Example #1
void CL_WriteUsercmd( sizebuf_t *msg, int from, int to )
	usercmd_t	nullcmd;
	usercmd_t	*f, *t;

	ASSERT( from == -1 || ( from >= 0 && from < MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP ));
	ASSERT( to >= 0 && to < MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP );

	if( from == -1 )
		Q_memset( &nullcmd, 0, sizeof( nullcmd ));
		f = &nullcmd;
		f = &cl.cmds[from];

	t = &cl.cmds[to];

	// write it into the buffer
	MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd( msg, f, t );
Example #2
* CL_WriteUcmdsToMessage
void CL_WriteUcmdsToMessage( msg_t *msg )
	usercmd_t *cmd;
	usercmd_t *oldcmd;
	usercmd_t nullcmd;
	unsigned int resendCount;
	unsigned int i;
	unsigned int ucmdFirst;
	unsigned int ucmdHead;

	if( !msg || cls.state < CA_ACTIVE || cls.demo.playing )

	// find out what ucmds we have to send
	ucmdFirst = cls.ucmdAcknowledged + 1;
	ucmdHead = cl.cmdNum + 1;

	if( cl_ucmdMaxResend->integer > CMD_BACKUP * 0.5 )
		Cvar_SetValue( "cl_ucmdMaxResend", CMD_BACKUP * 0.5 );
	else if( cl_ucmdMaxResend->integer < 1 )
		Cvar_SetValue( "cl_ucmdMaxResend", 1 );

	// find what is our resend count (resend doesn't include the newly generated ucmds)
	// and move the start back to the resend start
	if( ucmdFirst <= cls.ucmdSent + 1 )
		resendCount = 0;
		resendCount = ( cls.ucmdSent + 1 ) - ucmdFirst;
	if( resendCount > (unsigned int)cl_ucmdMaxResend->integer )
		resendCount = (unsigned int)cl_ucmdMaxResend->integer;

	if( ucmdFirst > ucmdHead )
		ucmdFirst = ucmdHead;

	// if this happens, the player is in a freezing lag. Send him the less possible data
	if( ( ucmdHead - ucmdFirst ) + resendCount > CMD_MASK * 0.5 )
		resendCount = 0;

	// move the start backwards to the resend point
	ucmdFirst = ( ucmdFirst > resendCount ) ? ucmdFirst - resendCount : ucmdFirst;

	if( ( ucmdHead - ucmdFirst ) > CMD_MASK ) // ran out of updates, seduce the send to try to recover activity
		ucmdFirst = ucmdHead - 3;

	// begin a client move command
	MSG_WriteByte( msg, clc_move );

	// (acknowledge server frame snap)
	// let the server know what the last frame we
	// got was, so the next message can be delta compressed
	if( cl.receivedSnapNum <= 0 )
		MSG_WriteLong( msg, -1 );
		MSG_WriteLong( msg, cl.snapShots[cl.receivedSnapNum & UPDATE_MASK].serverFrame );

	// Write the actual ucmds

	// write the id number of first ucmd to be sent, and the count
	MSG_WriteLong( msg, ucmdHead );
	MSG_WriteByte( msg, (uint8_t)( ucmdHead - ucmdFirst ) );

	// write the ucmds
	for( i = ucmdFirst; i < ucmdHead; i++ )
		if( i == ucmdFirst ) // first one isn't delta-compressed
			cmd = &cl.cmds[i & CMD_MASK];
			memset( &nullcmd, 0, sizeof( nullcmd ) );
			MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd( msg, &nullcmd, cmd );
		else // delta compress to previous written
			cmd = &cl.cmds[i & CMD_MASK];
			oldcmd = &cl.cmds[( i-1 ) & CMD_MASK];
			MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd( msg, oldcmd, cmd );

	cls.ucmdSent = i;
Example #3
void CL_SendCmd (void)
	sizebuf_t buf;
	byte data[128];
	usercmd_t *cmd, *oldcmd;
	int i, checksumIndex, lost;
	qbool dontdrop;
	static float pps_balance = 0;
	static int dropcount = 0;

	if (cls.demoplayback && !cls.mvdplayback)
		return; // sendcmds come from the demo


