Example #1
REGPARM_ATTR (1) static void
cfdiv_q_2exp (mpz_ptr w, mpz_srcptr u, mp_bitcnt_t cnt, int dir)
  mp_size_t  wsize, usize, abs_usize, limb_cnt, i;
  mp_srcptr  up;
  mp_ptr     wp;
  mp_limb_t  round, rmask;

  usize = SIZ (u);
  abs_usize = ABS (usize);
  limb_cnt = cnt / GMP_NUMB_BITS;
  wsize = abs_usize - limb_cnt;
  if (wsize <= 0)
      /* u < 2**cnt, so result 1, 0 or -1 according to rounding */
      PTR(w)[0] = 1;
      SIZ(w) = (usize == 0 || (usize ^ dir) < 0 ? 0 : dir);

  /* +1 limb to allow for mpn_add_1 below */
  MPZ_REALLOC (w, wsize+1);

  /* Check for rounding if direction matches u sign.
     Set round if we're skipping non-zero limbs.  */
  up = PTR(u);
  round = 0;
  rmask = ((usize ^ dir) >= 0 ? MP_LIMB_T_MAX : 0);
  if (rmask != 0)
    for (i = 0; i < limb_cnt && round == 0; i++)
      round = up[i];

  wp = PTR(w);
  cnt %= GMP_NUMB_BITS;
  if (cnt != 0)
      round |= rmask & mpn_rshift (wp, up + limb_cnt, wsize, cnt);
      wsize -= (wp[wsize - 1] == 0);
    MPN_COPY_INCR (wp, up + limb_cnt, wsize);

  if (round != 0)
      if (wsize != 0)
	  mp_limb_t cy;
	  cy = mpn_add_1 (wp, wp, wsize, CNST_LIMB(1));
	  wp[wsize] = cy;
	  wsize += cy;
	  /* We shifted something to zero.  */
	  wp[0] = 1;
	  wsize = 1;
  SIZ(w) = (usize >= 0 ? wsize : -wsize);
Example #2
mpi_tdiv_q_2exp( MPI w, MPI u, unsigned count )
    mpi_size_t usize, wsize;
    mpi_size_t limb_cnt;

    usize = u->nlimbs;
    limb_cnt = count / BITS_PER_MPI_LIMB;
    wsize = usize - limb_cnt;
    if( limb_cnt >= usize )
	w->nlimbs = 0;
    else {
	mpi_ptr_t wp;
	mpi_ptr_t up;

	RESIZE_IF_NEEDED( w, wsize );
	wp = w->d;
	up = u->d;

	count %= BITS_PER_MPI_LIMB;
	if( count ) {
	    mpihelp_rshift( wp, up + limb_cnt, wsize, count );
	    wsize -= !wp[wsize - 1];
	else {
	    MPN_COPY_INCR( wp, up + limb_cnt, wsize);

	w->nlimbs = wsize;
Example #3
mpf_set_prec (mpf_ptr x, mp_bitcnt_t new_prec_in_bits)
  mp_size_t  old_prec, new_prec, new_prec_plus1;
  mp_size_t  size, sign;
  mp_ptr     xp;

  new_prec = __GMPF_BITS_TO_PREC (new_prec_in_bits);
  old_prec = PREC(x);

  /* do nothing if already the right precision */
  if (new_prec == old_prec)

  PREC(x) = new_prec;
  new_prec_plus1 = new_prec + 1;

  /* retain most significant limbs */
  sign = SIZ(x);
  size = ABS (sign);
  xp = PTR(x);
  if (size > new_prec_plus1)
      SIZ(x) = (sign >= 0 ? new_prec_plus1 : -new_prec_plus1);
      MPN_COPY_INCR (xp, xp + size - new_prec_plus1, new_prec_plus1);

  PTR(x) = __GMP_REALLOCATE_FUNC_LIMBS (xp, old_prec+1, new_prec_plus1);
Example #4
static void
mpz_to_mpn (mp_ptr ap, mp_size_t an, const mpz_t b)
  mp_size_t bn = mpz_size (b);
  ASSERT_ALWAYS (bn <= an);
  MPN_COPY_INCR (ap, mpz_limbs_read (b), bn);
  MPN_ZERO (ap + bn, an - bn);
Example #5
mpf_trunc (mpf_ptr r, mpf_srcptr u)
  mp_ptr     rp;
  mp_srcptr  up;
  mp_size_t  size, asize, prec;
  mp_exp_t   exp;

  exp = EXP(u);
  size = SIZ(u);
  if (size == 0 || exp <= 0)
      /* u is only a fraction */
      SIZ(r) = 0;
      EXP(r) = 0;

  up = PTR(u);
  EXP(r) = exp;
  asize = ABS (size);
  up += asize;

  /* skip fraction part of u */
  asize = MIN (asize, exp);

  /* don't lose precision in the copy */
  prec = PREC(r) + 1;

  /* skip excess over target precision */
  asize = MIN (asize, prec);

  up -= asize;
  rp = PTR(r);
  SIZ(r) = (size >= 0 ? asize : -asize);
  if (rp != up)
    MPN_COPY_INCR (rp, up, asize);
mpn_dcpi1_divappr_q (mp_ptr qp, mp_ptr np, mp_size_t nn,
		     mp_srcptr dp, mp_size_t dn, gmp_pi1_t *dinv)
  mp_size_t qn;
  mp_limb_t qh, cy, qsave;
  mp_ptr tp;


  ASSERT (dn >= 6);
  ASSERT (nn > dn);

  qn = nn - dn;
  qp += qn;
  np += nn;
  dp += dn;

  if (qn >= dn)
      qn++;			/* pretend we'll need an extra limb */
      /* Reduce qn mod dn without division, optimizing small operations.  */
	qn -= dn;
      while (qn > dn);

      qp -= qn;			/* point at low limb of next quotient block */
      np -= qn;			/* point in the middle of partial remainder */

      tp = TMP_SALLOC_LIMBS (dn);

      /* Perform the typically smaller block first.  */
      if (qn == 1)
	  mp_limb_t q, n2, n1, n0, d1, d0;

