Example #1
  * Determines the length of the MQTT subscribe packet that would be produced using the supplied parameters
  * @param count the number of topic filter strings in topicFilters
  * @param topicFilters the array of topic filter strings to be used in the publish
  * @return the length of buffer needed to contain the serialized version of the packet
int MQTTSerialize_subscribeLength(int count, MQTTString topicFilters[])
	int i;
	int len = 2; /* packetid */

	for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
		len += 2 + MQTTstrlen(topicFilters[i]) + 1; /* length + topic + req_qos */
	return len;
  * Determines the length of the MQTT publish packet that would be produced using the supplied parameters
  * @param qos the MQTT QoS of the publish (packetid is omitted for QoS 0)
  * @param topicName the topic name to be used in the publish  
  * @param payloadlen the length of the payload to be sent
  * @return the length of buffer needed to contain the serialized version of the packet
int MQTTSerialize_publishLength(int qos, MQTTString topicName, int payloadlen)
	int len = 0;

	len += 2 + MQTTstrlen(topicName) + payloadlen;
	if (qos > 0)
		len += 8; /* packetid */
	return len;
  * Determines the length of the MQTT unsubscribe packet that would be produced using the supplied parameters
  * @param count the number of topic filter strings in topicFilters
  * @param topicFilters the array of topic filter strings to be used in the publish
  * @return the length of buffer needed to contain the serialized version of the packet
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR MQTTSerialize_unsubscribeLength(int count, MQTTString topicFilters[])
	int i;
	int len = 2; /* packetid */

	for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
		len += 2 + MQTTstrlen(topicFilters[i]); /* length + topic*/
	return len;
  * Determines the length of the MQTT connect packet that would be produced using the supplied connect options.
  * @param options the options to be used to build the connect packet
  * @return the length of buffer needed to contain the serialized version of the packet
int MQTTSerialize_connectLength(MQTTPacket_connectData* options)
	int len = 0;


	if (options->MQTTVersion == 3)
		len = 12; /* variable depending on MQTT or MQIsdp */
	else if (options->MQTTVersion == 4)
		len = 10;

	len += MQTTstrlen(options->clientID)+2;
	if (options->willFlag)
		len += MQTTstrlen(options->will.topicName)+2 + MQTTstrlen(options->will.message)+2;
	if (options->username.cstring || options->username.lenstring.data)
		len += MQTTstrlen(options->username)+2;
	if (options->password.cstring || options->password.lenstring.data)
		len += MQTTstrlen(options->password)+2;

	return len;