static void CALLBACK MidiOutProc(HMIDIOUT hMidiOut, UINT wMsg, DWORD_PTR dwInstance, DWORD_PTR dwParam1, DWORD_PTR dwParam2) { MFDevice *pDevice = (MFDevice*)dwInstance; MFMidiPC_MidiOutputDevice *pMidi = (MFMidiPC_MidiOutputDevice*)pDevice->pInternal; switch (wMsg) { case MOM_OPEN: MFDebug_Log(0, MFStr("Opened MIDI output device: %s", pDevice->strings[MFDS_ID])); break; case MOM_CLOSE: MFDebug_Log(0, MFStr("Opened MIDI output device: %s", pDevice->strings[MFDS_ID])); break; case MOM_DONE: { MIDIHDR *pHdr = (MIDIHDR*)dwParam1; MMRESULT r = midiOutUnprepareHeader(pMidi->hMidiOut, pHdr, sizeof(*pHdr)); if (r != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { wchar_t errorBuffer[256]; midiOutGetErrorText(r, errorBuffer, sizeof(errorBuffer)); MFDebug_Warn(1, MFStr("Failed to cleanup MIDI message: %s", MFString_WCharAsUTF8(errorBuffer))); } // TODO: return to pool... break; } case MOM_POSITIONCB: MFDebug_Log(0, "MIDI output device: Position CB"); break; } }
char* ReadMaterialChunk(char *pFilePtr, char *pToken) { if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*MATERIAL_COUNT")) { int count; pFilePtr = GetInt(pFilePtr, &count); pModel->GetMaterialChunk()->materials.resize(count); MFDebug_Log(4, MFStr("Found %d materials.", count)); } else if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*MATERIAL")) { int matID; pFilePtr = GetInt(pFilePtr, &matID); pMaterial = &pModel->GetMaterialChunk()->materials[matID]; pFilePtr = ProcessBlock(pFilePtr, "*MATERIAL", ReadMaterial); } else { MFDebug_Warn(3, MFStr("Unknown token: %s", pToken)); } return pFilePtr; }
void MFPoolHeap::Dump() const { MFDebug_Log(2, MFStr("Count %d, Used %d, Item Size %d bytes\n", numItems, numUsed, itemSize)); /* char *pEntry = (char*)pStorage; for(int i = 0; i < numItems; ++i) { bool bUsed = true; // check if it is in the free list void **pFree = pFreeList; while(pFree != NULL) { if(pEntry == (char*)pFree) { bUsed = false; pFree = NULL; } else { pFree = (void**)*pFree; } } if(bUsed) MFDebug_Log(MFStr("%d x \"%s\"\n", *(int*)pEntry, pEntry + sizeof(int))); pEntry += itemSize; } */ }
void MFSound_InitModulePlatformSpecific(int *pSoundDataSize, int *pVoiceDataSize) { MFCALLSTACK; // we need to return the size of the internal structures so the platform independant // code can make the correct allocations.. *pSoundDataSize = sizeof(MFSoundDataInternal); MFDebug_Log(2, "Initialising PortAudio driver."); // init portaudio Pa_Initialize(); // choose the output device PaDeviceIndex device = Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice(); // HACK: try and find an ALSA device (default OSS sucks) PaHostApiIndex alsaAPI = Pa_HostApiTypeIdToHostApiIndex(paALSA); if(alsaAPI >= 0) { int numDevices = Pa_GetDeviceCount(); for(int a=0; a<numDevices; ++a) { pDeviceInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(a); if(pDeviceInfo->hostApi == alsaAPI) { device = a; break; } } } pDeviceInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(device); pHostAPIInfo = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(pDeviceInfo->hostApi); MFDebug_Log(2, MFStr("PortAudio output: %s", pDeviceInfo->name)); MFDebug_Log(2, MFStr("PortAudio host: %s", pHostAPIInfo->name)); MFDebug_Log(2, MFStr("Sample rate: %g", (float)pDeviceInfo->defaultSampleRate)); MFDebug_Log(2, MFStr("In/Out channels: %d/%d", pDeviceInfo->maxInputChannels, pDeviceInfo->maxOutputChannels)); MFDebug_Log(2, MFStr("Input latency: %g-%g", (float)pDeviceInfo->defaultLowInputLatency, (float)pDeviceInfo->defaultHighInputLatency)); MFDebug_Log(2, MFStr("Output latency: %g-%g", (float)pDeviceInfo->defaultLowOutputLatency, (float)pDeviceInfo->defaultHighOutputLatency)); // create a very low latency audio output stream PaStreamParameters params; params.device = Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice(); params.channelCount = 2; params.sampleFormat = paInt16; params.suggestedLatency = 0.0167; params.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL; PaError error = Pa_OpenStream(&pPAStream, NULL, ¶ms, pDeviceInfo->defaultSampleRate, paFramesPerBufferUnspecified, paPrimeOutputBuffersUsingStreamCallback, MFSound_MixCallback, NULL); if(error != paNoError) MFDebug_Log(2, MFStr("Error: %s", Pa_GetErrorText(error))); else Pa_StartStream(pPAStream); }