	  /* Handle qh up front, for simplicity. */
	  qh = mpn_cmp (np - dn + 1, dp - dn, dn) >= 0;
	  if (qh)
	    ASSERT_NOCARRY (mpn_sub_n (np - dn + 1, np - dn + 1, dp - dn, dn));

	  /* A single iteration of schoolbook: One 3/2 division,
	     followed by the bignum update and adjustment. */
	  n2 = np[0];
	  n1 = np[-1];
	  n0 = np[-2];
	  d1 = dp[-1];
	  d0 = dp[-2];

	  ASSERT (n2 < d1 || (n2 == d1 && n1 <= d0));

	  if (UNLIKELY (n2 == d1) && n1 == d0)
	      q = GMP_NUMB_MASK;
	      cy = mpn_submul_1 (np - dn, dp - dn, dn, q);
	      ASSERT (cy == n2);
	      udiv_qr_3by2 (q, n1, n0, n2, n1, n0, d1, d0, dinv->inv32);

	      if (dn > 2)
		  mp_limb_t cy, cy1;
		  cy = mpn_submul_1 (np - dn, dp - dn, dn - 2, q);

		  cy1 = n0 < cy;
		  n0 = (n0 - cy) & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
		  cy = n1 < cy1;
		  n1 = (n1 - cy1) & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
		  np[-2] = n0;

		  if (UNLIKELY (cy != 0))
		      n1 += d1 + mpn_add_n (np - dn, np - dn, dp - dn, dn - 1);
		      qh -= (q == 0);
		      q = (q - 1) & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
		np[-2] = n0;

	      np[-1] = n1;
	  qp[0] = q;
	  if (qn == 2)
	    qh = mpn_divrem_2 (qp, 0L, np - 2, 4, dp - 2);
	    qh = mpn_sbpi1_div_qr (qp, np - qn, 2 * qn, dp - qn, qn, dinv->inv32);
	    qh = mpn_dcpi1_div_qr_n (qp, np - qn, dp - qn, qn, dinv, tp);

	  if (qn != dn)
	      if (qn > dn - qn)
		mpn_mul (tp, qp, qn, dp - dn, dn - qn);
		mpn_mul (tp, dp - dn, dn - qn, qp, qn);

	      cy = mpn_sub_n (np - dn, np - dn, tp, dn);
	      if (qh != 0)
		cy += mpn_sub_n (np - dn + qn, np - dn + qn, dp - dn, dn - qn);

	      while (cy != 0)
		  qh -= mpn_sub_1 (qp, qp, qn, 1);
		  cy -= mpn_add_n (np - dn, np - dn, dp - dn, dn);
      qn = nn - dn - qn + 1;
      while (qn > dn)
	  qp -= dn;
	  np -= dn;
	  mpn_dcpi1_div_qr_n (qp, np - dn, dp - dn, dn, dinv, tp);
	  qn -= dn;

      /* Since we pretended we'd need an extra quotient limb before, we now
	 have made sure the code above left just dn-1=qn quotient limbs to
	 develop.  Develop that plus a guard limb. */
      qp -= qn;
      np -= dn;
      qsave = qp[qn];
      mpn_dcpi1_divappr_q_n (qp, np - dn, dp - dn, dn, dinv, tp);
      MPN_COPY_INCR (qp, qp + 1, qn);
      qp[qn] = qsave;
  else    /* (qn < dn) */
      mp_ptr q2p;
#if 0				/* not possible since we demand nn > dn */
      if (qn == 0)
	  qh = mpn_cmp (np - dn, dp - dn, dn) >= 0;
	  if (qh)
	    mpn_sub_n (np - dn, np - dn, dp - dn, dn);
	  return qh;

      qp -= qn;			/* point at low limb of next quotient block */
      np -= qn;			/* point in the middle of partial remainder */

      q2p = TMP_SALLOC_LIMBS (qn + 1);
      /* Should we at all check DC_DIVAPPR_Q_THRESHOLD here, or reply on
	 callers not to be silly?  */
	  qh = mpn_sbpi1_divappr_q (q2p, np - qn - 2, 2 * (qn + 1),
				    dp - (qn + 1), qn + 1, dinv->inv32);
	  /* It is tempting to use qp for recursive scratch and put quotient in
	     tp, but the recursive scratch needs one limb too many.  */
	  tp = TMP_SALLOC_LIMBS (qn + 1);
	  qh = mpn_dcpi1_divappr_q_n (q2p, np - qn - 2, dp - (qn + 1), qn + 1, dinv, tp);
      MPN_COPY (qp, q2p + 1, qn);

  return qh;
Example #7
static void
mpf_ceil_or_floor (mpf_ptr r, mpf_srcptr u, int dir)
  mp_ptr     rp, up, p;
  mp_size_t  size, asize, prec;
  mp_exp_t   exp;

  size = SIZ(u);
  if (size == 0)
      SIZ(r) = 0;
      EXP(r) = 0;

  rp = PTR(r);
  exp = EXP(u);
  if (exp <= 0)
      /* u is only a fraction */
      if ((size ^ dir) < 0)
        goto zero;
      rp[0] = 1;
      EXP(r) = 1;
      SIZ(r) = dir;
  EXP(r) = exp;

  up = PTR(u);
  asize = ABS (size);
  up += asize;

  /* skip fraction part of u */
  asize = MIN (asize, exp);

  /* don't lose precision in the copy */
  prec = PREC (r) + 1;

  /* skip excess over target precision */
  asize = MIN (asize, prec);

  up -= asize;

  if ((size ^ dir) >= 0)
      /* rounding direction matches sign, must increment if ignored part is
         non-zero */
      for (p = PTR(u); p != up; p++)
          if (*p != 0)
              if (mpn_add_1 (rp, up, asize, CNST_LIMB(1)))
                  /* was all 0xFF..FFs, which have become zeros, giving just
                     a carry */
                  rp[0] = 1;
                  asize = 1;
              SIZ(r) = (size >= 0 ? asize : -asize);

