Example #1
int checkY(int N, TYPE *Yg, int incYg, TYPE *Yc, int incYc)
   int i, iret=0;
   TYPE rdiff, idiff, eps, maxerr;
   TYPE Mjoin(PATL, epsilon)(void);
   eps = Mjoin(PATL,epsilon)();
   maxerr = 8*eps;
   incYg *= 2; incYc *= 2;
   for (i=0; i < N; i++, Yg += incYg, Yc += incYc)
      rdiff = *Yg - *Yc;
      idiff = Yg[1] - Yc[1];
      rdiff = Mabs(rdiff);
      idiff = Mabs(idiff);
      if (rdiff > maxerr)
         iret = i;
         fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Y[%d], real, correct=%e, computed=%e\n",
                 i, *Yg, *Yc);
      if (idiff > maxerr)
         iret = i;
         fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Y[%d], imag, correct=%e, computed=%e\n",
                 i, Yg[1], Yc[1]);
Example #2
void Mjoin(PATL,cplxinvert)(ATL_CINT N, TYPE *X, ATL_CINT incx,
                            TYPE *Y, ATL_CINT incy)
 * Y(:) = 1 / X(:)
 * Invert N complex scalars held in X, and write answer to Y.
 * X & Y can be same space
   int i;
   const TYPE one=1.0, none=(-1.0);
   ATL_CINT incX=incx+incx, incY=incy+incy;
   register TYPE rtmp, itmp, t0;

   for (i=N; i; i--, X += incX, Y += incY)
      rtmp = *X;
      itmp = X[1];
      if (Mabs(itmp) <= Mabs(rtmp))
         t0 = itmp / rtmp;
         *Y = rtmp = one / (rtmp + itmp*t0);
         Y[1] = -rtmp * t0;
         t0 = rtmp / itmp;
         Y[1] = rtmp = none / (itmp + rtmp*t0);
         *Y = -t0 * rtmp;
Example #3
TYPE Mjoin(PATL,gbnrm1)(const int M, const int N, const int KL, const int KU,
const TYPE *A, const int LDA)
 * Calculates the 1-norm of a general band rectangular matrix
   int i, i0, i1, iaij, j, jaj, k, lda2 = ( LDA SHIFT );
   TYPE max=ATL_rzero, t0;

   for( j = 0, jaj = 0; j < N; j++, jaj += lda2 )
      k  = KU - j;
      i0 = ( j - KU > 0 ? j - KU : 0 );
      i1 = ( M - 1 > j + KL ? j + KL : M - 1 );

      t0 =  ATL_rzero;
      for( i = i0, iaij = ((k+i0) SHIFT)+jaj; i <= i1; i++, iaij += (1 SHIFT) )
#ifdef TREAL
         t0 += Mabs( A[iaij] );
         t0 += Mabs( A[iaij] ) + Mabs( A[iaij+1] );
      if (t0 > max) max = t0;
Example #4
TYPE Mjoin(PATL,hbnrm)
(const enum ATLAS_UPLO UPLO, const int N, const int K,
 const TYPE *A, const int LDA)
   int                        i, i0, i1, iaij, iy, j, jaj, ky = 0, l,
                              lda2 = (LDA SHIFT);
   TYPE max=ATL_rzero, t0, * work= NULL;

   if( N <= 0 ) return( ATL_rzero );

   work = (TYPE *)malloc( N * sizeof( TYPE ) );
   if( work == NULL )
   {fprintf( stderr, "mem alloc failed in [sb,hb]nrm, bye ...\n" ); exit( 1 );}
   else { for( i = 0; i < N; i++ ) work[i] = ATL_rzero; }

   if( UPLO == AtlasUpper )
      for( j = 0, jaj = 0; j < N; j++, jaj += lda2 )
         t0      = ATL_rzero;

         l     = K - j;
         i0    = ( j - K > 0 ? j - K : 0 );

