void run_28_bit_record_tests(int mode, const char *mode_desc) { const char *filename = "MaxMind-DB-test-mixed-28.mmdb"; const char *path = test_database_path(filename); MMDB_s *mmdb = open_ok(path, mode, mode_desc); free((void *)path); const uint32_t tests[7][5] = { { 0, 1, MMDB_RECORD_TYPE_SEARCH_NODE, 242, MMDB_RECORD_TYPE_EMPTY }, { 80, 81, MMDB_RECORD_TYPE_SEARCH_NODE, 197, MMDB_RECORD_TYPE_SEARCH_NODE, }, { 96, 97, MMDB_RECORD_TYPE_SEARCH_NODE, 242, MMDB_RECORD_TYPE_EMPTY, }, { 103, 242, MMDB_RECORD_TYPE_EMPTY, 104, MMDB_RECORD_TYPE_SEARCH_NODE, }, { 127, 242, MMDB_RECORD_TYPE_EMPTY, 315, MMDB_RECORD_TYPE_DATA, }, { 132, 329, MMDB_RECORD_TYPE_DATA, 242, MMDB_RECORD_TYPE_EMPTY, }, { 241, 96, MMDB_RECORD_TYPE_SEARCH_NODE, 242, MMDB_RECORD_TYPE_EMPTY, } }; run_read_node_tests(mmdb, tests, 7, 28); MMDB_close(mmdb); free(mmdb); }
static void geoip2_compat_internal_close(MMDB_s* mmdb) { if(mmdb->file_content) { MMDB_close(mmdb); } mmdb->file_content = NULL; }
List maxmind_bindings::call_maxmind(std::vector < std::string > ip_addresses, const char* file, std::vector < std::string > fields){ //Open file MMDB_s geo_file; int result; result = MMDB_open(file, 0, &geo_file); if(result != MMDB_SUCCESS){ throw std::range_error("The geolocation database could not be opened"); } //Create references and holding std::vector < std::string >& ip_ref = ip_addresses; int input_size = ip_addresses.size(); IntegerVector rownames(input_size); rownames = Rcpp::seq(1,input_size); List output = lookup(ip_ref, &geo_file, fields); output.attr("class") = "data.frame"; output.attr("names") = fields; output.attr("row.names") = rownames; //Close and return MMDB_close(&geo_file); return output; }
// close gets called by varnish when then the treads destroyed void close_mmdb(void *mmdb_handle) { // don't do anything if the db didn't open correctly. if (mmdb_handle == NULL) { return; } MMDB_s *handle = (MMDB_s *)mmdb_handle; MMDB_close(handle); }
F_NONNULL static void geoip2_destroy(geoip2_t* db) { MMDB_close(&db->mmdb); free(db->map_name); free(db->pathname); for(unsigned i = 0; i < OFFSET_CACHE_SIZE; i++) free(db->offset_cache[i]); free(db); }
static PyObject *Reader_close(PyObject *self, PyObject *UNUSED(args)) { Reader_obj *mmdb_obj = (Reader_obj *)self; if (NULL != mmdb_obj->mmdb) { MMDB_close(mmdb_obj->mmdb); free(mmdb_obj->mmdb); mmdb_obj->mmdb = NULL; } Py_RETURN_NONE; }
vmod_geoip2__fini(struct vmod_geoip2_geoip2 **vpp) { struct vmod_geoip2_geoip2 *vp; if (!*vpp) return; vp = *vpp; *vpp = NULL; CHECK_OBJ_NOTNULL(vp, VMOD_GEOIP2_MAGIC); MMDB_close(&vp->mmdb); FREE_OBJ(vp); }
static void ngx_http_geoip2_cleanup(void *data) { ngx_http_geoip2_conf_t *gcf = data; ngx_uint_t i; ngx_http_geoip2_db_t *database; if (gcf->databases != NULL) { database = gcf->databases->elts; for (i = 0; i < gcf->databases->nelts; i++) { MMDB_close(&database[i].mmdb); } ngx_array_destroy(gcf->databases); } }
void run_tests(int mode, const char *mode_desc) { const char *file = "MaxMind-DB-test-ipv4-24.mmdb"; const char *path = test_database_path(file); MMDB_s *mmdb = open_ok(path, mode, mode_desc); // All of the remaining tests require an open mmdb if (NULL == mmdb) { diag("could not open %s - skipping remaining tests", path); return; } free((void *)path); test_metadata(mmdb, mode_desc); test_metadata_as_data_entry_list(mmdb, mode_desc); MMDB_close(mmdb); free(mmdb); }