  SIZ(r) = (size >= 0 ? asize : -asize);
  if (rp != up)
    MPN_COPY_INCR (rp, up, asize);
Example #8
#if flag == 0
                       mp_limb_t *yp,
                       const mp_limb_t *xp, mpfr_prec_t xprec,
                       int neg, mpfr_prec_t yprec, mpfr_rnd_t rnd_mode
#if use_inexp != 0
                       , int *inexp
  mp_size_t xsize, nw;
  mp_limb_t himask, lomask, sb;
  int rw;
#if flag == 0
  int carry;
#if use_inexp == 0
  int *inexp;

  if (use_inexp)
    MPFR_ASSERTD(inexp != ((int*) 0));
  MPFR_ASSERTD(neg == 0 || neg == 1);

  if (flag && !use_inexp &&
      (xprec <= yprec || MPFR_IS_LIKE_RNDZ (rnd_mode, neg)))
    return 0;

  xsize = MPFR_PREC2LIMBS (xprec);
  nw = yprec / GMP_NUMB_BITS;
  rw = yprec & (GMP_NUMB_BITS - 1);

  if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(xprec <= yprec))
    { /* No rounding is necessary. */
      /* if yp=xp, maybe an overlap: MPN_COPY_DECR is OK when src <= dst */
      if (MPFR_LIKELY(rw))
      MPFR_ASSERTD(nw >= 1);
      MPFR_ASSERTD(nw >= xsize);
      if (use_inexp)
        *inexp = 0;
#if flag == 0
      MPN_COPY_DECR(yp + (nw - xsize), xp, xsize);
      MPN_ZERO(yp, nw - xsize);
      return 0;

  if (use_inexp || !MPFR_IS_LIKE_RNDZ(rnd_mode, neg))
      mp_size_t k = xsize - nw - 1;

      if (MPFR_LIKELY(rw))
          lomask = MPFR_LIMB_MASK (GMP_NUMB_BITS - rw);
          himask = ~lomask;
          lomask = MPFR_LIMB_MAX;
          himask = MPFR_LIMB_MAX;
      MPFR_ASSERTD(k >= 0);
      sb = xp[k] & lomask;  /* First non-significant bits */
      /* Rounding to nearest? */
      if (MPFR_LIKELY (rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDN || rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDNA))
          /* Rounding to nearest */
          mp_limb_t rbmask = MPFR_LIMB_ONE << (GMP_NUMB_BITS - 1 - rw);

          if ((sb & rbmask) == 0) /* rounding bit = 0 ? */
            goto rnd_RNDZ; /* yes, behave like rounding toward zero */
          /* Rounding to nearest with rounding bit = 1 */
          if (MPFR_UNLIKELY (rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDNA))
            /* FIXME: *inexp is not set. First, add a testcase that
               triggers the bug (at least with a sanitizer). */
            goto rnd_RNDN_add_one_ulp; /* like rounding away from zero */
          sb &= ~rbmask; /* first bits after the rounding bit */
          while (MPFR_UNLIKELY(sb == 0) && k > 0)
            sb = xp[--k];
          if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(sb == 0)) /* Even rounding. */
              /* sb == 0 && rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDN */
              sb = xp[xsize - nw] & (himask ^ (himask << 1));
              if (sb == 0)
                  if (use_inexp)
                    *inexp = 2*MPFR_EVEN_INEX*neg-MPFR_EVEN_INEX;
                  /* ((neg!=0)^(sb!=0)) ? MPFR_EVEN_INEX : -MPFR_EVEN_INEX */
                  /* since neg = 0 or 1 and sb = 0 */
#if flag == 0
                  MPN_COPY_INCR(yp, xp + xsize - nw, nw);
                  yp[0] &= himask;
                  return 0; /* sb != 0 && rnd_mode != MPFR_RNDZ */
                  /* sb != 0 && rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDN */
                  if (use_inexp)
                    *inexp = MPFR_EVEN_INEX-2*MPFR_EVEN_INEX*neg;
                  /* ((neg!=0)^(sb!=0)) ? MPFR_EVEN_INEX : -MPFR_EVEN_INEX */
                  /* since neg = 0 or 1 and sb != 0 */
                  goto rnd_RNDN_add_one_ulp;
          else /* sb != 0 && rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDN */
              if (use_inexp)
                *inexp = 1-2*neg; /* neg == 0 ? 1 : -1 */
#if flag == 1
              return 1; /* sb != 0 && rnd_mode != MPFR_RNDZ */
              carry = mpn_add_1 (yp, xp + xsize - nw, nw,
                                 rw ?
                                 MPFR_LIMB_ONE << (GMP_NUMB_BITS - rw)
                                 : MPFR_LIMB_ONE);
              yp[0] &= himask;
              return carry;
      /* Rounding toward zero? */
      else if (MPFR_IS_LIKE_RNDZ(rnd_mode, neg))
          /* rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDZ */
          while (MPFR_UNLIKELY(sb == 0) && k > 0)
            sb = xp[--k];
          if (use_inexp)
            /* rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDZ and neg = 0 or 1 */
            /* ((neg != 0) ^ (rnd_mode != MPFR_RNDZ)) ? 1 : -1 */
            *inexp = MPFR_UNLIKELY(sb == 0) ? 0 : (2*neg-1);
#if flag == 0
          MPN_COPY_INCR(yp, xp + xsize - nw, nw);
          yp[0] &= himask;
          return 0; /* sb != 0 && rnd_mode != MPFR_RNDZ */
          /* Rounding away from zero */
          while (MPFR_UNLIKELY(sb == 0) && k > 0)
            sb = xp[--k];
          if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(sb == 0))
              /* sb = 0 && rnd_mode != MPFR_RNDZ */
              if (use_inexp)
                /* ((neg != 0) ^ (rnd_mode != MPFR_RNDZ)) ? 1 : -1 */
                *inexp = 0;
#if flag == 0
              MPN_COPY_INCR(yp, xp + xsize - nw, nw);
              yp[0] &= himask;
              return 0;
              /* sb != 0 && rnd_mode != MPFR_RNDZ */
              if (use_inexp)
                *inexp = 1-2*neg; /* neg == 0 ? 1 : -1 */
#if flag == 1
              return 1;
              carry = mpn_add_1(yp, xp + xsize - nw, nw,
                                rw ? MPFR_LIMB_ONE << (GMP_NUMB_BITS - rw)
                                : 1);
              yp[0] &= himask;
              return carry;
      /* Rounding toward zero / no inexact flag */
#if flag == 0
      if (MPFR_LIKELY(rw))
          himask = ~MPFR_LIMB_MASK (GMP_NUMB_BITS - rw);
        himask = MPFR_LIMB_MAX;
      MPN_COPY_INCR(yp, xp + xsize - nw, nw);
      yp[0] &= himask;
      return 0;
Example #9
mpf_sub (mpf_ptr r, mpf_srcptr u, mpf_srcptr v)
  mp_srcptr up, vp;
  mp_ptr rp, tp;
  mp_size_t usize, vsize, rsize;
  mp_size_t prec;
  mp_exp_t exp;
  mp_size_t ediff;
  int negate;

  usize = u->_mp_size;
  vsize = v->_mp_size;

