl)
                    t_char = MCUnicodeSurrogatesToCodepoint(t_char, MCStringGetCharAtIndex(p_text, t_end - t_index - t_offset - 1));
                    t_char = MCUnicodeSurrogatesToCodepoint(t_char, MCStringGetCharAtIndex(p_text, t_offset + t_index + 1));
                t_advance = 2;
                t_advance = 1;
            // Prohibit breaks at the beginning of the string
            if (t_index == 0)
                t_index += t_advance;
            if (t_char == ' ')
                t_break_point = t_index;
                t_break_quality = 3;
            else if (t_break_quality < 3 && t_char == '/')
                t_break_point = t_index;
                t_break_quality = 2;
            else if (t_break_quality < 2 && MCUnicodeCodepointIsBase(t_char))
                t_break_point = t_index;
                t_break_quality = 1;
            else if (t_break_quality < 2 && t_char > 0xFFFF)
                // Character outside BMP, assume can break here
                t_break_point = t_index;
                t_break_quality = 1;
            // If the break point is a word boundary, don't look for a later
            // breaking point. Words are cached as-is where possible.
            if (t_break_quality == 3)
            // Advance to the next character
            t_index += t_advance;
        // If no word break was found and the whole of the remaining text was
        // searched and the remaining text is smaller than the break size then
        // don't attempt a break just for the sake of it.
        if (t_break_quality < 3 && t_length < kMCFontBreakTextCharLimit)
            t_break_point = t_length;
        // If no break point was found, just process the whole line
        if (t_break_quality == 0)
            t_break_point = t_length;
        // Process this chunk of text
        MCRange t_range;
        if (p_rtl)
            t_range = MCRangeMake(t_end - t_offset - t_break_point, t_break_point);
            t_range = MCRangeMake(t_offset, t_break_point);

#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_ANDROID_MOBILE)
        // This is a really ugly hack to get LTR/RTL overrides working correctly -
        // ATSUI and Pango think they know better than us and won't let us suppress
        // the BiDi algorithm they uses for text layout. So instead, we need to add
        // an LRO or RLO character in front of every single bit of text :-(
        MCAutoStringRef t_temp;
        unichar_t t_override;
        if (p_rtl)
            t_override = 0x202E;
            t_override = 0x202D;
        /* UNCHECKED */ MCStringCreateMutable(0, &t_temp);
        /* UNCHECKED */ MCStringAppendChar(*t_temp, t_override);
        /* UNCHECKED */ MCStringAppendSubstring(*t_temp, p_text, t_range);
        /* UNCHECKED */ MCStringAppendChar(*t_temp, 0x202C);
        p_callback(p_font, *t_temp, MCRangeMake(0, MCStringGetLength(*t_temp)), p_callback_data);
        // Another ugly hack - this time, to avoid incoming strings being coerced
        // into Unicode strings needlessly (because the drawing code uses unichars).
        // Do a mutable copy (to ensure an actual copy) before drawing.
        MCAutoStringRef t_temp;
        /* UNCHECKED */ MCStringMutableCopySubstring(p_text, t_range, &t_temp);
        p_callback(p_font, *t_temp, MCRangeMake(0, t_range.length), p_callback_data);
        // Explicitly show breaking points
        //p_callback(p_font, MCSTR("|"), MCRangeMake(0, 1), p_callback_data);
        // Move on to the next chunk
        t_offset += t_break_point;
        // SN-2014-07-23: [[ Bug 12910 ]] Script editor crashes
        //  Make sure we get 0 as a minimum, not a negative value since t_length is a uindex_t.
        if (t_length < t_break_point)
            t_length = 0;
            t_length -= t_break_point;
Example #3
void MCFontBreakText(MCFontRef p_font, const char *p_text, uint32_t p_length, bool p_is_unicode, MCFontBreakTextCallback p_callback, void *p_callback_data)
	// MW-2013-12-19: [[ Bug 11559 ]] If the font has a nil font, do nothing.
	if (p_font -> fontstruct == nil)
    // If the text is small enough, don't bother trying to break it
    /*if (p_length <= (kMCFontBreakTextCharLimit * (p_is_unicode ? 2 : 1)))
        p_callback(p_font, p_text, p_length, p_is_unicode, p_callback_data);
    //p_callback(p_font, p_text, p_length, p_is_unicode, p_callback_data);
    // Scan forward in the string for possible break locations. Breaks are
    // assigned a quality value as some locations are better for breaking than
    // others. The qualities are:
    //  0.  no break found
    //  1.  grapheme break found
    //  2.  URL break found ('/' char)
    //  3.  word break found
    // This isn't a particularly good algorithm but should suffice until full
    // Unicode support is added and a proper breaking algorithm implemented.
    uint32_t t_stride;
    t_stride = kMCFontBreakTextCharLimit * (p_is_unicode ? 2 : 1);
    while (p_length > 0)
        int t_break_quality;
        uint32_t t_break_point, t_index;
        t_break_quality = 0;
        t_break_point = 0;
        t_index = 0;
        uint32_t t_length;
        t_length = p_length / (p_is_unicode ? 2 : 1);
        // Find the best break within the next stride characters. If there are
        // no breaking points, extend beyond the stride until one is found.
        while ((t_index < t_stride || t_break_quality == 0) && t_index < t_length)
            uint32_t t_char;
            uint32_t t_advance;
            if (p_is_unicode)
                t_char = ((unichar_t*)p_text)[t_index];
                if (0xD800 <= t_char && t_char < 0xDC00)
                    // Surrogate pair
                    t_char = ((t_char - 0xD800) << 10) + (((unichar_t*)p_text)[t_index+1] - 0xDC00);
                    t_advance = 2;
                    t_advance = 1;
                t_char = p_text[t_index];
                t_advance = 1;
            // Prohibit breaks at the beginning of the string
            if (t_index == 0)
                t_index += t_advance;
            if (t_char == ' ')
                t_break_point = t_index;
                t_break_quality = 3;
            else if (t_break_quality < 3 && t_char == '/')
                t_break_point = t_index;
                t_break_quality = 2;
            else if (t_break_quality < 2 && MCUnicodeCodepointIsBase(t_char))
                t_break_point = t_index;
                t_break_quality = 1;
            else if (t_break_quality < 2 && 0xDC00 <= t_char && t_char <= 0xDFFF)
                // Trailing character of surrogate pair
                t_break_point = t_index;
                t_break_quality = 1;
            // If the break point is a word boundary, don't look for a later
            // breaking point. Words are cached as-is where possible.
            if (t_break_quality == 3)
            // Advance to the next character
            t_index += t_advance;
        // If no word break was found and the whole of the remaining text was
        // searched and the remaining text is smaller than the break size then
        // don't attempt a break just for the sake of it.
        if (t_break_quality < 3 && t_length < kMCFontBreakTextCharLimit)
            t_break_point = t_length;
        // If no break point was found, just process the whole line
        if (t_break_quality == 0)
            t_break_point = t_length;
        // Process this chunk of text
        uint32_t t_byte_len;
        t_byte_len = t_break_point * (p_is_unicode ? 2 : 1);
        p_callback(p_font, p_text, t_byte_len, p_is_unicode, p_callback_data);
        // Explicitly show breaking points
        //p_callback(p_font, "|", 1, false, p_callback_data);
        // Move on to the next chunk
        p_text += t_byte_len;
        p_length -= t_byte_len;