Example #1
// ship collided with EMP ---------------------------------------------------
void G_CollDet::_CollisionResponse_EmpShip( Emp *curemp )
	ASSERT( curemp != NULL );
	ASSERT( cur_ship != NULL );

	int hitpoints = curemp->damage;

	if ( ( hitpoints -= cur_ship->MegaShieldAbsorption ) < 0 ) {
		hitpoints = 0;

	// apply damage
	if ( cur_ship->CurDamage <= cur_ship->MaxDamage ) {
		MSGOUT("Hitpoints deduction is %d", hitpoints);
		MSGOUT("Damage Calc Ref Frames is %d",TheSimulator->GetThisFrameRefFrames()*2);
		cur_ship->CurDamageFrac +=  (TheSimulator->GetThisFrameRefFrames()*2) * hitpoints;
		MSGOUT("Damage Fractional is %d",cur_ship->CurDamageFrac);
		cur_ship->CurDamage += cur_ship->CurDamageFrac >> 16;
		MSGOUT("Doing %d damage to ship", cur_ship->CurDamageFrac >> 16);
		cur_ship->CurDamageFrac &= 0xffff;

		// new less confusing shit...
		//cur_ship->CurDamage += hitpoints;
Example #2
// append a RE list to the FIFO  ----------------------------------------------
int NET_Stream::AppendToReliableFIFO( E_REList* pREList )
	ASSERT( pREList != NULL );

	//MSGOUT( "AppendToReliableFIFO(): " );
	if ( pREList->GetSize() == 0 ) {
		return FALSE;

	if ( !m_EnableReliable ) { 
		return FALSE;

	// check whether the new append would cause the FIFO to overflow
	int nNextWritePos = _FIFO_GetNextWritePos();
	StreamFIFOEntry_s* pEntry = &m_FIFOEntries[ nNextWritePos ];
	if ( pEntry->m_pREList != NULL ) {
			MSGOUT("NET_Stream::AppendToReliableFIFO(): FIFO overflow." );
			for( int nEntry = 0; nEntry < MAX_NUM_RELIABLE_BACKLOG; nEntry++ ) {
				MSGOUT( "================================\n" );
				MSGOUT( "FIFO: %d\n", nEntry );
				m_FIFOEntries[ nEntry ].m_pREList->Dump();
				MSGOUT( "================================\n" );
Example #3
// init sound system and sound hardware ---------------------------------------
int AUDs_InitSoundSys()
	if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) < 0) {
		MSGOUT("Failed to open audio.\n");
		SoundDisabled = TRUE;
		return FALSE;
	if (Mix_OpenAudio(44100, AUDIO_S16, 2, 4096) == -1) {
		MSGOUT("Could not open mixer.\n%s\n",Mix_GetError());
		SoundDisabled = TRUE;
		return FALSE;
	Mix_Volume(-1, MIX_MAX_VOLUME);

	MSGOUT("Sound Init Done\n");
	snd_init_done = TRUE;
	return TRUE;
Example #4
// register additional data package -------------------------------------------
int SLm_RegisterPackage( char **packagename )
	char *name = packagename[ 0 ];

	if ( !SYS_RegisterPackage( name, 0, NULL ) ) {
		MSGOUT( "CLI error: package registration failed (%s).\n", name );
		MSGOUT( "CLI error: continuing without package.\n" );

	return TRUE;
Example #5
// ensure a client is not connected -------------------------------------------
int E_ConnManager::_EnsureClientIsDisconnected( E_ClientConnectInfo* pClientConnectInfo )
	ASSERT( pClientConnectInfo					!= NULL );
	ASSERT( pClientConnectInfo->m_szHostName	!= NULL );
	ASSERT( &pClientConnectInfo->m_node          != NULL );
	ASSERT( pClientConnectInfo->m_szName	!= NULL );
	ASSERT( pClientConnectInfo->m_szOSLine		!= NULL );
	// check for duplicate connects from same node
	for( int nSlot = 0; nSlot < MAX_NUM_CLIENTS; nSlot++ ) {
		E_ClientInfo* pClientInfo = &m_ClientInfos[ nSlot ];
		if ( !pClientInfo->IsSlotFree() ) {
			if ( NODE_Compare( &pClientInfo->m_node, &pClientConnectInfo->m_node ) == NODECMP_EQUAL ) {