  /* Handle special cases that don't work in generic code below.  */
  if (usize == 0)
      mpf_neg (r, v);
  if (vsize == 0)
      if (r != u)
        mpf_set (r, u);

  /* If signs of U and V are different, perform addition.  */
  if ((usize ^ vsize) < 0)
      __mpf_struct v_negated;
      v_negated._mp_size = -vsize;
      v_negated._mp_exp = v->_mp_exp;
      v_negated._mp_d = v->_mp_d;
      mpf_add (r, u, &v_negated);


  /* Signs are now known to be the same.  */
  negate = usize < 0;

  /* Make U be the operand with the largest exponent.  */
  if (u->_mp_exp < v->_mp_exp)
      mpf_srcptr t;
      t = u; u = v; v = t;
      negate ^= 1;
      usize = u->_mp_size;
      vsize = v->_mp_size;

  usize = ABS (usize);
  vsize = ABS (vsize);
  up = u->_mp_d;
  vp = v->_mp_d;
  rp = r->_mp_d;
  prec = r->_mp_prec + 1;
  exp = u->_mp_exp;
  ediff = u->_mp_exp - v->_mp_exp;

  /* If ediff is 0 or 1, we might have a situation where the operands are
     extremely close.  We need to scan the operands from the most significant
     end ignore the initial parts that are equal.  */
  if (ediff <= 1)
      if (ediff == 0)
	  /* Skip leading limbs in U and V that are equal.  */
	  if (up[usize - 1] == vp[vsize - 1])
	      /* This loop normally exits immediately.  Optimize for that.  */

		  if (usize == 0)
                      /* u cancels high limbs of v, result is rest of v */
		      negate ^= 1;
                      /* strip high zeros before truncating to prec */
                      while (vsize != 0 && vp[vsize - 1] == 0)
		      if (vsize > prec)
			  vp += vsize - prec;
			  vsize = prec;
                      MPN_COPY_INCR (rp, vp, vsize);
                      rsize = vsize;
                      goto done;
		  if (vsize == 0)
                      vp = up;
                      vsize = usize;
                      goto cancellation;
	      while (up[usize - 1] == vp[vsize - 1]);

	  if (up[usize - 1] < vp[vsize - 1])
	      /* For simplicity, swap U and V.  Note that since the loop above
		 wouldn't have exited unless up[usize - 1] and vp[vsize - 1]
		 were non-equal, this if-statement catches all cases where U
		 is smaller than V.  */
	      MPN_SRCPTR_SWAP (up,usize, vp,vsize);
	      negate ^= 1;
	      /* negating ediff not necessary since it is 0.  */

	  /* Check for
	     x+1 00000000 ...
	      x  ffffffff ... */
	  if (up[usize - 1] != vp[vsize - 1] + 1)
	    goto general_case;
      else /* ediff == 1 */
	  /* Check for
	     1 00000000 ...
	     0 ffffffff ... */

	  if (up[usize - 1] != 1 || vp[vsize - 1] != GMP_NUMB_MAX
	      || (usize >= 2 && up[usize - 2] != 0))
	    goto general_case;


      /* Skip sequences of 00000000/ffffffff */
      while (vsize != 0 && usize != 0 && up[usize - 1] == 0
	     && vp[vsize - 1] == GMP_NUMB_MAX)

      if (usize == 0)
	  while (vsize != 0 && vp[vsize - 1] == GMP_NUMB_MAX)

      if (usize > prec - 1)
	  up += usize - (prec - 1);
	  usize = prec - 1;
      if (vsize > prec - 1)
	  vp += vsize - (prec - 1);
	  vsize = prec - 1;

      tp = (mp_ptr) TMP_ALLOC (prec * BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB);
	mp_limb_t cy_limb;
	if (vsize == 0)
	    mp_size_t size, i;
	    size = usize;
	    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
	      tp[i] = up[i];
	    tp[size] = 1;
	    rsize = size + 1;
	    goto normalize;
	if (usize == 0)
	    mp_size_t size, i;
	    size = vsize;
	    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
	      tp[i] = ~vp[i] & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
	    cy_limb = 1 - mpn_add_1 (tp, tp, vsize, (mp_limb_t) 1);
	    rsize = vsize;
	    if (cy_limb == 0)
		tp[rsize] = 1;
	    goto normalize;
	if (usize >= vsize)
	    /* uuuu     */
	    /* vv       */
	    mp_size_t size;
	    size = usize - vsize;
	    MPN_COPY (tp, up, size);
	    cy_limb = mpn_sub_n (tp + size, up + size, vp, vsize);
	    rsize = usize;
	else /* (usize < vsize) */
	    /* uuuu     */
	    /* vvvvvvv  */
	    mp_size_t size, i;
	    size = vsize - usize;
	    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
	      tp[i] = ~vp[i] & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
	    cy_limb = mpn_sub_n (tp + size, up, vp + size, usize);
	    cy_limb+= mpn_sub_1 (tp + size, tp + size, usize, (mp_limb_t) 1);
	    cy_limb-= mpn_add_1 (tp, tp, vsize, (mp_limb_t) 1);
	    rsize = vsize;
	if (cy_limb == 0)
	    tp[rsize] = 1;
	goto normalize;

  /* If U extends beyond PREC, ignore the part that does.  */
  if (usize > prec)
      up += usize - prec;
      usize = prec;

  /* If V extends beyond PREC, ignore the part that does.
     Note that this may make vsize negative.  */
  if (vsize + ediff > prec)
      vp += vsize + ediff - prec;
      vsize = prec - ediff;

