Example #1
RSrefresh (AFILE *AFpI, long int offs, double x[], int Nx)

  static long int lst = 0;
  static long int lnx = 0;
  int Nkeep, Nshift, Nout;

  /* Reset values */
  if (Nx == 0) {
    lst = 0;
    lnx = 0;
    return 0;

  /* Shift useful data that is already in the buffer */
  if (offs < lnx && offs >= lst) {
    Nkeep = (int) MINV (lnx - offs, Nx);
    Nshift = (int) (offs - lst);
    VRdShift (x, Nkeep, Nshift);
    Nkeep = 0;

  /* Read more data */
  Nout = AFdReadData (AFpI, offs + Nkeep, &x[Nkeep], Nx - Nkeep);

  /* Reset the pointers */
  lst = offs;
  lnx = offs + Nx;

  return Nout;
Example #2
STcatMax (const char Si[], char So[], int Maxchar)

  char *so;
  int n, trunc;

  /* Save the initial output pointer */
  so = So;

  /* Find the end of So */
  for (n = 0; n < Maxchar && *so != '\0'; ++n)
  trunc = (*so != '\0');

  /* Copy to So */
  for (; n < Maxchar && *Si != '\0'; ++n)
    *so++ = *Si++;

/* Add a trailing null */
  *so = '\0';

  /* Check for truncation */
  if (*Si != '\0' || trunc )
    UTwarn ("STcatMax - %s: \"%.*s...\"", STM_StrTrunc, MINV (30, n), So);

  /* Return the number of characters in So */
  return n;
Example #3
AFfRdMulaw (AFILE *AFp, float Dbuff[], int Nreq)

  int is, N, i, Nr;
  UT_uint1_t Buf[NBBUF/LW];
  double g;

  for (is = 0; is < Nreq; ) {

    /* Read data from the audio file */
    N = MINV (NBBUF / LW, Nreq - is);
    Nr = FREAD (Buf, LW, N, AFp->fp);

    /* Convert to float */
    g = AFp->ScaleF;
    for (i = 0; i < Nr; ++i) {
      Dbuff[is] = (float) (g * Mutab[Buf[i]]);

    if (Nr < N)

  return is;
Example #4
AFfRdI2 (AFILE *AFp, float Dbuff[], int Nreq)

  int is, N, i, Nr;
  UT_int2_t Buf[NBBUF/LW2];
  unsigned char *cp;
  unsigned char t;
  double g;

  for (is = 0; is < Nreq; ) {

    /* Read data from the audio file */
    N = MINV (NBBUF / LW2, Nreq - is);
    Nr = FREAD (Buf, LW2, N, AFp->fp);

    /* Byte swap and convert to float */
    g = AFp->ScaleF;
    for (i = 0; i < Nr; ++i) {
      if (AFp->Swapb == DS_SWAP) {
	cp = (unsigned char *) &Buf[i];
	t = cp[1]; cp[1] = cp[0]; cp[0] = t;
      Dbuff[is] = (float) (g * Buf[i]);

    if (Nr < N)

  return is;
Example #5
AFfWrMulaw (AFILE *AFp, const float Dbuff[], int Nval)

  int is, N, Nw, i;
  UT_uint1_t Buf[NBBUF/LW];
  double Dv;

/* Write data to the audio file */
  is = 0;
  while (is < Nval) {
    N = MINV (NBBUF / LW, Nval - is);
    for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
      Dv = AFp->ScaleF * Dbuff[i+is];
      if (Dv > AMAX || Dv < -AMAX)
      Buf[i] = Yq[SPdQuantL (Dv, Xq, NLEV)];
    Nw = FWRITE (Buf, LW, N, AFp->fp);
    is += Nw;
    if (Nw < N)

  return is;
Example #6
AFfWrI3 (AFILE *AFp, const float Dbuff[], int Nval)

  int is, N, Nw, i, j, Hbo;
  UT_int4_t Iv;
  unsigned char Buf[NBBUF];
  double g, Dv;
  unsigned char *cp;

/* Write data to the audio file */
  Hbo = UTbyteOrder ();
  cp = (unsigned char *) &Iv;
  is = 0;
  g = AFp->ScaleF;
  while (is < Nval) {
    N = MINV (NBBUF / LW3, Nval - is);
    for (i = 0, j = is; i < LW3*N; i += LW3, ++j) {
      Dv = g * Dbuff[j];
      if (Dv >= 0.0) {
	Dv += 0.5;
	if (Dv >= UT_INT3_MAX + 1) {
	  Dv = UT_INT3_MAX;
      else {
	Dv += -0.5;
	if (Dv <= UT_INT3_MIN - 1) {
	  Dv = UT_INT3_MIN;
      if (Hbo == DS_EL)
	Iv = (UT_int4_t) Dv;		/* DS_EL:  X  2  1  0  */
      else				/*        MSB      LSB */
	Iv = 256 * ((UT_int4_t) Dv);       /* DS_EB:  0  1  2  X  */
      if (AFp->Swapb == DS_SWAP) {
	Buf[i] = cp[2];
	Buf[i+1] = cp[1];
	Buf[i+2] = cp[0];
      else {
	Buf[i] = cp[0];
	Buf[i+1] = cp[1];
	Buf[i+2] = cp[2];

