Example #1
/* Special hack to workaround the fact that the
 * when the SEH handler is called the stack is
 * to small to recover.
 * Stack walking part of this method is from mono_handle_exception
 * The idea is simple; 
 *  - walk the stack to free some space (64k)
 *  - set esp to new stack location
 *  - call mono_arch_handle_exception with stack overflow exception
 *  - set esp to SEH handlers stack
 *  - done
static void 
win32_handle_stack_overflow (EXCEPTION_POINTERS* ep, struct sigcontext *sctx) 
	DWORD page_size;
	MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_get ();
	MonoJitInfo rji;
	MonoJitTlsData *jit_tls = mono_native_tls_get_value (mono_jit_tls_id);
	MonoLMF *lmf = jit_tls->lmf;		
	MonoContext initial_ctx;
	MonoContext ctx;
	guint32 free_stack = 0;
	StackFrameInfo frame;

	/* convert sigcontext to MonoContext (due to reuse of stack walking helpers */
	mono_arch_sigctx_to_monoctx (sctx, &ctx);
	/* get our os page size */
	page_size = si.dwPageSize;

	/* Let's walk the stack to recover
	 * the needed stack space (if possible)
	memset (&rji, 0, sizeof (rji));

	initial_ctx = ctx;
	free_stack = (guint8*)(MONO_CONTEXT_GET_BP (&ctx)) - (guint8*)(MONO_CONTEXT_GET_BP (&initial_ctx));

	/* try to free 64kb from our stack */
	do {
		MonoContext new_ctx;

		mono_arch_find_jit_info (domain, jit_tls, &rji, &ctx, &new_ctx, &lmf, NULL, &frame);
		if (!frame.ji) {
			g_warning ("Exception inside function without unwind info");
			g_assert_not_reached ();

		if (frame.ji != (gpointer)-1) {
			free_stack = (guint8*)(MONO_CONTEXT_GET_BP (&ctx)) - (guint8*)(MONO_CONTEXT_GET_BP (&initial_ctx));

		/* todo: we should call abort if ji is -1 */
		ctx = new_ctx;
	} while (free_stack < 64 * 1024 && frame.ji != (gpointer) -1);

	/* convert into sigcontext to be used in mono_arch_handle_exception */
	mono_arch_monoctx_to_sigctx (&ctx, sctx);

	/* todo: install new stack-guard page */

	/* use the new stack and call mono_arch_handle_exception () */
	restore_stack (sctx);
Example #2
static void
mono_native_state_add_ctx (MonoStateWriter *writer, MonoContext *ctx)
	// Context
	mono_state_writer_indent (writer);
	mono_state_writer_object_key (writer, "ctx");
	mono_state_writer_printf(writer, "{\n");

	assert_has_space (writer);
	mono_state_writer_indent (writer);
	mono_state_writer_object_key (writer, "IP");
	mono_state_writer_printf(writer, "\"%p\",\n", (gpointer) MONO_CONTEXT_GET_IP (ctx));

	assert_has_space (writer);
	mono_state_writer_indent (writer);
	mono_state_writer_object_key (writer, "SP");
	mono_state_writer_printf(writer, "\"%p\",\n", (gpointer) MONO_CONTEXT_GET_SP (ctx));

	assert_has_space (writer);
	mono_state_writer_indent (writer);
	mono_state_writer_object_key (writer, "BP");
	mono_state_writer_printf(writer, "\"%p\"\n", (gpointer) MONO_CONTEXT_GET_BP (ctx));

	mono_state_writer_indent (writer);
	mono_state_writer_printf(writer, "}");
Example #3
static int
call_filter (MonoContext *ctx, gpointer ip)
	int (*filter) (MonoContext *, gpointer);
	gpointer fp = MONO_CONTEXT_GET_BP (ctx);

	filter = get_real_call_filter ();

	return filter (fp, ip);
Example #4
/* mono_arch_find_jit_info:
 * This function is used to gather information from @ctx. It return the 
 * MonoJitInfo of the corresponding function, unwinds one stack frame and
 * stores the resulting context into @new_ctx. It also stores a string 
 * describing the stack location into @trace (if not NULL), and modifies
 * the @lmf if necessary. @native_offset return the IP offset from the 
 * start of the function or -1 if that info is not available.
mono_arch_find_jit_info (MonoDomain *domain, MonoJitTlsData *jit_tls, 
							 MonoJitInfo *ji, MonoContext *ctx, 
							 MonoContext *new_ctx, MonoLMF **lmf,
							 mgreg_t **save_locations,
							 StackFrameInfo *frame)
	gpointer *window;

	memset (frame, 0, sizeof (StackFrameInfo));
	frame->ji = ji;
	frame->managed = FALSE;