void test_simple_structure(int mode, const char *mode_desc) { const char *filename = "MaxMind-DB-test-decoder.mmdb"; const char *path = test_database_path(filename); MMDB_s *mmdb = open_ok(path, mode, mode_desc); free((void *)path); const char *ip = ""; MMDB_lookup_result_s result = lookup_string_ok(mmdb, ip, filename, mode_desc); { MMDB_entry_data_s entry_data; const char *lookup_path[] = { "array", "0", NULL }; int status = MMDB_aget_value(&result.entry, &entry_data, lookup_path); test_array_0_result(status, entry_data, "MMDB_aget_value"); status = MMDB_get_value(&result.entry, &entry_data, "array", "0", NULL); test_array_0_result(status, entry_data, "MMDB_get_value"); status = call_vget_value(&result.entry, &entry_data, "array", "0", NULL); test_array_0_result(status, entry_data, "MMDB_vget_value"); } { MMDB_entry_data_s entry_data; const char *lookup_path[] = { "array", "2", NULL }; int status = MMDB_aget_value(&result.entry, &entry_data, lookup_path); test_array_2_result(status, entry_data, "MMDB_aget_value"); status = MMDB_get_value(&result.entry, &entry_data, "array", "2", NULL); test_array_2_result(status, entry_data, "MMDB_get_value"); status = call_vget_value(&result.entry, &entry_data, "array", "2", NULL); test_array_2_result(status, entry_data, "MMDB_vget_value"); } MMDB_close(mmdb); free(mmdb); }
int main(void) { int gai_error, mmdb_error; MMDB_s mmdb; char *ip = ""; int status = MMDB_open("/home/lannister/Documentos/GeoLite2-City.mmdb", MMDB_MODE_MMAP, &mmdb); if (MMDB_SUCCESS != status) { printf("Fail WTF"); } MMDB_lookup_result_s result = MMDB_lookup_string(&mmdb, ip, &gai_error, &mmdb_error); if (MMDB_SUCCESS != mmdb_error) { printf("Fail WTF2"); } int exit_code = 0; char *country = NULL; MMDB_entry_data_s entry_data; status = MMDB_get_value(&result.entry, &entry_data,"city","names","es", NULL); if (entry_data.has_data) { country = strndup(entry_data.utf8_string, entry_data.data_size); printf("%s\n", country); }else{ printf("No city"); } status = MMDB_get_value(&result.entry, &entry_data,"country","names","es", NULL); if (entry_data.has_data) { country = strndup(entry_data.utf8_string, entry_data.data_size); printf("%s\n", country); } MMDB_close(&mmdb); return 0; }
void geoip2_close_db(void) { MMDB_close(&mmdb); }
void geoip2_destroy_pv(void) { MMDB_close(&_handle_GeoIP); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DbHnd::~DbHnd() { // We don't need the database handle anymore MMDB_close(&mDb); }
void OnGeoipCommand() { const auto cmd = CMD_ARGV(1); if (!strcmp(cmd, "version")) { if (!HandleDB.filename) { MF_PrintSrvConsole("\n Database is not loaded.\n"); return; } const auto meta_dump = "\n" " Database metadata\n" " Node count: %i\n" " Record size: %i bits\n" " IP version: IPv%i\n" " Binary format: %i.