    Nw = FWRITE (Buf, LW3, N, AFp->fp);
    is += Nw;
    if (Nw < N)

  return is;
Example #7
AFreadHead (FILE *fp, void *Buf, int Size, int Nv, int Swapb)

  double Lbuf[NBUF];
  int Nvr, n, Nreq, status;

  if (Buf == NULL) {

    /* Skip data */
    n = 0;
    if (FLseekable (fp)) {
      status = fseek (fp, Size * Nv, SEEK_CUR);
      if (status) {
	UTwarn ("AFreadHead: %s", AFM_FilePosErr);
	longjmp (AFR_JMPENV, 1);
      n = Nv;
    else {
      while (n < Nv) {
	Nreq = MINV (Nv - n, BSIZE (Lbuf) / Size);
	Nvr = FREAD (Lbuf, Size, Nreq, fp);
	n += Nvr;
	if (Nvr < Nreq)

  else {
    /* Read the data in file byte order */
    n = FREAD (Buf, Size, Nv, fp);

    /* Swap the data if necessary */
    if (Size != 1 && UTswapCode (Swapb) == DS_SWAP)
      VRswapBytes (Buf, Buf, Size, n);

  /* Error messages */
  if (n < Nv) {
    if (ferror (fp)) {
      UTsysMsg ("AFreadHead - %s", AFM_ReadErr);
      longjmp (AFR_JMPENV, 2);
    else {
      UTwarn ("AFreadHead - %s", AFM_UEoF);
      longjmp (AFR_JMPENV, 1);

  return (Size * n);
Example #8
AFfRdI3 (AFILE *AFp, float Dbuff[], int Nreq)

  int is, N, i, Nr, Hbo;
  UT_int4_t Iv;
  unsigned char Buf[NBBUF];
  unsigned char *cp;
  unsigned char t;
  double g;

  Hbo = UTbyteOrder ();
  cp = (unsigned char *) &Iv;
  for (is = 0; is < Nreq; ) {

    /* Read data from the audio file */
    N = MINV (NBBUF/LW3, Nreq - is);
    Nr = FREAD (Buf, LW3, N, AFp->fp);

    /* Byte swap and convert to float */
    g = AFp->ScaleF;
    for (i = 0; i < LW3*Nr; i += LW3) {
      if (AFp->Swapb == DS_SWAP) {
	t = Buf[i+2]; Buf[i+2] = Buf[i]; Buf[i] = t;
      if (Hbo == DS_EL) {
	cp[0] = 0;
	cp[1] = Buf[i];
	cp[2] = Buf[i+1];
	cp[3] = Buf[i+2];	/* Most significant byte */
      else {
	cp[0] = Buf[i];		/* Most significant byte */
	cp[1] = Buf[i+1];
	cp[2] = Buf[i+2];
	cp[3] = 0;
      Dbuff[is] = (float) (g * (Iv / 256));

    if (Nr < N)

  return is;
Example #9
AFfWrI4 (AFILE *AFp, const float Dbuff[], int Nval)

  int is, N, Nw, i;
  UT_int4_t Buf[NBBUF/LW4];
  double g, Dv;
  unsigned char *cp;
  unsigned char t;

/* Write data to the audio file */
  is = 0;
  g = AFp->ScaleF;
  while (is < Nval) {
    N = MINV (NBBUF / LW4, Nval - is);
    for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
      Dv = g * Dbuff[i+is];
      if (Dv >= 0.0) {
	Dv += 0.5;
	if (Dv >= (double) UT_INT4_MAX + 1.) {
	  Dv = UT_INT4_MAX;
      else {
	Dv += -0.5;
	if (Dv <= (double) (UT_INT4_MIN) - 1.) {
	  Dv = UT_INT4_MIN;
      Buf[i] = (UT_int4_t) Dv;
      if (AFp->Swapb == DS_SWAP) {
	cp = (unsigned char *) &Buf[i];
	t = cp[3]; cp[3] = cp[0]; cp[0] = t;
	t = cp[2]; cp[2] = cp[1]; cp[1] = t;
    Nw = FWRITE (Buf, LW4, N, AFp->fp);
    is += Nw;
    if (Nw < N)

  return is;
Example #10
main (int argc, const char *argv[])

  struct GN_FOpar FO;
  FILE *fpinfo;
  int i, n, seed, Ftype, Dformat;
  long int k;
  double rms;
  float x[MAXBUF];

/* Get the input parameters */
  GNoptions (argc, argv, &rms, &seed, &FO);

/* If output is to stdout, use stderr for informational messages */
  if (strcmp (FO.Fname, "-") == 0)
    fpinfo = stderr;
    fpinfo = stdout;

/* Open the output file */
  Ftype = AOsetFtype (&FO);
  Dformat = AOsetDformat (&FO, NULL, 0);
  AOsetFOopt (&FO);
  if (strcmp (FO.Fname, "-") != 0)
    FLbackup (FO.Fname);
  AFp = AFopnWrite (FO.Fname, Ftype, Dformat, 1L, FO.Sfreq, fpinfo);

/* Generate the noise samples */
  MSrandSeed (seed);
  k = 0;
  while (k < FO.Nframe) {
    n = (int) MINV (FO.Nframe - k, MAXBUF);
    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
      x[i] = (float) MSfGaussRand (rms);
    k += n;
    AFfWriteData (AFp, x, n);

/* Close the audio file */
  AFclose (AFp);