	// save this command off for prediction
	i = cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence & UPDATE_MASK;
	cmd = &cl.frames[i].cmd;
	cl.frames[i].senttime = cls.realtime;
	cl.frames[i].receivedtime = -1;		// we haven't gotten a reply yet

	// update network stats table
	i = cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence&NETWORK_STATS_MASK;
	network_stats[i].delta = 0;     // filled-in later
	network_stats[i].sentsize = 0;  // filled-in later
	network_stats[i].senttime = cls.realtime;
	network_stats[i].receivedtime = -1;

	// get basic movement from keyboard
	CL_BaseMove (cmd);

	// allow mice or other external controllers to add to the move

	if (cl_independentPhysics.value == 0 || (physframe && cl_independentPhysics.value != 0))

	// if we are spectator, try autocam
	if (cl.spectator)

	cmdtime_msec += cmd->msec;


	if (cls.mvdplayback)
		CL_CalcPlayerFPS(&cl.players[cl.playernum], cmd->msec);

	SZ_Init (&buf, data, sizeof(data));

	SZ_Write (&buf, cls.cmdmsg.data, cls.cmdmsg.cursize);
	if (cls.cmdmsg.overflowed)
		Com_DPrintf("cls.cmdmsg overflowed\n");
	SZ_Clear (&cls.cmdmsg);

	// begin a client move command
	MSG_WriteByte (&buf, clc_move);

	// save the position for a checksum byte
	checksumIndex = buf.cursize;
	MSG_WriteByte (&buf, 0);

	// write our lossage percentage
	lost = CL_CalcNet();
	MSG_WriteByte (&buf, (byte)lost);

	// send this and the previous two cmds in the message, so if the last packet was dropped, it can be recovered
	dontdrop = false;

	i = (cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence - 2) & UPDATE_MASK;
	cmd = &cl.frames[i].cmd;
	if (cl_c2sImpulseBackup.value >= 2)
		dontdrop = dontdrop || cmd->impulse;
	MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd (&buf, &nullcmd, cmd);
	oldcmd = cmd;

	i = (cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence - 1) & UPDATE_MASK;
	cmd = &cl.frames[i].cmd;
	if (cl_c2sImpulseBackup.value >= 3)
		dontdrop = dontdrop || cmd->impulse;
	MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd (&buf, oldcmd, cmd);
	oldcmd = cmd;

	i = (cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence) & UPDATE_MASK;
	cmd = &cl.frames[i].cmd;
	if (cl_c2sImpulseBackup.value >= 1)
		dontdrop = dontdrop || cmd->impulse;
	MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd (&buf, oldcmd, cmd);

	// calculate a checksum over the move commands
	buf.data[checksumIndex] = COM_BlockSequenceCRCByte(
		buf.data + checksumIndex + 1, buf.cursize - checksumIndex - 1,

	// request delta compression of entities
	if (cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence - cl.validsequence >= UPDATE_BACKUP - 1)
		cl.validsequence = 0;
		cl.delta_sequence = 0;

	if (cl.delta_sequence && !cl_nodelta.value && cls.state == ca_active)
		cl.frames[cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence & UPDATE_MASK].delta_sequence = cl.delta_sequence;
		MSG_WriteByte (&buf, clc_delta);
		MSG_WriteByte (&buf, cl.delta_sequence & 255);