	*new_ctx = *ctx;

	if (ji != NULL) {
		frame->type = FRAME_TYPE_MANAGED;

		if (*lmf && (MONO_CONTEXT_GET_BP (ctx) >= (gpointer)(*lmf)->ebp)) {
			/* remove any unused lmf */
			*lmf = (*lmf)->previous_lmf;

		/* Restore ip and sp from the saved register window */
		window = MONO_SPARC_WINDOW_ADDR (ctx->sp);
		new_ctx->ip = window [sparc_i7 - 16];
		new_ctx->sp = (gpointer*)(window [sparc_i6 - 16]);
		new_ctx->fp = (gpointer*)(MONO_SPARC_WINDOW_ADDR (new_ctx->sp) [sparc_i6 - 16]);

		return TRUE;
	else {
		if (!(*lmf))
			return FALSE;

		if (!(*lmf)->method)
			return FALSE;

		ji = mini_jit_info_table_find (domain, (gpointer)(*lmf)->ip, NULL);
		if (!ji)
			return FALSE;

		frame->ji = ji;

		new_ctx->ip = (*lmf)->ip;
		new_ctx->sp = (*lmf)->sp;
		new_ctx->fp = (*lmf)->ebp;

		*lmf = (*lmf)->previous_lmf;

		return TRUE;
Example #5
 * mono_arch_find_jit_info:
 * See exceptions-amd64.c for docs.
mono_arch_find_jit_info (MonoDomain *domain, MonoJitTlsData *jit_tls, 
							 MonoJitInfo *ji, MonoContext *ctx, 
							 MonoContext *new_ctx, MonoLMF **lmf,
							 mgreg_t **save_locations,
							 StackFrameInfo *frame)
	gpointer ip = MONO_CONTEXT_GET_IP (ctx);

	memset (frame, 0, sizeof (StackFrameInfo));
	frame->ji = ji;

	*new_ctx = *ctx;

	if (ji != NULL) {
		gssize regs [MONO_MAX_IREGS + 1];
		guint8 *cfa;
		guint32 unwind_info_len;
		guint8 *unwind_info;

		frame->type = FRAME_TYPE_MANAGED;

		if (ji->from_aot)
			unwind_info = mono_aot_get_unwind_info (ji, &unwind_info_len);
			unwind_info = mono_get_cached_unwind_info (ji->used_regs, &unwind_info_len);

		regs [X86_EAX] = new_ctx->eax;
		regs [X86_EBX] = new_ctx->ebx;
		regs [X86_ECX] = new_ctx->ecx;
		regs [X86_EDX] = new_ctx->edx;
		regs [X86_ESP] = new_ctx->esp;
		regs [X86_EBP] = new_ctx->ebp;
		regs [X86_ESI] = new_ctx->esi;
		regs [X86_EDI] = new_ctx->edi;
		regs [X86_NREG] = new_ctx->eip;

		mono_unwind_frame (unwind_info, unwind_info_len, ji->code_start, 
						   (guint8*)ji->code_start + ji->code_size,
						   ip, regs, MONO_MAX_IREGS + 1,
						   save_locations, MONO_MAX_IREGS, &cfa);

		new_ctx->eax = regs [X86_EAX];
		new_ctx->ebx = regs [X86_EBX];
		new_ctx->ecx = regs [X86_ECX];
		new_ctx->edx = regs [X86_EDX];
		new_ctx->esp = regs [X86_ESP];
		new_ctx->ebp = regs [X86_EBP];
		new_ctx->esi = regs [X86_ESI];
		new_ctx->edi = regs [X86_EDI];
		new_ctx->eip = regs [X86_NREG];

 		/* The CFA becomes the new SP value */
		new_ctx->esp = (gssize)cfa;