				MSGOUT( "Removing (possibly) dead client %s", NODE_Print( &pClientConnectInfo->m_node ) );

				// disconnect the client
				DisconnectClient( nSlot );

	return TRUE;
Example #6
// init SDL input --------------------------------------------------------------
void INPs_InitGeneral()
	int rc = SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING); // by the time we get here, we should want everything else up
	if(rc < 0){
		MSGOUT("Error: SDL_Init() error in INPs_InitGeneral() in inp_sdl.cpp");

	// TODO: import sdl_video_init_done from vsdl.h

	//if ( sdl_video_init_done )
	//	return;

	// events we want to receive
	// XXX:Probably not used.

	// main window attributes
	// XXX:Probably not used.

	// create splash screen
	//splash_screen_valid = CreateSplashPixmap();

	// fill window with splash screen image

	// install signal handlers
	// disabled because not cross-platform and probably not necessary

Example #7
// join game (enter game from entry mode in already allocated slot) -----------
int NETs_Join()
	ASSERT( NetConnected && !NetJoined );
	ASSERT( LocalPlayerId >= 0 && LocalPlayerId < MAX_NET_PROTO_PLAYERS );
	ASSERT( Player_Status[ LocalPlayerId ] == PLAYER_CONNECTED );

		// update player status
		Player_Status[ LocalPlayerId ] = PLAYER_JOINED;
		Player_Ship  [ LocalPlayerId ] = MyShip;
		Player_ShipId[ LocalPlayerId ] = SHIPID_LOCALPLAYER;

		// set global flags
		NetJoined = TRUE;
		//HaveFullPlayerState = FALSE;
		//FIXME Put this back one day when the server actually verifies this stuff (which it currently doesn't)
		//but for now this fixes/works around stargate jump sync issues
		HaveFullPlayerState = TRUE;
		// open stargate
			SFX_CreateStargate( MyShip );

		// record join

	// store the message # that contains this state change
	g_dwLastStatusChangeMsg = ServerStream.GetNextOutMessageId(); 

	// send join message to server
	DBGTXT( MSGOUT( "sending join message to server." ); );
Example #8
// check for a client namechange ----------------------------------------------
int E_ConnManager::CheckNameChange( node_t* clientnode, char* newplayername )
	ASSERT( clientnode			!= NULL );
	ASSERT( newplayername		!= NULL );
	// find the slot
	int nSlot = _FindSlotWithNode( clientnode );

	// we could find the slot
	if( nSlot != -1 ) {

		MSGOUT( "client %s wants to be renamed to %s\n", NODE_Print( &m_ClientInfos[ nSlot ].m_node ), newplayername );

		// only check for name collision if not alone
		if ( m_nNumConnected > 1 ) {

			// check all the other connected slots for the same name
			for( int nOtherSlot = 0; nOtherSlot < MAX_NUM_CLIENTS; nOtherSlot++ ) {
				// check for different slot
				if ( nSlot != nOtherSlot ) {
					// check whether slot is free
					if( !m_ClientInfos[ nOtherSlot ].IsSlotFree() ) {
						// check whether this name is already taken
						if( strcmp( newplayername, m_ClientInfos[ nOtherSlot ].m_szName) == 0 ) {
							// name already taken
							ThePacketHandler->SendNameChangeRepsponse( NAMECHANGE_ALREADY_TAKEN, clientnode, nSlot );
							return FALSE;

		// namechange OK
		ThePacketHandler->SendNameChangeRepsponse( NAMECHANGE_OK, clientnode, nSlot );

		// change the name
		_ChangeClientName( nSlot, newplayername );

		// mark the client alive
		m_ClientInfos[ nSlot ].MarkAlive();

		// send namechange notifications to the other clients
		_NotifyClientNameChange( nSlot );
		return TRUE;

	} else {
		// client is not connected
		ThePacketHandler->SendNameChangeRepsponse( NAMECHANGE_NOT_CONNECTED, clientnode, nSlot );
		return FALSE;
Example #9
// join game (enter game from entry mode in already allocated slot) -----------
int NETs_Join()
	ASSERT( NetConnected && !NetJoined );
	ASSERT( LocalPlayerId >= 0 && LocalPlayerId < MAX_NET_PROTO_PLAYERS );
	ASSERT( Player_Status[ LocalPlayerId ] == PLAYER_CONNECTED );

