Example #1
 /* Initialization of the object, called by the ctors */
 void init(int32 L,int32 V)
     if ((N<2)||(N>4191))           {MTOOLS_ERROR("BitGraphZ2::Init(), template parameter N has incorrect value !"); }
     if ((V<2)||(V>2000000000))     {MTOOLS_ERROR("BitGraphZ2::Init(), constructor parameter L or V is incorrect !"); }
     if ((L<2)||(L>1000000))        {MTOOLS_ERROR("BitGraphZ2::Init(), parameter L incorrect !");}
     VV = V; LL = (int64)L;
     Grid  = new int32[(size_t)(4*LL*LL)];
     MStab = new _MSQ[(size_t)(VV)];
Example #2
			void blit(Image & im, float op = 1.0f, bool reverse = true, int blitType = BLIT_CLASSIC)
				switch (blitType)
					case BLIT_CLASSIC: { blit_classic(im, op, reverse); return; }
					case BLIT_REMOVE_TRANSPARENT_WHITE: { blit_removeWhite(im, op, reverse); return; }
					case BLIT_REMOVE_TRANSPARENT_BLACK: { blit_removeBlack(im, op, reverse); return; }
				MTOOLS_ERROR("Illegal blitType argument...");
Example #3
 /* update the state of the round button and request a redraw */
 void _updateImageTypeInFLTK()
     if (_LD->imageType() == _LD->TYPEIMAGE) { _checkButtonImage->setonly(); } else { _checkButtonColor->setonly(); }
     int rem = _LD->transparentColor();
     switch (rem)
         case REMOVE_WHITE:   { _checkWhite->value(1); _checkBlack->value(0); break; }
         case REMOVE_BLACK:   { _checkWhite->value(0); _checkBlack->value(1); break; }
         case REMOVE_NOTHING: { _checkWhite->value(0); _checkBlack->value(0); break; }
         default: MTOOLS_ERROR("wtf...");
Example #4
 * Unset the point at a given coordinate. Does nothing is outside of the whole square.
 * @param   x   The x coordinate.
 * @param   y   The y coordinate.
 inline void unset(int64 x,int64 y)
     if (x > maxx) {maxx = x;}
     if (y > maxy) {maxy = y;}
     if (x < minx) {minx = x;}
     if (y < miny) {miny = y;}
     int64 rx = (8*LL*N) + x; int64 ry = (8*LL*N) + y;
     if (((rx<0)||(rx >= 16*(LL*N)))||((ry<0)||(ry >= 16*(LL*N)))) {return;}
     size_t Gpos = (size_t)((rx/(8*N)) + ((2*LL)*(ry/(8*N))));
     int32 p = Grid[Gpos];
     if (p == -1) {return;}
     if (p == -2) {if (v == VV) {cleanup(); if (v == VV) {MTOOLS_ERROR("BitGraphZ2::Unset(), out of memory !"); }} Grid[Gpos] = v; MStab[v].reset1(Gpos); v++;}
Example #5
		 * Resize the permutation. 
		 * - If the size is increased, then perm[k] = k for all new elements. 
		 * - If the size is decreased, the subset {newsize,..., size-1} must  
		 * be stable by the permutation otherwise an error is raised.
		void resize(int newsize)
			const size_t l = _perm.size();
			if (newsize >= (int)l) // increase size
				_perm.resize(newsize); _invperm.resize(newsize);
				for (size_t i = l; i < (size_t)newsize; i++) { _perm[i] = (int)i; _invperm[i] = (int)i; }

			for (size_t i = newsize; i < l; i++)
				if (_perm[i] < newsize) { MTOOLS_ERROR("Subset is not stable: perm[" << i << "]="  << _perm[i] << " < newsize = " << newsize); }
			_perm.resize(newsize); _invperm.resize(newsize);
Example #6
 /* to override */
 Drawable2DInterface * Plotter2DObj::inserted(Fl_Group * & optionWin, int reqWidth)
     MTOOLS_ERROR("Plotter2DObj::inserted must be overriden !"); return nullptr;