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Example #11
static int
AF_rPstring (FILE *fp, char string[], int ncMax)

  int offs, nc, ncP, nr;
  char slen[1];
  offs = RHEAD_S (fp, slen);	/* 1 byte length */

  nc = (int) slen[0];
  ncP = RNDUPV (nc + 1, 2);
  nr = MINV (nc, ncMax);

  offs += RHEAD_SN (fp, string, nr);
  string[nr] = '\0';
  offs += RSKIP (fp, ncP - (nc + 1));

  return offs;
Example #12
uintptr_t fa_resample_filter_init(int L, int M, float gain, win_t win_type)
    fa_resample_filter_t *resflt = NULL;
    int lm_gcd;
    float ratio;

    resflt = (fa_resample_filter_t *)malloc(sizeof(fa_resample_filter_t));

    ratio = ((float)L)/M;
    if ((ratio      > FA_RATIO_MAX) || 
       ((1./ratio) > FA_RATIO_MAX))
        return -1;

    resflt->L = L;
    resflt->M = M;
    resflt->fc = MINV(1./L, 1./M);
    resflt->gain = gain;

    resflt->bytes_per_sample = 2;       /*default we set to 2 bytes per sample */
    resflt->out_index = 0;

    timevary_filter_init(&(resflt->tvflt), L, M, resflt->fc,  L, win_type);

    lm_gcd = gcd(L, M);
    /*L*M/lm_gcd is the lowest multiplier of L&M*/
    /*resflt->num_in = ((L*M)/lm_gcd)*RES_DEFAULT_NUM_IN;*/
    resflt->num_in = ((L*M)/lm_gcd);
    while (resflt->num_in < FA_DEFAULT_FRAMELEN)
        resflt->num_in *= 2;

    resflt->num_out = (resflt->num_in*L)/M;
    resflt->bytes_in = resflt->bytes_per_sample * resflt->num_in;
    resflt->bytes_out = resflt->bytes_per_sample * resflt->num_out;

    resflt->buf_len = (resflt->tvflt.k + resflt->num_in ) * resflt->bytes_per_sample;
    resflt->buf = (unsigned char *)malloc(resflt->buf_len * sizeof(char));
    memset(resflt->buf, 0, sizeof(char)*resflt->buf_len);

    return (uintptr_t)resflt;
Example #13
int Float2Short (short Buf[], const float Dbuff[], int Nval )
	int is, N, Nw, i;
	double g, Dv;
	unsigned char *cp;
	unsigned char t;

	is = 0;
	g = 32768.0;
	while (is < Nval) {
		N = MINV (DBUF, Nval - is);
		for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
			Dv = g * Dbuff[i+is];
			if (Dv >= 0.0) {
				Dv += 0.5;
				if (Dv >= SHRT_MAX + 1) {
					Dv = SHRT_MAX;
			else {
				Dv += -0.5;
				if (Dv <= SHRT_MIN - 1) {
					Dv = SHRT_MIN;
			Buf[i] = (short) Dv;
		Nw = N; 
		//Nw = FWRITE (Buf, LW2, N, AFp->fp);
		is += Nw;
		if (Nw < N)

	return is;
Example #14
AFfWrI1 (AFILE *AFp, const float Dbuff[], int Nval)

  int is, N, Nw, i;
  UT_int1_t Buf[NBBUF/LW1];
  double g, Dv;

/* Write data to the audio file */
  is = 0;
  g = AFp->ScaleF;
  while (is < Nval) {
    N = MINV (NBBUF / LW1, Nval - is);
    for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
      Dv = g * Dbuff[i+is];
      if (Dv >= 0.0) {
	Dv += 0.5;
	if (Dv >= UT_INT1_MAX + 1) {
	  Dv = UT_INT1_MAX;
      else {
	Dv += -0.5;
	if (Dv <= UT_INT1_MIN - 1) {
	  Dv = UT_INT1_MIN;
      Buf[i] = (UT_int1_t) Dv;
    Nw = FWRITE (Buf, LW1, N, AFp->fp);
    is += Nw;
    if (Nw < N)

  return is;
Example #15
static int
AF_skipNVal (AFILE *AFp, long int N)

  long int nl;
  int Lw, Nv, Nreq, ErrCode;
  double Buf[NBUF];

  Lw = AF_DL[AFp->Format];

  /* Read N values  */
  nl = 0L;
  while (nl < N) {
    Nreq = (int) MINV ((int) (sizeof Buf) / Lw, N - nl);
    Nv = FREAD (Buf, Lw, Nreq, AFp->fp);
    nl += Nv;
    if (Nv < Nreq)
  AFp->Isamp += nl;

  ErrCode = 0;
  if (nl < N) {
    if (ferror (AFp->fp)) {
      UTsysMsg ("AFposition: %s %ld", AFM_ReadErrOffs, AFp->Isamp);
      ErrCode = AF_IOERR;
    else if (AFp->Nsamp != AF_NSAMP_UNDEF) {
      UTwarn ("AFposition: %s %ld", AFM_UEoFOffs, AFp->Isamp);
      ErrCode = AF_UEOF;
      AFp->Nsamp = AFp->Isamp;

  return ErrCode;
Example #16
char *
STstrDots (const char Si[], int Maxchar)

  int nc, i, N, M;
  static char Line[MAXM+1];

