Example #1
zbSize_t Mgmt_Direct_Join_req
  zbMgmtDirectJoinRequest_t *pMsgComingIn
  zdoNlmeMessage_t  *pZdoNlmeMsg;

#if ((gStandardSecurity_d || gHighSecurity_d) && gApsMaxEntriesForPermissionsTable_c)
  nlmeZdoMessage_t zdoMsg;

#if ((gStandardSecurity_d || gHighSecurity_d) && gApsMaxEntriesForPermissionsTable_c)
  if (!CommandHasPermission(NlmeGetRequest(gNwkShortAddress_c), gNetworkSettingsPermission_c))
    zdoMsg.msgData.directJoinConf.status = gZdpNotAuthorized_c;
    Zdp_Mgmt_Direct_Join_conf((void *)&zdoMsg);
    return 0;

  pZdoNlmeMsg = MSG_Alloc(MbrSizeof(zdoNlmeMessage_t, msgType) + sizeof(nlmeDirectJoinReq_t));

  if (pZdoNlmeMsg)
    pZdoNlmeMsg->msgType = gNlmeDirectJoinRequest_c;

    FLib_MemCpy(&pZdoNlmeMsg->msgData.directJoinReq, pMsgComingIn, sizeof(nlmeDirectJoinReq_t));


    (void)ZDO_NLME_SapHandler((void *)pZdoNlmeMsg);

  return 0;
* Does a local energy scan, pass the confirm to the application using the ZDP_APP
* Sap handler. Not available to ZEDs
* Interface assumptions:
*   The parameter aChannelList, is a valid channel list and is on little endian.
*   The parameter duration, is a non zero value.
* Return value:
*   NONE.
* Revison history:
*   Date   Author  Comments
*  ------  ------  --------
*  180208    MN    Created
void ZdoNwkMng_EnergyScanRequest
  zbChannels_t  aChannelList,
  uint8_t  duration
  uintn32_t  localList = 0;
  zdoNlmeMessage_t  *pEnergyScan;
  nlmeEnergyScanReq_t  *pEnergyRequest;

  pEnergyScan = MSG_Alloc(sizeof(nlmeEnergyScanReq_t) + sizeof(zbMsgId_t));

  if (!pEnergyScan)

    NOTE: this function is used on FA and on regular ZDO state machine some times it
    receives the parameter on little endian and some times on big endian.

  /* Check if it's a valid channel list */
  if( aChannelList[0] & 0xFF ||
      aChannelList[1] & 0x07 ||
      aChannelList[3] & 0xF8 )
#ifdef __IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__
    FLib_MemCpyReverseOrder(&localList, aChannelList, sizeof(uint32_t));
    localList = *((uint32_t *)aChannelList);
    localList = Native2OTA32(localList);

  pEnergyScan->msgType = gNlmeEnergyScanRequest_c;
  pEnergyRequest = &pEnergyScan->msgData.EnergyScanReq;
  if (localList)
    FLib_MemCpy(pEnergyRequest->aScanChannels, &localList, sizeof(localList));
    FLib_MemCpy(pEnergyRequest->aScanChannels, aChannelList, sizeof(localList));
  pEnergyRequest->scanDuration = duration;

Example #3
void HcOutgoingZtcTaskEventMonitor(OepOutgoingMessage_t *message) {
  hcZtcMessage_t* pMsgFromSAPHandler;
  /* cleaner access to the 11073 apdu */   
  oepGenericApdu_t *pApdu = (oepGenericApdu_t *)message->pApdu;
  uint8_t* pSrcDataPtr;
  uint8_t* pDstDataPtr;
  /* first fragment flag is initially set to True */   
  uint8_t firstFragment = TRUE;
  uint16_t apduLen = message->length - MbrSizeof(oepGenericApdu_t, apduLen);
  uint8_t dataCopyLen;

  /* iterate the fragments */   
    /* allocate a new buffer as the ZTC frames are quite different from the actual
       11073 frames */   
    pMsgFromSAPHandler = (hcZtcMessage_t *) MSG_Alloc(mSapHandlerMsgTotalLen_c);    

