Example #1
 * Loads the JVM. Every time this method is invoked, it attempts to create 
 * a new JavaVM context. 
JavaVM * JVM_Create(JVM * jvm, int argc, Str args[])
    static Str szCreateVM = "JNI_CreateJavaVM";

    /* load the JVM library */
    if (!jvm->hModule) {
        jvm->hModule = LoadLibrary(jvm->javaLib);
        if (jvm->hModule) {
            FARPROC proc = GetProcAddress(jvm->hModule,szCreateVM);
            if (proc) {
                jvm->createVM = (CreateJavaVM)proc;
            } else {
                Error("ERROR: %s not found in %s\n",szCreateVM,jvm->javaLib);
                jvm->hModule = NULL;

    /* create new VM */
    if (jvm->createVM) {
        JavaVMInitArgs vm_args;
        memset(&vm_args, 0, sizeof(vm_args));
        vm_args.version = JNI_VERSION_1_2;
        vm_args.ignoreUnrecognized = JNI_TRUE;
        vm_args.nOptions = argc;
        if (argc) {
            vm_args.options = MEM_NewArray(JavaVMOption,argc);
            if (vm_args.options) {
                int i;
                for (i=0; i<vm_args.nOptions; i++) {
                    JavaVMOption * option = vm_args.options + i;
                    memset(option, 0, sizeof(*option));
                    option->optionString = (char*)args[i];

        if (!argc || vm_args.options) {
            __try {
                JNIEnv * env = NULL;
                JavaVM * vm = NULL;
                int status = jvm->createVM(&vm, (void**)&env, &vm_args);
                ASSERT(status >= 0);
                if (status >= 0) {
                    return vm;
            } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {
                ASSMSG2("EXCEPTION %08lX in %s",GetExceptionCode(),szCreateVM);
Example #2
 * Translates a binary buffer into a BASE64 encoded string using the specified
 * character to value mapping. The returned string is guaranteed to be a 7-bit
 * ASCII string. If buffer is empty, returns an empty string. Only returns NULL
 * if memory allocation fails. The caller will have to deallocate the returned
 * string with MEM_Free
Char * BASE64_Encode(const void * data, size_t n, int flags)
    const char* encodeMap = ((flags & BASE64_URLSAFE) ? 
        base64_safeEncodeMap : 

    size_t alloc = ((n+2)/3)*4 + 1;
    Char * dest = MEM_NewArray(Char, alloc);
    if (dest) {
        const char * buf = (const char *)data;
        Char * p = dest;
        size_t off;

        /* encode the bulk of the data */
        for (off=0; (off+3)<=n; off+=3) {
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE64_ENCODE_1(buf,off)];
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE64_ENCODE_2(buf,off)];
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE64_ENCODE_3(buf,off)];
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE64_ENCODE_4(buf,off)];

        /* manage the last few bytes */
        switch (n%3) {
        case 0:
        case 1:
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE64_ENCODE_1(buf,off)];
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE64_ENCODE_2_1(buf,off)];
            if (flags & BASE64_PAD) {
                *p++ = '=';
                *p++ = '=';
        case 2:
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE64_ENCODE_1(buf,off)];
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE64_ENCODE_2(buf,off)];
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE64_ENCODE_3_1(buf,off)];
            if (flags & BASE64_PAD) *p++ = '=';

        /* null terminate the destination string */
        *p = 0;
        ASSERT(StrLen(dest) < (size_t)alloc);
    return dest;
Example #3
 * Returns pointer to buffer containing directory part of the given path.
 * The returned string is either empty or ends with file separator character. 
 * Under Win32, if may also look like "C:", but in either case file name 
 * can be simply appended to it. The return buffer has 'extra' additional 
 * characters allocated past the end of the string. The function only 
 * returns NULL if input parameter is NULL or memory allocation fails. 
Char * FILE_DirName(Str path, int extra) 
    Char * dir = NULL;
    ASSERT(extra >= 0);
    if (path) {
        size_t len = FILE_FilePart(path) - path;
        size_t size = len + 1;
        if (extra >= 0) size += extra;
        dir = MEM_NewArray(Char,size);

        /* copy portion of the source path */
        if (dir) {
            if (len > 0) StrnCpy(dir, path, len);
            dir[len] = 0;
    return dir;
Example #4
 * NT_AllocUnicodeString()
 *  Allocates an empty UNICODE string
 *  MaxLen    - max length of the string, in characters
 *  Pointer to the allocated string, NULL if the allocation failed

    if (MaxLen) {
        USHORT MaxByteLen = MaxLen*sizeof(WCHAR);
        USHORT NumBytes = (USHORT)(sizeof (UNICODE_STRING) + MaxByteLen);
        PUCHAR BytePtr = MEM_NewArray(UCHAR,NumBytes);
        if (BytePtr) {
            String = (PUNICODE_STRING)BytePtr;
            BytePtr += sizeof (UNICODE_STRING);