  N = strlen (Si);
  M = MINV (MAXM, Maxchar);

  if (N <= M) {
    /* No truncation */
    M = N;
    nc = N;
  else if (M >= MINM) {
    nc = M - 3;
    for (i = M-4; i >= M-10; --i) {
      if (Si[i] == ' ') {
	nc = i + 1;
  else if (M >= 6)
    nc = M-3;
    nc = M;

/* Copy characters */
  ST_copyNtr (Si, Line, nc);
  if (nc + 3 <= M)
	STcopyMax ("...", &Line[nc], 3);

  return Line;
Example #17
int32_t svdcmp_c(int32_t m, double* a, double* w, double* v) {
    // C port of PLINK stats.cpp svdcmp().
    // now thread-safe.
    double* rv1 = &(w[(uint32_t)m]);
    int32_t n = m;
    int32_t flag;
    int32_t l = 0; // suppress compile warning
    int32_t i,its,j,jj,k,nm;
    double anorm,c,f,g,h,s,scale,x,y,z;
    double temp;

    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        if (i < m) {
            for (k=i; k<m; k++) scale += fabs(a[k * m + i]);
            if (scale != 0.0) {
                for (k=i; k<m; k++) {
                    a[k * m + i] /= scale;
                    s += a[k * m + i]*a[k * m + i];
                f=a[i * m + i];
                g = -SIGN(sqrt(s),f);
                a[i * m + i]=f-g;
                for (j=l-1; j<n; j++) {
                    for (s=0.0,k=i; k<m; k++) s += a[k * m + i]*a[k * m + j];
                    for (k=i; k<m; k++) a[k * m + j] += f*a[k * m + i];
                for (k=i; k<m; k++) a[k * m + i] *= scale;
        w[i]=scale *g;
        if (i+1 <= m && i+1 != n) {
            for (k=l-1; k<n; k++) scale += fabs(a[i * m + k]);
            if (scale != 0.0) {
                for (k=l-1; k<n; k++) {
                    a[i * m + k] /= scale;
                    s += a[i * m + k]*a[i * m + k];
                f=a[i * m + l-1];
                g = -SIGN(sqrt(s),f);
                a[i * m + l-1]=f-g;
                for (k=l-1; k<n; k++) rv1[k]=a[i * m + k]/h;
                for (j=l-1; j<m; j++) {
                    for (s=0.0,k=l-1; k<n; k++) s += a[j * m + k]*a[i * m + k];
                    for (k=l-1; k<n; k++) a[j * m + k] += s*rv1[k];
                for (k=l-1; k<n; k++) a[i * m + k] *= scale;
    for (i=n-1; i>=0; i--) {
        if (i < n-1) {
            if (g != 0.0) {
                for (j=l; j<n; j++)
                    v[j * m + i]=(a[i * m + j]/a[i * m + l])/g;
                for (j=l; j<n; j++) {
                    for (s=0.0,k=l; k<n; k++) s += a[i * m + k]*v[k * m + j];
                    for (k=l; k<n; k++) v[k * m + j] += s*v[k * m + i];
            for (j=l; j<n; j++) v[i * m + j]=v[j * m + i]=0.0;
        v[i * m + i]=1.0;
    for (i=MINV(m,n)-1; i>=0; i--) {
        for (j=l; j<n; j++) a[i * m + j]=0.0;
        if (g != 0.0) {
            for (j=l; j<n; j++) {
                for (s=0.0,k=l; k<m; k++) s += a[k * m + i]*a[k * m + j];
                f=(s/a[i * m + i])*g;
                for (k=i; k<m; k++) a[k * m + j] += f*a[k * m + i];
            for (j=i; j<m; j++) a[j * m + i] *= g;
        } else for (j=i; j<m; j++) a[j * m + i]=0.0;
        ++a[i * m + i];
    for (k=n-1; k>=0; k--) {
        for (its=0; its<30; its++) {
            for (l=k; l>=0; l--) {
                if (temp == anorm) {
                if (temp == anorm) break;
            if (flag) {
                for (i=l; i<k+1; i++) {
                    temp = fabs(f)+anorm;
                    if (temp == anorm) break;
                    s = -f*h;
                    for (j=0; j<m; j++) {
                        y=a[j * m + nm];
                        z=a[j * m + i];
                        a[j * m + nm]=y*c+z*s;
                        a[j * m + i]=z*c-y*s;
            if (l == k) {
                if (z < 0.0) {
                    w[k] = -z;
                    for (j=0; j<n; j++) v[j * m + k] = -v[j * m + k];
            if (its == 29)
                return 0; // cannot converge: multi-collinearity?
            for (j=l; j<=nm; j++) {
                y *= c;
                for (jj=0; jj<n; jj++) {
                    x=v[jj * m + j];
                    z=v[jj * m + i];
                    v[jj * m + j]=x*c+z*s;
                    v[jj * m + i]=z*c-x*s;
                if (z) {
                for (jj=0; jj<m; jj++) {
                    y=a[jj * m + j];
                    z=a[jj * m + i];
                    a[jj * m + j]=y*c+z*s;
                    a[jj * m + i]=z*c-y*s;
    return 1;
Example #18
static int lc_bus_consume_message_atomic(amqp_connection_state_t *conn,
        uint32_t flag, amqp_envelope_t *envelope,
        amqp_frame_t *frame, amqp_message_t *message, char *buf, int buf_len)
    static struct timeval timeout = { tv_sec: RECV_TIMEOUT, tv_usec: 0 };
    size_t body_remaining = 0, offset = 0;
    int res = LC_BUS_OK;
    amqp_basic_deliver_t *deliver = NULL;

    if (!envelope || !frame || !message) {
        return 0;