		// network stats table
		network_stats[cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence&NETWORK_STATS_MASK].delta = 1;
		cl.frames[cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence & UPDATE_MASK].delta_sequence = -1;

	if (cls.demorecording)
		CL_WriteDemoCmd (cmd);

	if (cl_c2spps.value)
		pps_balance += cls.frametime;
		// never drop more than 2 messages in a row -- that'll cause PL
		// and don't drop if one of the last two movemessages have an impulse
		if (pps_balance > 0 || dropcount >= 2 || dontdrop)
			float	pps;
			pps = cl_c2spps.value;
			if (pps < 10) pps = 10;
			if (pps > 72) pps = 72;
			pps_balance -= 1 / pps;
			// bound pps_balance. FIXME: is there a better way?
			if (pps_balance > 0.1) pps_balance = 0.1;
			if (pps_balance < -0.1) pps_balance = -0.1;
			dropcount = 0;
			// don't count this message when calculating PL
			cl.frames[i].receivedtime = -3;
			// drop this message
		pps_balance = 0;
		dropcount = 0;

	S_Voip_Transmit(clc_voicechat, &buf);

	cl.frames[cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence&UPDATE_MASK].sentsize = buf.cursize + 8;    // 8 = PACKET_HEADER
	// network stats table
	network_stats[cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence&NETWORK_STATS_MASK].sentsize = buf.cursize + 8;

	// deliver the message
	Netchan_Transmit (&cls.netchan, buf.cursize, buf.data);
Example #4

Create and send the command packet to the server
Including both the reliable commands and the usercmds

During normal gameplay, a client packet will contain something like:

4	sequence number
2	qport
4	serverid
4	acknowledged sequence number
4	clc.serverCommandSequence
<optional reliable commands>
1	clc_move or clc_moveNoDelta
1	command count
<count * usercmds>

void CL_WritePacket( void ) {
	msg_t		buf;
	byte		data[MAX_MSGLEN];
	int			i, j;
	usercmd_t	*cmd, *oldcmd;
	usercmd_t	nullcmd;
	int			packetNum;
	int			oldPacketNum;
	int			count;

	// don't send anything if playing back a demo
//	if ( cls.state == CA_CINEMATIC ) 
	if ( cls.state == CA_CINEMATIC || CL_IsRunningInGameCinematic())

	MSG_Init( &buf, data, sizeof(data) );

	// write any unacknowledged clientCommands
	for ( i = clc.reliableAcknowledge + 1 ; i <= clc.reliableSequence ; i++ ) {
		MSG_WriteByte( &buf, clc_clientCommand );
		MSG_WriteLong( &buf, i );
		MSG_WriteString( &buf, clc.reliableCommands[ i & (MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS-1) ] );

	// we want to send all the usercmds that were generated in the last
	// few packet, so even if a couple packets are dropped in a row,
	// all the cmds will make it to the server
	if ( cl_packetdup->integer < 0 ) {
		Cvar_Set( "cl_packetdup", "0" );
	} else if ( cl_packetdup->integer > 5 ) {
		Cvar_Set( "cl_packetdup", "5" );
	oldPacketNum = (clc.netchan.outgoingSequence - 1 - cl_packetdup->integer) & PACKET_MASK;
	count = cl.cmdNumber - cl.packetCmdNumber[ oldPacketNum ];
	if ( count > MAX_PACKET_USERCMDS ) {
	if ( count >= 1 ) {
		// begin a client move command
		MSG_WriteByte (&buf, clc_move);

		// write the last reliable message we received
		MSG_WriteLong( &buf, clc.serverCommandSequence );

		// write the current serverId so the server
		// can tell if this is from the current gameState
		MSG_WriteLong (&buf, cl.serverId);

		// write the current time
		MSG_WriteLong (&buf, cls.realtime);

		// let the server know what the last messagenum we
		// got was, so the next message can be delta compressed
		// FIXME: this could just be a bit flag, with the message implicit
		// from the unreliable ack of the netchan
		if (cl_nodelta->integer || !cl.frame.valid) {
			MSG_WriteLong (&buf, -1);	// no compression
		} else {
			MSG_WriteLong (&buf, cl.frame.messageNum);

