Example #1
bool	SG_Get_Crossing(TSG_Point &Crossing, const TSG_Point &a1, const TSG_Point &a2, const TSG_Point &b1, const TSG_Point &b2, bool bExactMatch)
	if( bExactMatch
	&&	(	(M_GET_MAX(a1.x, a2.x) < M_GET_MIN(b1.x, b2.x))
		||	(M_GET_MIN(a1.x, a2.x) > M_GET_MAX(b1.x, b2.x))
		||	(M_GET_MAX(a1.y, a2.y) < M_GET_MIN(b1.y, b2.y))
		||	(M_GET_MIN(a1.y, a2.y) > M_GET_MAX(b1.y, b2.y))	) )
		return( false );

	if( (a1.x == b1.x && a1.y == b1.y) || (a1.x == b2.x && a1.y == b2.y) )
		Crossing	= a1;

		return( true );

	if( (a2.x == b1.x && a2.y == b1.y) || (a2.x == b2.x && a2.y == b2.y) )
		Crossing	= a2;

		return( true );

	double	lambda, div, a_dx, a_dy, b_dx, b_dy;

	a_dx	= a2.x - a1.x;
	a_dy	= a2.y - a1.y;

	b_dx	= b2.x - b1.x;
	b_dy	= b2.y - b1.y;

	if( (div = a_dx * b_dy - b_dx * a_dy) != 0.0 )
		lambda		= ((b1.x - a1.x) * b_dy - b_dx * (b1.y - a1.y)) / div;

		Crossing.x	= a1.x + lambda * a_dx;
		Crossing.y	= a1.y + lambda * a_dy;

		if( !bExactMatch )
			return( true );
		else if( 0.0 <= lambda && lambda <= 1.0 )
			lambda	= ((b1.x - a1.x) * a_dy - a_dx * (b1.y - a1.y)) / div;

			if( 0.0 <= lambda && lambda <= 1.0 )
				return( true );

	return( false );
Example #2
inline bool CFlow_by_Slope::Get_Decay(int x, int y, double &Decay)
	double	d;

	if( !m_pDEM->Get_Gradient(x, y, d, Decay) )
		return( false );

	if( d < m_Slope_Min )
		d	= m_Slope_Min;

	Decay	= Get_Fuzzy(d, 0.0, m_Slope_Max);

	if( m_Flow_Min > 0.0 )
		d	= Get_Fuzzy(m_pFlow->asDouble(x, y), m_Flow_Min, m_Flow_Max);

		switch( 1 )
			Decay	= M_GET_MAX(Decay, d);

		case 1:
			Decay	= Decay + d - Decay * d;

	return( Decay > 0.0 );
bool CPointCloud_From_Text_File::On_Execute(void)
	CSG_String				fileName;
	int						iField, iType;
	TSG_Data_Type			Type;
	CSG_String				Name, Types, s;
	CSG_PointCloud			*pPoints;
	CSG_Parameters			P;
	CSG_Parameter			*pNode;
	int						xField, yField, zField, nAttribs, max_iField;
	bool					bSkipHeader;
	char					fieldSep;
	std::vector<int>		vCol;
	std::ifstream			tabStream;
    std::string				tabLine;
	double					lines;
	long					cntPt, cntInvalid;
	double					x, y, z, value;

	fileName	= Parameters("FILE")		->asString();
	xField		= Parameters("XFIELD")		->asInt() - 1;
	yField		= Parameters("YFIELD")		->asInt() - 1;
	zField		= Parameters("ZFIELD")		->asInt() - 1;
	nAttribs	= Parameters("ATTRIBS")		->asInt();
	bSkipHeader	= Parameters("SKIP_HEADER")	->asBool();

	switch (Parameters("FIELDSEP")->asInt())
    case 0: fieldSep = '\t';	break;
    case 1: fieldSep = ' ';		break;
    case 2: fieldSep = ',';		break;

		_TL("1 byte integer"),
		_TL("2 byte integer"),
		_TL("4 byte integer"),
		_TL("4 byte floating point"),
		_TL("8 byte floating point")

	P.Set_Name(_TL("Attribute Field Properties"));

	for(iField=1; iField<=nAttribs; iField++)
		s.Printf(SG_T("NODE_%03d") , iField);
		pNode	= P.Add_Node(NULL, s, CSG_String::Format(SG_T("%d. %s"), iField, _TL("Field")), _TL(""));

		s.Printf(SG_T("FIELD_%03d"), iField);
		P.Add_String(pNode, s, _TL("Name"), _TL(""), s);

		s.Printf(SG_T("COLUMN_%03d"), iField);
		P.Add_Value(pNode, s, _TL("Attribute is Column ..."), _TL(""), PARAMETER_TYPE_Int, iField+3, 1, true);

		s.Printf(SG_T("TYPE_%03d") , iField);
		P.Add_Choice(pNode, s, _TL("Type"), _TL(""), Types, 3);

	if( nAttribs > 0 )
		if( Dlg_Parameters(&P, _TL("Field Properties")) )
			pPoints	= SG_Create_PointCloud();
			pPoints->Set_Name(SG_File_Get_Name(fileName, false));

			for(iField=0; iField<nAttribs; iField++)