MF_API void MFString_Dump() { MFString temp = MFString_GetStats(); MFDebug_Log(1, "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); MFDebug_Log(1, temp.CStr()); // dump all strings... MFDebug_Log(1, ""); int numStrings = stringPool.GetNumAllocated(); for(int a=0; a<numStrings; ++a) { MFStringData *pString = (MFStringData*)stringPool.GetItem(a); MFDebug_Log(1, MFStr("%d refs, " MFFMT_SIZE_T "b: \"%s\"", pString->refCount, pString->allocated, pString->pMemory)); } }
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnDeviceAdded(LPCWSTR pwstrDeviceId) { MFDebug_Log(2, MFStr("WASAPI: Device added: %S", pwstrDeviceId)); char temp[128]; MFString_CopyUTF16ToUTF8(temp, pwstrDeviceId); MFDevice *pDev = MFDevice_GetDeviceById(temp); if(!pDev) pDev = NewDevice(pwstrDeviceId); return S_OK; }
MF_API bool MFMidi_OpenOutput(MFDevice *pDevice) { MFDebug_Assert(pDevice->type == MFDT_MidiOutput, "Not a MIDI device!"); if (pDevice->state == MFDevState_Ready) { MFDebug_Warn(1, "Midi output device already opened!"); return false; } if (pDevice->state != MFDevState_Available) { MFDebug_Warn(1, "Unable to open midi output device!"); return false; } MFMidiPC_MidiOutputDevice *pMidi = (MFMidiPC_MidiOutputDevice*)pDevice->pInternal; // find and open the device // TODO: FIXME! this won't work if there are 2 instances of the same device attached to the PC!!! UINT numOutputDevices = midiOutGetNumDevs(); UINT i = 0; for (; i < numOutputDevices; ++i) { MIDIOUTCAPS caps; MMRESULT r = midiOutGetDevCaps(i, &caps, sizeof(caps)); if (r != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) continue; if (caps.wMid == pMidi->mid && caps.wPid == pMidi->pid) break; } if (i == numOutputDevices) { MFDebug_Log(0, MFStr("Midi output device '%s' not found!", pDevice->strings[MFDS_ID])); pDevice->state = MFDevState_Unknown; // set this flag? return false; } MMRESULT r = midiOutOpen(&pMidi->hMidiOut, i, (DWORD_PTR)MidiOutProc, (DWORD_PTR)pDevice, CALLBACK_FUNCTION); if (r != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { pMidi->hMidiOut = NULL; pDevice->state = MFDevState_Unknown; wchar_t errorBuffer[256]; midiOutGetErrorText(r, errorBuffer, sizeof(errorBuffer)); MFDebug_Warn(1, MFStr("Failed to open MIDI output device: %s", MFString_WCharAsUTF8(errorBuffer))); return false; } pDevice->state = MFDevState_Ready; return true; }
static Context *CreateContext(MFDevice *pDevice) { AudioDevice &device = *(AudioDevice*)pDevice->pInternal; if(!device.pDevice) device.pDevice = alcOpenDevice(pDevice->strings[MFDS_ID]); if(!device.pDevice) return NULL; Context *pContext = (Context*)MFHeap_Alloc(sizeof(Context)); pContext->pContext = alcCreateContext(device.pDevice, NULL); pContext->pDevice = pDevice; pContext->pRender = &device; Context *pOld = MakeCurrent(pContext); const char *pVersion = alGetString(AL_VERSION); const char *pExtensions = alGetString(AL_EXTENSIONS); MFDebug_Log(0, MFStr("OpenAL Version: %s", pVersion)); MFDebug_Log(0, MFStr("OpenAL Extensions: %s", pExtensions)); pContext->ext.static_buffer = alIsExtensionPresent("ALC_EXT_STATIC_BUFFER") == AL_TRUE; pContext->ext.offset = alIsExtensionPresent("AL_EXT_OFFSET") == AL_TRUE; pContext->ext.float32 = alIsExtensionPresent("AL_EXT_float32") == AL_TRUE; pContext->ext.source_radius = alIsExtensionPresent("AL_EXT_SOURCE_RADIUS") == AL_TRUE; pContext->ext.buffer_sub_data = alIsExtensionPresent("AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data") == AL_TRUE; pContext->ext.buffer_samples = alIsExtensionPresent("AL_SOFT_buffer_samples") == AL_TRUE; if(pContext->ext.static_buffer) alBufferDataStatic = (PFNALBUFFERDATASTATICPROC)alGetProcAddress("alBufferDataStatic"); if(pContext->ext.buffer_sub_data) alBufferSubDataSOFT = (PFNALBUFFERSUBDATASOFTPROC)alGetProcAddress("alBufferSubDataSOFT"); alListener3f(AL_POSITION, 0, 0, 0); alListener3f(AL_VELOCITY, 0, 0, 0); alListener3f(AL_ORIENTATION, 0, 0, -1); MakeCurrent(pOld); return pContext; }
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnDeviceRemoved(LPCWSTR pwstrDeviceId) { MFDebug_Log(2, MFStr("WASAPI: Device removed: %S", pwstrDeviceId)); char temp[128]; MFString_CopyUTF16ToUTF8(temp, pwstrDeviceId); MFDevice *pDev = MFDevice_GetDeviceById(temp); if(!pDev) pDev = NewDevice(pwstrDeviceId); if(pDev) UpdateState(pDev, DEVICE_STATE_UNPLUGGED); return S_OK; }