		// update player status
		Player_Status[ LocalPlayerId ] = PLAYER_JOINED;
		Player_Ship  [ LocalPlayerId ] = MyShip;
		Player_ShipId[ LocalPlayerId ] = SHIPID_LOCALPLAYER;

		// set global flags
		NetJoined = TRUE;
		HaveFullPlayerState = FALSE;
		// open stargate
			SFX_CreateStargate( MyShip );

		// record join

	// store the message # that contains this state change
	g_dwLastStatusChangeMsg = ServerStream.GetNextOutMessageId(); 

	// send join message to server
	DBGTXT( MSGOUT( "sending join message to server." ); );
Example #10
// walk list of laser objects and advance them --------------------------------
void WalkLaserObjects()
	ASSERT( LaserObjects != NULL );

	GenObject *precnode  = LaserObjects;
	GenObject *walkshots = LaserObjects->NextObj;

	// walk all lasers
	while ( walkshots != NULL ) {

		ASSERT( OBJECT_TYPE_LASER( walkshots ) );

		LaserObject *laserpo	= (LaserObject *) walkshots;
		laserpo->LifeTimeCount -= CurScreenRefFrames;

		if ( laserpo->LifeTimeCount <= 0 ) {

			NET_RmEvKillObject( laserpo->HostObjNumber, LASER_LIST );


			if ( NET_ConnectedGMSV() ) {
				MSGOUT( "OBJ_Ani::WalkLaserObjects(): predicted freeing of laser object" );

			ASSERT( walkshots != NULL );
			precnode->NextObj = walkshots->NextObj;
			FreeObjectMem( walkshots );
			walkshots = precnode->NextObj;

		} else {

			Vector3 tempspeed;
			tempspeed.X = laserpo->DirectionVec.X * CurScreenRefFrames;
			tempspeed.Y = laserpo->DirectionVec.Y * CurScreenRefFrames;
			tempspeed.Z = laserpo->DirectionVec.Z * CurScreenRefFrames;

			laserpo->PrevPosition.X = laserpo->ObjPosition[ 0 ][ 3 ];
			laserpo->PrevPosition.Y = laserpo->ObjPosition[ 1 ][ 3 ];
			laserpo->PrevPosition.Z = laserpo->ObjPosition[ 2 ][ 3 ];

			laserpo->ObjPosition[ 0 ][ 3 ] += tempspeed.X;
			laserpo->ObjPosition[ 1 ][ 3 ] += tempspeed.Y;
			laserpo->ObjPosition[ 2 ][ 3 ] += tempspeed.Z;

		precnode  = walkshots;
		walkshots = walkshots->NextObj;
Example #11
// add new line to console ----------------------------------------------------
void CON_AddLine( const char *text )
	ASSERT( text != NULL );

	// normal text output
	MSGOUT( text );
Example #12
// add new message to console (preserve current input) ------------------------
void CON_AddMessage( const char *text )
	ASSERT( text != NULL );

	// normal message output
	MSGOUT( text );
Example #13
// read palette files into buffer ---------------------------------------------
void ReadPalettes()
	// exit if nothing to read
	if ( NumLoadedPalettes == 0 )
		PANIC( "no palette defined." );

	if ( ( PaletteMem = (char *) ALLOCMEM( PALETTE_SIZE * NumLoadedPalettes ) ) == NULL )
		OUTOFMEM( no_palette_mem );

	if ( display_info ) {
		MSGPUT( "Loading palettes" );
		if ( show_palettes_loaded ) {
			MSGOUT( ":\n" );
		} else {
			MSGPUT( "..." );

	// load all palettes
	size_t readofs = 0;
	for ( int pid = 0; pid < NumLoadedPalettes; pid++ ) {

		if ( display_info && !show_palettes_loaded )
			MSGPUT( "." );