%i\n" " Build epoch: %llu (%s)\n" " Type: %s\n" " Languages: "; char date[40]; strftime(date, sizeof date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC", gmtime(reinterpret_cast<const time_t *>(&HandleDB.metadata.build_epoch))); fprintf(stdout, meta_dump, HandleDB.metadata.node_count, HandleDB.metadata.record_size, HandleDB.metadata.ip_version, HandleDB.metadata.binary_format_major_version, HandleDB.metadata.binary_format_minor_version, HandleDB.metadata.build_epoch, date, HandleDB.metadata.database_type); for (size_t i = 0; i < HandleDB.metadata.languages.count; ++i) { fprintf(stdout, "%s", HandleDB.metadata.languages.names[i]); if (i < HandleDB.metadata.languages.count - 1) { fprintf(stdout, " "); } } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); fprintf(stdout, " Description:\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < HandleDB.metadata.description.count; ++i) { fprintf(stdout, " %s: %s\n", HandleDB.metadata.description.descriptions[i]->language, HandleDB.metadata.description.descriptions[i]->description); } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "dump")) { if (!HandleDB.filename) { MF_PrintSrvConsole("\n Database is not loaded.\n\n"); return; } const auto num_args = CMD_ARGC(); if (num_args < 3) { MF_PrintSrvConsole("\n An IP address must be provided.\n\n"); return; } const auto ip = stripPort(const_cast<char *>(CMD_ARGV(2))); auto gai_error = 0; auto mmdb_error = 0; auto result = MMDB_lookup_string(&HandleDB, ip, &gai_error, &mmdb_error); if (gai_error != 0 || mmdb_error != MMDB_SUCCESS || !result.found_entry) { MF_PrintSrvConsole("\n Either look up failed or no found result.\n\n"); return; } MMDB_entry_data_list_s *entry_data_list = nullptr; int status; if ((status = MMDB_get_entry_data_list(&result.entry, &entry_data_list)) != MMDB_SUCCESS || entry_data_list == nullptr) { MF_PrintSrvConsole("\n Could not retrieve data list - %s.\n\n", MMDB_strerror(status)); return; } const char *file = nullptr; FILE *fp = nullptr; if (num_args > 3) { file = CMD_ARGV(3); fp = fopen(MF_BuildPathname("%s", file), "w"); } if (!fp) { file = nullptr; fp = stdout; } fprintf(fp, "\n"); MMDB_dump_entry_data_list(fp, entry_data_list, 2); fprintf(fp, "\n"); if (file) { fclose(fp); } MMDB_free_entry_data_list(entry_data_list); } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "reload")) { const auto isDatabaseLoaded = HandleDB.filename != nullptr; if (isDatabaseLoaded) { MMDB_close(&HandleDB); } if (loadDatabase() && !NativesRegistered) { MF_AddNatives(GeoipNatives); NativesRegistered = true; } } else { MF_PrintSrvConsole("\n"); MF_PrintSrvConsole(" Usage: geoip <command> [argument]\n"); MF_PrintSrvConsole(" Commands:\n"); MF_PrintSrvConsole(" version - display geoip database metadata\n"); MF_PrintSrvConsole(" reload - reload geoip database\n"); MF_PrintSrvConsole(" dump <ip> [output file] - dump all data from an IP address formatted in a JSON-ish fashion.\n"); MF_PrintSrvConsole(" An output file is mod-based and if not provided, it will print in the console.\n"); MF_PrintSrvConsole("\n"); } }
void OnAmxxDetach() { MMDB_close(&HandleDB); LangList.clear(); }
void clean_up_mmdb_memory(value this_mmdb) { MMDB_close((MMDB_s*)Data_custom_val(this_mmdb)); }
void test_mmdb(MMDB_s * mmdb) { char *ipstr; char *(*ip_string)[2] = mmdb->depth == 32 ? ip4_string : ip6_string; for (int i = 0; (ipstr = ip_string[i][0]); i++) { in_addrX ipnum; MMDB_root_entry_s root = {.entry.mmdb = mmdb }; ip_to_num(mmdb, ipstr, &ipnum); int err = mmdb->depth == 32 ? MMDB_lookup_by_ipnum(ipnum.v4.s_addr, &root) : MMDB_lookup_by_ipnum_128(ipnum.v6, &root); ok(err == MMDB_SUCCESS, "Search for %s SUCCESSFUL", ipstr); ok(root.entry.offset == 0, "No entries found for %s good", ipstr); ipstr = ip_string[i][1]; ip_to_num(mmdb, ipstr, &ipnum); err = mmdb->depth == 32 ? MMDB_lookup_by_ipnum(ipnum.v4.s_addr, &root) : MMDB_lookup_by_ipnum_128(ipnum.v6, &root); ok(err == MMDB_SUCCESS, "Search for %s SUCCESSFUL", ipstr); ok(root.entry.offset > 0, "Found something %s good", ipstr); MMDB_return_s country; MMDB_get_value(&root.entry, &country, "country", NULL); ok(country.offset > 0, "Found country hash for %s", ipstr); if (country.offset) { MMDB_entry_s country_hash = {.mmdb = mmdb,.offset = country.offset }; MMDB_return_s result; MMDB_get_value(&country_hash, &result, "iso_code", NULL); ok(result.offset > 0, "Found country code for %s", ipstr); if (result.offset > 0) { ok(MMDB_strcmp_result(mmdb, &result, "US") == 0, "Country code is US for %s", ipstr); } MMDB_get_value(&country_hash, &result, "names", "ascii", NULL); if (result.offset > 0) { ok(MMDB_strcmp_result(mmdb, &result, "United States") == 0, "Country name ascii match United States for %s", ipstr); } MMDB_get_value(&country_hash, &result, "names", "de", NULL); if (result.offset > 0) { ok(MMDB_strcmp_result(mmdb, &result, "USA") == 0, "Country name de is USA for %s", ipstr); } MMDB_get_value(&country_hash, &result, "names", "es", NULL); if (result.offset > 0) { ok(MMDB_strcmp_result(mmdb, &result, "Estados Unidos") == 0, "Country name es is Estados Unidos for %s", ipstr); } MMDB_get_value(&country_hash, &result, "names", "whatever", NULL); ok(result.offset == 0, "Country name whatever is not found for %s", ipstr); MMDB_return_s military, cellular, flt, dbl; MMDB_get_value(&root.entry, &military, "traits", "is_military", NULL); ok(military.offset != 0, "traits/is_military _is_ found for %s", ipstr); ok(military.type == MMDB_DTYPE_BOOLEAN, "is_military.type _is_ MMDB_DTYPE_BOOLEAN for %s", ipstr); ok(military.uinteger == 0, "traits/is_military _is_ 0"); MMDB_get_value(&root.entry, &cellular, "traits", "cellular", NULL); ok(cellular.offset != 0, "traits/cellular _is_ found for %s", ipstr); ok(cellular.type == MMDB_DTYPE_BOOLEAN, "cellular.type _is_ MMDB_DTYPE_BOOLEAN for %s", ipstr); ok(cellular.uinteger == 1, "traits/is_cellular _is_ 1"); MMDB_get_value(&root.entry, &flt, "test_data", "max", "float_t", NULL); ok(flt.offset != 0, "test_data/max/float_t _is_ found for %s", ipstr); ok(flt.type == MMDB_DTYPE_IEEE754_FLOAT, "flt.type _is_ MMDB_DTYPE_IEEE754_FLOAT for %s", ipstr); ok(!dbl_cmp(flt.float_value, 9999.99), "test_data/max/float_t _is_ nearly 9999.99"); MMDB_get_value(&root.entry, &dbl, "test_data", "max", "double_t", NULL); ok(dbl.offset != 0, "test_data/max/double_t _is_ found for %s", ipstr); ok(dbl.type == MMDB_DTYPE_IEEE754_DOUBLE, "dbl.type _is_ MMDB_DTYPE_IEEE754_DOUBLE for %s", ipstr); ok(!dbl_cmp(dbl.double_value, 999999999.9999), "test_data/max/double_t _is_ nearly 999999999.9999"); { double expect[] = { 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.100000, 0.123000, 10.000000, 7.990000, 1000000000.000000, -1.000000, -0.100000, -0.123000, -10.000000, -7.990000, -1000000000.000000 }; int cnt = sizeof(expect) / sizeof(double); MMDB_return_s got; MMDB_get_value(&root.entry, &dbl, "test_data", "tst", "array_ieee754_double_t", NULL); ok(dbl.offset > 0, "Found it"); if (dbl.offset > 0) { MMDB_entry_s dbl_array = {.mmdb = mmdb,.offset = dbl.offset }; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { char idx[256]; snprintf(idx, sizeof(idx), "%d", i); MMDB_get_value(&dbl_array, &got, idx, NULL); ok(got.offset != 0, "Found something"); ok(got.type == MMDB_DTYPE_IEEE754_DOUBLE, "type ok (is %d)", got.type); ok(!dbl_cmp(got.double_value, expect[i]), "test_data/max/double_t _is_ nearly %f", expect[i]); } check_illegal_index(&dbl_array, -1); check_illegal_index(&dbl_array, cnt); } } } } } int main(void) { char *fnames[] = { "./data/v4-24.mmdb", "./data/v4-28.mmdb", "./data/v4-32.mmdb", "./data/v6-24.mmdb", "./data/v6-28.mmdb", "./data/v6-32.mmdb", NULL }; char *fname; for (char **ptr = fnames; (fname = *ptr++);) { struct stat sstat; int err = stat(fname, &sstat); ok(err == 0, "%s exists", fname); MMDB_s *mmdb_m = MMDB_open(fname, MMDB_MODE_MEMORY_CACHE); ok(mmdb_m != NULL, "MMDB_open successful ( MMDB_MODE_MEMORY_CACHE )"); if (mmdb_m) { test_mmdb(mmdb_m); MMDB_close(mmdb_m); } MMDB_s *mmdb_s = MMDB_open(fname, MMDB_MODE_STANDARD); ok(mmdb_s != NULL, "MMDB_open successful ( MMDB_MODE_STANDARD )"); if (mmdb_s) { test_mmdb(mmdb_s); MMDB_close(mmdb_s); } } done_testing(); }
void ShutDown( void ) { MMDB_close( handle ); delete handle; handle = nullptr; }
void test_nested_structure(int mode, const char *mode_desc) { const char *filename = "MaxMind-DB-test-nested.mmdb"; const char *path = test_database_path(filename); MMDB_s *mmdb = open_ok(path, mode, mode_desc); free((void *)path); const char *ip = ""; MMDB_lookup_result_s result = lookup_string_ok(mmdb, ip, filename, mode_desc); { MMDB_entry_data_s entry_data; const char *lookup_path[] = { "map1", "map2", "array", "0", "map3", "a", NULL }; int status = MMDB_aget_value(&result.entry, &entry_data, lookup_path); test_complex_map_a_result(status, entry_data, "MMDB_aget_value"); status = MMDB_get_value(&result.entry, &entry_data, "map1", "map2", "array", "0", "map3", "a", NULL); test_complex_map_a_result(status, entry_data, "MMDB_get_value"); status = call_vget_value(&result.entry, &entry_data, "map1", "map2", "array", "0", "map3", "a", NULL); test_complex_map_a_result(status, entry_data, "MMDB_vget_value"); } { MMDB_entry_data_s entry_data; const char *lookup_path[] = { "map1", "map2", "array", "0", "map3", "c", NULL }; int status = MMDB_aget_value(&result.entry, &entry_data, lookup_path); test_complex_map_c_result(status, entry_data, "MMDB_aget_value"); status = MMDB_get_value(&result.entry, &entry_data, "map1", "map2", "array", "0", "map3", "c", NULL); test_complex_map_c_result(status, entry_data, "MMDB_get_value"); status = call_vget_value(&result.entry, &entry_data, "map1", "map2", "array", "0", "map3", "c", NULL); test_complex_map_c_result(status, entry_data, "MMDB_vget_value"); } { MMDB_entry_data_s entry_data; const char *lookup_path[] = { "map1", "map42", "array", "0", "map3", "c", NULL }; int status = MMDB_aget_value(&result.entry, &entry_data, lookup_path); test_no_result(status, entry_data, "MMDB_aget_value", "map1{map42}{array}[0]{map3}{c}"); status = MMDB_get_value(&result.entry, &entry_data, "map1", "map42", "array", "0", "map3", "c", NULL); test_no_result(status, entry_data, "MMDB_get_value", "map1{map42}{array}[0]{map3}{c}"); status = call_vget_value(&result.entry, &entry_data, "map1", "map42", "array", "0", "map3", "c", NULL); test_no_result(status, entry_data, "MMDB_vget_value", "map1{map42}{array}[0]{map3}{c}"); } { MMDB_entry_data_s