		/* Adjust IP */
		new_ctx->eip --;

		if (*lmf && (MONO_CONTEXT_GET_BP (ctx) >= (gpointer)(*lmf)->ebp)) {
			/* remove any unused lmf */
			*lmf = (gpointer)(((gsize)(*lmf)->previous_lmf) & ~3);

		/* Pop arguments off the stack */
		 * FIXME: LLVM doesn't push these, we can't use ji->from_llvm as it describes
		 * the callee.
		if (ji->has_arch_eh_info)
			new_ctx->esp += mono_jit_info_get_arch_eh_info (ji)->stack_size;

		return TRUE;
	} else if (*lmf) {

		if (((guint64)(*lmf)->previous_lmf) & 2) {
			 * This LMF entry is created by the soft debug code to mark transitions to
			 * managed code done during invokes.
			MonoLMFExt *ext = (MonoLMFExt*)(*lmf);

			g_assert (ext->debugger_invoke);

			memcpy (new_ctx, &ext->ctx, sizeof (MonoContext));

			*lmf = (gpointer)(((gsize)(*lmf)->previous_lmf) & ~3);


			return TRUE;
		if ((ji = mini_jit_info_table_find (domain, (gpointer)(*lmf)->eip, NULL))) {
		} else {
			if (!((guint32)((*lmf)->previous_lmf) & 1))
				/* Top LMF entry */
				return FALSE;
			g_assert_not_reached ();
			/* Trampoline lmf frame */
			frame->method = (*lmf)->method;

		new_ctx->esi = (*lmf)->esi;
		new_ctx->edi = (*lmf)->edi;
		new_ctx->ebx = (*lmf)->ebx;
		new_ctx->ebp = (*lmf)->ebp;
		new_ctx->eip = (*lmf)->eip;

		/* Adjust IP */
		new_ctx->eip --;

		frame->ji = ji;

		/* Check if we are in a trampoline LMF frame */
		if ((guint32)((*lmf)->previous_lmf) & 1) {
			/* lmf->esp is set by the trampoline code */
			new_ctx->esp = (*lmf)->esp;

			/* Pop arguments off the stack */
			/* FIXME: Handle the delegate case too ((*lmf)->method == NULL) */
			/* FIXME: Handle the IMT/vtable case too */
#if 0
			if ((*lmf)->method) {
				MonoMethod *method = (*lmf)->method;
				MonoJitArgumentInfo *arg_info = g_newa (MonoJitArgumentInfo, mono_method_signature (method)->param_count + 1);

				guint32 stack_to_pop = mono_arch_get_argument_info (NULL, mono_method_signature (method), mono_method_signature (method)->param_count, arg_info);
				new_ctx->esp += stack_to_pop;
			/* the lmf is always stored on the stack, so the following
			 * expression points to a stack location which can be used as ESP */
			new_ctx->esp = (unsigned long)&((*lmf)->eip);

		*lmf = (gpointer)(((gsize)(*lmf)->previous_lmf) & ~3);

		return TRUE;

	return FALSE;
Example #6
static void
SIG_HANDLER_SIGNATURE (sigprof_signal_handler)
	int call_chain_depth = mono_profiler_stat_get_call_chain_depth ();
	MonoProfilerCallChainStrategy call_chain_strategy = mono_profiler_stat_get_call_chain_strategy ();
	if (call_chain_depth == 0) {
		mono_profiler_stat_hit (mono_arch_ip_from_context (ctx), ctx);
	} else {
		MonoJitTlsData *jit_tls = mono_native_tls_get_value (mono_jit_tls_id);
		int current_frame_index = 1;
		MonoContext mono_context;
		guchar *ips [call_chain_depth + 1];

