Example #1
static void Cache_finish_msg(CacheEntry_t *entry)
   if (entry->Flags & CA_GotData) {
      /* already finished */

   if ((entry->ExpectedSize || entry->TransferSize) &&
       entry->TypeHdr == NULL) {
      MSG_HTTP("Message with a body lacked Content-Type header.\n");
   if ((entry->Flags & CA_GotLength) &&
       (entry->ExpectedSize != entry->TransferSize)) {
      MSG_HTTP("Content-Length does NOT match message body at\n"
               "%s\n", URL_STR_(entry->Url));
      MSG("Expected size: %d, Transfer size: %d\n",
          entry->ExpectedSize, entry->TransferSize);
   entry->Flags |= CA_GotData;
   entry->Flags &= ~CA_Stopped;          /* it may catch up! */
   if (entry->TransferDecoder) {
      entry->TransferDecoder = NULL;
   if (entry->ContentDecoder) {
      entry->ContentDecoder = NULL;
   dStr_fit(entry->Data);                /* fit buffer size! */

   if ((entry = Cache_process_queue(entry))) {
      if (entry->Flags & CA_GotHeader) {
Example #2
File: web.c Project: dimkr/dillo
 * Given the MIME content type, and a fd to read it from,
 * this function connects the proper MIME viewer to it.
 * Return value: 1 on success, -1 for unhandled MIME types
gint a_Web_dispatch_by_type (const char *Type, DilloWeb *Web,
                             CA_Callback_t *Call, void **Data)
   DwWidget *dw = NULL;
   DwStyle style_attrs, *style;
   DwStyleFont font;

   DEBUG_MSG(1, "a_Web_dispatch_by_type\n");

   g_return_val_if_fail(Web->bw != NULL, -1);

   if (Web->flags & WEB_RootUrl) {
      /* We have RootUrl! */
      dw = a_Mime_set_viewer(Type, Web, Call, Data);
      if (dw == NULL)
         return -1;

      /* Set a style for the widget */
      font.name = prefs.vw_fontname; /* must be defined */
      font.size = rint(12.0 * prefs.font_factor);
      font.weight = 400;
      font.style = DW_STYLE_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL;

      a_Dw_style_init_values (&style_attrs, Web->bw->main_window->window);
      a_Dw_style_box_set_val (&style_attrs.margin, 5);
      style_attrs.font = a_Dw_style_font_new (&font);
      style_attrs.color =
         a_Dw_style_color_new (prefs.text_color, Web->bw->main_window->window);
      style_attrs.background_color =
         a_Dw_style_color_new (prefs.bg_color, Web->bw->main_window->window);
      style = a_Dw_style_new (&style_attrs, Web->bw->main_window->window);
      a_Dw_widget_set_style (dw, style);
      a_Dw_style_unref (style);

         GTK_DW_SCROLLED_WINDOW(Web->bw->docwin), dw);

      if (URL_POSX(Web->url) || URL_POSY(Web->url)) {
           URL_POSX(Web->url), URL_POSY(Web->url));
      } else {
        gchar *pf = a_Url_decode_hex_str(URL_FRAGMENT_(Web->url));
           GTK_DW_SCROLLED_WINDOW(Web->bw->docwin), pf);

      /* Clear the title bar for pages without a <TITLE> tag */
      a_Interface_set_page_title(Web->bw, "");
      a_Interface_set_location_text(Web->bw, URL_STR(Web->url));
      /* Reset the bug meter */
      a_Interface_bug_meter_update(Web->bw, 0);

