PyObject *KX_VertexProxy::pyattr_get_uvs(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef)
	KX_VertexProxy* self= static_cast<KX_VertexProxy*>(self_v);
	PyObject* uvlist = PyList_New(RAS_TexVert::MAX_UNIT);
	for (int i=0; i<RAS_TexVert::MAX_UNIT; ++i)
		PyList_SET_ITEM(uvlist, i, PyObjectFrom(MT_Point2(self->m_vertex->getUV(i))));

	return uvlist;
Example #2
KX_VertexProxy::py_getattro(PyObject *attr)
  char *attr_str= _PyUnicode_AsString(attr);
  if (attr_str[1]=='\0') { // Group single letters
    // pos
    if (attr_str[0]=='x')
    	return PyFloat_FromDouble(m_vertex->getXYZ()[0]);
    if (attr_str[0]=='y')
    	return PyFloat_FromDouble(m_vertex->getXYZ()[1]);
    if (attr_str[0]=='z')
    	return PyFloat_FromDouble(m_vertex->getXYZ()[2]);

    // Col
    if (attr_str[0]=='r')
    	return PyFloat_FromDouble(m_vertex->getRGBA()[0]/255.0);
    if (attr_str[0]=='g')
    	return PyFloat_FromDouble(m_vertex->getRGBA()[1]/255.0);
    if (attr_str[0]=='b')
    	return PyFloat_FromDouble(m_vertex->getRGBA()[2]/255.0);
    if (attr_str[0]=='a')
    	return PyFloat_FromDouble(m_vertex->getRGBA()[3]/255.0);

    // UV
    if (attr_str[0]=='u')
    	return PyFloat_FromDouble(m_vertex->getUV1()[0]);
    if (attr_str[0]=='v')
    	return PyFloat_FromDouble(m_vertex->getUV1()[1]);

  if (!strcmp(attr_str, "XYZ"))
  	return PyObjectFrom(MT_Vector3(m_vertex->getXYZ()));

  if (!strcmp(attr_str, "UV"))
  	return PyObjectFrom(MT_Point2(m_vertex->getUV1()));

  if (!strcmp(attr_str, "color") || !strcmp(attr_str, "colour"))
  	const unsigned char *colp = m_vertex->getRGBA();
	MT_Vector4 color(colp[0], colp[1], colp[2], colp[3]);
	color /= 255.0;
  	return PyObjectFrom(color);

  if (!strcmp(attr_str, "normal"))
	return PyObjectFrom(MT_Vector3(m_vertex->getNormal()));

Example #3
void KX_Camera::ExtractFrustumSphere()
	if (m_set_frustum_center)

	// compute sphere for the general case and not only symmetric frustum:
	// the mirror code in ImageRender can use very asymmetric frustum.
	// We will put the sphere center on the line that goes from origin to the center of the far clipping plane
	// This is the optimal position if the frustum is symmetric or very asymmetric and probably close
	// to optimal for the general case. The sphere center position is computed so that the distance to
	// the near and far extreme frustum points are equal.

	// get the transformation matrix from device coordinate to camera coordinate
	MT_Matrix4x4 clip_camcs_matrix = m_projection_matrix;