		FILE *fp = SYS_fopen( palette_fnames[ pid ], "rb" );
		if ( fp == NULL )
			FERROR( palette_not_found, palette_fnames[ pid ] );

		if ( display_info && show_palettes_loaded ) {
			MSGOUT( "loading \"%s\" (palette)\n", palette_fnames[ pid ] );

		size_t bytesread = SYS_fread( PaletteMem + readofs, 1, PALETTE_SIZE, fp );
		if ( bytesread != PALETTE_SIZE )
			FERROR( palette_readerror, palette_fnames[ pid ] );
		readofs += PALETTE_SIZE;

		SYS_fclose( fp );

	if ( display_info ) {
		MSGOUT( "done.\n" );
Example #14
// resolve a hostname using the DNS service -----------------------------------
int NET_ResolveHostName( const char* hostname, char* ipaddress, node_t* node )
	ASSERT( hostname != NULL );

	if ( isdigit( hostname[ 0 ] ) ) {

		// hostname is assumed to be an ip address -> just convert to binary representation
		if ( node != NULL ) {
			inet_aton( hostname, (in_addr*)node );
		if ( ipaddress != NULL ) {
			strncpy( ipaddress, hostname, MAX_IPADDR_LEN );
			ipaddress[ MAX_IPADDR_LEN ] = 0;

		return TRUE;

	hostent *hptr = gethostbyname( hostname );

	if ( hptr == NULL ) {
		MSGOUT( "NET_ResolveHostName(): DNS error: %s %s.", hostname, hstrerror( h_errno ) );
		return FALSE;

	if ( hptr->h_addrtype == AF_INET ) {
		char **pptr = hptr->h_addr_list;
		if ( *pptr != NULL ) {
			// store node ?
			if ( node != NULL ) {
				memcpy( node, *pptr, IP_ADR_LENGTH );
			// store numeric IP adress string
			if ( ipaddress != NULL ) {
				inet_ntop( hptr->h_addrtype, *pptr, ipaddress, MAX_IPADDR_LEN + 1 );
			return TRUE;
	} else {
		MSGOUT( "NET_ResolveHostName(): illegal address type in DNS entry." );

	return FALSE;
Example #15
// initialize joystick device -------------------------------------------------
void ISDL_JoyInitHandler()
	isdl_nJoystickFound = SDL_NumJoysticks();
    MSGOUT("isdl_joy: Found %d joysticks.\n", isdl_nJoystickFound);
    if(isdl_nJoystickFound > 0)
		//TODO: Implement support for more than one stick when we have more flexible input layer stuff
		MSGOUT("isdl_joy: ... but we don't care, because Parsec only has one JoyState\n");
		isdl_joyHandle = SDL_JoystickOpen(0);
		isdl_NumAxes = SDL_JoystickNumAxes(isdl_joyHandle);
		isdl_NumButtons = SDL_JoystickNumButtons(isdl_joyHandle);
		isdl_NumButtons = isdl_NumButtons > 32 ? 32 : isdl_NumButtons;
		MSGOUT("isdl_joy: Joystick%d has %d axes and %d buttons\n", 0, isdl_NumAxes, isdl_NumButtons);
		QueryJoystick = TRUE;
		JoystickDisabled = FALSE;
Example #16
// register mod which overrides internal packages -----------------------------
int SLm_RegisterModForce( char **modname )
	char *name = modname[ 0 ];

	// mod_names[] is the global storage for the current mod names,
	// declared in CON_EXT.C
	// If mod_names[ 0 ] != NULL, a mod is currently active

	if ( mod_numnames >= MAX_REGISTERED_MODS ) {
		return FALSE;

	mod_names[ mod_numnames ] = (char *) ALLOCMEM( strlen( name ) + 1 );
	if ( mod_names[ mod_numnames ] == NULL ) {
		return FALSE;
	strcpy( mod_names[ mod_numnames ], name );

	// allocate memory for "name/name.dat" string
	char *packagename = (char *) ALLOCMEM( strlen( name ) * 2 + 6 );
	if ( packagename == NULL ) {
		return FALSE;

	strcpy( packagename, name );
	strcat( packagename, "/" );
	strcat( packagename, name );
	strcat( packagename, ".dat" );

	if ( !SYS_RegisterPackage( packagename, 0, name ) ) {
		MSGOUT( "CLI error: package registration failed (%s).\n", name );
		MSGOUT( "CLI error: continuing without package.\n" );