  /* Allocate temp space for the result.  Allocate
     just vsize + ediff later???  */
  tp = (mp_ptr) TMP_ALLOC (prec * BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB);

  if (ediff >= prec)
      /* V completely cancelled.  */
      if (tp != up)
	MPN_COPY (rp, up, usize);
      rsize = usize;
      /* Locate the least significant non-zero limb in (the needed
	 parts of) U and V, to simplify the code below.  */
      for (;;)
	  if (vsize == 0)
	      MPN_COPY (rp, up, usize);
	      rsize = usize;
	      goto done;
	  if (vp[0] != 0)
	  vp++, vsize--;
      for (;;)
	  if (usize == 0)
	      MPN_COPY (rp, vp, vsize);
	      rsize = vsize;
	      negate ^= 1;
	      goto done;
	  if (up[0] != 0)
	  up++, usize--;

      /* uuuu     |  uuuu     |  uuuu     |  uuuu     |  uuuu    */
      /* vvvvvvv  |  vv       |    vvvvv  |    v      |       vv */

      if (usize > ediff)
	  /* U and V partially overlaps.  */
	  if (ediff == 0)
	      /* Have to compare the leading limbs of u and v
		 to determine whether to compute u - v or v - u.  */
	      if (usize >= vsize)
		  /* uuuu     */
		  /* vv       */
		  mp_size_t size;
		  size = usize - vsize;
		  MPN_COPY (tp, up, size);
		  mpn_sub_n (tp + size, up + size, vp, vsize);
		  rsize = usize;
	      else /* (usize < vsize) */
		  /* uuuu     */
		  /* vvvvvvv  */
		  mp_size_t size, i;
		  size = vsize - usize;
		  tp[0] = -vp[0] & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
		  for (i = 1; i < size; i++)
		    tp[i] = ~vp[i] & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
		  mpn_sub_n (tp + size, up, vp + size, usize);
		  mpn_sub_1 (tp + size, tp + size, usize, (mp_limb_t) 1);
		  rsize = vsize;
	      if (vsize + ediff <= usize)
		  /* uuuu     */
		  /*   v      */
		  mp_size_t size;
		  size = usize - ediff - vsize;
		  MPN_COPY (tp, up, size);
		  mpn_sub (tp + size, up + size, usize - size, vp, vsize);
		  rsize = usize;
		  /* uuuu     */
		  /*   vvvvv  */
		  mp_size_t size, i;
		  size = vsize + ediff - usize;
		  tp[0] = -vp[0] & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
		  for (i = 1; i < size; i++)
		    tp[i] = ~vp[i] & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
		  mpn_sub (tp + size, up, usize, vp + size, usize - ediff);
		  mpn_sub_1 (tp + size, tp + size, usize, (mp_limb_t) 1);
		  rsize = vsize + ediff;
	  /* uuuu     */
	  /*      vv  */
	  mp_size_t size, i;
	  size = vsize + ediff - usize;
	  tp[0] = -vp[0] & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
	  for (i = 1; i < vsize; i++)
	    tp[i] = ~vp[i] & GMP_NUMB_MASK;
	  for (i = vsize; i < size; i++)
	    tp[i] = GMP_NUMB_MAX;
	  mpn_sub_1 (tp + size, up, usize, (mp_limb_t) 1);
	  rsize = size + usize;

      /* Full normalize.  Optimize later.  */
      while (rsize != 0 && tp[rsize - 1] == 0)
      MPN_COPY (rp, tp, rsize);

  r->_mp_size = negate ? -rsize : rsize;
  if (rsize == 0)
    exp = 0;
  r->_mp_exp = exp;
Example #10
static unsigned long int
lc (mp_ptr rp, gmp_randstate_t rstate)
  mp_ptr tp, seedp, ap;
  mp_size_t ta;
  mp_size_t tn, seedn, an;
  unsigned long int m2exp;
  unsigned long int bits;
  int cy;
  mp_size_t xn;
  gmp_rand_lc_struct *p;

  p = (gmp_rand_lc_struct *) RNG_STATE (rstate);

  m2exp = p->_mp_m2exp;

  seedp = PTR (p->_mp_seed);
  seedn = SIZ (p->_mp_seed);

  ap = PTR (p->_mp_a);
  an = SIZ (p->_mp_a);

  /* Allocate temporary storage.  Let there be room for calculation of
     (A * seed + C) % M, or M if bigger than that.  */


  ta = an + seedn + 1;
  tn = BITS_TO_LIMBS (m2exp);
  if (ta <= tn) /* that is, if (ta < tn + 1) */
      mp_size_t tmp = an + seedn;
      ta = tn + 1;
      tp = (mp_ptr) TMP_ALLOC (ta * BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB);
      MPN_ZERO (&tp[tmp], ta - tmp); /* mpn_mul won't zero it out.  */
    tp = (mp_ptr) TMP_ALLOC (ta * BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB);

  /* t = a * seed.  NOTE: an is always > 0; see initialization.  */
  ASSERT (seedn >= an && an > 0);
  mpn_mul (tp, seedp, seedn, ap, an);

  /* t = t + c.  NOTE: tn is always >= p->_cn (precondition for __GMPN_ADD);
     see initialization.  */
  ASSERT (tn >= p->_cn);
  __GMPN_ADD (cy, tp, tp, tn, p->_cp, p->_cn);

  /* t = t % m */
  tp[m2exp / GMP_NUMB_BITS] &= (CNST_LIMB (1) << m2exp % GMP_NUMB_BITS) - 1;

  /* Save result as next seed.  */
  MPN_COPY (PTR (p->_mp_seed), tp, tn);

  /* Discard the lower m2exp/2 of the result.  */
  bits = m2exp / 2;
  xn = bits / GMP_NUMB_BITS;

  tn -= xn;
  if (tn > 0)
      unsigned int cnt = bits % GMP_NUMB_BITS;
      if (cnt != 0)
	  mpn_rshift (tp, tp + xn, tn, cnt);
	  MPN_COPY_INCR (rp, tp, xn + 1);
      else			/* Even limb boundary.  */
	MPN_COPY_INCR (rp, tp + xn, tn);