         for( i = i0, iaij  = ((l+i0) SHIFT)+jaj, iy = ky;
              i < j;  i++, iaij += (1 SHIFT), iy += 1 )
            work[iy] += Mabs( A[iaij] ) + Mabs( A[iaij+1] );
            t0       += Mabs( A[iaij] ) + Mabs( A[iaij+1] );
         work[j] += Mabs( A[iaij] ) + t0;

         if( j >= K ) { ky += 1; }
      for( j = 0, jaj = 0; j < N; j++, jaj += lda2 )
         t0      = ATL_rzero;
         work[j] = Mabs( A[jaj] );
         i1     = ( N - 1 > j + K ? j + K : N - 1 );
         for( i = j+1, iaij = (1 SHIFT)+jaj; i <= i1; i++,
              iaij += (1 SHIFT) )
            work[i] += Mabs( A[iaij] ) + Mabs( A[iaij+1] );
            t0      += Mabs( A[iaij] ) + Mabs( A[iaij+1] );
         work[j] += t0;

   max = work[0];
   for( j = 1; j < N; j++ ) if( max < work[j] ) max = work[j];

   if( work ) free( work );

   return( max );
Example #5
void Mjoin( ATLUPF77WRAP, asum )
   F77_INTEGER                * N,
   TYPE                       * X,
   F77_INTEGER                * INCX,
   TYPE                       * ASUM
 * Purpose
 * =======
 * ATL_F77wrap_asum  computes  the sum of absolute values of the entries
 * of an n-vector x.
 * Notes
 * =====
 * This routine is an internal wrapper function written in  C  called by
 * the corresponding Fortran 77 user callable subroutine.  It calls  the
 * appropriate ATLAS routine performing the actual computation.
 * This wrapper layer resolves the following portability issues:
 *    - the routines' name sheme translation imposed by the  Fortran / C
 *      compilers of your target computer,
 *    - the translation of Fortran characters into the ATLAS  correspon-
 *      ding C enumerated type (in cooperation with the Fortan user cal-
 *      lable subroutine),
 *    - the translation of Fortran integers into the proper C correspon-
 *      ding native type;
 * and the following ease-of-programming issue:
 *    - a pointer to the the first entry of vector operands (when appli-
 *      cable) is passed to the  ATLAS computational routine even if the
 *      corresponding input increment value is negative. This allows for
 *      a more natural expression in  C  of the computation performed by
 *      these ATLAS functions.
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
/* ..
 * .. Executable Statements ..
#ifdef TREAL
   *ASUM = Mjoin( PATL, asum )( *N, X, Mabs( *INCX ) );
   *ASUM = Mjoin( Mjoin( PATLU, PRE ), asum )( *N, X, Mabs( *INCX ) );
 * End of Mjoin( ATLUPF77WRAP, asum )
Example #6
TYPE Mjoin(PATL,infnrm)(const int N, const TYPE *X, const int incX)
    int i;
    i = Mjoin(Mjoin(ATL_i,PRE),amax)(N, X, incX);
#ifdef TREAL
    i *= (incX<<1);
    return(Mabs(X[i]) + Mabs(X[i+1]));
Example #7
static int CheckY(int npad, TYPE padval, int N, TYPE *Yg, int incYg,
                  TYPE *Yt, int incYt)
   int i0, i1;
   incYg = Mabs(incYg);
   incYt = Mabs(incYt);
   i0 = checkY(N, Yg+(npad SHIFT), incYg, Yt+(npad SHIFT), incYt);
   i1 = CheckPad(npad, padval, N, Yt, incYt);
   if (!i0 && !i1) return(0);
Example #8
               int *ipiv)
 * Performs an LU factorization on jth column.  N is the full width of
 * column panel, A is ptr to beginning of panel.
 * RETURNS: 0 on success, non-zero if no non-zero pivot exists
   #ifdef TCPLX
      ATL_CINT lda2 = lda+lda;
      TYPE invs[2];
      const TYPE none[2] = {ATL_rnone, ATL_rzero};
      #define lda2 lda
      #define none ATL_rnone
   TYPE *Ac = A + j*lda2;  /* active column */
   TYPE pivval=Ac[j];
   ATL_INT ip;