      /* Let the Nav module know... */

   } else {
      /* A non-RootUrl. At this moment we only handle image-children */
      if (!g_strncasecmp(Type, "image/", 6))
         dw = a_Mime_set_viewer(Type, Web, Call, Data);

   if (!dw) {
      MSG_HTTP("unhandled MIME type: \"%s\"\n", Type);
   return (dw ? 1 : -1);
Example #3
 * Receive new data, update the reception buffer (for next read), update the
 * cache, and service the client queue.
 * This function gets called whenever the IO has new data.
 *  'Op' is the operation to perform
 *  'VPtr' is a (void) pointer to the IO control structure
void a_Cache_process_dbuf(int Op, const char *buf, size_t buf_size,
                          const DilloUrl *Url)
   int offset, len;
   const char *str;
   Dstr *dstr1, *dstr2, *dstr3;
   CacheEntry_t *entry = Cache_entry_search(Url);

   /* Assert a valid entry (not aborted) */
   dReturn_if_fail (entry != NULL);


   if (Op == IORead) {
       * Cache_get_header() will set CA_GotHeader if it has a full header, and
       * Cache_parse_header() will unset it if the header ends being
       * merely an informational response from the server (i.e., 100 Continue)
      for (offset = 0; !(entry->Flags & CA_GotHeader) &&
           (len = Cache_get_header(entry, buf + offset, buf_size - offset));
           Cache_parse_header(entry) ) {
         offset += len;

      if (entry->Flags & CA_GotHeader) {
         str = buf + offset;
         len = buf_size - offset;
         entry->TransferSize += len;
         dstr1 = dstr2 = dstr3 = NULL;

         /* Decode arrived data (<= 3 stages) */
         if (entry->TransferDecoder) {
            dstr1 = a_Decode_process(entry->TransferDecoder, str, len);
            str = dstr1->str;
            len = dstr1->len;
         if (entry->ContentDecoder) {
            dstr2 = a_Decode_process(entry->ContentDecoder, str, len);
            str = dstr2->str;
            len = dstr2->len;
         dStr_append_l(entry->Data, str, len);
         if (entry->CharsetDecoder && entry->UTF8Data) {
            dstr3 = a_Decode_process(entry->CharsetDecoder, str, len);
            dStr_append_l(entry->UTF8Data, dstr3->str, dstr3->len);
         dStr_free(dstr1, 1);
         dStr_free(dstr2, 1);
         dStr_free(dstr3, 1);

         if (entry->Data->len)
            entry->Flags &= ~CA_IsEmpty;

         entry = Cache_process_queue(entry);
   } else if (Op == IOClose) {
      if ((entry->ExpectedSize || entry->TransferSize) &&
          entry->TypeHdr == NULL) {
         MSG_HTTP("Message with a body lacked Content-Type header.\n");
      if ((entry->Flags & CA_GotLength) &&
          (entry->ExpectedSize != entry->TransferSize)) {
         MSG_HTTP("Content-Length does NOT match message body,\n"
                  " at: %s\n", URL_STR_(entry->Url));
         MSG("entry->ExpectedSize = %d, entry->TransferSize = %d\n",
             entry->ExpectedSize, entry->TransferSize);
      if (!entry->TransferSize && !(entry->Flags & CA_Redirect) &&
          (entry->Flags & WEB_RootUrl)) {
         char *eol = strchr(entry->Header->str, '\n');
         if (eol) {
            char *status_line = dStrndup(entry->Header->str,
                                         eol - entry->Header->str);
            MSG_HTTP("Body was empty. Server sent status: %s\n", status_line);
      entry->Flags |= CA_GotData;
      entry->Flags &= ~CA_Stopped;          /* it may catch up! */
      if (entry->TransferDecoder) {
         entry->TransferDecoder = NULL;
      if (entry->ContentDecoder) {
         entry->ContentDecoder = NULL;
      dStr_fit(entry->Data);                /* fit buffer size! */

      if ((entry = Cache_process_queue(entry))) {
         if (entry->Flags & CA_GotHeader) {
   } else if (Op == IOAbort) {
      /* unused */
      MSG("a_Cache_process_dbuf Op = IOAbort; not implemented!\n");
Example #4
 * Scan, allocate, and set things according to header info.
 * (This function needs the whole header to work)
static void Cache_parse_header(CacheEntry_t *entry)
   char *header = entry->Header->str;
   char *Length, *Type, *location_str, *encoding;
   Dlist *Cookies;
   Dlist *warnings;
   void *data;
   int i;