		// write the cmdNumber so the server can determine which ones it
		// has already received
		MSG_WriteLong( &buf, cl.cmdNumber );

		// write the command count
		MSG_WriteByte( &buf, count );

		// write all the commands, including the predicted command
		memset( &nullcmd, 0, sizeof(nullcmd) );
		oldcmd = &nullcmd;
		for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ ) {
			j = (cl.cmdNumber - count + i + 1) & CMD_MASK;
			cmd = &cl.cmds[j];
			MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd (&buf, oldcmd, cmd);
			oldcmd = cmd;

	// deliver the message
	packetNum = clc.netchan.outgoingSequence & PACKET_MASK;
	cl.packetTime[ packetNum ] = cls.realtime;
	cl.packetCmdNumber[ packetNum ] = cl.cmdNumber;
	clc.lastPacketSentTime = cls.realtime;
	Netchan_Transmit (&clc.netchan, buf.cursize, buf.data);	
Example #5
void CL_SendCmd (void)
	sizebuf_t	buf;
	byte		data[128];
	int			i;
	usercmd_t	*cmd, *oldcmd;
	usercmd_t	nullcmd;
	int			checksumIndex;

	// clear buffer
	memset (&buf, 0, sizeof(buf));

	// build a command even if not connected

	// save this command off for prediction
	i = cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence & (CMD_BACKUP-1);
	cmd = &cl.cmds[i];
	cl.cmd_time[i] = cls.realtime;	// for netgraph ping calculation

	*cmd = CL_CreateCmd ();

	cl.cmd = *cmd;

	if (cls.state == ca_disconnected || cls.state == ca_connecting)

	if (cls.state == ca_connected)
		if (cls.netchan.message.cursize	|| curtime - cls.netchan.last_sent > 1000 )
			Netchan_Transmit (&cls.netchan, 0, buf.data);	

	// send a userinfo update if needed
	if (userinfo_modified)
		userinfo_modified = false;
		MSG_WriteByte (&cls.netchan.message, clc_userinfo);
		MSG_WriteString (&cls.netchan.message, Cvar_Userinfo() );

	SZ_Init (&buf, data, sizeof(data));

	// Knightmare- removed this, put ESC-only substitute in keys.c
	/*if (cmd->buttons && cl.cinematictime > 0 && !cl.attractloop 
		&& cls.realtime - cl.cinematictime > 1000)
	{	// skip the rest of the cinematic
		SCR_FinishCinematic ();

	// begin a client move command
	MSG_WriteByte (&buf, clc_move);

	// save the position for a checksum byte
	checksumIndex = buf.cursize;
	MSG_WriteByte (&buf, 0);

	// let the server know what the last frame we
	// got was, so the next message can be delta compressed
	if (cl_nodelta->value || !cl.frame.valid || cls.demowaiting)
		MSG_WriteLong (&buf, -1);	// no compression
		MSG_WriteLong (&buf, cl.frame.serverframe);

	// send this and the previous cmds in the message, so
	// if the last packet was dropped, it can be recovered
	i = (cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence-2) & (CMD_BACKUP-1);
	cmd = &cl.cmds[i];
	memset (&nullcmd, 0, sizeof(nullcmd));
	MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd (&buf, &nullcmd, cmd);
	oldcmd = cmd;

	i = (cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence-1) & (CMD_BACKUP-1);
	cmd = &cl.cmds[i];
	MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd (&buf, oldcmd, cmd);
	oldcmd = cmd;

	i = (cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence) & (CMD_BACKUP-1);
	cmd = &cl.cmds[i];
	MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd (&buf, oldcmd, cmd);

	// calculate a checksum over the move commands
	buf.data[checksumIndex] = COM_BlockSequenceCRCByte(
		buf.data + checksumIndex + 1, buf.cursize - checksumIndex - 1,