	FREEMEM( packagename );

	// set override flag
	mod_override = TRUE;

	return TRUE;
Example #17
// check vector length for zero -----------------------------------------------
int LenZero( hprec_t len )
	ASSERT( len >= 0 );
	if ( len < EPS_VECLEN ) {
		MSGOUT( "radar: diminishing vector encountered." );
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;
Example #18
// load objects from binary data files ----------------------------------------
void LoadObjectData()
	// set global number of object classes
	NumObjClasses = NumLoadedObjects;

	// exit if nothing to read
	if ( NumLoadedObjects == 0 ) {
		MSGOUT( "*** WARNING: No objects at all. ***\n" );

	if ( display_info ) {
		MSGPUT( "Loading objects" );
		if ( show_objects_loaded ) {
			MSGOUT( ":\n" );
		} else {
			MSGPUT( "..." );

	// load all object data
	for ( int oid = 0; oid < NumLoadedObjects; oid++ ) {

		if ( display_info ) {
			if ( show_objects_loaded ) {
				MSGOUT( "loading \"%s\" (object)\n", ObjectInfo[ oid ].file );
			} else if ( ( oid & 0x01 ) == 0 ) {
				MSGPUT( "." );

		// load object in odt format

	if ( display_info ) {
		MSGOUT( "done.\n" );
Example #19
// store the CRC in an external packet ----------------------------------------
void GMSV_NetPacketExternal_StoreCRC( NetPacketExternal_GMSV* ext_gamepacket, size_t pktsize )
	// challenge we got from server
	//FIXME: this should go into a module NET_GLOB_GMSV
	//extern int CS_connect_challenge;

	// set the crc32 field to known value and calculate the CRC for the header
	ext_gamepacket->crc32 = 0;
	ext_gamepacket->crc32 = NET_CalcCRC( (void*)ext_gamepacket, pktsize );

	 DBGTXT( MSGOUT( "CRC32 of packet %d is %x", ext_gamepacket->MessageId, ext_gamepacket->crc32 ); );
Example #20
// execute received remote event: create object -------------------------------
void NET_ExecRmEvCreateObject( RE_Header *rmev, int ownerid )
	ASSERT( rmev != NULL );
	ASSERT( ( ownerid >= 0 ) && ( ownerid < MAX_NET_PROTO_PLAYERS ) );

	RE_CreateObject *re_co = (RE_CreateObject *) rmev;

	GenObject *objpo       = CreateObject( re_co->ObjectClass, re_co->ObjPosition );
	ASSERT( objpo != NULL );
	objpo->HostObjNumber   = re_co->HostObjId;
	// re_co->Flags

	RMEVTXT( MSGOUT( "--executing RE_CREATEOBJECT: %d (%d).", re_co->ObjectClass, ownerid ); );
Example #21
// register default command line options and exec all registered options ------
void SYSs_CheckCommandLine( int argc, char **argv )
	// set default name of local player
	strncpy( LocalPlayerName, default_player_name, MAX_PLAYER_NAME );
	LocalPlayerName[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ] = 0;

	// register default command line options

	// exec all registered command line options
	if ( !OPT_ExecRegisteredOptions( argc, argv ) ) {
		MSGOUT( options_invalid );
		exit( EXIT_SUCCESS );
Example #22
// commit demo cut by saving the cut area to file -----------------------------
void CommitDemoCut()
	ASSERT( demo_cutpos != NULL );
	ASSERT( demo_data != NULL );

	strcpy( paste_str, demo_cut_name );
	strcat( paste_str, dem_extension );

	FILE *fp = fopen( paste_str, "wb" );
	if ( fp == NULL ) {
		MSGOUT( cut_open_error );

	// compile the state header
	if ( !CompileDemoCut( fp, demo_cut_name ) ) {
		MSGOUT( cut_write_error );

	// extract the cut area from the original demo
	ASSERT( demo_replaypos >= demo_cutpos );
	size_t demsize = demo_replaypos - demo_cutpos;

	if ( fwrite( demo_cutpos, 1, demsize, fp ) != demsize ) {
		MSGOUT( cut_write_error );
		fclose( fp );