   if (entry->Header->len > 12) {
      if (header[9] == '1' && header[10] == '0' && header[11] == '0') {
         /* 100: Continue. The "real" header has not come yet. */
         MSG("An actual 100 Continue header!\n");
         entry->Flags &= ~CA_GotHeader;
         dStr_free(entry->Header, 1);
         entry->Header = dStr_new("");
      if (header[9] == '3' && header[10] == '0' &&
          (location_str = Cache_parse_field(header, "Location"))) {
         /* 30x: URL redirection */
         DilloUrl *location_url = a_Url_new(location_str,URL_STR_(entry->Url));

         if (prefs.filter_auto_requests == PREFS_FILTER_SAME_DOMAIN &&
             !a_Url_same_organization(entry->Url, location_url)) {
            /* don't redirect; just show body like usual (if any) */
            MSG("Redirection not followed from %s to %s\n",
                URL_HOST(entry->Url), URL_STR(location_url));
         } else {
            entry->Flags |= CA_Redirect;
            if (header[11] == '1')
               entry->Flags |= CA_ForceRedirect;  /* 301 Moved Permanently */
            else if (header[11] == '2')
               entry->Flags |= CA_TempRedirect;   /* 302 Temporary Redirect */

            if (URL_FLAGS(location_url) & (URL_Post + URL_Get) &&
                dStrAsciiCasecmp(URL_SCHEME(location_url), "dpi") == 0 &&
                dStrAsciiCasecmp(URL_SCHEME(entry->Url), "dpi") != 0) {
               /* Forbid dpi GET and POST from non dpi-generated urls */
               MSG("Redirection Denied! '%s' -> '%s'\n",
                   URL_STR(entry->Url), URL_STR(location_url));
            } else {
               entry->Location = location_url;
      } else if (strncmp(header + 9, "401", 3) == 0) {
         entry->Auth =
            Cache_parse_multiple_fields(header, "WWW-Authenticate");
      } else if (strncmp(header + 9, "404", 3) == 0) {
         entry->Flags |= CA_NotFound;

   if ((warnings = Cache_parse_multiple_fields(header, "Warning"))) {
      for (i = 0; (data = dList_nth_data(warnings, i)); ++i) {
         MSG_HTTP("%s\n", (char *)data);

    * Get Transfer-Encoding and initialize decoder
   encoding = Cache_parse_field(header, "Transfer-Encoding");
   entry->TransferDecoder = a_Decode_transfer_init(encoding);

   if ((Length = Cache_parse_field(header, "Content-Length")) != NULL) {
      if (encoding) {
          * If Transfer-Encoding is present, Content-Length must be ignored.
          * If the Transfer-Encoding is non-identity, it is an error.
         if (dStrAsciiCasecmp(encoding, "identity"))
            MSG_HTTP("Content-Length and non-identity Transfer-Encoding "
                     "headers both present.\n");
      } else {
         entry->Flags |= CA_GotLength;
         entry->ExpectedSize = MAX(strtol(Length, NULL, 10), 0);

   dFree(encoding); /* free Transfer-Encoding */

   if ((Cookies = Cache_parse_multiple_fields(header, "Set-Cookie"))) {
      CacheClient_t *client;

      for (i = 0; (client = dList_nth_data(ClientQueue, i)); ++i) {
         if (client->Url == entry->Url) {
            DilloWeb *web = client->Web;

            if (!web->requester ||
                a_Url_same_organization(entry->Url, web->requester)) {
               char *server_date = Cache_parse_field(header, "Date");

               a_Cookies_set(Cookies, entry->Url, server_date);
      if (i >= dList_length(ClientQueue)) {
         MSG("Cache: cookies not accepted from '%s'\n", URL_STR(entry->Url));

      for (i = 0; (data = dList_nth_data(Cookies, i)); ++i)
#endif /* !DISABLE_COOKIES */