   ipiv[j] = ip = j + cblas_iamax(M-j, Ac+(j SHIFT), 1);
   #ifdef TCPLX
      pivval = Mabs(Ac[ip+ip]) + Mabs(Ac[ip+ip+1]);
      pivval = Ac[ip];
   if (pivval != ATL_rzero)
      if (ip != j)
         cblas_swap(N, A+(j SHIFT), lda, A+(ip SHIFT), lda);
      #ifdef TCPLX
         if (pivval >= ATL_laSAFMIN)
            TYPE invs[2];
            Mjoin(PATL,cplxinvert)(1, Ac+j+j, 1, invs, 1);
            cblas_scal(M-j-1, invs, Ac+j+j+2, 1);
            Mjoin(PATL,cplxdivide)(M-j-1, Ac+j+j, Ac+j+j+2, 1, Ac+j+j+2, 1);
         if (Mabs(pivval) >= ATL_laSAFMIN)
            cblas_scal(M-j-1, ATL_rone/pivval, Ac+j+1, 1);
            ATL_INT i;
            for (i=j+1; i < M; i++)
               Ac[j] /= pivval;
Example #9
TYPE Mjoin(PATL,hpnrm)
(const enum ATLAS_UPLO UPLO, const int N, const TYPE *A)
   int                        i, iaij, j;
   TYPE max=ATL_rzero, t0, * work= NULL;

   if( N <= 0 ) return( ATL_rzero );

   work = (TYPE *)malloc( N * sizeof( TYPE ) );
   if( work == NULL )
   {fprintf( stderr, "mem alloc failed in [sp,hp]nrm, bye ...\n" ); exit( 1 );}
   else { for( i = 0; i < N; i++ ) work[i] = ATL_rzero; }

   if( UPLO == AtlasUpper )
      for( j = 0, iaij = 0; j < N; j++ )
         work[j] = t0 = ATL_rzero;

         for( i = 0; i < j; i++, iaij += (1 SHIFT) )
            work[i] += Mabs( A[iaij] ) + Mabs( A[iaij+1] );
            t0      += Mabs( A[iaij] ) + Mabs( A[iaij+1] );
         work[j] += Mabs( A[iaij] ) + t0;
         iaij    += (1 SHIFT);
      for( j = 0, iaij = 0; j < N; j++ )
         t0      = ATL_rzero;
         work[j] = Mabs( A[iaij] );

         iaij    += (1 SHIFT);
         for( i = j+1; i < N; i++, iaij += (1 SHIFT) )
            work[i] += Mabs( A[iaij] ) + Mabs( A[iaij+1] );
            t0      += Mabs( A[iaij] ) + Mabs( A[iaij+1] );
         work[j] += t0;

   max = work[0];
   for( j = 1; j < N; j++ ) if( max < work[j] ) max = work[j];

   if( work ) free( work );

   return( max );

Example #10
TYPE good_asum(const int N, const TYPE *X, const int incx)
   int i;
   const int incX=incx+incx;
   register TYPE rx, ix, t0=ATL_rzero;

   for (i=0; i < N; i++, X += incX)
      rx = Mabs(*X); ix = Mabs(X[1]);
      t0 += rx + ix;
Example #11
TYPE good_asum(const int N, const TYPE *X, const int incX)
   int i;
   TYPE asum=ATL_rzero;
   for (i=0; i < N; i++, X += incX) asum += Mabs(*X);
Example #12
int DoTest(int N, TYPE *alpha0, int incY)
   int iret;
   const int npad=Mmax(4*Mabs(incY), 16);
   const TYPE padval=(-2271.0);
   TYPE *Yg, *Yt, *y;
   #ifdef TREAL
      TYPE alpha = *alpha0;
      TYPE *alpha = alpha0;