    if (firstFragment) {
      oepMsgType_t oepMsgType; 
      firstFragment = FALSE;
      /* is it a cfg, prst, other kind of frame? */ 
      oepMsgType = GetOepMsgType(pApdu);
      /* get ZTC opcode id for the frame */ 
      pMsgFromSAPHandler->msgType = GetMsgZtcOpCode(pApdu);
      /* frame is an object configuration frame */ 
      if (oepMsgType == msgType_ObjCfgMsg) {
        hcZtcObjCfgFrame_t* pHcZtcObjCfgFrame = (hcZtcObjCfgFrame_t *)pMsgFromSAPHandler->data;
        apduLen -= MbrSizeof(oepGenericApdu_t, choice);
        if (apduLen > mSapHandlerMsgTotalLen_c - MbrOfs(hcZtcObjCfgFrame_t, objCfgFrame)) {
          dataCopyLen = mSapHandlerMsgTotalLen_c - MbrOfs(hcZtcObjCfgFrame_t, objCfgFrame);
          apduLen -= dataCopyLen;
          pHcZtcObjCfgFrame->nextFragmentPresent = TRUE;
        else {
          dataCopyLen = (uint8_t)apduLen;
          apduLen = 0;
          pHcZtcObjCfgFrame->nextFragmentPresent = FALSE;
        pMsgFromSAPHandler->msgLen = dataCopyLen + MbrOfs(hcZtcObjCfgFrame_t, objCfgFrame);
        pSrcDataPtr = (uint8_t *)pApdu->payload;
        pDstDataPtr = (uint8_t *)pHcZtcObjCfgFrame->objCfgFrame; 
        pHcZtcObjCfgFrame->endPoint = message->srcEndPoint;
      else {
        /* Aarq, Aars, Prst, etc type of frame */
        hcZtcFrame_t* pZtcFrameGeneric = (hcZtcFrame_t *)pMsgFromSAPHandler->data;
        if (apduLen > mSapHandlerMsgTotalLen_c - MbrOfs(hcZtcFrame_t, apdu)) {
          dataCopyLen = mSapHandlerMsgTotalLen_c - MbrOfs(hcZtcFrame_t, apdu);
          apduLen -= dataCopyLen;
          pZtcFrameGeneric->nextFragmentPresent = TRUE;
        else {

          dataCopyLen = (uint8_t)apduLen;
          apduLen = 0;
          pZtcFrameGeneric->nextFragmentPresent = FALSE;
        pMsgFromSAPHandler->msgLen = dataCopyLen + MbrOfs(hcZtcFrame_t, apdu);
        pSrcDataPtr = (uint8_t *)&pApdu->choice;
        pDstDataPtr = (uint8_t *)pZtcFrameGeneric->apdu;
        Copy2Bytes(pZtcFrameGeneric->aSrcDstAddr, message->aDstAddr);
        pZtcFrameGeneric->dstEndPoint = message->dstEndPoint;
        pZtcFrameGeneric->srcEndPoint = message->srcEndPoint;
      /* this is not the first fragment; */
      hcZtcFragmentContinuationFrame_t* pZtcFragmentCont = 
                          (hcZtcFragmentContinuationFrame_t *)pMsgFromSAPHandler->data;
      /* set fragment continuation opcode */
      pMsgFromSAPHandler->msgType = gHcZtcOpcode_FragmentContinuation_d;
      if (apduLen > mSapHandlerMsgTotalLen_c - 
          MbrOfs(hcZtcFragmentContinuationFrame_t, fragmentData)) {
        dataCopyLen = mSapHandlerMsgTotalLen_c -  
                      MbrOfs(hcZtcFragmentContinuationFrame_t, fragmentData);
        apduLen -= dataCopyLen;
        pZtcFragmentCont->nextFragmentPresent = TRUE;
      else {

        dataCopyLen = (uint8_t)apduLen;
        apduLen = 0;
        pZtcFragmentCont->nextFragmentPresent = FALSE;
      pMsgFromSAPHandler->msgLen = dataCopyLen +
                           MbrSizeof(hcZtcFragmentContinuationFrame_t, fragmentData);

      pDstDataPtr = (uint8_t *)pZtcFragmentCont->fragmentData;
    FLib_MemCpy(pDstDataPtr, pSrcDataPtr, dataCopyLen);
    pSrcDataPtr += dataCopyLen;
    /* send message to ZTC */
#ifndef gHostApp_d        
    ZTC_TaskEventMonitor(gHcApp_SAPHandlerId_c, (uint8_t *)pMsgFromSAPHandler, gZbSuccess_c);
    ZTC_TaskEventMonitor(gpHostAppUart, gHcApp_SAPHandlerId_c, (uint8_t *)pMsgFromSAPHandler, gZbSuccess_c);

    /* free the message if ZTC hasn't already done that */
    if (pMsgFromSAPHandler)
  } while (apduLen > 0);
Example #4
void HcIncomingZtcTaskEventMonitor(OepFragmentedApdu_t *message) {
  hcZtcMessage_t* pMsgFromSAPHandler;
  /* pCurrentFragment points initially to the fragment in OepFragmentedApdu_t */   
  OepApduFragment_t* pCurrentFragment = &message->fragment;
  /* cleaner access to the 11073 apdu */   
  oepGenericApdu_t *pApdu = (oepGenericApdu_t *)pCurrentFragment->data;
  /* first fragment flag is initially set to True */   
  uint8_t firstFragment = TRUE;