    * Get Content-Encoding and initialize decoder
   encoding = Cache_parse_field(header, "Content-Encoding");
   entry->ContentDecoder = a_Decode_content_init(encoding);

   if (entry->ExpectedSize > 0) {
      if (entry->ExpectedSize > HUGE_FILESIZE) {
         entry->Flags |= CA_HugeFile;
      /* Avoid some reallocs. With MAX_INIT_BUF we avoid a SEGFAULT
       * with huge files (e.g. iso files).
       * Note: the buffer grows automatically. */
      dStr_free(entry->Data, 1);
      entry->Data = dStr_sized_new(MIN(entry->ExpectedSize, MAX_INIT_BUF));

   /* Get Content-Type */
   if ((Type = Cache_parse_field(header, "Content-Type"))) {
      /* This HTTP Content-Type is not trusted. It's checked against real data
       * in Cache_process_queue(); only then CA_GotContentType becomes true. */
      a_Cache_set_content_type(entry->Url, Type, "http");
      _MSG("TypeHdr  {%s} {%s}\n", Type, URL_STR(entry->Url));
      _MSG("TypeMeta {%s}\n", entry->TypeMeta);
Example #5
 * Update cache clients for a single cache-entry
 * Tasks:
 *   - Set the client function (if not already set)
 *   - Look if new data is available and pass it to client functions
 *   - Remove clients when done
 *   - Call redirect handler
 * Return: Cache entry, which may be NULL if it has been removed.
 * TODO: Implement CA_Abort Op in client callback
static CacheEntry_t *Cache_process_queue(CacheEntry_t *entry)
   uint_t i;
   int st;
   const char *Type;
   Dstr *data;
   CacheClient_t *Client;
   DilloWeb *ClientWeb;
   BrowserWindow *Client_bw = NULL;
   static bool_t Busy = FALSE;
   bool_t AbortEntry = FALSE;
   bool_t OfferDownload = FALSE;
   bool_t TypeMismatch = FALSE;

   if (Busy)
      MSG_ERR("FATAL!: >>>> Cache_process_queue Caught busy!!! <<<<\n");
   if (!(entry->Flags & CA_GotHeader))
      return entry;
   if (!(entry->Flags & CA_GotContentType)) {
      st = a_Misc_get_content_type_from_data(
              entry->Data->str, entry->Data->len, &Type);
      _MSG("Cache: detected Content-Type '%s'\n", Type);
      if (st == 0 || entry->Flags & CA_GotData) {
         if (a_Misc_content_type_check(entry->TypeHdr, Type) < 0) {
            MSG_HTTP("Content-Type '%s' doesn't match the real data.\n",
            TypeMismatch = TRUE;
         entry->TypeDet = dStrdup(Type);
         entry->Flags |= CA_GotContentType;
      } else
         return entry;  /* i.e., wait for more data */

   Busy = TRUE;
   for (i = 0; (Client = dList_nth_data(ClientQueue, i)); ++i) {
      if (Client->Url == entry->Url) {
         ClientWeb = Client->Web;    /* It was a (void*) */
         Client_bw = ClientWeb->bw;  /* 'bw' in a local var */

         if (ClientWeb->flags & WEB_RootUrl) {
            if (!(entry->Flags & CA_MsgErased)) {
               /* clear the "expecting for reply..." message */
               a_UIcmd_set_msg(Client_bw, "");
               entry->Flags |= CA_MsgErased;
            if (TypeMismatch) {
               a_UIcmd_set_msg(Client_bw,"HTTP warning: Content-Type '%s' "
                               "doesn't match the real data.", entry->TypeHdr);
               OfferDownload = TRUE;
            if (entry->Flags & CA_Redirect) {
               if (!Client->Callback) {
                  Client->Callback = Cache_null_client;
            } else {
               Client_bw->redirect_level = 0;
            if (entry->Flags & CA_HugeFile) {
               a_UIcmd_set_msg(Client_bw,"Huge file! (%dMB)",
                               entry->ExpectedSize / (1024*1024));
               AbortEntry = OfferDownload = TRUE;
         } else {
            /* For non root URLs, ignore redirections and 404 answers */
            if (entry->Flags & CA_Redirect || entry->Flags & CA_NotFound)
               Client->Callback = Cache_null_client;