   Yg = getvec(npad, padval, N, incY);
   Yt = dupvec(npad, N, Yg, incY);

   y = Yg + (npad SHIFT);
   if (incY < 1) y -= ((N-1)SHIFT) * incY;
   good_set(N, alpha, y, incY);
   y = Yt + (npad SHIFT);
   if (incY < 1) y -= ((N-1)SHIFT) * incY;
   TEST_SET(N, alpha, Yt+(npad SHIFT), incY);
   iret = CheckY(npad, padval, N, Yg, incY, Yt, incY);
Example #13
int DoTest(int N, TYPE *alpha0, int incX, int incY)
   int iret;
   const int npad=Mmax(4*Mabs(incY), 16);
   const TYPE padval=(-2271.0);
   TYPE *Yg, *Yt, *X, *x, *y;
   #ifdef TREAL
      TYPE alpha = *alpha0;
      TYPE *alpha = alpha0;

   Yg = getvec(npad, padval, N, incY);
   Yt = dupvec(npad, N, Yg, incY);
   X  = getvec(0, padval, N, incX);  /* no padding for read-only X */

   x = X;
   y = Yg + (npad SHIFT);
   if (incX < 1) x -= ((N-1)SHIFT) * incX;
   if (incY < 1) y -= ((N-1)SHIFT) * incY;
   good_axpy(N, alpha, x, incX, y, incY);
   y = Yt + (npad SHIFT);
   if (incY < 1) y -= ((N-1)SHIFT) * incY;
   TEST_AXPY(N, alpha, x, incX, y, incY);
   iret = CheckY(npad, padval, N, Yg, incY, Yt, incY);
Example #14
int DoTest(int N, int incX)
   int iret=0;
   const TYPE padval=(-2271.0);
   TYPE *X, *x, eps, diff, maxdiff;
   TYPE ansG, ansT;
   TYPE Mjoin(PATL, epsilon)(void);
   eps = Mjoin(PATL,epsilon)();
   maxdiff = (2 SHIFT)*N*eps;

   x = X = getvec(0, padval, N, incX);
   if (incX < 0) x -= ((N-1)SHIFT) * incX;

   ansG = good_asum(N, x, incX);
   ansT = TEST_ASUM(N, x, incX);
   maxdiff *= 0.5 * ansG;
   diff = ansG - ansT;
   diff = Mabs(diff);
   if (diff > maxdiff)
              "   asum ERROR: N=%d, correct=%e, computed=%e, diff=%e!!\n",
              N, ansG, ansT, diff);
      iret = 1;

Example #15
static TYPE *getvec(int npad, TYPE padval, int N, int incX)
   TYPE *X, *x;
   int i, n;

   if (N <= 0) return(NULL);
   incX = Mabs(incX);
   n = 2*npad + 1+(N-1)*incX;
   X = malloc( ATL_sizeof*n );
   vecset(n, padval, X);
   #ifdef TCPLX
      npad *= 2;
      incX *= 2;
   x = X + npad;
   for (i=0; i < N; i++, x += incX)
      #ifdef TREAL
         *x = dumb_rand();
         *x   = dumb_rand();
         x[1] = dumb_rand();
Example #16
void Mjoin( ATLPUF77WRAP, scal )
   F77_INTEGER                * N,
   TYPE                       * ALPHA,
   TYPE                       * X,
   F77_INTEGER                * INCX
 * Purpose
 * =======
 * ATL_F77wrap_rscal scales an n-vector x by a real scalar alpha.
 * Notes
 * =====
 * This routine is an internal wrapper function written in  C  called by
 * the corresponding Fortran 77 user callable subroutine.  It calls  the
 * appropriate ATLAS routine performing the actual computation.
 * This wrapper layer resolves the following portability issues:
 *    - the routines' name sheme translation imposed by the  Fortran / C
 *      compilers of your target computer,
 *    - the translation of Fortran characters into the ATLAS  correspon-
 *      ding C enumerated type (in cooperation with the Fortan user cal-
 *      lable subroutine),
 *    - the translation of Fortran integers into the proper C correspon-
 *      ding native type;
 * and the following ease-of-programming issue:
 *    - a pointer to the the first entry of vector operands (when appli-
 *      cable) is passed to the  ATLAS computational routine even if the
 *      corresponding input increment value is negative. This allows for
 *      a more natural expression in  C  of the computation performed by
 *      these ATLAS functions.
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 * .. Local Arrays ..
   TYPE                       Calpha[2];
/* ..
 * .. Executable Statements ..
   Calpha[0] = *ALPHA; Calpha[1] = ATL_rzero;