	// deliver the message
	Netchan_Transmit (&cls.netchan, buf.cursize, buf.data);	
Example #6
static void CL_SendDefaultCmd( void ) {
    size_t cursize, checksumIndex;
    usercmd_t *cmd, *oldcmd;
    client_history_t *history;

    // archive this packet
    history = &cl.history[cls.netchan->outgoing_sequence & CMD_MASK];
    history->cmdNumber = cl.cmdNumber;
    history->sent = cls.realtime;    // for ping calculation
    history->rcvd = 0;

    cl.lastTransmitCmdNumber = cl.cmdNumber;

    // see if we are ready to send this packet
    if( !ready_to_send_hacked() ) {
        cls.netchan->outgoing_sequence++; // just drop the packet

    cl.lastTransmitTime = cls.realtime;
    cl.lastTransmitCmdNumberReal = cl.cmdNumber;

    // begin a client move command
    MSG_WriteByte( clc_move );

    // save the position for a checksum byte
    checksumIndex = 0;
    if( cls.serverProtocol <= PROTOCOL_VERSION_DEFAULT ) {
        checksumIndex = msg_write.cursize;
        SZ_GetSpace( &msg_write, 1 );

    // let the server know what the last frame we
    // got was, so the next message can be delta compressed
    if( cl_nodelta->integer || !cl.frame.valid /*|| cls.demowaiting*/ ) {
        MSG_WriteLong( -1 ); // no compression
    } else {
        MSG_WriteLong( cl.frame.number );

    // send this and the previous cmds in the message, so
    // if the last packet was dropped, it can be recovered
    cmd = &cl.cmds[( cl.cmdNumber - 2 ) & CMD_MASK];
    MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd( NULL, cmd, cls.protocolVersion );
    MSG_WriteByte( cl.lightlevel );
    oldcmd = cmd;

    cmd = &cl.cmds[( cl.cmdNumber - 1 ) & CMD_MASK];
    MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd( oldcmd, cmd, cls.protocolVersion );
    MSG_WriteByte( cl.lightlevel );
    oldcmd = cmd;

    cmd = &cl.cmds[cl.cmdNumber & CMD_MASK];
    MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd( oldcmd, cmd, cls.protocolVersion );
    MSG_WriteByte( cl.lightlevel );

    if( cls.serverProtocol <= PROTOCOL_VERSION_DEFAULT ) {
        // calculate a checksum over the move commands
        msg_write.data[checksumIndex] = COM_BlockSequenceCRCByte(
            msg_write.data + checksumIndex + 1,
            msg_write.cursize - checksumIndex - 1,
            cls.netchan->outgoing_sequence );


    // deliver the message
    cursize = cls.netchan->Transmit( cls.netchan, msg_write.cursize, msg_write.data, 1 );
#ifdef _DEBUG
    if( cl_showpackets->integer ) {
        Com_Printf( "%"PRIz" ", cursize );

    SZ_Clear( &msg_write );
Example #7
void CL_SendCmd (void)
	sizebuf_t	buf;
	byte		data[128];
	int			i;
	usercmd_t	*cmd, *oldcmd;
	int			checksumIndex;
	int			lost;
	int			seq_hash;

	if (cls.demoplayback)
		return; // sendcmds come from the demo

	// save this command off for prediction
	i = cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence & UPDATE_MASK;
	cmd = &cl.frames[i].cmd;
	cl.frames[i].senttime = realtime;
	cl.frames[i].receivedtime = -1;		// we haven't gotten a reply yet

//	seq_hash = (cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence & 0xffff) ; // ^ QW_CHECK_HASH;
	seq_hash = cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence;

	// get basic movement from keyboard
	CL_BaseMove (cmd);

	// allow mice or other external controllers to add to the move
	IN_Move (cmd);

	// if we are spectator, try autocam
	if (cl.spectator)