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnDeviceStateChanged(LPCWSTR pwstrDeviceId, DWORD dwNewState) { MFDebug_Log(2, MFStr("WASAPI: State changed: %d (%S)", dwNewState, pwstrDeviceId)); char temp[128]; MFString_CopyUTF16ToUTF8(temp, pwstrDeviceId); MFDevice *pDev = MFDevice_GetDeviceById(temp); if(!pDev) pDev = NewDevice(pwstrDeviceId); if(pDev) UpdateState(pDev, dwNewState); return S_OK; }
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnDefaultDeviceChanged(EDataFlow flow, ERole role, LPCWSTR pwstrDefaultDeviceId) { MFDebug_Log(2, MFStr("WASAPI: Default device changed: %S", pwstrDefaultDeviceId)); char temp[128]; MFString_CopyUTF16ToUTF8(temp, pwstrDefaultDeviceId); MFDevice *pDev = MFDevice_GetDeviceById(temp); if(!pDev) pDev = NewDevice(pwstrDefaultDeviceId); if(pDev) MFDevice_SetDefaultDevice(gDt[flow], gDef[role], pDev); return S_OK; }
// open a file from the mounted filesystem stack MF_API MFFile* MFFileSystem_Open(const char *pFilename, uint32 openFlags) { MFDebug_Log(5, MFStr("Call: MFFileSystem_Open(\"%s\", 0x%x)", pFilename, openFlags)); GET_MODULE_DATA(MFFileSystemState); MFMount *pMount = pModuleData->pMountList; const char *pMountpoint = NULL; // search for a mountpoint size_t len = MFString_Length(pFilename); for(size_t a=0; a<len; a++) { if(pFilename[a] == ':') { pMountpoint = MFStrN(pFilename, a); pFilename += a+1; break; } if(pFilename[a] == '.') { // if we have found a dot, this cant be a mountpoint // (mountpoints may only be alphanumeric) break; } } // search for file through the mount list... while(pMount) { int onlyexclusive = pMount->volumeInfo.flags & MFMF_OnlyAllowExclusiveAccess; if((!pMountpoint && !onlyexclusive) || (pMountpoint && !MFString_CaseCmp(pMountpoint, pMount->volumeInfo.pVolumeName))) { // open the file from a mount MFFile *hFile = pModuleData->ppFileSystemList[pMount->volumeInfo.fileSystem]->callbacks.FSOpen(pMount, pFilename, openFlags); if(hFile) return hFile; } pMount = pMount->pNext; } if(!(openFlags & MFOF_TryOpen)) MFDebug_Warn(4, MFStr("MFFile_Open(\"%s\", 0x%x) - Failed to open file", pFilename, openFlags)); return NULL; }
char* ReadSceneChunk(char *pFilePtr, char *pToken) { if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*SCENE_FILENAME")) { char *pName; pFilePtr = GetString(pFilePtr, &pName); if(MFString_Length(pName) > 255) { MFDebug_Warn(3, MFStr("Error: More than 256 characters in nodel name, \"%s\"", pName)); return pFilePtr; } pModel->name = pName; MFDebug_Log(4, MFStr("Model: %s", pName)); } else if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*SCENE_FIRSTFRAME")) { } else if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*SCENE_LASTFRAME")) { } else if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*SCENE_FRAMESPEED")) { } else if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*SCENE_TICKSPERFRAME")) { } else if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*SCENE_BACKGROUND_STATIC")) { } else if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*SCENE_AMBIENT_STATIC")) { } else { MFDebug_Warn(3, MFStr("Unknown token: %s", pToken)); } return pFilePtr; }
MF_API size_t MFFileSystem_Save(const char *pFilename, const char *pBuffer, size_t size) { MFDebug_Log(5, MFStr("Call: MFFileSystem_Save(\"%s\")", pFilename)); size_t bytesWritten = 0; MFFile *hFile = MFFileSystem_Open(pFilename, MFOF_Write|MFOF_Truncate|MFOF_Binary|MFOF_CreateDirectory); if(hFile) { bytesWritten = MFFile_Write(hFile, pBuffer, size, false); MFFile_Close(hFile); } return bytesWritten; }
MFFileSystemHandle MFFileSystem_RegisterFileSystem(const char *pFilesystemName, MFFileSystemCallbacks *pCallbacks) { MFDebug_Log(5, MFStr("Call: MFFileSystem_RegisterFileSystem(\"%s\")", pFilesystemName)); GET_MODULE_DATA(MFFileSystemState); for(uint32 a=0; a<gDefaults.filesys.maxFileSystems; a++) { if(pModuleData->ppFileSystemList[a] == NULL) { MFDebug_Assert(pCallbacks->Open, "No Open function supplied."); MFDebug_Assert(pCallbacks->Close, "No Close function supplied."); MFDebug_Assert(pCallbacks->Read, "No Read function supplied."); MFDebug_Assert(pCallbacks->Write, "No Write function supplied."); MFDebug_Assert(pCallbacks->Seek, "No Seek function supplied."); MFFileSystem *pFS = pModuleData->gFileSystems.Create(); MFZeroMemory(pFS, sizeof(MFFileSystem)); MFString_Copy(pFS->name, pFilesystemName); MFCopyMemory(&pFS->callbacks, pCallbacks, sizeof(MFFileSystemCallbacks)); pModuleData->ppFileSystemList[a] = pFS; #if defined(USE_JOB_THREAD) pFS->ppJobQueue = (MFJob**)MFHeap_Alloc(sizeof(MFJob*)*MAX_JOBS); pFS->jobs.Init(MFStr("%s Job List", pFilesystemName), MAX_JOBS+2); pFS->readJob = 0; pFS->writeJob = 0; pFS->numJobs = MAX_JOBS; pFS->semaphore = MFThread_CreateSemaphore("Filesystem Semaphore", MAX_JOBS, 0); pFS->thread = MFThread_CreateThread(MFStr("%s Thread", pFilesystemName), MKFileJobThread, pFS, MFPriority_AboveNormal); #endif if(pFS->callbacks.RegisterFS) pFS->callbacks.RegisterFS(); return a; } } MFDebug_Assert(false, MFStr("Exceeded maximum of %d Filesystems. Modify 'gDefaults.filesys.maxFileSystems'.", gDefaults.filesys.maxFileSystems)); return -1; }