		mono_arch_sigctx_to_monoctx (ctx, &mono_context);
		ips [0] = MONO_CONTEXT_GET_IP (&mono_context);
		if (jit_tls != NULL) {
			if (call_chain_strategy == MONO_PROFILER_CALL_CHAIN_NATIVE) {
			guchar *current_frame;
			guchar *stack_bottom;
			guchar *stack_top;
			stack_bottom = jit_tls->end_of_stack;
			stack_top = MONO_CONTEXT_GET_SP (&mono_context);
			current_frame = MONO_CONTEXT_GET_BP (&mono_context);
			while ((current_frame_index <= call_chain_depth) &&
					(stack_bottom IS_BEFORE_ON_STACK (guchar*) current_frame) &&
					((guchar*) current_frame IS_BEFORE_ON_STACK stack_top)) {
				ips [current_frame_index] = CURRENT_FRAME_GET_RETURN_ADDRESS (current_frame);
				current_frame_index ++;
				stack_top = current_frame;
				current_frame = CURRENT_FRAME_GET_BASE_POINTER (current_frame);
				call_chain_strategy = MONO_PROFILER_CALL_CHAIN_GLIBC;
			if (call_chain_strategy == MONO_PROFILER_CALL_CHAIN_GLIBC) {
				current_frame_index = backtrace ((void**) & ips [1], call_chain_depth);
				call_chain_strategy = MONO_PROFILER_CALL_CHAIN_MANAGED;

			if (call_chain_strategy == MONO_PROFILER_CALL_CHAIN_MANAGED) {
				MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_get ();
				if (domain != NULL) {
					MonoLMF *lmf = NULL;
					MonoJitInfo *ji;
					MonoJitInfo res;
					MonoContext new_mono_context;
					int native_offset;
					ji = mono_find_jit_info (domain, jit_tls, &res, NULL, &mono_context,
							&new_mono_context, NULL, &lmf, &native_offset, NULL);
					while ((ji != NULL) && (current_frame_index <= call_chain_depth)) {
						ips [current_frame_index] = MONO_CONTEXT_GET_IP (&new_mono_context);
						current_frame_index ++;
						mono_context = new_mono_context;
						ji = mono_find_jit_info (domain, jit_tls, &res, NULL, &mono_context,
								&new_mono_context, NULL, &lmf, &native_offset, NULL);
		mono_profiler_stat_call_chain (current_frame_index, & ips [0], ctx);

	mono_chain_signal (SIG_HANDLER_PARAMS);
Example #7
/* mono_arch_find_jit_info:
 * This function is used to gather information from @ctx. It returns the 
 * MonoJitInfo of the corresponding function, unwinds one stack frame and
 * stores the resulting context into @new_ctx. It also stores a string 
 * describing the stack location into @trace (if not NULL), and modifies
 * the @lmf if necessary. @native_offset return the IP offset from the 
 * start of the function or -1 if that info is not available.
MonoJitInfo *
mono_arch_find_jit_info (MonoDomain *domain, MonoJitTlsData *jit_tls,
			 MonoJitInfo *res, MonoJitInfo *prev_ji,
			 MonoContext *ctx, MonoContext *new_ctx,
			 MonoLMF **lmf, gboolean *managed)
	MonoJitInfo *ji;
	gpointer ip = MONO_CONTEXT_GET_IP (ctx);
	gpointer fp = MONO_CONTEXT_GET_BP (ctx);
	guint32 sp;

	/* Avoid costly table lookup during stack overflow */
	if (prev_ji && (ip > prev_ji->code_start && ((guint8*)ip < ((guint8*)prev_ji->code_start) + prev_ji->code_size)))
		ji = prev_ji;
		ji = mini_jit_info_table_find (domain, ip, NULL);

	if (managed)
		*managed = FALSE;

	memcpy (new_ctx, ctx, sizeof (MonoContext));

	if (ji != NULL) {
		int i;
		gint32 address;
		int offset = 0;

		if (*lmf && (MONO_CONTEXT_GET_BP (ctx) >= (gpointer)(*lmf)->ebp)) {
			/* remove any unused lmf */
			*lmf = (*lmf)->previous_lmf;

		address = (char *)ip - (char *)ji->code_start;

		if (managed)
			if (!ji->method->wrapper_type)
				*managed = TRUE;

		/* My stack frame */
		fp = MONO_CONTEXT_GET_BP (ctx);

		/* Compute the previous stack frame */
		sp = (guint32)(fp) - (short)(*(guint32 *)(ji->code_start));

