static void soundPlay(struct Sound *s,char *filename,int fileofs,int filesize,int loop) { // read sound file header int err; fileHandle fh=0; long fsize; #define HEADSIZE 78 unsigned char buf[HEADSIZE]; memset(buf,0,HEADSIZE); #ifdef EXTENDFILE rfSuperStart=fileofs; rfSuperSize=filesize; #endif s->loop=loop; #define MCALL1(f) err=f;if(err) {reportErr(err); return;} #define MCALL2(f) err=f;if(err) {reportErr(err); err=fileClose(fh); if(err) reportErr(err); return;} MCALL1(fileOpen(filename,fileOpenRead,&fh)); MCALL2(fileGetSize(fh,&fsize)); MCALL2(fileRead(fh,buf,fsize<HEADSIZE?fsize:HEADSIZE)); MCALL1(fileClose(fh)); // analyze sound file header // waw sample? starts with "RIFF" with fmt!=55h if (buf[0]=='R' && buf[1]=='I' && buf[2]=='F' && buf[3]=='F' /*&& buf[8]=='W' && buf[9]=='A' && buf[10]=='V' && buf[11]=='E'*/ && buf[20]!=0x55) { extern int lastWAVfreq; s->type=Sample; s->datahandle=(int)MIDASloadWaveSample(filename,loop?MIDAS_LOOP_YES:MIDAS_LOOP_NO); if(s->datahandle) s->playhandle=(int)MIDASplaySample((MIDASsample)s->datahandle,MIDAS_CHANNEL_AUTO,0/*priority*/,lastWAVfreq,64,MIDAS_PAN_MIDDLE); } #ifdef EXTENDFILE // iff sample with 0x16 characters long name? (FT2 makes them) // it isn't ment as IFF support, just quick 99% working hack else if (buf[0]=='F' && buf[1]=='O' && buf[2]=='R' && buf[3]=='M' && buf[8]=='8' && buf[9]=='S' && buf[10]=='V' && buf[11]=='X' && buf[12]=='N' && buf[13]=='A' && buf[14]=='M' && buf[15]=='E' && buf[16]==0 && buf[17]==0 && buf[18]==0 && buf[19]==0x16) { int rate=(buf[62]<<8)+buf[63]; rfSuperStart+=78; rfSuperSize=MIN(fsize-78,(buf[74]<<24)+(buf[75]<<16)+(buf[76]<<8)+buf[77]); rfSuperXor=128; s->type=Sample; s->datahandle=(int)MIDASloadRawSample(filename,MIDAS_SAMPLE_8BIT_MONO,loop?MIDAS_LOOP_YES:MIDAS_LOOP_NO); if(s->datahandle) s->playhandle=(int)MIDASplaySample((MIDASsample)s->datahandle,MIDAS_CHANNEL_AUTO,0/*priority*/,rate,64,MIDAS_PAN_MIDDLE); } #endif // mp3 stream? starts with FF Fx or FF Ex or "ID3" or "RIFF" with fmt=55h else if ( (buf[0]==0xff && (buf[1] & 0xe0)==0xe0) || (buf[0]=='I' && buf[1]=='D' && buf[2]=='3') || (buf[0]=='R' && buf[1]=='I' && buf[2]=='F' && buf[3]=='F' && buf[20]==0x55) ) { int rate,stereo; s->type=Stream; s->datahandle=(int)MP3open(filename,fileofs,filesize,&rate,&stereo,errAdd); if(s->datahandle) s->playhandle=(int)MIDASplayStreamPolling(stereo?MIDAS_SAMPLE_16BIT_STEREO:MIDAS_SAMPLE_16BIT_MONO,rate,1000*MP3PRECALCSEC); s->bufferbytes=rate*(stereo?4:2)*MP3PRECALCSEC; } // maybe module? else { s->type=Module; s->datahandle=(int)MIDASloadModule(filename); if(s->datahandle) s->playhandle=(int)MIDASplayModule((MIDASmodule)s->datahandle,loop); } #ifdef EXTENDFILE rfSuperStart=0; rfSuperSize=0; rfSuperXor=0; #endif MIDASreportErr(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char oldTitle[256]; unsigned i; /* char *foo;*/ MIDASstartup(); /* Keep the test somewhat reproducable: */ srand(17); setbuf(stdout, NULL); puts("MIDAS stream test\n\n" "The sound