  /* Return number of valid bits in the result.  */
  return (m2exp + 1) / 2;
Example #11
unsigned long int
lc (mp_ptr rp, gmp_randstate_t rstate)
  mp_ptr tp, seedp, ap;
  mp_size_t ta;
  mp_size_t tn, seedn, an;
  unsigned long int m2exp;
  mp_limb_t c;
  TMP_DECL (mark);

  m2exp = rstate->_mp_algdata._mp_lc->_mp_m2exp;

  /* The code below assumes the mod part is a power of two.  Make sure
     that is the case.  */
  ASSERT_ALWAYS (m2exp != 0);

  c = (mp_limb_t) rstate->_mp_algdata._mp_lc->_mp_c;

  seedp = PTR (rstate->_mp_seed);
  seedn = SIZ (rstate->_mp_seed);

  if (seedn == 0)
      /* Seed is 0.  Result is C % M.  Assume table is sensibly stored,
       with C smaller than M*/
      *rp = c;

      *seedp = c;
      SIZ (rstate->_mp_seed) = 1;
      return m2exp;

  ap = PTR (rstate->_mp_algdata._mp_lc->_mp_a);
  an = SIZ (rstate->_mp_algdata._mp_lc->_mp_a);

  /* Allocate temporary storage.  Let there be room for calculation of
     (A * seed + C) % M, or M if bigger than that.  */

  TMP_MARK (mark);
  ta = an + seedn + 1;
  tp = (mp_ptr) TMP_ALLOC (ta * BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB);

  /* t = a * seed */
  if (seedn >= an)
    mpn_mul (tp, seedp, seedn, ap, an);
    mpn_mul (tp, ap, an, seedp, seedn);
  tn = an + seedn;

  /* t = t + c */
  tp[tn] = 0;			/* sentinel, stops MPN_INCR_U */
  MPN_INCR_U (tp, tn, c);


  /* t = t % m */
  tp[m2exp / GMP_NUMB_BITS] &= ((mp_limb_t) 1 << m2exp % GMP_NUMB_BITS) - 1;
  tn = (m2exp + GMP_NUMB_BITS - 1) / GMP_NUMB_BITS;

  /* Save result as next seed.  */
  MPN_COPY (PTR (rstate->_mp_seed), tp, tn);
  SIZ (rstate->_mp_seed) = tn;

    /* Discard the lower m2exp/2 bits of result.  */
    unsigned long int bits = m2exp / 2;
    mp_size_t xn = bits / GMP_NUMB_BITS;

    tn -= xn;
    if (tn > 0)
	unsigned int cnt = bits % GMP_NUMB_BITS;
	if (cnt != 0)
	    mpn_rshift (tp, tp + xn, tn, cnt);
	    MPN_COPY_INCR (rp, tp, xn + 1); 
	else			/* Even limb boundary.  */
	  MPN_COPY_INCR (rp, tp + xn, tn);

  TMP_FREE (mark);

  /* Return number of valid bits in the result.  */
  return (m2exp + 1) / 2;
Example #12
mpf_mul_2exp (mpf_ptr r, mpf_srcptr u, mp_bitcnt_t exp)
  mp_srcptr up;
  mp_ptr rp = r->_mp_d;
  mp_size_t usize;
  mp_size_t abs_usize;
  mp_size_t prec = r->_mp_prec;
  mp_exp_t uexp = u->_mp_exp;

  usize = u->_mp_size;

  if (UNLIKELY (usize == 0))
      r->_mp_size = 0;
      r->_mp_exp = 0;

  abs_usize = ABS (usize);
  up = u->_mp_d;

  if (exp % GMP_NUMB_BITS == 0)
      prec++;			/* retain more precision here as we don't need
				   to account for carry-out here */
      if (abs_usize > prec)
	  up += abs_usize - prec;
	  abs_usize = prec;
      if (rp != up)
	MPN_COPY_INCR (rp, up, abs_usize);
      r->_mp_exp = uexp + exp / GMP_NUMB_BITS;
      mp_limb_t cy_limb;
      mp_size_t adj;
      if (abs_usize > prec)
	  up += abs_usize - prec;
	  abs_usize = prec;
	  /* Use mpn_rshift since mpn_lshift operates downwards, and we
	     therefore would clobber part of U before using that part, in case
	     R is the same variable as U.  */
	  cy_limb = mpn_rshift (rp + 1, up, abs_usize,
	  rp[0] = cy_limb;
	  adj = rp[abs_usize] != 0;
	  cy_limb = mpn_lshift (rp, up, abs_usize, exp % GMP_NUMB_BITS);
	  rp[abs_usize] = cy_limb;
	  adj = cy_limb != 0;

      abs_usize += adj;
      r->_mp_exp = uexp + exp / GMP_NUMB_BITS + adj;
  r->_mp_size = usize >= 0 ? abs_usize : -abs_usize;
Example #13
File: add.c Project: mahdiz/mpclib
mpf_add (mpf_ptr r, mpf_srcptr u, mpf_srcptr v)
  mp_srcptr up, vp;
  mp_ptr rp, tp;
  mp_size_t usize, vsize, rsize;
  mp_size_t prec;
  mp_exp_t uexp;
  mp_size_t ediff;
  mp_limb_t cy;
  int negate;
  TMP_DECL (marker);

  usize = u->_mp_size;
  vsize = v->_mp_size;

  /* Handle special cases that don't work in generic code below.  */
  if (usize == 0)
      if (r != v)
        mpf_set (r, v);
  if (vsize == 0)
      v = u;
      goto set_r_v_maybe;

  /* If signs of U and V are different, perform subtraction.  */
  if ((usize ^ vsize) < 0)
      __mpf_struct v_negated;
      v_negated._mp_size = -vsize;
      v_negated._mp_exp = v->_mp_exp;
      v_negated._mp_d = v->_mp_d;
      mpf_sub (r, u, &v_negated);

  TMP_MARK (marker);

  /* Signs are now known to be the same.  */
  negate = usize < 0;

  /* Make U be the operand with the largest exponent.  */
  if (u->_mp_exp < v->_mp_exp)
      mpf_srcptr t;
      t = u; u = v; v = t;
      usize = u->_mp_size;
      vsize = v->_mp_size;

  usize = ABS (usize);
  vsize = ABS (vsize);
  up = u->_mp_d;
  vp = v->_mp_d;
  rp = r->_mp_d;
  prec = r->_mp_prec;
  uexp = u->_mp_exp;
  ediff = u->_mp_exp - v->_mp_exp;