// validate a block of memory. returns false if memory had been corrupted. MF_API bool MFHeap_ValidateMemory(const void *pMemory) { MFCALLSTACK; if(!pMemory) return true; MFAllocHeader *pHeader = GetAllocHeader(pMemory); if(!pHeader) { MFDebug_Warn(0, MFStr("Missing allocation header for allocation 0x%p.", pMemory)); return false; } #if defined(USE_PRE_MUNGWALL) if(MFMemCompare((const char*)pMemory - MFHeap_MungwallBytes, gLlawgnum, MFHeap_MungwallBytes) == 0) #endif if(MFMemCompare((const char*)pMemory + pHeader->size, gMungwall, MFHeap_MungwallBytes) == 0) return true; MFDebug_Log(0, MFStr("%s(" MFFMT_SIZE_T ") : Corrupted mungwall detected in allocation 0x%p.", pHeader->pFile, pHeader->line, pMemory)); return false; }
static void CALLBACK MidiInProc(HMIDIIN hMidiIn, UINT wMsg, DWORD_PTR dwInstance, DWORD_PTR dwParam1, DWORD_PTR dwParam2) { MFDevice *pDevice = (MFDevice*)dwInstance; MFMidiPC_MidiInputDevice *pMidi = (MFMidiPC_MidiInputDevice*)pDevice->pInternal; switch(wMsg) { case MIM_OPEN: MFDebug_Log(0, MFStr("Opened MIDI input device: %s", pDevice->strings[MFDS_ID])); break; case MIM_CLOSE: MFDebug_Log(0, MFStr("Closed MIDI input device: %s", pDevice->strings[MFDS_ID])); break; case MIM_MOREDATA: MFDebug_Log(0, "MIDI message: MIM_MOREDATA"); break; case MIM_DATA: { MFMidiEvent ev; MFMidi_DecodeShortMessage((uint32)dwParam1, &ev, (uint32)dwParam2); switch(ev.ev) { case MFMET_NoteOff: pMidi->channels[].notes[ev.noteOff.note] = 0; break; case MFMET_NoteOn: case MFMET_NoteAftertouch: pMidi->channels[].notes[ev.noteOn.note] = ev.noteOn.velocity; break; case MFMET_ControlChange: pMidi->channels[].control[ev.controlChange.control] = ev.controlChange.value; break; case MFMET_ProgramChange: pMidi->channels[].program = ev.programChange.program; break; case MFMET_ChannelAftertouch: // TODO: ... what is this? break; case MFMET_PitchBend: pMidi->channels[].pitch = ev.pitchBend.value; break; default: MFDebug_Assert(false, "Why are we getting sys events?"); break; } if (pMidi->bBuffered || pMidi->pEventCallback) { if (pMidi->bBuffered) { if (pMidi->numEvents >= pMidi->numAllocated) { pMidi->numAllocated *= 2; pMidi->pEvents = (MFMidiEvent*)MFHeap_Realloc(pMidi->pEvents, sizeof(MFMidiEvent)*pMidi->numAllocated); } pMidi->pEvents[pMidi->numEvents++] = ev; } if (pMidi->pEventCallback) { pMidi->pEventCallback(pDevice, &ev); } } break; } case MIM_LONGDATA: { MIDIHDR *pHdr = (MIDIHDR*)dwParam1; MFMidiEvent ev; MFMidi_DecodePacket((const uint8*)pHdr->lpData, pHdr->dwBytesRecorded, &ev, (uint32)dwParam2); if (pMidi->bBuffered || pMidi->pEventCallback) { if (pMidi->bBuffered) { if (pMidi->numEvents >= pMidi->numAllocated) { pMidi->numAllocated *= 2; pMidi->pEvents = (MFMidiEvent*)MFHeap_Realloc(pMidi->pEvents, sizeof(MFMidiEvent)*pMidi->numAllocated); } pMidi->pEvents[pMidi->numEvents++] = ev; } if (pMidi->pEventCallback) { pMidi->pEventCallback(pDevice, &ev); } } MMRESULT r = midiInAddBuffer(pMidi->hMidiIn, pHdr, sizeof(*pHdr)); if (r != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { wchar_t errorBuffer[256]; midiInGetErrorText(r, errorBuffer, sizeof(errorBuffer)); MFDebug_Warn(1, MFStr("Failed to open MIDI input device: %s", MFString_WCharAsUTF8(errorBuffer))); } break; } case MIM_ERROR: case MIM_LONGERROR: { MFDebug_Log(0, MFStr("MIDI input error: %d, 0x%08X : 0x%08X", wMsg, dwParam1, dwParam2)); break; } } }