	// write eof marker and close file
	int endmarker = 0;
	if ( fwrite( &endmarker, sizeof( endmarker ), 1, fp ) != 1 )
		MSGOUT( cut_write_error );
	fclose( fp );
Example #23
// exec display command (display arbitrary text in message area) --------------
int Cmd_DisplayText( char *cstr )
	ASSERT( cstr != NULL );

	const char *scan = GetStringBehindCommand( cstr, FALSE );

	if ( ( scan != NULL ) && ( strlen( scan ) <= MAX_MESSAGELEN ) ) {
		//FIXME: evt. precede text with "MESSAGE: "
		MSGOUT( scan );

	// recognize always (implicitly reserves domain)
	return TRUE;
Example #24
// cache demo text as bitmap or textures --------------------------------------
void InitDemoTextCache( int lineid )
	ASSERT( (dword)lineid < DEMOTEXT_NUM_LINES );

	// size of buffer for string blit
	size_t bufsize = Screen_Width * Screen_BytesPerPixel * 80;

	// using Screen_Pitch instead of ( Screen_Width * Screen_BytesPerPixel )
	// doesn't always work here because on a Voodoo3 Screen_Pitch will be set
	// to 2048, as on all other Voodoos. this is too low for resolutions
	// higher than 1024x768.

	demotext_fontmem[ lineid ] = (char *) ALLOCMEM( bufsize );
	if ( demotext_fontmem[ lineid ] == NULL )
		OUTOFMEM( 0 );
	memset( demotext_fontmem[ lineid ], 0, bufsize );

	int charsetid = demotext_charset_id[ lineid ];
	D_SetWStrContext( CharsetInfo[ charsetid ].charsetpointer,
					  CharsetInfo[ charsetid ].geompointer,
					  demotext_fontmem[ lineid ],
					  CharsetInfo[ charsetid ].width,
					  CharsetInfo[ charsetid ].height );

	if ( demotext_capitals[ lineid ] ) {
		strupr( demotext_text[ lineid ] );
	} else {
		strlwr( demotext_text[ lineid ] );

	int swidth = D_GetPStringWidth( demotext_text[ lineid ] );
	if ( swidth <= Screen_Width ) {
//		D_WritePString( demotext_text[ lineid ], (Screen_Width-swidth)/2, 0 );
	} else {
		MSGOUT( "string too long." );

	// split up bitmap into appropriately sized textures if necessary
	if ( VidInfo_UseIterForDemoTexts ) {
		CreateBitmapTextures( &demotext_fontmem[ lineid ] );
Example #25
// retrieve received udp packet and store into listen buffer ------------------
int UDP_FetchPacket( int bufid )
	// assume buffer is busy (nothing received)
	ListenStatus[ bufid ] = TRUE;

	int			len	= sizeof( sockaddr_in );
	sockaddr_in from_adress;

	// receive packet on socket
	int rc  = recvfrom( udp_socket, (char *) RecvNetPacketExternal, NET_UDP_DATA_LENGTH, 0, (SA *)&from_adress, (socklen_t *) &len );

	if ( rc >= 0 ) {

		// copy from adress
		memcpy( &ListenAddress[ bufid ], &from_adress, sizeof( sockaddr_in ) );

		// filter broadcast packets that are looping back
		if ( NETs_CompareNodes( &LocalNode, NETs_GetSender( bufid ) ) == NODECMP_EQUAL ) {
			DBGTXT( MSGOUT( "NET_UDP::UDP_FetchPacket(): dropped packet [loop-back]." ); );
Example #26
// determine actually needed size of packet (strip unused remote event area) --
size_t GMSV_NetPacketExternal_GetSize( NetPacketExternal_GMSV* ext_gamepacket_GMSV )
	// even though this function is operating on a packet in network byte-order, 
	// swapping is not necessary since all accesses are byte-sized. (that is, 
	// byte-ordering is entirely irrelevant.)
	// header is always needed 
	size_t psize = sizeof( NetPacketExternal_GMSV ) - sizeof( dword );
	// add size of remote event list
	psize += NET_RmEvList_GetSize( (RE_Header *) &ext_gamepacket_GMSV->RE_List );
	//ASSERT( psize <= (size_t)NET_MAX_DATA_LENGTH );
	if(psize >= (size_t)NET_MAX_DATA_LENGTH )
        MSGOUT("CRAZYSPENCE: Packet size larger than %d: %d",NET_MAX_DATA_LENGTH,psize);
    return psize;
Example #27
// animate extra objects (only needed in entry mode/floating menu) ------------
void OBJ_BackgroundAnimateExtras()
	// this function is only used in entry mode and floating menu
	// to animate the extras when no other animations are performed.
	// in game mode these tasks are performed by
	// OBJ_COLL::CheckShipExtraCollision() to scan the extras list
	// only once.