  /* If U extends beyond PREC, ignore the part that does.  */
  if (usize > prec)
      up += usize - prec;
      usize = prec;

  /* If V extends beyond PREC, ignore the part that does.
     Note that this may make vsize negative.  */
  if (vsize + ediff > prec)
      vp += vsize + ediff - prec;
      vsize = prec - ediff;

#if 0
  /* Locate the least significant non-zero limb in (the needed parts
     of) U and V, to simplify the code below.  */
  while (up[0] == 0)
    up++, usize--;
  while (vp[0] == 0)
    vp++, vsize--;

  /* Allocate temp space for the result.  Allocate
     just vsize + ediff later???  */
  tp = (mp_ptr) TMP_ALLOC (prec * BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB);

  if (ediff >= prec)
      /* V completely cancelled.  */
      if (rp != up)
	MPN_COPY_INCR (rp, up, usize);
      rsize = usize;
      /* uuuu     |  uuuu     |  uuuu     |  uuuu     |  uuuu    */
      /* vvvvvvv  |  vv       |    vvvvv  |    v      |       vv */

      if (usize > ediff)
	  /* U and V partially overlaps.  */
	  if (vsize + ediff <= usize)
	      /* uuuu     */
	      /*   v      */
	      mp_size_t size;
	      size = usize - ediff - vsize;
	      MPN_COPY (tp, up, size);
	      cy = mpn_add (tp + size, up + size, usize - size, vp, vsize);
	      rsize = usize;
	      /* uuuu     */
	      /*   vvvvv  */
	      mp_size_t size;
	      size = vsize + ediff - usize;
	      MPN_COPY (tp, vp, size);
	      cy = mpn_add (tp + size, up, usize, vp + size, usize - ediff);
	      rsize = vsize + ediff;
	  /* uuuu     */
	  /*      vv  */
	  mp_size_t size;
	  size = vsize + ediff - usize;
	  MPN_COPY (tp, vp, vsize);
	  MPN_ZERO (tp + vsize, ediff - usize);
	  MPN_COPY (tp + size, up, usize);
	  cy = 0;
	  rsize = size + usize;

      MPN_COPY (rp, tp, rsize);
      rp[rsize] = cy;
      rsize += cy;
      uexp += cy;

  r->_mp_size = negate ? -rsize : rsize;
  r->_mp_exp = uexp;
  TMP_FREE (marker);
Example #14
void mpn_copyi(mp_ptr rp,mp_srcptr sp,mp_size_t n)
Example #15
mpn_preinv_dc_divappr_q (mp_ptr qp,
			 mp_ptr np, mp_size_t nn,
			 mp_srcptr dp, mp_size_t dn,
			 mp_srcptr dip)
  mp_size_t qn;
  mp_limb_t qh, cy, qsave;
  mp_ptr tp;


  tp = TMP_SALLOC_LIMBS (dn+1);

  qn = nn - dn;
  qp += qn;
  np += nn;
  dp += dn;

  if (qn > dn)
      qn++;			/* pretend we'll need an extra limb */
      /* Reduce qn mod dn without division, optimizing small operations.  */
	qn -= dn;
      while (qn > dn);

      qp -= qn;			/* point at low limb of next quotient block */
      np -= qn;			/* point in the middle of partial remainder */

      /* Perform the typically smaller block first.  */
	qh = mpn_sb_div_qr (qp, np - qn, 2 * qn, dp - qn, qn, dip);
	qh = mpn_dc_div_qr_n (qp, np - qn, dp - qn, qn, dip, tp);

      if (qn != dn)
	  if (qn > dn - qn)
	    mpn_mul (tp, qp, qn, dp - dn, dn - qn);
	    mpn_mul (tp, dp - dn, dn - qn, qp, qn);

	  cy = mpn_sub_n (np - dn, np - dn, tp, dn);
	  if (qh != 0)
	    cy += mpn_sub_n (np - dn + qn, np - dn + qn, dp - dn, dn - qn);

	  while (cy != 0)
	      qh -= mpn_sub_1 (qp, qp, qn, 1);
	      cy -= mpn_add_n (np - dn, np - dn, dp - dn, dn);

      qn = nn - dn - qn + 1;
      while (qn > dn)
	  qp -= dn;
	  np -= dn;
	  mpn_dc_div_qr_n (qp, np - dn, dp - dn, dn, dip, tp);
	  qn -= dn;

      /* Since we pretended we'd need an extra quotient limb before, we now
	 have made sure the code above left just dn-1=qn quotient limbs to
	 develop.  Develop that plus a guard limb. */
      qp -= qn;
      np -= dn;
      qsave = qp[qn];
      mpn_dc_divappr_q_n (qp, np - dn, dp - dn, dn, dip, tp);
      MPN_COPY_INCR (qp, qp + 1, qn);
      qp[qn] = qsave;
      if (qn == 0)
	  qh = mpn_cmp (np - dn, dp - dn, dn) >= 0;
	  if (qh)
	    mpn_sub_n (np - dn, np - dn, dp - dn, dn);
	  return qh;

      qp -= qn;			/* point at low limb of next quotient block */
      np -= qn;			/* point in the middle of partial remainder */