				Name		 = P(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("FIELD_%03d" ), iField + 1).c_str())->asString();
				iType		 = P(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("TYPE_%03d"  ), iField + 1).c_str())->asInt();
				vCol.push_back(P(CSG_String::Format(SG_T("COLUMN_%03d"), iField + 1).c_str())->asInt() - 1);

				switch( iType )
				case 0:	Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Char;		break;
				case 1:	Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Short;	break;
				case 2:	Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Int;		break;
				case 3:	Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Float;	break;
				case 4:	Type	= SG_DATATYPE_Double;	break;

				pPoints->Add_Field(Name, Type);
			return( false );
		pPoints	= SG_Create_PointCloud();
		pPoints->Set_Name(SG_File_Get_Name(fileName, false));

	max_iField = M_GET_MAX(xField, yField);
    max_iField = M_GET_MAX(max_iField, zField);
	for( unsigned int i=0; i<vCol.size(); i++ )
		if( max_iField < vCol.at(i) )
			max_iField = vCol.at(i);

	// open input stream
    tabStream.open(fileName.b_str(), std::ifstream::in);
    if( !tabStream )
        SG_UI_Msg_Add_Error(CSG_String::Format(_TL("Unable to open input file!")));
        return (false);

	tabStream.seekg(0, std::ios::end);	// get length of file
    lines = (double)tabStream.tellg();
    tabStream.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);

    std::getline(tabStream, tabLine);	// as a workaround we assume the number of lines from the length of the first line
    lines = lines / (double)tabStream.tellg();

	if( !bSkipHeader )
        tabStream.clear();                      // let's forget we may have reached the EOF
        tabStream.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);      // and rewind to the beginning

	// import
	cntPt = cntInvalid = 0;

	SG_UI_Process_Set_Text(CSG_String::Format(_TL("Importing data ...")));

    while( std::getline(tabStream, tabLine) )
        std::istringstream stream(tabLine);
        std::vector<std::string> tabCols;
        std::string tabEntry;

        if( cntPt%10000 == 0 )
            SG_UI_Process_Set_Progress((double)cntPt, lines);


        while( std::getline(stream, tabEntry, fieldSep) )      // read every column in this line and fill vector
            if (tabEntry.length() == 0)

        if ((int)tabCols.size() < max_iField - 1 )
            SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(_TL("WARNING: Skipping misformatted line (%.0f)!"), cntPt), true);

		x = strtod(tabCols[xField].c_str(), NULL);
        y = strtod(tabCols[yField].c_str(), NULL);
        z = strtod(tabCols[zField].c_str(), NULL);

		pPoints->Add_Point(x, y, z);

		for( int i=0; i<nAttribs; i++ )
			value = strtod(tabCols.at(vCol.at(i)).c_str(), NULL);
			pPoints->Set_Attribute(i, value);

	// finalize

	CSG_Parameters	sParms;
	DataObject_Get_Parameters(pPoints, sParms);
	if (sParms("COLORS_ATTRIB")	&& sParms("COLORS_TYPE") && sParms("METRIC_COLORS")
		&& sParms("METRIC_ZRANGE") && sParms("COLORS_AGGREGATE"))
			sParms("COLORS_AGGREGATE")->Set_Value(3);				// highest z
			sParms("COLORS_TYPE")->Set_Value(2);                    // graduated color
			sParms("METRIC_COLORS")->asColors()->Set_Count(255);    // number of colors
			sParms("COLORS_ATTRIB")->Set_Value(2);					// z attrib
			DataObject_Set_Parameters(pPoints, sParms);

	if (cntInvalid > 0)
        SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(_TL("WARNING: Skipped %d invalid points!"), cntInvalid), true);

    SG_UI_Msg_Add(CSG_String::Format(_TL("%d points sucessfully imported."), (cntPt-cntInvalid)), true);

	return( true );
bool CGrid_Proximity_Buffer::On_Execute(void){
	CSG_Grid	*pSource, *pDistance, *pAlloc, *pBuffer;
	double 		dBufDist, dDist, cellSize;
	int 		x, y, i, j, imin, imax, jmin, jmax, iBufDist, alloc, ival;

	pSource 	= Parameters("SOURCE")->asGrid();
	pDistance 	= Parameters("DISTANCE")->asGrid();
	pAlloc 		= Parameters("ALLOC")->asGrid();
	pBuffer 	= Parameters("BUFFER")->asGrid();
	ival		= Parameters("IVAL")->asInt();

	cellSize = pSource->Get_Cellsize();
	dBufDist = Parameters("DIST")->asDouble() / cellSize;
	iBufDist = (int) (dBufDist + 2.0);
	dBufDist = pow(dBufDist, 2);


    for(y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		for(x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
 			if( !pSource->is_NoData(x, y) )
				alloc = pSource->asInt(x, y);

				pAlloc->Set_Value(x, y, alloc);
				pDistance->Set_Value(x, y, 0.0);

				imin = M_GET_MAX(0, x-iBufDist);
				imax = M_GET_MIN(x+iBufDist, Get_NX());
				jmin = M_GET_MAX(0, y-iBufDist);
				jmax = M_GET_MIN(y+iBufDist, Get_NY());

				for(i=imin; i<imax; i++)
					for(j=jmin; j<jmax; j++)
						if( pSource->is_NoData(i, j) )
							dDist= (x-i)*(x-i)+(y-j)*(y-j);		
							if( dDist <= dBufDist && (pDistance->is_NoData(i, j) || pDistance->asDouble(i, j) > dDist) )
								pDistance->Set_Value(i, j, dDist);
								pAlloc->Set_Value(i, j, alloc);

	for(y=0; y<Get_NY() && Set_Progress(y); y++)
		for(x=0; x<Get_NX(); x++)
			if( !pDistance->is_NoData(x, y) )
				dDist = sqrt(pDistance->asDouble(x, y)) * cellSize;
				pDistance->Set_Value(x, y, dDist);

				i = 0;
				while( i< dDist )
					i += ival;
				pBuffer->Set_Value(x, y, i);

	return( true );