#if 0
    amqp_consume_message(*conn, envelope, &timeout, 0);

    res = amqp_simple_wait_frame_noblock(*conn, frame, &timeout);
    if (res) {
        LB_SYSLOG(LOG_ERR, "waiting for method frame, ret=%d.\n", res);
        if (res != AMQP_STATUS_TIMEOUT) {
            return -1;
        return 0;
    if (frame->frame_type != AMQP_FRAME_METHOD ||
        frame->payload.method.id != AMQP_BASIC_DELIVER_METHOD) {
        LB_SYSLOG(LOG_WARNING, "got frame type 0x%X (expect AMQP_FRAME_METHOD "
                "0x%X) method 0x%X (expect AMQP_BASIC_DELIVER_METHOD 0x%X), "
                "ignore this message.\n", frame->frame_type, AMQP_FRAME_METHOD,
                frame->payload.method.id, AMQP_BASIC_DELIVER_METHOD);
        return 0;
    LB_SYSLOG(LOG_INFO, "got frame type 0x%X method 0x%X.\n",
            frame->frame_type, frame->payload.method.id);
    deliver = (amqp_basic_deliver_t *)frame->payload.method.decoded;

    res = amqp_simple_wait_frame_noblock(*conn, frame, &timeout);
    if (res) {
        LB_SYSLOG(LOG_ERR, "waiting for header frame, ret=%d\n", res);
        if (res != AMQP_STATUS_TIMEOUT) {
            return -1;
        return 0;
    if (frame->frame_type != AMQP_FRAME_HEADER) {
        LB_SYSLOG(LOG_ERR, "got frame type 0x%X (expect "
                "AMQP_FRAME_HEADER 0x%X).\n",
                frame->frame_type, AMQP_FRAME_HEADER);
        return 0;
    body_remaining = frame->payload.properties.body_size;
    LB_SYSLOG(LOG_INFO, "got frame type 0x%X (AMQP_FRAME_HEADER), "
            "AMQP_FRAME_BODY len %zd\n",
            frame->frame_type, body_remaining);

    while (body_remaining) {
        res = amqp_simple_wait_frame_noblock(*conn, frame, &timeout);
        if (res) {
            LB_SYSLOG(LOG_ERR, "waiting for body frame, ret=%d\n", res);
            if (res != AMQP_STATUS_TIMEOUT) {
                return -1;
            return 0;
        if (frame->frame_type != AMQP_FRAME_BODY) {
            LB_SYSLOG(LOG_ERR, "expected header, got frame type 0x%X\n",
            return 0;
        LB_SYSLOG(LOG_DEBUG, "got body len %zd\n",

        memcpy(buf + offset, frame->payload.body_fragment.bytes,
                MINV(buf_len - offset, frame->payload.body_fragment.len));
        if (buf_len - offset < frame->payload.body_fragment.len) {
            offset = buf_len;
        } else {
            offset += frame->payload.body_fragment.len;
        body_remaining -= frame->payload.body_fragment.len;

    if (flag & LC_BUS_CONSUME_WITH_ACK) {
        res = amqp_basic_ack(
                    0  /* multiple */
        if (res) {
            LB_SYSLOG(LOG_ERR, "basic ack, channel=%u ret=%d\n",
                    LC_BUS_CHANNEL, res);
            return 0;

    if (buf_len == offset) {
        /* buffer is not enough */
        return 0;
    return offset;
Example #19
PQadapt (const double *Ehs[2], const struct Par_Patt *Patt,
	 double *EP[2], struct Mem_Adap *Adap)

  int m, i, iL, iU, M1, M2;
  double sn, sd, s1, s2, CL;
  double R[2][PQ_MAXNC];

  double **P = Adap->P;
  double **PC = Adap->PC;
  double *Rn = Adap->Rn;
  double *Rd = Adap->Rd;

  const int Nc = Patt->Nc;
  const double *a = Patt->a;
  const double *b = Patt->b;

  /* Smooth the excitation patterns */
  /* Calculate the correlation terms */
  sn = 0;
  sd = 0;
  for (m = 0; m < Nc; ++m) {
    P[0][m] = a[m] * P[0][m] + b[m] * Ehs[0][m];
    P[1][m] = a[m] * P[1][m] + b[m] * Ehs[1][m];
    sn += sqrt (P[1][m] * P[0][m]);
    sd += P[1][m];

  /* Level correlation */
  CL = SQRV (sn / sd);

  for (m = 0; m < Nc; ++m) {

    /* Scale one of the signals to match levels */
    if (CL > 1) {
      EP[0][m] = Ehs[0][m] / CL;
      EP[1][m] = Ehs[1][m];
    else {
      EP[0][m] = Ehs[0][m];
      EP[1][m] = Ehs[1][m] * CL;

    /* Calculate a pattern match correction factor */
    Rn[m] = a[m] * Rn[m] + EP[1][m] * EP[0][m];
    Rd[m] = a[m] * Rd[m] + EP[0][m] * EP[0][m];
    assert (Rd[m] > 0 && Rn[m] > 0);
    if (Rn[m] >= Rd[m]) {
      R[0][m] = 1;
      R[1][m] = Rd[m] / Rn[m];
    else {
      R[0][m] = Rn[m] / Rd[m];
      R[1][m] = 1;