            RtlZeroMemory(String, sizeof (UNICODE_STRING) + sizeof(WCHAR));
            String->MaximumLength = MaxByteLen;
            String->Buffer = (PWSTR)BytePtr;

    return (String);
Example #5
 * UCS2_New - allocates a new uninitialized UCS2 string
Ucs2 * UCS2_New(int len)
    Ucs2 * str = MEM_NewArray(Ucs2,len+1);
    if (str) str[0] = 0;
    return str;
Example #6
 * Translates binary data into a BASE32 encoded string. The returned string 
 * is guaranteed to be a 7-bit ASCII string. If buffer is empty, returns an 
 * empty string. Only returns NULL if memory allocation fails. The caller will
 * have to deallocate the returned string with MEM_Free
Char* BASE32_Encode(const void * data, int n, int flags)
    const char* encodeMap = ((flags & BASE32_LOWERCASE) ? 
        base32_lowerCaseEncodeMap : 

    int alloc = (n/ENCODE_CHUNK_SIZE+((n%ENCODE_CHUNK_SIZE)?1:0))*

     *   +--- octet 0 ---+--- octet 1 ---+--- octet 2 ---+
     *   |7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|
     *   +---------+-----+---+---------+-+-------+-------+
     *   |4 3 2 1 0|4 3 2 1 0|4 3 2 1 0|4 3 2 1 0|4 3 2 1
     *   +-0.index-+-1.index-+-2.index-+-3.index-+-4.index
     *   +--- octet 3 ---+--- octet 4 ---+
     *   |7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|
     *   +-+---------+---+-----+---------+
     *    0|4 3 2 1 0|4 3 2 1 0|4 3 2 1 0|
     *   --+-5.index-+-6.index-+-7.index-+

    Char * dest = MEM_NewArray(Char, alloc);
    if (dest) {
        const char * buf = (const char *)data;
        Char* p = dest;
        int off;

        /* encode the bulk of the data */
        for (off=0; (off+ENCODE_CHUNK_SIZE)<=n; off+=ENCODE_CHUNK_SIZE) {
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE32_ENCODE_1(buf,off)];
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE32_ENCODE_2(buf,off)];
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE32_ENCODE_3(buf,off)];
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE32_ENCODE_4(buf,off)];
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE32_ENCODE_5(buf,off)];
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE32_ENCODE_6(buf,off)];
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE32_ENCODE_7(buf,off)];
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE32_ENCODE_8(buf,off)];

        /* manage the last few bytes */
        switch (n % ENCODE_CHUNK_SIZE) {
        case 0:
        case 1:
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE32_ENCODE_1(buf,off)];
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE32_ENCODE_2_1(buf,off)];
        case 2:
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE32_ENCODE_1(buf,off)];
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE32_ENCODE_2(buf,off)];
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE32_ENCODE_3(buf,off)];
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE32_ENCODE_4_1(buf,off)];
        case 3:
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE32_ENCODE_1(buf,off)];
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE32_ENCODE_2(buf,off)];
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE32_ENCODE_3(buf,off)];
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE32_ENCODE_4(buf,off)];
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE32_ENCODE_5_1(buf,off)];
        case 4:
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE32_ENCODE_1(buf,off)];
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE32_ENCODE_2(buf,off)];
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE32_ENCODE_3(buf,off)];
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE32_ENCODE_4(buf,off)];
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE32_ENCODE_5(buf,off)];
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE32_ENCODE_6(buf,off)];
            *p++ = encodeMap[BASE32_ENCODE_7_1(buf,off)];

        /* append padding characters */
        if (flags & BASE32_PAD) {
            Str pad = base32_pad[n % ENCODE_CHUNK_SIZE];
            while (*pad) *p++ = *pad++;

        /* null terminate the destination string */
        *p = 0;
        ASSERT(StrLen(dest) < (size_t)alloc);
    return dest;
Example #7
 * Same as the above, only allows you to specify file mode (text vs binary)
 * on those platforms where it matters (e.g. Windows).
Bool FILE_Save2(Str fname, FileSaveCB cb, void * ctx, Bool txt, IODesc io)
    Bool success = False;
    ASSERT(fname && fname[0]);
    if (fname && fname[0]) {
        Char * tmp1 = FILE_DirName(fname, TEMP_FILE_NAME_LEN);
        if (tmp1 && (!tmp1[0] || FILE_MkDir(tmp1))) {
            const char * mode = txt ? WRITE_TEXT_MODE : WRITE_BINARY_MODE;
            size_t dirlen = StrLen(tmp1);
            File * f;

             * write the temp file 
            FILE_MakeUnique(tmp1, dirlen, TEMP_FILE_NAME_LEN);
            f = FILE_Open(tmp1, mode, io);
            if (f) {

                Bool saved = (*cb)(f,fname,ctx);
                if (saved) {
                    if (FILE_CanRead(fname)) {

                         * generate another unique file name
                        size_t nchars = dirlen + 1 + TEMP_FILE_NAME_LEN;
                        Char * tmp2 = MEM_NewArray(Char,nchars);
                        if (tmp2) {
                            StrCpy(tmp2, tmp1);

                             * rename target -> tmp2
                            Verbose(TEXT("Renaming %s into %s\n"),fname,tmp2);
                            if (FILE_Rename(fname, tmp2)) {

                                 * rename tmp1 -> target
                                Verbose(TEXT("Renaming %s into %s\n"),tmp1,fname);
                                if (FILE_Rename(tmp1, fname)) {
                                     * finally, remove tmp2 (old target)
                                     * perhaps, we should ignore the error
                                     * returned by FILE_Delete?
                                    Verbose(TEXT("Deleting %s\n"),tmp2);
                                    success = FILE_Delete(tmp2);


                     * there's no target, just rename tmp1 -> target
                    } else {
                        Verbose(TEXT("Renaming %s into %s\n"),tmp1,fname);
                        success = FILE_Rename(tmp1, fname);

                } else {

                     * just quietly delete the temporary file. An error
                     * message, if any, should have been provided by the
                     * callback.
    return success;