         /* Set the client function */
         if (!Client->Callback) {
            Client->Callback = Cache_null_client;
            if (TypeMismatch) {
               AbortEntry = TRUE;
            } else {
               const char *curr_type = Cache_current_content_type(entry);
               st = a_Web_dispatch_by_type(curr_type, ClientWeb,
                                           &Client->Callback, &Client->CbData);
               if (st == -1) {
                  /* MIME type is not viewable */
                  if (ClientWeb->flags & WEB_RootUrl) {
                     MSG("Content-Type '%s' not viewable.\n", curr_type);
                     /* prepare a download offer... */
                     AbortEntry = OfferDownload = TRUE;
                  } else {
                     /* TODO: Resource Type not handled.
                      * Not aborted to avoid multiple connections on the same
                      * resource. A better idea is to abort the connection and
                      * to keep a failed-resource flag in the cache entry. */
            if (AbortEntry) {
               if (ClientWeb->flags & WEB_RootUrl)
                  a_Nav_cancel_expect_if_eq(Client_bw, Client->Url);
               a_Bw_remove_client(Client_bw, Client->Key);
               Cache_client_dequeue(Client, NULLKey);
               --i; /* Keep the index value in the next iteration */

         /* Send data to our client */
         if (ClientWeb->flags & WEB_Download) {
            /* for download, always provide original data, not translated */
            data = entry->Data;
         } else {
            data = Cache_data(entry);
         if ((Client->BufSize = data->len) > 0) {
            Client->Buf = data->str;
            (Client->Callback)(CA_Send, Client);
            if (ClientWeb->flags & WEB_RootUrl) {
               /* show size of page received */
               a_UIcmd_set_page_prog(Client_bw, entry->Data->len, 1);

         /* Remove client when done */
         if (entry->Flags & CA_GotData) {
            /* Copy flags to a local var */
            int flags = ClientWeb->flags;
            /* We finished sending data, let the client know */
            (Client->Callback)(CA_Close, Client);
            if (ClientWeb->flags & WEB_RootUrl)
               a_UIcmd_set_page_prog(Client_bw, 0, 0);
            Cache_client_dequeue(Client, NULLKey);
            --i; /* Keep the index value in the next iteration */

            /* within CA_GotData, we assert just one redirect call */
            if (entry->Flags & CA_Redirect)
               Cache_redirect(entry, flags, Client_bw);
   } /* for */

   if (AbortEntry) {
      /* Abort the entry, remove it from cache, and maybe offer download. */
      DilloUrl *url = a_Url_dup(entry->Url);
      entry = NULL;
      if (OfferDownload) {
         /* Remove entry when 'conn' is already done */
         Cache_entry_remove(NULL, url);
         if (a_Cache_download_enabled(url)) {
            Cache_savelink_t *data = dNew(Cache_savelink_t, 1);
            data->bw = Client_bw;
            data->url = a_Url_dup(url);
            a_Timeout_add(0.0, Cache_savelink_cb, data);
   } else if (entry->Auth && (entry->Flags & CA_GotData)) {
      Cache_auth_entry(entry, Client_bw);

   /* Trigger cleanup when there are no cache clients */
   if (dList_length(ClientQueue) == 0) {
      _MSG("  a_Dicache_cleanup()\n");

   Busy = FALSE;
   _MSG("QueueSize ====> %d\n", dList_length(ClientQueue));
   return entry;