  /* Average the correction factors over M channels and smooth with time */
  M1 = Patt->M1;
  M2 = Patt->M2;
  for (m = 0; m < Nc; ++m) {
    iL = MAXV (m - M1, 0);
    iU = MINV (m + M2, Nc-1);
    s1 = 0;
    s2 = 0;
    for (i = iL; i <= iU; ++i) {
      s1 += R[0][i];
      s2 += R[1][i];
    PC[0][m] = a[m] * PC[0][m] + b[m] * s1 / (iU-iL+1);
    PC[1][m] = a[m] * PC[1][m] + b[m] * s2 / (iU-iL+1);

    /* Final correction factor => spectrally adapted patterns */
    EP[0][m] = EP[0][m] * PC[0][m];
    EP[1][m] = EP[1][m] * PC[1][m];

Example #20
FAfiltIIR (AFILE *AFpI, AFILE *AFpO, long int NsampO, const double h[][5],
	   int Nsec, int Nsub, long int loffs)

  double x[NBUF];
  int mem, Nxmax, Nx;
  long int l, k, NyO;

   - The input signal d(.) is the data in the file, with d(0) corresponding to
     the first data value in the file.
   - Indexing: l is an offset into d(), referring to sample d(l).

/* Batch processing
   - The data will be processed in batches by reading into a buffer x(.,.).
     The batches of input samples will be of equal size, Nx, except for the
     last batch.  For batch j,
       x(j,l') = d(loffs+j*Nx+l'), for 0 <= l' < Nx,
   - The k'th output point y(k) is calculated at position d(loffs+k), that is
     the start of the impulse response, h(0), is aligned with d(loffs+k).
       y(k) --> h[0] <==> d(l),    where l=loffs+k
                h[0] <==> x(j,l').
   - For batch j=0,
       l = loffs  - pointer to d(loffs),
       l' = 0     - pointer to x(0,0) = d(loffs),
       k = 0      - pointer to y(0).
   - For each batch, k and l' advance by Nx,
       k <- k + Nx,
       l' <- l' + Nx.
   - When the index l' for x(j,l') advances beyond Nx, we bring l' back
     into range by subtracting Nx from it and incrementing the batch number,

/* Buffer allocation
   The buffer is allocated to filter memory (mem) and the input data (Nx).
   The output data will overlay the input data.
  mem = 2 * (Nsec + 1);
  Nxmax = NBUF - mem;
  if (Nxmax <= 0)
    UThalt ("%s: %s", PROGRAM, FAM_XIIRSect);
  NyO = (NsampO - 1) * Nsub + 1;

/* Main processing loop */
  /* if (l < loffs), processing warm-up points, no output */
  VRdZero (x, mem);
  l = MINV (loffs, MAXV (0, loffs - MAXWUP));
  k = 0;
  while (k < NyO) {

/* Read the input data into the input buffer */
    if (l < loffs)
      Nx = (int) MINV (Nxmax, loffs - l);
      Nx = (int) MINV (Nxmax, NyO - k);
    AFdReadData (AFpI, l, &x[mem], Nx);

/* Convolve the input samples with the filter response */
    FIdFiltIIR (&x[mem-2], x, Nx, h, Nsec);

/* Write the output data to the output audio file */
    if (l >= loffs) {
      if (Nsub == 1)
	AFdWriteData (AFpO, &x[2], Nx);
	FA_writeSubData (AFpO, k, Nsub, &x[2], Nx);
      k = k + Nx;
    l = l + Nx;

/* Update the filter memory */
    VRdShift (x, mem, Nx);

Example #21
static long int
CP_comb1 (AFILE *AFpI, long int StartF, long int Nframe,
	  const struct CP_Chgain *Chgain, long int MaxNframe, AFILE *AFpO)

  int eof, i, k, m, NO, Nc, Nr, Ns, Nfv, Nfr;
  long int offr, offs, Nj, Nfrem;
  double g;
  double Dbuff[BFSIZE];
  double *Dbuffi, *Dbuffo;

  NO = (int) AFpO->Nchan;
  Nj = AFpI->Nchan;
  assert (AFpO->Nchan == Chgain->NO);
  assert (Nj >= Chgain->NI);

/* Split the buffer space up for the input and output buffers */
  Nc = (int) MINV (MAXNI, Nj);
  Ns = BFSIZE / (Nc + NO);
  Dbuffi = Dbuff;
  Dbuffo = Dbuff + Nc * Ns;

/* Main loop */
  eof = (Nframe == AF_NFRAME_UNDEF);
  if (MaxNframe == AF_NFRAME_UNDEF) {
    if (eof)
      Nfrem = LONG_MAX;
      Nfrem = Nframe;
  else {
    if (eof)
      Nfrem = MaxNframe;
      Nfrem = MINV (Nframe, MaxNframe);

  offr = 0L;
  while (Nfrem > 0L) {

    Nfv = (int) MINV (Nfrem, Ns);

    for (k = 0; k < NO; ++k) {
      for (i = 0; i < Nfv; ++i)
	Dbuffo[i*NO+k] = Chgain->Offset[k];	/* dc offset */