entry_data; const char *lookup_path[] = { "map1", "map2", "array", "9", "map3", "c", NULL }; int status = MMDB_aget_value(&result.entry, &entry_data, lookup_path); test_no_result(status, entry_data, "MMDB_aget_value", "map1{map42}{array}[9]{map3}{c}"); status = MMDB_get_value(&result.entry, &entry_data, "map1", "map2", "array", "9", "map3", "c", NULL); test_no_result(status, entry_data, "MMDB_get_value", "map1{map42}{array}[9]{map3}{c}"); status = call_vget_value(&result.entry, &entry_data, "map1", "map2", "array", "9", "map3", "c", NULL); test_no_result(status, entry_data, "MMDB_vget_value", "map1{map42}{array}[9]{map3}{c}"); } MMDB_close(mmdb); free(mmdb); }
void Sig_Handler( _SaganSigArgs *args ) { sigset_t signal_set; int sig; sbool orig_perfmon_value = 0; #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP sbool orig_plog_value = 0; #endif for(;;) { /* wait for any and all signals */ sigfillset( &signal_set ); sigwait( &signal_set, &sig ); switch( sig ) { /* exit */ case SIGQUIT: case SIGINT: case SIGTERM: case SIGSEGV: case SIGABRT: Sagan_Log(S_NORMAL, "\n\n[Received signal %d. Sagan version %s shutting down]-------\n", sig, VERSION); Sagan_Statistics(); #if defined(HAVE_DNET_H) || defined(HAVE_DUMBNET_H) if ( sagan_unified2_flag ) { Unified2CleanExit(); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBMAXMINDDB MMDB_close(&config->geoip2); #endif fflush(config->sagan_alert_stream); fclose(config->sagan_alert_stream); /* Close Sagan alert file */ fflush(config->sagan_log_stream); /* Close the sagan.log */ fclose(config->sagan_log_stream); if ( config->perfmonitor_flag ) { Sagan_Perfmonitor_Close(); } Remove_Lock_File(); exit(0); break; case SIGHUP: config->sagan_reload = 1; /* Only this thread can alter this */ pthread_mutex_lock(&SaganReloadMutex); Sagan_Log(S_NORMAL, "[Reloading Sagan version %s.]-------", VERSION); /* * Close and re-open log files. This is for logrotate and such * 04/14/2015 - Champ Clark III ([email protected]) */ Sagan_Open_Log_File(REOPEN, ALL_LOGS); /******************/ /* Reset counters */ /******************/ counters->refcount=0; counters->classcount=0; counters->rulecount=0; counters->ruletotal=0; counters->genmapcount=0; counters->flowbit_track_count=0; memset(rulestruct, 0, sizeof(_Rule_Struct)); memset(classstruct, 0, sizeof(_Class_Struct)); memset(generator, 0, sizeof(_Sagan_Processor_Generator)); memset(flowbit, 0, sizeof(_Sagan_Flowbit)); /**********************************/ /* Disabled and reset processors. */ /**********************************/ /* Note: Processors that run as there own thread (perfmon, plog) cannot be * loaded via SIGHUP. They must be loaded at run time. Once they are loaded, * they can be disabled/re-enabled. */ /* Single Threaded processors */ if ( config->perfmonitor_flag == 1 && orig_perfmon_value == 0 ) { Sagan_Perfmonitor_Close(); orig_perfmon_value = 1; } config->perfmonitor_flag = 0; #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP if ( config->plog_flag ) { orig_plog_value = 1; } config->plog_flag = 0; #endif /* Multi Threaded processors */ config->blacklist_flag = 0; if ( config->blacklist_flag ) { free(SaganBlacklist); } config->blacklist_flag = 0; if ( config->brointel_flag ) { free(Sagan_BroIntel_Intel_Addr); free(Sagan_BroIntel_Intel_Domain); free(Sagan_BroIntel_Intel_File_Hash); free(Sagan_BroIntel_Intel_URL); free(Sagan_BroIntel_Intel_Software); free(Sagan_BroIntel_Intel_Email); free(Sagan_BroIntel_Intel_User_Name); free(Sagan_BroIntel_Intel_File_Name); free(Sagan_BroIntel_Intel_Cert_Hash); counters->brointel_addr_count = 0; counters->brointel_domain_count = 0; counters->brointel_file_hash_count = 0; counters->brointel_url_count = 0; counters->brointel_software_count = 0; counters->brointel_email_count = 0; counters->brointel_user_name_count = 0; counters->brointel_file_name_count = 0; counters->brointel_cert_hash_count = 0; counters->brointel_dups = 0; } config->brointel_flag = 0; if ( config->sagan_track_clients_flag ) { free(SaganTrackClients); fclose(config->sagan_track_client_file); } config->sagan_track_clients_flag = 0; counters->track_clients_client_count = 0; counters->track_clients_down = 0; /* Output formats */ config->sagan_ext_flag = 0; #ifdef WITH_SYSLOG config->sagan_syslog_flag = 0; #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBESMTP config->sagan_esmtp_flag = 0; #endif #ifdef WITH_SNORTSAM config->sagan_fwsam_flag = 0; #endif /* Non-output / Processors */ if ( config->sagan_droplist_flag ) { config->sagan_droplist_flag = 0; free(SaganIgnorelist); } /************************************************************/ /* Re-load primary configuration (rules/classifictions/etc) */ /************************************************************/ Load_Config(); /* <- RELOAD */ /************************************************************/ /* Re-load primary configuration (rules/classifictions/etc) */ /************************************************************/ if ( config->perfmonitor_flag == 1 ) { if ( orig_perfmon_value == 1 ) { Sagan_Perfmonitor_Open(); } else { Sagan_Log(S_WARN, "** 'perfmonitor' must be loaded at runtime! NOT loading 'perfmonitor'!"); config->perfmonitor_flag = 0; } } #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP if ( config->plog_flag == 1 ) { if ( orig_plog_value == 1 ) { config->plog_flag = 1; } else { Sagan_Log(S_WARN, "** 'plog' must be loaded at runtime! NOT loading 'plog'!"); config->plog_flag = 0; } } #endif /* Load Blacklist data */ if ( config->blacklist_flag ) { counters->blacklist_count=0; Sagan_Blacklist_Init(); Sagan_Blacklist_Load(); } if ( config->brointel_flag ) { Sagan_BroIntel_Init(); Sagan_BroIntel_Load_File(); } if ( config->sagan_track_clients_flag ) { Sagan_Load_Tracking_Cache(); Sagan_Log(S_NORMAL, "Reset Sagan Track Client."); } /* Non output / processors */ if ( config->sagan_droplist_flag ) { Load_Ignore_List(); Sagan_Log(S_NORMAL, "Loaded %d ignore/drop list item(s).", counters->droplist_count); } #ifdef HAVE_LIBMAXMINDDB Sagan_Log(S_NORMAL, "Reloading GeoIP2 data."); Sagan_Open_GeoIP2_Database(); #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBLOGNORM Sagan_Liblognorm_Load(); #endif pthread_cond_signal(&SaganReloadCond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&SaganReloadMutex); config->sagan_reload = 0; Sagan_Log(S_NORMAL, "Configuration reloaded."); break; /* Signals to ignore */ case 17: /* Child process has exited. */ case 28: /* Terminal 'resize'/alarm. */ break; case SIGUSR1: Sagan_Statistics(); break; default: Sagan_Log(S_NORMAL, "[Received signal %d. Sagan doesn't know how to deal with]", sig); } } }