Example #1
O_TYPE O_blkframe(O_ARGS)
/* runs an instruction under a block frame */
    mpdm_t ret;

    /* no context? create one */
    if (l == NULL)
        l = MPDM_A(0);


    /* create a new local symbol table */
    mpdm_push(l, MPDM_H(0));

    /* creates the arguments (if any) as local variables */
    set_local_symbols(M2, a, l);

    /* execute instruction */
    ret = RF(M1);

    /* destroy the local symbol table */
    mpdm_adel(l, -1);


    return UFND(ret);
Example #2
/* build hash from instructions */
    mpdm_t ret = RF(mpdm_size(c) == 3 ? MPDM_H(0) : M(3));

    mpdm_hset(ret, M1, M2);

    return UFND(ret);
Example #3
 * mpsl_startup - Initializes MPSL.
 * Initializes the Minimum Profit Scripting Language. Returns 0 if
 * everything went OK.
int mpsl_startup(void)
    mpdm_t r;
    mpdm_t m;

    /* startup MPDM */

    r = mpdm_root();

    /* creates INC, unless already defined */
    if (mpdm_hget_s(r, L"INC") == NULL)
        mpdm_hset_s(r, L"INC", MPDM_A(0));

    /* the TRUE value */
    mpdm_hset_s(r, L"TRUE", MPDM_I(1));

    /* standard file descriptors */
    mpdm_hset_s(r, L"STDIN",    MPDM_F(stdin));
    mpdm_hset_s(r, L"STDOUT",   MPDM_F(stdout));
    mpdm_hset_s(r, L"STDERR",   MPDM_F(stderr));

    /* home and application directories */
    mpdm_hset_s(r, L"HOMEDIR",  mpdm_home_dir());
    mpdm_hset_s(r, L"APPDIR",   mpdm_app_dir());

    /* fill now the MPSL hash */
    m = MPDM_H(0);
    mpdm_hset_s(r, L"MPSL", m);

    /* store things there */
    mpdm_hset_s(m, L"VERSION",  MPDM_MBS(VERSION));
    mpdm_hset_s(m, L"OPCODE",   mpsl_build_opcodes());
    mpdm_hset_s(m, L"LC",       MPDM_H(0));
    mpdm_hset_s(m, L"CORE",     mpsl_build_funcs());

    mpdm_dump_1 = mpsl_dump_1;

    return 0;
Example #4
extern "C" int kde4_drv_detect(int *argc, char ***argv)
    mpdm_t drv;
    KCmdLineOptions opts;
    Display *x11_display;
    int n;

    for (n = 0; n < *argc; n++) {
        if (strcmp(argv[0][n], "-txt") == 0 ||
            strcmp(argv[0][n], "-h") == 0)
            return 0;

    /* try connecting directly to the Xserver */
    if ((x11_display = XOpenDisplay((char *) NULL)) == NULL)
        return 0;

    KAboutData aboutData("mp", 0,
                         ki18n("Minimum Profit"), VERSION,
                         ki18n("A programmer's text editor"),
                         ki18n("Copyright (c) 1991-2009 Angel Ortega"),
                         "http://triptico.com", "*****@*****.**");

    KCmdLineArgs::init(*argc, *argv, &aboutData);

    /* command line options should be inserted here (I don't like this) */
    opts.add("t {tag}",         ki18n("Edits the file where tag is defined"));
    opts.add("e {mpsl_code}",   ki18n("Executes MPSL code"));
    opts.add("f {mpsl_script}", ki18n("Executes MPSL script file"));
    opts.add("d {directory}",   ki18n("Sets working directory"));
    opts.add("x {file}",        ki18n("Open file in the hexadecimal viewer"));
    opts.add(" +NNN",           ki18n("Moves to line number NNN of last file"));
    opts.add("txt",             ki18n("Use text mode instead of GUI"));
    opts.add("+[file(s)]",      ki18n("Documents to open"));

    /* this is where it crashes if no X server */
    app = new KApplication(x11_display);

    drv = mpdm_hset_s(mpdm_root(), L"mp_drv", MPDM_H(0));

    mpdm_hset_s(drv, L"id",         MPDM_LS(L"kde4"));
    mpdm_hset_s(drv, L"startup",    MPDM_X(kde4_drv_startup));

    return 1;
Example #5
mpdm_t mpsl_build_opcodes(void)
/* builds the table of opcodes */
    int n;
    mpdm_t r = MPDM_H(0);


    for (n = 0; op_table[n].name != NULL; n++) {
        mpdm_t v = MPDM_LS(op_table[n].name);

        mpdm_set_ival(v, n);

        /* keys and values are the same */
        mpdm_hset(r, v, v);


    return r;