    /* Read Nc channels (out of Nj) channels from the input file */
    offs = Nj * (offr + StartF);
    if (Nc == Nj) {
      Nr = AFdReadData (AFpI, offs, Dbuffi, Nfv * Nc);
      Nfr = ICEILV (Nr, Nc);
    else {
      for (i = 0; i < Nfv; ++i) {
	Nr = AFdReadData (AFpI, offs + i * Nj, &Dbuffi[i*Nc], Nc);
	if (Nr == 0 && eof)
      Nfr = i;

    if (Nfr < Nfv && eof) {
      Nfrem = Nfr;
      Nfv = Nfrem;
    Nfrem -= Nfv;
    offr += Nfv;

    /* Add the contribution from the input buffer to the output buffer */
    for (m = 0; m < Nc; ++m) {
      for (k = 0; k < NO; ++k) {
	g = Chgain->Gain[k][m];
	if (g != 0.0) {
	  for (i = 0; i < Nfv; ++i)
	    Dbuffo[i*NO+k] += g * Dbuffi[i*Nc+m];

    /* Write the samples to the output file */
    AFdWriteData (AFpO, Dbuffo, Nfv * NO);

  return offr;
Example #22
static long int
CP_combN (AFILE *AFp[], const long int StartF[], int Nifiles, long int Nframe,
	  const struct CP_Chgain *Chgain, AFILE *AFpO)

  int i, j, k, m, n, Nt, NI, NO, Nc, Ns, Nfr, NchanMax;
  long int offr, offs, Nj, Nrem;
  double g;
  double Dbuff[BFSIZE];
  double *Dbuffi, *Dbuffo;

  assert (Nframe != AF_NFRAME_UNDEF);
  assert (AFpO->Nchan == Chgain->NO);

/* Number of channels to be read (all files), maximum MAXNI */
  NI = 0;
  for (j = 0; j < Nifiles; ++j)
    NI += (int) MINV (AFp[j]->Nchan, MAXNI - NI);
  assert (NI >= Chgain->NI);

/* Maximum number of channels from any single file */
  Nt = 0;
  NchanMax = 0;
  for (j = 0; j < Nifiles; ++j) {
    Nc = (int) MINV (AFp[j]->Nchan, NI - Nt);
    NchanMax = MAXV (NchanMax, Nc);
    Nt += Nc;

  NO = (int) AFpO->Nchan;

/* Split the buffer space up for the input and output buffers */
  Ns = BFSIZE / (NchanMax + NO);
  Dbuffi = Dbuff;
  Dbuffo = Dbuff + NchanMax * Ns;

   The copying operation takes scaled samples from the input si(n,i)
   (channel n, sample i) and sums them to form so(k,i) (channel k, sample i)

     so(k,i) = SUM g(k,n) * si(n,i)
   However, samples from different channels are interleaved.  Thus so(k,i) is
   really so(i * No + k), where No is the number of output channels.  For the
   input data, the channels appear in different files.

   The copying operation loops over the input channels n, the output channels
   k and the samples i.  The inner loop is chosen to be over the samples, so
   that this loop can be skipped if the gain for an input/output channel
   combination is zero.  The looping over input channels is actually two loops;
   one over files and the other for channels within a file.  The loop over
   files is outermost, so that the data from the input files need only be read

/* Main loop */
  offr = 0L;
  Nrem = Nframe;
  while (Nrem > 0) {

    Nfr = (int) MINV (Nrem, Ns);
    for (k = 0; k < NO; ++k) {
      for (i = 0; i < Nfr; ++i)
	Dbuffo[i*NO+k] = Chgain->Offset[k];	/* dc offset */
    n = 0;
    Nt = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < Nifiles; ++j) {
      Nj = AFp[j]->Nchan;
      Nc = (int) MINV (NI - Nt, Nj);

      /* Read Nc channels (out of Nj) channels from file j */
      offs = Nj * (offr + StartF[j]);
      if (Nc == Nj)
	AFdReadData (AFp[j], offs, Dbuffi, Nfr * Nc);
      else if (Nc > 0) {
	for (i = 0; i < Nfr; ++i)
	  AFdReadData (AFp[j], offs + i * Nj, &Dbuffi[i*Nc], Nc);
      Nt += Nc;

      /* Add the contribution from file j to the output */
      for (m = 0; m < Nc; ++m) {
	for (k = 0; k < NO; ++k) {
	  g = Chgain->Gain[k][n];
	  if (g != 0.0) {
	    for (i = 0; i < Nfr; ++i)
	      Dbuffo[i*NO+k] += g * Dbuffi[i*Nc+m];
    /* Write the samples to the output file */
    AFdWriteData (AFpO, Dbuffo, Nfr * NO);
    offr += Nfr;
    Nrem -= Nfr;

  return Nframe;
Example #23
AFrdEShead (FILE *fp)

  int NgI, Nv;
  long int offs;
  UT_float8_t STime;
  char Info[ES_MAXINFO];
  struct ES_preamb Fpreamb;
  struct ES_fixhead FheadF;
  struct ES_FEAhead FheadV;
  char GenItems[ES_MAXGENERIC];
  char str[20];
  struct AF_read AFr;

/* Set the long jump environment; on error return a NULL */
  if (setjmp (AFR_JMPENV))
    return NULL;	/* Return from a header read error */

/* Defaults and inital values */
  AFr = AFr_default;
  AFr.InfoX.Info = Info;
  AFr.InfoX.Nmax = ES_MAXINFO;

