Example #1
static MVMint32 NFD_and_push_collation_values (MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMCodepoint cp, collation_stack *stack, MVMCodepointIter *ci, char *name) {
    MVMNormalizer norm;
    MVMCodepoint cp_out;
    MVMint32 ready,
             result_pos  = 0;
    MVMCodepoint *result = MVM_malloc(sizeof(MVMCodepoint) * initial_collation_norm_buf_size);
    MVMint32 result_size = initial_collation_norm_buf_size;
    MVMint64 rtrn        = 0;
    MVM_unicode_normalizer_init(tc, &norm, MVM_NORMALIZE_NFD);
    ready = MVM_unicode_normalizer_process_codepoint(tc, &norm, cp, &cp_out);
    if (ready) {
        if (result_size <= result_pos + ready)
            result = MVM_realloc(result, sizeof(MVMCodepoint) * (result_size += initial_collation_norm_buf_size));
        result[result_pos++] = cp_out;
        while (0 < --ready)
            result[result_pos++] = MVM_unicode_normalizer_get_codepoint(tc, &norm);
    MVM_unicode_normalizer_eof(tc, &norm);
    ready = MVM_unicode_normalizer_available(tc, &norm);
    while (ready--) {
        if (result_size <= result_pos + ready + 1)
            result = MVM_realloc(result, sizeof(MVMCodepoint) * (result_size += initial_collation_norm_buf_size));
        result[result_pos++] = MVM_unicode_normalizer_get_codepoint(tc, &norm);
    /* If the codepoint changed or we now have more than before */
    if (result[0] != cp || 1 < result_pos)
        rtrn = collation_push_cp(tc, stack, ci, result, result_pos, name);
    if (result)
    return rtrn;
Example #2
/* Takes an NFG string and populates the array out, which must be a 32-bit
 * integer array, with codepoints normalized according to the specified
 * normalization form. */
void MVM_unicode_string_to_codepoints(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMString *s, MVMNormalization form, MVMObject *out) {
    MVMCodepoint     *result;
    MVMint64          result_pos, result_alloc;
    MVMCodepointIter  ci;

    /* Validate output array and set up result storage. */
    assert_codepoint_array(tc, out, "Normalization output must be native array of 32-bit integers");
    result_alloc = s->body.num_graphs;
    result       = MVM_malloc(result_alloc * sizeof(MVMCodepoint));
    result_pos   = 0;

    /* Create codepoint iterator. */
    MVM_string_ci_init(tc, &ci, s);

    /* If we want NFC, just iterate, since NFG is constructed out of NFC. */
    if (form == MVM_NORMALIZE_NFC) {
        while (MVM_string_ci_has_more(tc, &ci)) {
            maybe_grow_result(&result, &result_alloc, result_pos + 1);
            result[result_pos++] = MVM_string_ci_get_codepoint(tc, &ci);

    /* Otherwise, need to feed it through a normalizer. */
    else {
        MVMNormalizer norm;
        MVMint32      ready;
        MVM_unicode_normalizer_init(tc, &norm, form);
        while (MVM_string_ci_has_more(tc, &ci)) {
            MVMCodepoint cp;
            ready = MVM_unicode_normalizer_process_codepoint(tc, &norm, MVM_string_ci_get_codepoint(tc, &ci), &cp);
            if (ready) {
                maybe_grow_result(&result, &result_alloc, result_pos + ready);
                result[result_pos++] = cp;
                while (--ready > 0)
                    result[result_pos++] = MVM_unicode_normalizer_get_codepoint(tc, &norm);
        MVM_unicode_normalizer_eof(tc, &norm);
        ready = MVM_unicode_normalizer_available(tc, &norm);
        maybe_grow_result(&result, &result_alloc, result_pos + ready);
        while (ready--)
            result[result_pos++] = MVM_unicode_normalizer_get_codepoint(tc, &norm);
        MVM_unicode_normalizer_cleanup(tc, &norm);

    /* Put result into array body. */
    ((MVMArray *)out)->body.slots.u32 = result;
    ((MVMArray *)out)->body.start     = 0;
    ((MVMArray *)out)->body.elems     = result_pos;
Example #3
void MVM_unicode_normalize_codepoints(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMObject *in, MVMObject *out, MVMNormalization form) {
    MVMNormalizer  norm;
    MVMCodepoint  *input;
    MVMCodepoint  *result;
    MVMint64       input_pos, input_codes, result_pos, result_alloc;
    MVMint32       ready;

    /* Validate input/output array. */
    assert_codepoint_array(tc, in, "Normalization input must be native array of 32-bit integers");
    assert_codepoint_array(tc, out, "Normalization output must be native array of 32-bit integers");

    /* Get input array; if it's empty, we're done already. */
    input       = (MVMCodepoint *)((MVMArray *)in)->body.slots.u32 + ((MVMArray *)in)->body.start;
    input_codes = ((MVMArray *)in)->body.elems;
    if (input_codes == 0)

    /* Guess output size based on input size. */
    result_alloc = input_codes;
    result       = MVM_malloc(result_alloc * sizeof(MVMCodepoint));

    /* Perform normalization. */
    MVM_unicode_normalizer_init(tc, &norm, form);
    input_pos  = 0;
    result_pos = 0;
    while (input_pos < input_codes) {
        MVMCodepoint cp;
        ready = MVM_unicode_normalizer_process_codepoint(tc, &norm, input[input_pos], &cp);
        if (ready) {
            maybe_grow_result(&result, &result_alloc, result_pos + ready);
            result[result_pos++] = cp;
            while (--ready > 0)
                result[result_pos++] = MVM_unicode_normalizer_get_codepoint(tc, &norm);
    MVM_unicode_normalizer_eof(tc, &norm);
    ready = MVM_unicode_normalizer_available(tc, &norm);
    maybe_grow_result(&result, &result_alloc, result_pos + ready);
    while (ready--)
        result[result_pos++] = MVM_unicode_normalizer_get_codepoint(tc, &norm);
    MVM_unicode_normalizer_cleanup(tc, &norm);

    /* Put result into array body. */
    ((MVMArray *)out)->body.slots.u32 = result;
    ((MVMArray *)out)->body.start     = 0;
    ((MVMArray *)out)->body.elems     = result_pos;
Example #4
/* Processes a codepoint that we regard as a "normalization terminator". These
 * never have a decomposition, and for all practical purposes will not have a
 * combiner on them. We treat them specially so we don't, during I/O, block on
 * seeing a codepoint after them, which for things like REPLs that need to see
 * input right after a \n makes for problems. */
MVMint32 MVM_unicode_normalizer_process_codepoint_norm_terminator(MVMThreadContext *tc, MVMNormalizer *n, MVMCodepoint in, MVMCodepoint *out) {
    /* Add the codepoint into the buffer. */
    add_codepoint_to_buffer(tc, n, in);

    /* Treat this as an "eof", which really means "normalize what ya got". */
    MVM_unicode_normalizer_eof(tc, n);

    /* Hand back a normalized codepoint, and the number available (have to
     * compensate for the one we steal for *out). */
    *out = MVM_unicode_normalizer_get_codepoint(tc, n);
    return 1 + MVM_unicode_normalizer_available(tc, n);