char* ReadMaterial(char *pFilePtr, char *pToken) { if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*MATERIAL_NAME")) { char *pName; pFilePtr = GetString(pFilePtr, &pName); if(MFString_Length(pName) > 63) { MFDebug_Warn(3, MFStr("Error: More than 64 characters in material name, \"%s\"", pName)); return pFilePtr; } pMaterial->name = pName; MFDebug_Log(4, MFStr("Found material: \"%s\"", pName)); } else if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*MATERIAL_CLASS")) { } else if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*MATERIAL_AMBIENT")) { pFilePtr = GetFloat(pFilePtr, &pMaterial->ambient.x); pFilePtr = GetFloat(pFilePtr, &pMaterial->ambient.y); pFilePtr = GetFloat(pFilePtr, &pMaterial->ambient.z); pMaterial->ambient.w = 1.0f; } else if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*MATERIAL_DIFFUSE")) { pFilePtr = GetFloat(pFilePtr, &pMaterial->diffuse.x); pFilePtr = GetFloat(pFilePtr, &pMaterial->diffuse.y); pFilePtr = GetFloat(pFilePtr, &pMaterial->diffuse.z); pMaterial->diffuse.w = 1.0f; } else if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*MATERIAL_SPECULAR")) { pFilePtr = GetFloat(pFilePtr, &pMaterial->specular.x); pFilePtr = GetFloat(pFilePtr, &pMaterial->specular.y); pFilePtr = GetFloat(pFilePtr, &pMaterial->specular.z); pMaterial->specular.w = 1.0f; } else if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*MATERIAL_SHINE")) { pFilePtr = GetFloat(pFilePtr, &pMaterial->glossiness); } else if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*MATERIAL_SHINESTRENGTH")) { pFilePtr = GetFloat(pFilePtr, &pMaterial->specularLevel); } else if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*MATERIAL_TRANSPARENCY")) { pFilePtr = GetFloat(pFilePtr, &pMaterial->diffuse.w); pMaterial->diffuse.w = 1.0f - pMaterial->diffuse.w; } else if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*MATERIAL_WIRESIZE")) { } else if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*MATERIAL_SHADING")) { } else if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*MATERIAL_XP_FALLOFF")) { } else if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*MATERIAL_SELFILLUM")) { float selfIllum; pFilePtr = GetFloat(pFilePtr, &selfIllum); pMaterial->emissive = pMaterial->diffuse * selfIllum; pMaterial->emissive.w = 1.0f; } else if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*MATERIAL_FALLOFF")) { } else if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*MATERIAL_XP_TYPE")) { } else { MFDebug_Warn(3, MFStr("Unknown token: %s", pToken)); } return pFilePtr; }
void MFSound_InitModulePlatformSpecific(int *pSoundDataSize, int *pVoiceDataSize) { MFCALLSTACK; gDevices.Init(sizeof(AudioDevice), 8, 8); ALCint minor, major; alcGetIntegerv(NULL, ALC_MAJOR_VERSION, 1, &major); alcGetIntegerv(NULL, ALC_MINOR_VERSION, 1, &minor); gAPIVersion = major*100 + minor; bool bCanEnumerate, bHasCapture; if(gAPIVersion >= 101) { bCanEnumerate = true; bHasCapture = true; } else { bCanEnumerate = alcIsExtensionPresent(NULL, "ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT") == AL_TRUE; bHasCapture = alcIsExtensionPresent(NULL, "ALC_EXT_CAPTURE") == AL_TRUE; } if(bCanEnumerate) { const char *pDevices = alcGetString(NULL, ALC_ALL_DEVICES_SPECIFIER); const char *pDefault = alcGetString(NULL, ALC_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER); while(pDevices && *pDevices) { bool bIsDefault = !MFString_Compare(pDevices, pDefault); MFDebug_Log(2, MFStr("OpenAL: found output device '%s'%s", pDevices, bIsDefault ? " (default)" : "")); MFDevice *pDevice = MFDevice_AllocDevice(MFDT_AudioRender, &DestroyDevice); pDevice->pInternal = gDevices.AllocAndZero(); pDevice->state = MFDevState_Ready; AudioDevice &device = *(AudioDevice*)pDevice->pInternal; MFString_CopyN(pDevice->strings[MFDS_ID], pDevices, sizeof(pDevice->strings[MFDS_ID])-1); pDevice->strings[MFDS_ID][sizeof(pDevice->strings[MFDS_ID])-1] = 0; device.pDevice = NULL; if(bIsDefault) MFDevice_SetDefaultDevice(MFDT_AudioRender, MFDDT_All, pDevice); pDevices += MFString_Length(pDevices) + 1; } if(!MFDevice_GetDefaultDevice(MFDT_AudioRender, MFDDT_Default)) { MFDebug_Warn(2, "OpenAL: No default output device?"); // HACK: set it to the first one... MFDevice *pDevice = MFDevice_GetDeviceByIndex(MFDT_AudioRender, 0); MFDevice_SetDefaultDevice(MFDT_AudioRender, MFDDT_All, pDevice); } if(bHasCapture) { pDevices = alcGetString(NULL, ALC_CAPTURE_DEVICE_SPECIFIER); pDefault = alcGetString(NULL, ALC_CAPTURE_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER); while(pDevices && *pDevices) { bool bIsDefault = !MFString_Compare(pDevices, pDefault); MFDebug_Log(2, MFStr("OpenAL: found capture device '%s'%s", pDevices, bIsDefault ? " (default)" : "")); MFDevice *pDevice = MFDevice_AllocDevice(MFDT_AudioCapture, &DestroyDevice); pDevice->pInternal = gDevices.AllocAndZero(); pDevice->state = MFDevState_Ready; AudioDevice &device = *(AudioDevice*)pDevice->pInternal; MFString_CopyN(pDevice->strings[MFDS_ID], pDevices, sizeof(pDevice->strings[MFDS_ID])-1); pDevice->strings[MFDS_ID][sizeof(pDevice->strings[MFDS_ID])-1] = 0; device.pDevice = NULL; if(bIsDefault) MFDevice_SetDefaultDevice(MFDT_AudioCapture, MFDDT_All, pDevice); pDevices += MFString_Length(pDevices) + 1; } if(!MFDevice_GetDefaultDevice(MFDT_AudioCapture, MFDDT_Default)) MFDebug_Warn(2, "OpenAL: No default capture device?"); } } // create a context Context *pContext = CreateContext(MFDevice_GetDefaultDevice(MFDT_AudioRender, MFDDT_Default)); MakeCurrent(pContext); // we need to return the size of the internal structures so the platform independant // code can make the correct allocations.. *pSoundDataSize = sizeof(MFSoundDataInternal); *pVoiceDataSize = sizeof(MFVoiceDataInternal); }
void ParseASEFile(char *pFilePtr, F3DFile *_pModel) { pModel = _pModel; char *pEnd; char *pToken; int braceCount = 0; bool inQuote = false; while(*pFilePtr != 0) { while(!(*pFilePtr == '*' && !braceCount && !inQuote) && *pFilePtr != 0) { if(*pFilePtr == '\"') inQuote = !inQuote; if(!inQuote) { if(*pFilePtr == '{') braceCount++; if(*pFilePtr == '}') braceCount--; } pFilePtr++; } pEnd = pFilePtr; while(!MFIsWhite(*pEnd) && *pEnd != 0) pEnd++; pToken = (char*)MFStrN(pFilePtr, (int)(pEnd - pFilePtr)); pFilePtr = pEnd; if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*3DSMAX_ASCIIEXPORT")) { int version = 0; pFilePtr = GetInt(pFilePtr, &version); MFDebug_Log(4, MFStr("Recognised .ASE file version: %d\n", version)); } else if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*COMMENT")) { char *pComment; pFilePtr = GetString(pFilePtr, &pComment); MFDebug_Log(4, MFStr("Comment: %s", pComment)); } else if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*SCENE")) { pFilePtr = ProcessBlock(pFilePtr, "*SCENE", ReadSceneChunk); } else if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*MATERIAL_LIST")) { pFilePtr = ProcessBlock(pFilePtr, "*MATERIAL_LIST", ReadMaterialChunk); } else if(!MFString_CaseCmp(pToken, "*GEOMOBJECT")) { pFilePtr = ProcessBlock(pFilePtr, "*GEOMOBJECT", ReadGeomChunk); } else { MFDebug_Warn(3, MFStr("Unknown token: %s", pToken)); } } }
void MFMidi_InitModulePlatformSpecific() { UINT numInputDevices = midiInGetNumDevs(); for (UINT i = 0; i < numInputDevices; ++i) { MIDIINCAPS caps; MMRESULT r = midiInGetDevCaps(i, &caps, sizeof(caps)); if (r != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { wchar_t errorBuffer[256]; midiOutGetErrorText(r, errorBuffer, sizeof(errorBuffer)); MFDebug_Warn(1, MFStr("Failed to query midi input device: %s", MFString_WCharAsUTF8(errorBuffer))); continue; } MFDevice *pDevice = MFDevice_AllocDevice(MFDT_MidiInput, &DestroyInputDevice); pDevice->pInternal = MFHeap_AllocAndZero(sizeof(MFMidiPC_MidiInputDevice)); pDevice->state = MFDevState_Available; MFMidiPC_MidiOutputDevice *pDev = (MFMidiPC_MidiOutputDevice*)pDevice->pInternal; pDev->mid = caps.wMid; pDev->pid = caps.wPid; MFString_CopyUTF16ToUTF8(pDevice->strings[MFDS_ID], caps.szPname); MFString_CopyUTF16ToUTF8(pDevice->strings[MFDS_DeviceName], caps.szPname); MFString_CopyUTF16ToUTF8(pDevice->strings[MFDS_Description], caps.szPname); MFString_CopyUTF16ToUTF8(pDevice->strings[MFDS_InterfaceName], caps.szPname); // MFDS_Manufacturer MFDebug_Log(0, MFStr("Found midi input device: %s (%04X:%04X) - state: %d", pDevice->strings[MFDS_ID], caps.wMid, caps.wPid, pDevice->state)); } UINT numOutputDevices = midiOutGetNumDevs(); for (UINT i = 0; i < numOutputDevices; ++i) { MIDIOUTCAPS caps; MMRESULT r = midiOutGetDevCaps(i, &caps, sizeof(caps)); if (r != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { wchar_t errorBuffer[256]; midiOutGetErrorText(r, errorBuffer, sizeof(errorBuffer)); MFDebug_Warn(1, MFStr("Failed to query midi output device: %s", MFString_WCharAsUTF8(errorBuffer))); continue; } MFDevice *pDevice = MFDevice_AllocDevice(MFDT_MidiOutput, &DestroyOutputDevice); pDevice->pInternal = MFHeap_AllocAndZero(sizeof(MFMidiPC_MidiOutputDevice)); pDevice->state = MFDevState_Available; MFMidiPC_MidiOutputDevice *pDev = (MFMidiPC_MidiOutputDevice*)pDevice->pInternal; pDev->mid = caps.wMid; pDev->pid = caps.wPid; MFString_CopyUTF16ToUTF8(pDevice->strings[MFDS_ID], caps.szPname); MFString_CopyUTF16ToUTF8(pDevice->strings[MFDS_DeviceName], caps.szPname); MFString_CopyUTF16ToUTF8(pDevice->strings[MFDS_Description], caps.szPname); MFString_CopyUTF16ToUTF8(pDevice->strings[MFDS_InterfaceName], caps.szPname); // MFDS_Manufacturer MFDebug_Log(0, MFStr("Found midi output device: %s (%04X:%04X) - state: %d", pDevice->strings[MFDS_ID], caps.wMid, caps.wPid, pDevice->state)); } }