// send this and the previous cmds in the message, so
// if the last packet was dropped, it can be recovered
	buf.maxsize = 128;
	buf.cursize = 0;
	buf.data = data;

	MSG_WriteByte (&buf, clc_move);

	// save the position for a checksum byte
	checksumIndex = buf.cursize;
	MSG_WriteByte (&buf, 0);

	// write our lossage percentage
	lost = CL_CalcNet();
	MSG_WriteByte (&buf, (byte)lost);

	i = (cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence-2) & UPDATE_MASK;
	cmd = &cl.frames[i].cmd;
	MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd (&buf, &nullcmd, cmd);
	oldcmd = cmd;

	i = (cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence-1) & UPDATE_MASK;
	cmd = &cl.frames[i].cmd;
	MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd (&buf, oldcmd, cmd);
	oldcmd = cmd;

	i = (cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence) & UPDATE_MASK;
	cmd = &cl.frames[i].cmd;
	MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd (&buf, oldcmd, cmd);

	// calculate a checksum over the move commands
	buf.data[checksumIndex] = COM_BlockSequenceCRCByte(
		buf.data + checksumIndex + 1, buf.cursize - checksumIndex - 1,

	// request delta compression of entities
	if (cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence - cl.validsequence >= UPDATE_BACKUP-1)
		cl.validsequence = 0;

	if (cl.validsequence && !cl_nodelta.value && cls.state == ca_active &&
		cl.frames[cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence&UPDATE_MASK].delta_sequence = cl.validsequence;
		MSG_WriteByte (&buf, clc_delta);
		MSG_WriteByte (&buf, cl.validsequence&255);
		cl.frames[cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence&UPDATE_MASK].delta_sequence = -1;

	if (cls.demorecording)

// deliver the message
	Netchan_Transmit (&cls.netchan, buf.cursize, buf.data);	
Example #8
void CL_SendCmd(void)
  sizebuf_t buf;
  byte data[128];
  int i;
  usercmd_t *cmd, *oldcmd;
  usercmd_t nullcmd;
  int checksumIndex;

  memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf));

  /* save this command off for prediction */
  i = cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence & (CMD_BACKUP - 1);
  cmd = &cl.cmds[i];
  cl.cmd_time[i] = cls.realtime; /* for netgraph ping calculation */


  cl.cmd = *cmd;

  if ((cls.state == ca_disconnected) || (cls.state == ca_connecting)) {

  if (cls.state == ca_connected) {
    if (cls.netchan.message.cursize || (curtime - cls.netchan.last_sent > 1000)) {
      Netchan_Transmit(&cls.netchan, 0, buf.data);


  /* send a userinfo update if needed */
  if (userinfo_modified) {
    userinfo_modified = false;
    MSG_WriteByte(&cls.netchan.message, clc_userinfo);
    MSG_WriteString(&cls.netchan.message, Cvar_Userinfo());

  SZ_Init(&buf, data, sizeof(data));

  /* begin a client move command */
  MSG_WriteByte(&buf, clc_move);

  /* save the position for a checksum byte */
  checksumIndex = buf.cursize;
  MSG_WriteByte(&buf, 0);

  /* let the server know what the last frame we
     got was, so the next message can be delta
     compressed */
  if (cl_nodelta->value || !cl.frame.valid) {
    MSG_WriteLong(&buf, -1); /* no compression */
  } else {
    MSG_WriteLong(&buf, cl.frame.serverframe);

  /* send this and the previous cmds in the message, so
     if the last packet was dropped, it can be recovered */
  i = (cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence - 2) & (CMD_BACKUP - 1);
  cmd = &cl.cmds[i];
  memset(&nullcmd, 0, sizeof(nullcmd));
  MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd(&buf, &nullcmd, cmd);
  oldcmd = cmd;

  i = (cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence - 1) & (CMD_BACKUP - 1);
  cmd = &cl.cmds[i];
  MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd(&buf, oldcmd, cmd);
  oldcmd = cmd;

  i = (cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence) & (CMD_BACKUP - 1);
  cmd = &cl.cmds[i];
  MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd(&buf, oldcmd, cmd);