  /* iterate the fragments */   
  do {
    uint8_t srcOffset, dstOffset, dataCopyLen;
    /* allocate a new buffer as the ZTC frames are quite different from the actual
       11073 frames */   
    pMsgFromSAPHandler = (hcZtcMessage_t *) MSG_Alloc(mSapHandlerMsgTotalLen_c);    

    /* set default values for mem copy offsets and length */
    /* by default copy data beginning with the choice member in the apdu */      
    srcOffset = MbrOfs(oepGenericApdu_t, choice);
    /* by default copy data to the apdu member in the ztc frame*/          
    dstOffset = MbrOfs(hcZtcFrame_t, apdu);    
    /* data copy length adjusted to omit apduLen field */              
    dataCopyLen = pCurrentFragment->len - MbrOfs(oepGenericApdu_t, choice);
    if (firstFragment) {
      oepMsgType_t oepMsgType; 
      firstFragment = FALSE;
      /* is it a cfg, prst, other kind of frame? */ 
      oepMsgType = GetOepMsgType(pApdu);
      /* get ZTC opcode id for the frame */ 
      pMsgFromSAPHandler->msgType = GetMsgZtcOpCode(pApdu);
      /* frame is an object configuration frame */ 
      if (oepMsgType == msgType_ObjCfgMsg) {
        /* msgLen is the length of the ZTC payload; this includes the actual
           apdu payload, without the choice and apduLen as well as the src/dstEndPoint
           and nextFragmentPresent bytes */
        pMsgFromSAPHandler->msgLen = (uint8_t)(pCurrentFragment->len - 
                                     MbrOfs(oepGenericApdu_t, payload) +
                                     MbrOfs(hcZtcObjCfgFrame_t, objCfgFrame));
        /* adjust source offset for data copy to not include choice */ 
        srcOffset = MbrOfs(oepGenericApdu_t, payload);
        /* adjust dst offset for data copy as srcAddress and an endpoint are no longer included */
        dstOffset = MbrOfs(hcZtcObjCfgFrame_t, objCfgFrame);
        /* adjust data length for data copy as choice is no longer included */
        dataCopyLen -= MbrSizeof(oepGenericApdu_t, choice);
        /* set destination endpoint as second byte in the ZTC
           packet based on frame direction */
        pMsgFromSAPHandler->data[1] = message->dstEndPoint;
      else {
        /* Aarq, Aars, Prst, etc type of frame */
        hcZtcFrame_t* pZtcFrameGeneric = (hcZtcFrame_t *)pMsgFromSAPHandler->data;
        /* msgLen is the length of the ZTC payload; this includes the actual
           apdu payload, without the apduLen as well as the addressing information
           and nextFragmentPresent bytes */
        pMsgFromSAPHandler->msgLen = pCurrentFragment->len -
                                     MbrOfs(oepGenericApdu_t, choice) +
                                     MbrOfs(hcZtcFrame_t, apdu);
        /* copy addressing info */
        Copy2Bytes(pZtcFrameGeneric->aSrcDstAddr, message->aSrcAddr);
        pZtcFrameGeneric->dstEndPoint = message->dstEndPoint;
        pZtcFrameGeneric->srcEndPoint = message->srcEndPoint;
      /* this is not the first fragment; */
      /* set data copy and copy size accordingly */ 
      srcOffset = 0;
      dstOffset = 1;
      dataCopyLen = pCurrentFragment->len;
      pApdu =  (oepGenericApdu_t *)pCurrentFragment->data;
      /* set fragment continuation opcode */
      pMsgFromSAPHandler->msgType = gHcZtcOpcode_FragmentContinuation_d;
        /* msgLen includes the actualapdu payload and the nextFragmentPresent byte */      
      pMsgFromSAPHandler->msgLen = pCurrentFragment->len +
                                   MbrSizeof(hcZtcFrame_t, nextFragmentPresent);
    /* nextFragmentPresent */
    pMsgFromSAPHandler->data[0] = FALSE;
    /* set nextFramgentPresent byte in ZTC frame to 1 if there is
       another fragment to be processed */
    if (pCurrentFragment->nextFragment != NULL)
      pMsgFromSAPHandler->data[0] = TRUE;
    /* do the fragment iteration */
    pCurrentFragment = pCurrentFragment->nextFragment;

    /* copy payload data */
    FLib_MemCpy((uint8_t*)pMsgFromSAPHandler->data + dstOffset,
                (uint8_t*)pApdu + srcOffset,
    /* send message to ZTC */
#ifndef gHostApp_d        
    ZTC_TaskEventMonitor(gAppHc_SAPHandlerId_c, (uint8_t *)pMsgFromSAPHandler, gZbSuccess_c);
    ZTC_TaskEventMonitor(gpHostAppUart, gAppHc_SAPHandlerId_c, (uint8_t *)pMsgFromSAPHandler, gZbSuccess_c);
    /* free the message if ZTC hasn't already done that */
    if (pMsgFromSAPHandler)
  } while (pCurrentFragment != NULL);