	 /* Full precision.  Optimal?  */
	qh = mpn_sb_divappr_q (qp, np - dn, nn, dp - dn, dn, dip);
	  /* Put quotient in tp, use qp as temporary, since qp lacks a limb.  */
	  qh = mpn_dc_divappr_q_n (tp, np - qn - 2, dp - (qn + 1), qn + 1, dip, qp);
	  MPN_COPY (qp, tp + 1, qn);

  return qh;
Example #16
#if flag == 0
                       mp_limb_t *yp,
                       const mp_limb_t *xp, mpfr_prec_t xprec,
                       int neg, mpfr_prec_t yprec, mpfr_rnd_t rnd_mode
#if use_inexp != 0
                       , int *inexp
  mp_size_t xsize, nw;
  mp_limb_t himask, lomask, sb;
  int rw;
#if flag == 0
  int carry;
#if use_inexp == 0
  int *inexp;

  if (use_inexp)
    MPFR_ASSERTD(inexp != ((int*) 0));
  MPFR_ASSERTD(neg == 0 || neg == 1);

  if (flag && !use_inexp &&
      (xprec <= yprec || MPFR_IS_LIKE_RNDZ (rnd_mode, neg)))
    return 0;

  xsize = (xprec-1)/GMP_NUMB_BITS + 1;
  nw = yprec / GMP_NUMB_BITS;
  rw = yprec & (GMP_NUMB_BITS - 1);

  if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(xprec <= yprec))
    { /* No rounding is necessary. */
      /* if yp=xp, maybe an overlap: MPN_COPY_DECR is ok when src <= dst */
      if (MPFR_LIKELY(rw))
      MPFR_ASSERTD(nw >= 1);
      MPFR_ASSERTD(nw >= xsize);
      if (use_inexp)
        *inexp = 0;
#if flag == 0
      MPN_COPY_DECR(yp + (nw - xsize), xp, xsize);
      MPN_ZERO(yp, nw - xsize);
      return 0;

  if (use_inexp || !MPFR_IS_LIKE_RNDZ(rnd_mode, neg))
      mp_size_t k = xsize - nw - 1;

      if (MPFR_LIKELY(rw))
          lomask = MPFR_LIMB_MASK (GMP_NUMB_BITS - rw);
          himask = ~lomask;
          lomask = ~(mp_limb_t) 0;
          himask = ~(mp_limb_t) 0;
      MPFR_ASSERTD(k >= 0);
      sb = xp[k] & lomask;  /* First non-significant bits */
      /* Rounding to nearest ? */
      if (MPFR_LIKELY( rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDN) )
          /* Rounding to nearest */
          mp_limb_t rbmask = MPFR_LIMB_ONE << (GMP_NUMB_BITS - 1 - rw);
          if (sb & rbmask) /* rounding bit */
            sb &= ~rbmask; /* it is 1, clear it */
              /* Rounding bit is 0, behave like rounding to 0 */
              goto rnd_RNDZ;
          while (MPFR_UNLIKELY(sb == 0) && k > 0)
            sb = xp[--k];
          /* rounding to nearest, with rounding bit = 1 */
          if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(sb == 0)) /* Even rounding. */
              /* sb == 0 && rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDN */
              sb = xp[xsize - nw] & (himask ^ (himask << 1));
              if (sb == 0)
                  if (use_inexp)
                    *inexp = 2*MPFR_EVEN_INEX*neg-MPFR_EVEN_INEX;
                  /* ((neg!=0)^(sb!=0)) ? MPFR_EVEN_INEX  : -MPFR_EVEN_INEX;*/
                  /* Since neg = 0 or 1 and sb=0*/
#if flag == 1
                  return 0 /*sb != 0 && rnd_mode != MPFR_RNDZ */;
                  MPN_COPY_INCR(yp, xp + xsize - nw, nw);
                  yp[0] &= himask;
                  return 0;
                  /* sb != 0 && rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDN */
                  if (use_inexp)
                    *inexp = MPFR_EVEN_INEX-2*MPFR_EVEN_INEX*neg;
                  /*((neg!=0)^(sb!=0))? MPFR_EVEN_INEX  : -MPFR_EVEN_INEX; */
                  /*Since neg= 0 or 1 and sb != 0 */
                  goto rnd_RNDN_add_one_ulp;
          else /* sb != 0  && rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDN*/
              if (use_inexp)
                /* *inexp = (neg == 0) ? 1 : -1; but since neg = 0 or 1 */
                *inexp = 1-2*neg;
#if flag == 1
              return 1; /*sb != 0 && rnd_mode != MPFR_RNDZ;*/
              carry = mpn_add_1 (yp, xp + xsize - nw, nw,
                                 rw ?
                                 MPFR_LIMB_ONE << (GMP_NUMB_BITS - rw)
                                 : MPFR_LIMB_ONE);
              yp[0] &= himask;
              return carry;
      /* Rounding to Zero ? */
      else if (MPFR_IS_LIKE_RNDZ(rnd_mode, neg))
          /* rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDZ */
          while (MPFR_UNLIKELY(sb == 0) && k > 0)
            sb = xp[--k];
          if (use_inexp)
            /* rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDZ and neg = 0 or 1 */
            /* (neg != 0) ^ (rnd_mode != MPFR_RNDZ)) ? 1 : -1);*/
            *inexp = MPFR_UNLIKELY(sb == 0) ? 0 : (2*neg-1);
#if flag == 1
          return 0; /*sb != 0 && rnd_mode != MPFR_RNDZ;*/
          MPN_COPY_INCR(yp, xp + xsize - nw, nw);
          yp[0] &= himask;
          return 0;
          /* rnd_mode = Away */
          while (MPFR_UNLIKELY(sb == 0) && k > 0)
            sb = xp[--k];
          if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(sb == 0))
              /* sb = 0 && rnd_mode != MPFR_RNDZ */
              if (use_inexp)
                /* (neg != 0) ^ (rnd_mode != MPFR_RNDZ)) ? 1 : -1);*/
                *inexp = 0;
#if flag == 1
              return 0;
              MPN_COPY_INCR(yp, xp + xsize - nw, nw);
              yp[0] &= himask;
              return 0;
              /* sb != 0 && rnd_mode != MPFR_RNDZ */
              if (use_inexp)
                /* (neg != 0) ^ (rnd_mode != MPFR_RNDZ)) ? 1 : -1);*/
                *inexp = 1-2*neg;
#if flag == 1
              return 1;
              carry = mpn_add_1(yp, xp + xsize - nw, nw,
                                rw ? MPFR_LIMB_ONE << (GMP_NUMB_BITS - rw)
                                : 1);
              yp[0] &= himask;
              return carry;
      /* Roundind mode = Zero / No inexact flag */
#if flag == 1
      return 0 /*sb != 0 && rnd_mode != MPFR_RNDZ*/;
      if (MPFR_LIKELY(rw))
          himask = ~MPFR_LIMB_MASK (GMP_NUMB_BITS - rw);
        himask = ~(mp_limb_t) 0;
      MPN_COPY_INCR(yp, xp + xsize - nw, nw);
      yp[0] &= himask;
      return 0;