void MFInputLinux_InitGamepad(int fd, LinuxGamepad *pGamepad) { #if !defined(__CYGWIN__) MFCALLSTACK; pGamepad->joyFD = fd; // get the pad details ioctl(fd, JSIOCGNAME(80), pGamepad->identifier); ioctl(fd, JSIOCGAXES, &pGamepad->numAxiis); ioctl(fd, JSIOCGBUTTONS, &pGamepad->numButtons); MFGamepadInfo *pGI = pGamepadMappingRegistry; // we need to find a better way to get the VID/PID from the gamepad... if(!MFString_CompareN(pGamepad->identifier, "HID", 3)) { // the device was unnamed, but it is a HID device, so we'll try and match the VID/PID char *pBase = pGamepad->identifier + 3, *pEnd; // get the VID string while(*pBase && !MFIsHex(*pBase)) ++pBase; pEnd = pBase + 1; while(MFIsHex(*pEnd)) ++pEnd; uint32 vid = MFHexToInt(MFStrN(pBase, pEnd - pBase)); // get the PID string pBase = pEnd; while(*pBase && !MFIsHex(*pBase)) ++pBase; pEnd = pBase + 1; while(MFIsHex(*pEnd)) ++pEnd; uint32 pid = MFHexToInt(MFStrN(pBase, pEnd - pBase)); // find a matching descriptor for(; pGI; pGI = pGI->pNext) { if(pGI->vendorID == vid && pGI->productID == pid) break; } } else { // the device is named, so we'll compare the name against our list and hope its the same as windows.. // since we dont have the VID/PID though, we cant verify its not a device with an aliased name. pGI = pGI->pNext; // skip the first one for(; pGI; pGI = pGI->pNext) { // since linux appends the manufacturer name, we'll just check for a match on the end of the string int len1 = MFString_Length(pGamepad->identifier); int len2 = MFString_Length(pGI->pIdentifier); if(!MFString_Compare(pGamepad->identifier + (len1 - len2), pGI->pIdentifier)) break; } } if(!pGI) { // use default descriptor pGamepad->pGamepadInfo = pGamepadMappingRegistry; MFDebug_Warn(1, MFStr("Found an unknown gamepad '%s', using default mappings.", pGamepad->identifier)); // offer to send email detailing controller info.. // MessageBox(NULL, "An unknown gamepad has been detected.\r\nWe strive to support every gamepad natively, please report your gamepad to Manu at [email protected].\r\nI will contact you and request a few details about the gamepad so it can be added to the registry for the next release.", "Unknown gamepad detected...", MB_OK); } else { // use applicable descriptor pGamepad->pGamepadInfo = pGI; MFDebug_Log(2, MFStr("Found gamepad: %s '%s'.", pGI->pName, pGI->pIdentifier)); } /* // fix up the linux mapping table const int *pButtonMap = pGamepad->pGamepadInfo->pButtonMap; int numAxiis = 0; for(int a=0; a<60; a++) { for(int b=0; b<GamepadType_Max; ++b) { if((pButtonMap[b] & AID_Analog) && MFGETAXIS(pButtonMap[b]) == a) { pGamepad->axisMap[a] = numAxiis; printf("%d = %d\n", a, numAxiis); ++numAxiis; } } } */ #endif }
void MFSound_InitWASAPI() { gDevices.Init(sizeof(MFAudioDevice), 8, 8); gCaptureDevices.Init(sizeof(MFAudioCaptureDevice), 8, 8); HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(MMDeviceEnumerator), NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, __uuidof(IMMDeviceEnumerator), (void**)&gpEnumerator); if(FAILED(hr)) { MFDebug_Assert(false, "Couldn't create multimedia device enumerator!"); return; } // enumerate audio devices... gpNotification = new MFAudioDeviceNotification; gpEnumerator->RegisterEndpointNotificationCallback(gpNotification); // enumerate render devices IMMDeviceCollection *pDevices; gpEnumerator->EnumAudioEndpoints(eRender, DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVE | DEVICE_STATE_UNPLUGGED, &pDevices); if(pDevices) { UINT count; pDevices->GetCount(&count); for(UINT i=0; i<count; ++i) { IMMDevice *pDevice; pDevices->Item(i, &pDevice); MFDevice *pDev = MFDevice_AllocDevice(MFDT_AudioRender, NULL); pDev->pInternal = gDevices.AllocAndZero(); MFAudioDevice &device = *(MFAudioDevice*)pDev->pInternal; GetDeviceInfo(pDevice, pDev); pDevice->Release(); MFDebug_Log(0, MFStr("Found audio device: %s, %s - state: %d (%s)", pDev->strings[MFDS_DeviceName], pDev->strings[MFDS_Manufacturer], device.state, pDev->strings[MFDS_ID])); } pDevices->Release(); } // enumerate capture devices gpEnumerator->EnumAudioEndpoints(eCapture, DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVE | DEVICE_STATE_UNPLUGGED, &pDevices); if(pDevices) { UINT count; pDevices->GetCount(&count); for(UINT i=0; i<count; ++i) { IMMDevice *pDevice; pDevices->Item(i, &pDevice); MFDevice *pDev = MFDevice_AllocDevice(MFDT_AudioCapture, NULL); pDev->pInternal = gCaptureDevices.AllocAndZero(); MFAudioCaptureDevice &device = *(MFAudioCaptureDevice*)pDev->pInternal; GetDeviceInfo(pDevice, pDev); pDevice->Release(); MFDebug_Log(0, MFStr("Found audio capture device: %s, %s - state: %d (%s)", pDev->strings[MFDS_DeviceName], pDev->strings[MFDS_Manufacturer], device.state, pDev->strings[MFDS_ID])); } pDevices->Release(); } // set defaults (this is some awkward windows code!) for(int i=0; i<2; ++i) { for(int j=0; j<3; ++j) { IMMDevice *pDevice; gpEnumerator->GetDefaultAudioEndpoint(gDirection[i], gRole[j], &pDevice); if(pDevice) { wchar_t *pDefaultId; pDevice->GetId(&pDefaultId); char temp[128]; MFString_CopyUTF16ToUTF8(temp, pDefaultId); MFDevice *pDev = MFDevice_GetDeviceById(temp); MFDevice_SetDefaultDevice(gDt[i], gDef[j], pDev); CoTaskMemFree(pDefaultId); pDevice->Release(); } } } }
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnPropertyValueChanged(LPCWSTR pwstrDeviceId, const PROPERTYKEY key) { MFDebug_Log(3, MFStr("WASAPI: Property changed: %S", pwstrDeviceId)); return S_OK; }
int MFDisplay_CreateDisplay(int width, int height, int bpp, int rate, bool vsync, bool triplebuffer, bool wide, bool progressive) { MFCALLSTACK; DWORD avPack = XGetAVPack(); DWORD vidMode = XGetVideoStandard(); DWORD vidFlags = XGetVideoFlags(); // log the AV pack (just an FYI) switch(avPack) { case XC_AV_PACK_SCART: MFDebug_Log(2, "MFDisplay: Video output using Scart AV Pack"); break; case XC_AV_PACK_HDTV: MFDebug_Log(2, "MFDisplay: Video output using High Def Pack"); break; case XC_AV_PACK_RFU: MFDebug_Log(2, "MFDisplay: Video output using RF Unit"); break; case XC_AV_PACK_SVIDEO: MFDebug_Log(2, "MFDisplay: Video output using Advanced AV Pack"); break; case XC_AV_PACK_STANDARD: MFDebug_Log(2, "MFDisplay: Video output using Standard AV Pack"); break; default: MFDebug_Log(2, "MFDisplay: Video output using Unknown AV Pack"); break; } // calculate the frame buffer size and display mode from the dashboard info gbWidescreen = !!(vidFlags & (XC_VIDEO_FLAGS_WIDESCREEN)); gbLetterBox = !!(vidFlags & (XC_VIDEO_FLAGS_LETTERBOX)); wide = gbWidescreen; if(vidMode == XC_VIDEO_STANDARD_PAL_I) { // PAL modes (poor PAL users dont get high def) :( if(vidFlags & XC_VIDEO_FLAGS_PAL_60Hz) { width = 720; height = 480; rate = 60; progressive = false; MFDebug_Log(2, MFStr("MFDisplay: Video Mode set to PAL60%s", wide ? " (Widescreen)" : (gbLetterBox ? " (Letterbox)" : ""))); } else { width = 720; height = 576; rate = 50; progressive = false; MFDebug_Log(2, MFStr("MFDisplay: Video Mode set to PAL (576i)%s", wide ? " (Widescreen)" : (gbLetterBox ? " (Letterbox)" : ""))); } } else { // NTSC modes if(vidFlags & XC_VIDEO_FLAGS_HDTV_1080i) { width = 1920; height = 1080; rate = 60; progressive = false; MFDebug_Log(2, "MFDisplay: Video Mode set to 1080i"); } else if(vidFlags & XC_VIDEO_FLAGS_HDTV_720p) { width = 1280; height = 720; rate = 60; progressive = true; MFDebug_Log(2, "MFDisplay: Video Mode set to 720p"); } else if(vidFlags & XC_VIDEO_FLAGS_HDTV_480p) { width = 720; height = 480; rate = 60; progressive = true; MFDebug_Log(2, MFStr("MFDisplay: Video Mode set to 480p%s", wide ? " (Widescreen)" : (gbLetterBox ? " (Letterbox)" : ""))); } else { width = 720; height = 480; rate = 60; progressive = false; MFDebug_Log(2, MFStr("MFDisplay: Video Mode set to NTSC (480i)%s", wide ? " (Widescreen)" : (gbLetterBox ? " (Letterbox)" : ""))); } } // update display parameters gDisplay.fullscreenWidth = gDisplay.width = width; gDisplay.fullscreenHeight = gDisplay.height = height; = progressive; gDisplay.refreshRate = rate; gDisplay.wide = wide; gDisplay.colourDepth = bpp; gDisplay.windowed = false; MFRenderer_CreateDisplay(); // setup the initial viewport (letterbox) MFRenderer_ResetViewport(); return 0; }
void parse_error_handler(const char *what, void *where) { MFDebug_Log(1, "XML parse error:"); MFDebug_Log(1, what); }