/* Read selected preamble values */
/* We do not know the byte order until after we have read the file magic */
  offs = RSKIP (fp, 8L);
  offs += RHEAD_V (fp, Fpreamb.Data_offset, DS_NATIVE);
  offs += RHEAD_V (fp, Fpreamb.Record_size, DS_NATIVE);
  offs += RHEAD_S (fp, Fpreamb.Magic);

/* Check the preamble file magic */
  if (SAME_CSTR (Fpreamb.Magic, FM_ESPS_BE))
    AFr.DFormat.Swapb = DS_EB;
  else if (SAME_CSTR (Fpreamb.Magic, FM_ESPS_LE))
    AFr.DFormat.Swapb = DS_EL;
  else {
    UTwarn ("AFrdEShead - %s", AFM_ES_BadId);
    return NULL;

/* Fix up the words we have already read */
  if (UTswapCode (AFr.DFormat.Swapb) == DS_SWAP) {
    SWAPB (Fpreamb.Data_offset);
    SWAPB (Fpreamb.Record_size);
/* Read selected values from the fixed part of the header */
  offs += RSKIP (fp, 32 - offs);
  offs += RHEAD_V (fp, FheadF.Type, AFr.DFormat.Swapb);
  offs += RSKIP (fp, 2);
  offs += RHEAD_S (fp, FheadF.Magic);
  offs += AFrdTextAFsp (fp, 26, "date: ", &AFr.InfoX, 1);
  offs += AFrdTextAFsp (fp,  8, "header_version: ", &AFr.InfoX, 1);
  offs += AFrdTextAFsp (fp, 16, "program_name: ", &AFr.InfoX, 1);
  offs += AFrdTextAFsp (fp,  8, "program_version: ", &AFr.InfoX, 1);
  offs += AFrdTextAFsp (fp, 26, "program_compile_date: ", &AFr.InfoX, 1);
  offs += RHEAD_V (fp, FheadF.Ndrec, AFr.DFormat.Swapb);
  offs += RSKIP (fp, 4);
  offs += RHEAD_V (fp, FheadF.Ndouble, AFr.DFormat.Swapb);
  offs += RHEAD_V (fp, FheadF.Nfloat, AFr.DFormat.Swapb);
  offs += RHEAD_V (fp, FheadF.Nlong, AFr.DFormat.Swapb);
  offs += RHEAD_V (fp, FheadF.Nshort, AFr.DFormat.Swapb);
  offs += RHEAD_V (fp, FheadF.Nchar, AFr.DFormat.Swapb);
  offs += RSKIP (fp, 8);
  offs += AFrdTextAFsp (fp, 8, "user: "******"AFrdEShead - %s: \"%d\"", AFM_ES_UnsType, (int) FheadF.Type);
    return NULL;
  if (! SAME_CSTR (FheadF.Magic, Fpreamb.Magic)) {
    UTwarn ("AFrdEShead - %s", AFM_ES_IdMatch);
    return NULL;
  if (FheadV.Fea_type != ES_FEA_SD) {
     UTwarn ("AFrdEShead - %s: \"%d\"", AFM_ES_UnsFea, (int) FheadV.Fea_type);
     return NULL;

/* Determine the data format */
  if (FheadF.Nshort != 0) {
    AFr.NData.Nchan = FheadF.Nshort;
    AFr.DFormat.Format = FD_INT16;
  else if (FheadF.Nlong != 0) {
    AFr.NData.Nchan = FheadF.Nlong;
    AFr.DFormat.Format = FD_INT32;
  else if (FheadF.Nfloat != 0) {
    AFr.NData.Nchan = FheadF.Nfloat;
    AFr.DFormat.Format = FD_FLOAT32;
  else if (FheadF.Ndouble != 0) {
    AFr.NData.Nchan = FheadF.Ndouble;
    AFr.DFormat.Format = FD_FLOAT64;
  else {
    UTwarn ("AFrdEShead - %s", AFM_ES_UnsData);
    return NULL;
  if (Fpreamb.Record_size != AF_DL[AFr.DFormat.Format] * AFr.NData.Nchan) {
    UTwarn ("AFrdEShead - %s", AFM_ES_UnsEncod);
    return NULL;

/* Get the sampling frequency */
  if (! AF_getGeneric (GenItems, NgI, "record_freq", AFr.DFormat.Swapb,
		       1, ES_DOUBLE, &AFr.Sfreq)) {
    UTwarn ("AFrdEShead - %s", AFM_ES_NoSFreq);
    return NULL;

  /* Other Generic Items */
  if (AF_getGeneric (GenItems, NgI, "start_time", AFr.DFormat.Swapb,
		     1, ES_DOUBLE, &STime)) {
    Nv = sprintf (str, "%.7g", STime);
    AFaddAFspRec ("start_time: ", str, Nv, &AFr.InfoX); 
  /* Pick up "max_value" only if it is a single value */
  if (AF_getGeneric (GenItems, NgI, "max_value", AFr.DFormat.Swapb,
		     1, ES_DOUBLE, &STime)) {
    Nv = sprintf (str, "%.7g", STime);
    AFaddAFspRec ("max_value: ", str, Nv, &AFr.InfoX); 

/* Set the parameters for file access */
  if (FheadF.Ndrec != 0)
    AFr.NData.Nsamp = FheadF.Ndrec * AFr.NData.Nchan;


  return AFp;