   Mjoin( PATL, scal )( *N, Calpha, X, Mabs( *INCX ) );
 * End of Mjoin( ATLPUF77WRAP, scal )
Example #17
   TYPE  ONE=1.0, ZERO=0.0, W, Z, XABS, YABS, TEMP;

/* Find absolute values                                                       */
   XABS = Mabs(X);
   YABS = Mabs(Y);

   if (Z == ZERO) return(W);
/* NOTE: If Z != 0, then W != 0                                               */
   TEMP = Z/W;

   #if defined(SREAL) || defined(SCPLX)
   return(W * sqrtf(TEMP));                     /* Use single precision sqrt. */
   return(W * sqrt(TEMP));                      /* Use double precision sqrt. */
}                                               /* END ATL_?lapy2             */
Example #18
void Mjoin(PATL,cplxdivide)
   (ATL_CINT N, TYPE *beta, TYPE *X, ATL_CINT incx, TYPE *Y, ATL_CINT incy)
 * Y(:) = X(:)/beta, wt division done with safe complex arithmetic.
 * It is OK for Y & X to be the same pointer
 * This code is straight adaptation of LAPACK's DLADIV, which comes from
 * the algorithm developed by Robert L. Smith (Art of Comp Prog, Vol.2 p.195)
   ATL_CINT incY=incy+incy, incX = incx+incx;
   ATL_INT i;
   const register TYPE rb = beta[0], ib = beta[1];
   register TYPE rx, ix, e, f;

   if (Mabs(ib) < Mabs(rb))
      e = ib / rb;
      f = rb + ib*e;
      for (i=N; i; i--, X += incX, Y += incY)
         rx = *X; ix = X[1];
         Y[0] = (rx + ix*e) / f;
         Y[1] = (ix - rx*e) / f;
      e = rb / ib;
      f = ib + rb*e;
      for (i=N; i; i--, X += incX, Y += incY)
         rx = *X; ix = X[1];
         Y[0] = (ix + rx*e) / f;
         Y[1] = (ix*e - rx) / f;
Example #19
int CheckPad(int npad, TYPE padval, int N, TYPE *Y, int incY)
   int i, n, iret=0;

   incY = Mabs(incY);
   npad *= 2;
   for (i=0; i < npad; i++)
      if (Y[i] != padval)
         iret = i;
         fprintf(stderr, "OVERWRITE %f IN PREPAD %d before beginning of Y!!\n",
                 Y[i], npad-i);
   Y += npad;
   if (incY != 1)
      for (i=0; i < N*incY; i++)
         if (i%incY)
            if (Y[2*i] != padval)
               iret = i;
               fprintf(stderr, "INTERNAL REAL OVERWRITE %f AT POSITION %d!!\n",
                       Y[2*i], i);
            if (Y[2*i+1] != padval)
               iret = i+1;
               fprintf(stderr, "INTERNAL IMAG OVERWRITE %f AT POSITION %d!!\n",
                       Y[2*i+1], i);
   Y += 2 + 2*(N-1)*incY;
   for (i=0; i < npad; i++)
      if (Y[i] != padval)
         iret = i;
         fprintf(stderr, "OVERWRITE %f IN POSTPAD %d past end of Y!!\n",
                 Y[i], i+1);
Example #20
static TYPE *dupvec(int npad, int N, TYPE *X, int incX)
   int i, n;
   TYPE *y;