  /* calculate a checksum over the move commands */
  buf.data[checksumIndex] = COM_BlockSequenceCRCByte(buf.data + checksumIndex + 1, buf.cursize - checksumIndex - 1,

  /* deliver the message */
  Netchan_Transmit(&cls.netchan, buf.cursize, buf.data);

  /* Reinit the current cmd buffer */
  cmd = &cl.cmds[cls.netchan.outgoing_sequence & (CMD_BACKUP - 1)];
  memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(*cmd));
Example #9

Create and send the command packet to the server
Including both the reliable commands and the usercmds

A client packet will contain something like:

4 sequence number
2 qport
4 serverid
4 acknowledged sequence number
4 clc.serverCommandSequence
<optional reliable commands>
1 clc_move or clc_moveNoDelta
1 command count
<count * usercmds>

void CL_WritePacket()
	msg_t     buf;
	byte      data[ MAX_MSGLEN ];
	int       i, j;
	usercmd_t *cmd, *oldcmd;
	usercmd_t nullcmd;
	int       packetNum;
	int       oldPacketNum;
	int       count;

	// don't send anything if playing back a demo
	if ( clc.demoplaying || cls.state == CA_CINEMATIC )

	memset( &nullcmd, 0, sizeof( nullcmd ) );
	oldcmd = &nullcmd;

	MSG_Init( &buf, data, sizeof( data ) );

	MSG_Bitstream( &buf );
	// write the current serverId so the server
	// can tell if this is from the current gameState
	MSG_WriteLong( &buf, cl.serverId );

	// write the last message we received, which can
	// be used for delta compression, and is also used
	// to tell if we dropped a gamestate
	MSG_WriteLong( &buf, clc.serverMessageSequence );

	// write the last reliable message we received
	MSG_WriteLong( &buf, clc.serverCommandSequence );

	// write any unacknowledged clientCommands
	// NOTE TTimo: if you verbose this, you will see that there are quite a few duplicates
	// typically several unacknowledged cp or userinfo commands stacked up
	for ( i = clc.reliableAcknowledge + 1; i <= clc.reliableSequence; i++ )
		MSG_WriteByte( &buf, clc_clientCommand );
		MSG_WriteLong( &buf, i );
		MSG_WriteString( &buf, clc.reliableCommands[ i & ( MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS - 1 ) ] );

	// we want to send all the usercmds that were generated in the last
	// few packet, so even if a couple packets are dropped in a row,
	// all the cmds will make it to the server
	if ( cl_packetdup->integer < 0 )
		Cvar_Set( "cl_packetdup", "0" );
	else if ( cl_packetdup->integer > 5 )
		Cvar_Set( "cl_packetdup", "5" );

	oldPacketNum = ( clc.netchan.outgoingSequence - 1 - cl_packetdup->integer ) & PACKET_MASK;
	count = cl.cmdNumber - cl.outPackets[ oldPacketNum ].p_cmdNumber;

	if ( count > MAX_PACKET_USERCMDS )
		Com_Printf( "MAX_PACKET_USERCMDS" );

#ifdef USE_VOIP

	if ( clc.voipOutgoingDataSize > 0 )
		if ( ( clc.voipFlags & VOIP_SPATIAL ) || Com_IsVoipTarget( clc.voipTargets, sizeof( clc.voipTargets ), -1 ) )
			MSG_WriteByte( &buf, clc_voip );
			MSG_WriteByte( &buf, clc.voipOutgoingGeneration );
			MSG_WriteLong( &buf, clc.voipOutgoingSequence );
			MSG_WriteByte( &buf, clc.voipOutgoingDataFrames );
			MSG_WriteData( &buf, clc.voipTargets, sizeof( clc.voipTargets ) );
			MSG_WriteByte( &buf, clc.voipFlags );
			MSG_WriteShort( &buf, clc.voipOutgoingDataSize );
			MSG_WriteData( &buf, clc.voipOutgoingData, clc.voipOutgoingDataSize );