	ASSERT( EntryMode || InFloatingMenu );
	ASSERT( ExtraObjects != NULL );

	ExtraObject *precnode = ExtraObjects;
	while ( precnode->NextObj != NULL ) {

		ASSERT( OBJECT_TYPE_EXTRA( precnode->NextObj ) );

		// get pointer to current extra
		ExtraObject *curextra = (ExtraObject *) precnode->NextObj;
		ASSERT( curextra != NULL );

		// check if lifetime of extra is spent
		curextra->LifeTimeCount -= CurScreenRefFrames;
		if ( curextra->LifeTimeCount < 0 ) {

			if ( NET_ConnectedGMSV() ) {
				//ASSERT( FALSE );
				MSGOUT( "OBJ_ANI::OBJ_BackgroundAnimateExtras(): predicted freeing of extra object" );

			OBJ_KillExtra( precnode, FALSE );

		// animate this extra
		OBJ_AnimateExtra( curextra );

		// advance to next extra in list
		precnode = curextra;
Example #28
// draw the mouse cursor ------------------------------------------------------
int DrawMouseCursor()
	if ( ( !InFloatingMenu || AUX_DISABLE_FLOATING_MENU_DRAWING ) && !InStarMap )
		return FALSE;

		return FALSE;

	mousestate_s mousestate;
	int mouseavailable = INPs_MouseGetState( &mousestate );

	// check if mouse is there and the custom cursor is enabled
	if ( !mouseavailable || !mousestate.drawcursor ) {
		return FALSE;

	// acquire mouse cursor texture map once if already loaded
	static TextureMap *texmap = NULL;
	if ( texmap == NULL ) {
		texmap = FetchTextureMap( cursor_texname );
		if ( texmap == NULL ) {
			MSGOUT( "texture '%s' was not found", cursor_texname );
			return FALSE;

	texscreenrect_s rect;
	rect.itertype = iter_texrgba | iter_alphablend;
	rect.alpha    = 255;
	rect.x        = (int) ( mousestate.xpos * Screen_Width );
	rect.y        = (int) ( mousestate.ypos * Screen_Height );
	rect.w        = CURSOR_TEXWIDTH;
	rect.h        = CURSOR_TEXHEIGHT;
	rect.scaled_w = CURSOR_SCREENWIDTH;
	rect.scaled_h = CURSOR_SCREENHEIGHT;
	rect.texofsx  = 0;
	rect.texofsy  = 0;
	rect.texmap   = texmap;

	DRAW_TexturedScreenRect( &rect, NULL );

	return TRUE;
Example #29
// set player name ------------------------------------------------------------
int SLm_SetPlayerName( char **playername )
	char *name = playername[ 0 ];
	int len = strlen( name );

	if ( ( len < 2 ) || ( len > MAX_PLAYER_NAME ) ) {
		return FALSE;

	strncpy( ForcedPlayerName, name, MAX_PLAYER_NAME );
	ForcedPlayerName[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ] = 0;

	if ( !SLm_CheckPlayerName( ForcedPlayerName ) ) {
		MSGOUT( "CLI error: player name contains invalid characters.\n" );
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
Example #30
// set a global aux flag to the specified value -------------------------------
int SLm_SetAuxFlag( int *auxinfo )
	int auxflag = auxinfo[ 0 ];
	int auxval  = auxinfo[ 1 ];

	// check flag id
	if ( ( auxflag < 0 ) || ( auxflag >= MAX_AUX_ENABLING ) ) {
		MSGOUT( "CLI error: auxflag out of range.\n" );
		return FALSE;

	// the value will not be checked against any bounds here.
	// as long as the flag id is valid, the value will be used as is.

	// set value for flag
	AuxEnabling[ auxflag ] = auxval;

	return TRUE;