	if (m_projection_matrix[3][3] == MT_Scalar(0.0))
		// frustrum projection
		// detect which of the corner of the far clipping plane is the farthest to the origin
		MT_Vector4 nfar;    // far point in device normalized coordinate
		MT_Point3 farpoint; // most extreme far point in camera coordinate
		MT_Point3 nearpoint;// most extreme near point in camera coordinate
		MT_Point3 farcenter(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);// center of far cliping plane in camera coordinate
		MT_Scalar F=-1.0, N; // square distance of far and near point to origin
		MT_Scalar f, n;     // distance of far and near point to z axis. f is always > 0 but n can be < 0
		MT_Scalar e, s;     // far and near clipping distance (<0)
		MT_Scalar c;        // slope of center line = distance of far clipping center to z axis / far clipping distance
		MT_Scalar z;        // projection of sphere center on z axis (<0)
		// tmp value
		MT_Vector4 npoint(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
		MT_Vector4 hpoint;
		MT_Point3 point;
		MT_Scalar len;
		for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
			hpoint = clip_camcs_matrix*npoint;
			point.setValue(hpoint[0]/hpoint[3], hpoint[1]/hpoint[3], hpoint[2]/hpoint[3]);
			len =;
			if (len > F)
				nfar = npoint;
				farpoint = point;
				F = len;
			// rotate by 90 degree along the z axis to walk through the 4 extreme points of the far clipping plane
			len = npoint[0];
			npoint[0] = -npoint[1];
			npoint[1] = len;
			farcenter += point;
		// the far center is the average of the far clipping points
		farcenter *= 0.25;
		// the extreme near point is the opposite point on the near clipping plane
		nfar.setValue(-nfar[0], -nfar[1], -1.0, 1.0);
		nfar = clip_camcs_matrix*nfar;
		nearpoint.setValue(nfar[0]/nfar[3], nfar[1]/nfar[3], nfar[2]/nfar[3]);
		// this is a frustrum projection
		N =;
		e = farpoint[2];
		s = nearpoint[2];
		// projection on XY plane for distance to axis computation
		MT_Point2 farxy(farpoint[0], farpoint[1]);
		// f is forced positive by construction
		f = farxy.length();
		// get corresponding point on the near plane
		farxy *= s/e;
		// this formula preserve the sign of n
		n = f*s/e - MT_Point2(nearpoint[0]-farxy[0], nearpoint[1]-farxy[1]).length();
		c = MT_Point2(farcenter[0], farcenter[1]).length()/e;
		// the big formula, it simplifies to (F-N)/(2(e-s)) for the symmetric case
		z = (F-N)/(2.0*(e-s+c*(f-n)));
		m_frustum_center = MT_Point3(farcenter[0]*z/e, farcenter[1]*z/e, z);
		m_frustum_radius = m_frustum_center.distance(farpoint);
		// orthographic projection
		// The most extreme points on the near and far plane. (normalized device coords)
		MT_Vector4 hnear(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), hfar(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0);
		// Transform to hom camera local space
		hnear = clip_camcs_matrix*hnear;
		hfar = clip_camcs_matrix*hfar;
		// Tranform to 3d camera local space.
		MT_Point3 nearpoint(hnear[0]/hnear[3], hnear[1]/hnear[3], hnear[2]/hnear[3]);
		MT_Point3 farpoint(hfar[0]/hfar[3], hfar[1]/hfar[3], hfar[2]/hfar[3]);
		// just use mediant point
		m_frustum_center = (farpoint + nearpoint)*0.5;
		m_frustum_radius = m_frustum_center.distance(farpoint);
	// Transform to world space.
	m_frustum_center = GetCameraToWorld()(m_frustum_center);
	m_frustum_radius /= fabs(NodeGetWorldScaling()[NodeGetWorldScaling().closestAxis()]);
	m_set_frustum_center = true;
PyObject *KX_VertexProxy::pyattr_get_UV(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef)
	KX_VertexProxy* self = static_cast<KX_VertexProxy*>(self_v);
	return PyObjectFrom(MT_Point2(self->m_vertex->getUV(0)));
Example #5
void BL_Material::Initialize()
	rgb[0] = 0;
	rgb[1] = 0;
	rgb[2] = 0;
	rgb[3] = 0;
	IdMode = 0;
	ras_mode = 0;
	glslmat = 0;
	tile = 0;
	matname = "NoMaterial";
	matcolor[0] = 0.5f;
	matcolor[1] = 0.5f;
	matcolor[2] = 0.5f;
	matcolor[3] = 0.5f;
	speccolor[0] = 1.f;
	speccolor[1] = 1.f;
	speccolor[2] = 1.f;
	alphablend = 0;
	hard = 50.f;
	spec_f = 0.5f;
	alpha = 1.f;
	emit = 0.f;
	material = 0;
	tface = 0;
	materialindex = 0;
	num_enabled = 0;
	num_users = 1;
	share = false;

	int i;
	for(i=0; i<4; i++)
		uv[i] = MT_Point2(0.f,1.f);
		uv2[i] = MT_Point2(0.f, 1.f);

	for(i=0; i<MAXTEX; i++) // :(
		mapping[i].mapping = 0;
		mapping[i].offsets[0] = 0.f;
		mapping[i].offsets[1] = 0.f;
		mapping[i].offsets[2] = 0.f;
		mapping[i].scale[0]   = 1.f;
		mapping[i].scale[1]   = 1.f;
		mapping[i].scale[2]   = 1.f;
		mapping[i].projplane[0] = PROJX;
		mapping[i].projplane[1] = PROJY;
		mapping[i].projplane[2] = PROJZ;
		mapping[i].objconame = "";
		mtexname[i] = "NULL";
		flag[i] = 0;
		texname[i] = "NULL";
		tilexrep[i] = 1;
		tileyrep[i] = 1;
		color_blend[i] = 1.f;
		blend_mode[i]	= 0;
		img[i] = 0;
		cubemap[i] = 0;