			// If we're recording a demo, we have to fake a server packet with
			//  this VoIP data so it gets to disk; the server doesn't send it
			//  back to us, and we might as well eliminate concerns about dropped
			//  and misordered packets here.
			if ( clc.demorecording && !clc.demowaiting )
				const int voipSize = clc.voipOutgoingDataSize;
				msg_t     fakemsg;
				byte      fakedata[ MAX_MSGLEN ];
				MSG_Init( &fakemsg, fakedata, sizeof( fakedata ) );
				MSG_Bitstream( &fakemsg );
				MSG_WriteLong( &fakemsg, clc.reliableAcknowledge );
				MSG_WriteByte( &fakemsg, svc_voip );
				MSG_WriteShort( &fakemsg, clc.clientNum );
				MSG_WriteByte( &fakemsg, clc.voipOutgoingGeneration );
				MSG_WriteLong( &fakemsg, clc.voipOutgoingSequence );
				MSG_WriteByte( &fakemsg, clc.voipOutgoingDataFrames );
				MSG_WriteShort( &fakemsg, clc.voipOutgoingDataSize );
				MSG_WriteBits( &fakemsg, clc.voipFlags, VOIP_FLAGCNT );
				MSG_WriteData( &fakemsg, clc.voipOutgoingData, voipSize );
				MSG_WriteByte( &fakemsg, svc_EOF );
				CL_WriteDemoMessage( &fakemsg, 0 );

			clc.voipOutgoingSequence += clc.voipOutgoingDataFrames;
			clc.voipOutgoingDataSize = 0;
			clc.voipOutgoingDataFrames = 0;
			// We have data, but no targets. Silently discard all data
			clc.voipOutgoingDataSize = 0;
			clc.voipOutgoingDataFrames = 0;


	if ( count >= 1 )
		if ( cl_showSend->integer )
			Com_Printf( "(%i)", count );

		// begin a client move command
		if ( cl_nodelta->integer || !cl.snap.valid || clc.demowaiting || clc.serverMessageSequence != cl.snap.messageNum )
			MSG_WriteByte( &buf, clc_moveNoDelta );
			MSG_WriteByte( &buf, clc_move );

		// write the command count
		MSG_WriteByte( &buf, count );

		// write all the commands, including the predicted command
		for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
			j = ( cl.cmdNumber - count + i + 1 ) & CMD_MASK;
			cmd = &cl.cmds[ j ];
			MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmd( &buf, oldcmd, cmd );
			oldcmd = cmd;

	// deliver the message
	packetNum = clc.netchan.outgoingSequence & PACKET_MASK;
	cl.outPackets[ packetNum ].p_realtime = cls.realtime;
	cl.outPackets[ packetNum ].p_serverTime = oldcmd->serverTime;
	cl.outPackets[ packetNum ].p_cmdNumber = cl.cmdNumber;
	clc.lastPacketSentTime = cls.realtime;

	if ( cl_showSend->integer )
		Com_Printf("%i ", buf.cursize );

	MSG_WriteByte( &buf, clc_EOF );
	CL_WriteBinaryMessage( &buf );
	Netchan_Transmit( &clc.netchan, buf.cursize, buf.data );

	// clients never really should have messages large enough
	// to fragment, but in case they do, fire them all off
	// at once
	// TTimo: this causes a packet burst, which is bad karma for winsock
	// added a WARNING message, we'll see if there are legit situations where this happens
	while ( clc.netchan.unsentFragments )
		if ( cl_showSend->integer )
			Com_Printf( "WARNING: unsent fragments (not supposed to happen!)" );

		Netchan_TransmitNextFragment( &clc.netchan );