		/* Sanity check the frame */
		if (!sp || (sp == 0xffffffff)
		    || (sp & 0x07) || (sp < 64*1024)) {
			g_print ("mono_arch_find_jit_info: bad stack sp=%p\n", (void *) sp);
			return (gpointer)-1;

		if (ji->method->save_lmf && 0) {
			/* only enable this when prologue stops emitting
			 * normal save of s-regs when save_lmf is true.
			 * Will have to sync with prologue code at that point.
			memcpy (&new_ctx->sc_fpregs,
				(char*)sp - sizeof (float) * MONO_SAVED_FREGS,
				sizeof (float) * MONO_SAVED_FREGS);
			memcpy (&new_ctx->sc_regs,
				(char*)sp - sizeof (float) * MONO_SAVED_FREGS - sizeof (gulong) * MONO_SAVED_GREGS,
				sizeof (gulong) * MONO_SAVED_GREGS);
		} else if (ji->used_regs) {
			guint32 *insn;
			guint32 mask = ji->used_regs;

			/* these all happen before adjustment of fp */
			/* Look for sw ??, ????(sp) */
			insn = ((guint32 *)ji->code_start) + 1;
			while (!*insn || ((*insn & 0xffe00000) == 0xafa00000) || ((*insn & 0xffe00000) == 0xffa00000)) {
				int reg = (*insn >> 16) & 0x1f;
				guint32 addr = (((guint32)fp) + (short)(*insn & 0x0000ffff));

				mask &= ~(1 << reg);
				if ((*insn & 0xffe00000) == 0xafa00000)
					new_ctx->sc_regs [reg] = *(guint32 *)addr;
					new_ctx->sc_regs [reg] = *(guint64 *)addr;
			MONO_CONTEXT_SET_SP (new_ctx, sp);
			MONO_CONTEXT_SET_BP (new_ctx, sp);
			/* assert that we found all registers we were supposed to */
			g_assert (!mask);
Example #8
/* mono_arch_find_jit_info:
 * This function is used to gather information from @ctx. It return the 
 * MonoJitInfo of the corresponding function, unwinds one stack frame and
 * stores the resulting context into @new_ctx. It also stores a string 
 * describing the stack location into @trace (if not NULL), and modifies
 * the @lmf if necessary. @native_offset return the IP offset from the 
 * start of the function or -1 if that info is not available.
MonoJitInfo *
mono_arch_find_jit_info (MonoDomain *domain, MonoJitTlsData *jit_tls, MonoJitInfo *res, MonoJitInfo *prev_ji, MonoContext *ctx, 
			 MonoContext *new_ctx, MonoLMF **lmf, gboolean *managed)
	MonoJitInfo *ji;
	gpointer ip = MONO_CONTEXT_GET_IP (ctx);
	gpointer *window;

	/* Avoid costly table lookup during stack overflow */
	if (prev_ji && (ip > prev_ji->code_start && ((guint8*)ip < ((guint8*)prev_ji->code_start) + prev_ji->code_size)))
		ji = prev_ji;
		ji = mini_jit_info_table_find (domain, ip, NULL);

	if (managed)
		*managed = FALSE;

	if (ji != NULL) {
		*new_ctx = *ctx;

		if (managed)
			if (!ji->method->wrapper_type)
				*managed = TRUE;

		if (*lmf && (MONO_CONTEXT_GET_BP (ctx) >= (gpointer)(*lmf)->ebp)) {
			/* remove any unused lmf */
			*lmf = (*lmf)->previous_lmf;

		/* Restore ip and sp from the saved register window */
		window = MONO_SPARC_WINDOW_ADDR (ctx->sp);
		new_ctx->ip = window [sparc_i7 - 16];
		new_ctx->sp = (gpointer*)(window [sparc_i6 - 16]);
		new_ctx->fp = (gpointer*)(MONO_SPARC_WINDOW_ADDR (new_ctx->sp) [sparc_i6 - 16]);

		return ji;
	else {
		if (!(*lmf))
			return NULL;

		*new_ctx = *ctx;

		if (!(*lmf)->method)
			return (gpointer)-1;

		if ((ji = mini_jit_info_table_find (domain, (gpointer)(*lmf)->ip, NULL))) {
		} else {
			memset (res, 0, MONO_SIZEOF_JIT_INFO);
			res->method = (*lmf)->method;

		new_ctx->ip = (*lmf)->ip;
		new_ctx->sp = (*lmf)->sp;
		new_ctx->fp = (*lmf)->ebp;

		*lmf = (*lmf)->previous_lmf;

		return ji ? ji : res;