output may sound strange, but the program should _NOT_ " "crash"); puts("Trying to get window handle"); /* Hack - try to figure out our console window's window handle: */ GetConsoleTitle(oldTitle, 255); SetConsoleTitle("DirectSound TestiKala"); Sleep(250); EnumWindows(&EnumWindowsProc, (LPARAM) NULL); SetConsoleTitle(oldTitle); printf("%P, %u\n", consoleHwnd, sizeof(HWND)); if ( consoleHwnd == NULL ) Error("Couldn't find window handle"); puts("Trying to use DirectSound primary buffer mode"); MIDASsetOption(MIDAS_OPTION_DSOUND_HWND, (DWORD) consoleHwnd); MIDASsetOption(MIDAS_OPTION_DSOUND_MODE, MIDAS_DSOUND_PRIMARY); /* Initialize MIDAS and start background playback: */ if ( !MIDASinit() ) MIDASerror(); /* if ( !MIDASstartBackgroundPlay(0) ) MIDASerror();*/ #ifdef _MSC_VER if ( _beginthread(PollThread, 4096, NULL) == -1 ) Error("Unable to create polling thread"); #else if ( _beginthread(PollThread, NULL, 4096, NULL) == -1 ) Error("Unable to create polling thread"); #endif /* Open enough channels: */ if ( !MIDASopenChannels(32) ) MIDASerror(); /* Allocate some channels for automatic effects: */ if ( !MIDASallocAutoEffectChannels(12) ) MIDASerror(); /* Load the initial module and sample: */ puts("Loading modules"); if ( (module1 = MIDASloadModule(MODULE1)) == NULL ) MIDASerror(); if ( (module2 = MIDASloadModule(MODULE2)) == NULL ) MIDASerror(); puts("Loading samples"); if ( (sample1 = MIDASloadRawSample(SAMPLE1, MIDAS_SAMPLE_8BIT_MONO, FALSE)) == 0 ) MIDASerror(); if ( (sample2 = MIDASloadRawSample(SAMPLE2, MIDAS_SAMPLE_16BIT_MONO, FALSE)) == 0 ) MIDASerror(); /* Swap stuff out: */ /* puts("Touching a LOT of memory"); if ( (foo = malloc(64*1024*1024)) == NULL ) Error("Out of memory"); for ( i = 0; i < (64*1024*1024); i++ ) foo[i] = (i & 255); */ puts("Playing stream"); if ( (stream1 = MIDASplayStreamWaveFile(STREAM1, 500, TRUE)) == NULL ) MIDASerror(); /* Play the module: */ puts("Playing module"); if ( (playHandle1 = MIDASplayModule(module1, TRUE)) == 0 ) MIDASerror(); /* Play effects for a while: */ puts("Playing samples"); for ( i = 0; i < 1000; i++ ) { switch ( rand() & 8 ) { case 0: if ( MIDASplaySample(sample1, MIDAS_CHANNEL_AUTO, 0, 22050 + ((rand() % 30000) - 15000), rand() % 24, (rand() % 128) - 64) == 0 ) MIDASerror(); break; case 8: if ( MIDASplaySample(sample2, MIDAS_CHANNEL_AUTO, 0, 22050 + ((rand() % 30000) - 15000), rand() % 24, (rand() % 128) - 64) == 0 ) MIDASerror(); break; } Sleep(rand() % 27); if ( (rand() % 8) < 2 ) RandomPriority(); printf("%u\n", MIDASgetStreamBytesBuffered(stream1)); } puts("Stopping"); stopPoll = 1; while ( stopPoll ) Sleep(10); if ( !MIDASstopStream(stream1) ) MIDASerror(); /* Stop playback and uninitialize MIDAS: */ /* if ( !MIDAScloseChannels() ) MIDASerror();*/ /* if ( !MIDASstopBackgroundPlay() ) MIDASerror();*/ if ( !MIDASclose() ) MIDASerror(); printf("Poll total %u, min %u, max %u, avg %u, count %u\n", pollTotal, pollMin, pollMax, pollTotal/(pollCount-100), pollCount); return 0; }