   incX = Mabs(incX);
   n = 1+(N-1)*incX + 2*npad;
   y = malloc(ATL_sizeof*n);
   #ifdef TCPLX
      n *= 2;
   for (i=0; i < n; i++) y[i] = X[i];
void Mjoin( PATL, Mjoin( UPR, f77scal ) )
   const int                 N,
   const TYPE                ALPHA,
   TYPE                      * X,
   const int                 INCX
   const F77_INTEGER         F77N = N, F77incx = Mabs(INCX);
   TYPE                      alpha = ALPHA;

   if( INCX < 0 ) X -= ( ( 1 - N ) * INCX ) SHIFT;

   F77rscal( &F77N, &alpha, X, &F77incx );
Example #22
void ATL_ladiv(const TYPE *X, const TYPE *Y, TYPE  *Z)
   TYPE   E, F;

/* If           X[0], X[1], Y[0], Y[1], &Z[0], &Z[1]  is mapped to            */
/* real numbers  A,    B,    C,    D,    *P,   *Q                             */
/* the computation is as below                                                */
/*                                                                            */
/*   if ( fabs(D) < fabs( C) ) {                                              */
/*         E = D / C ;                                                        */
/*         F = C + D*E ;                                                      */
/*         *P = ( A+B*E ) / F ;                                               */
/*         *Q = ( B-A*E ) / F ;                                               */
/*                                                                            */
/*   } else{                                                                  */
/*         E = C / D ;                                                        */
/*         F = D + C*E ;                                                      */
/*         *P = ( B+A*E ) / F ;                                               */
/*         *Q = ( -A+B*E ) / F ;                                              */
/*   }                                                                        */

   if ( Mabs(Y[1])  < Mabs(Y[0]) )
      E = Y[1]/Y[0];
      F = Y[0] + Y[1]*E;
      *(Z)   = ( X[0] + X[1]*E ) / F ;
      *(Z+1) = ( X[1] - X[0]*E ) / F ;
      E = Y[0]/Y[1];
      F = Y[1] + Y[0]*E;
      *(Z)   = (X[1]+ X[0]*E ) / F ;
      *(Z+1) = (-X[0] + X[1]*E ) / F ;
}                                           /* END AL_ladiv                   */
Example #23
TYPE Mjoin( PATLU, Mjoin( PRE, f77nrm2 ) )
    const int                 N,
    const TYPE                * X,
    const int                 INCX
    TYPE                      nrm2;
    const F77_INTEGER         F77N=N, F77incx = Mabs(INCX);
    if( INCX < 0 ) X -= ( ( 1 - N ) * INCX ) SHIFT;

    F77nrm2( &F77N, X, &F77incx, &nrm2 );

    return( nrm2 );
Example #24
TYPE Mjoin( PATLU, Mjoin( PRE, f77asum ) )
   const int                 N,
   const TYPE                * X,
   const int                 INCX
   TYPE                      asum;
   const F77_INTEGER         F77N = N, F77incx = Mabs(INCX);
   if( INCX < 0 ) X -= ( ( 1 - N ) * INCX ) SHIFT;

   asum=F77asum( &F77N, X, &F77incx );

   return( asum );
Example #25
int checkY(int N, TYPE *Yg, int incYg, TYPE *Yc, int incYc)
   int i, iret=0;
   TYPE eps, diff;
   TYPE Mjoin(PATL, epsilon)(void);
   eps = Mjoin(PATL,epsilon)();

   for (i=0; i < N; i++, Yg += incYg, Yc += incYc)
      diff = *Yg - *Yc;
      diff = Mabs(diff);
      if (diff > 3*eps)
         iret = i;
         fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Y[%d], correct=%f, computed=%f\n",
                 i, *Yg, *Yc);
Example #26
TYPE Mjoin(PATL,tpnrm1)(const enum ATLAS_UPLO UPLO, const enum ATLAS_DIAG DIAG,
                        const int N, const TYPE *A)
 * Calculates the 1-norm of a triangular packed matrix
   int i, iaij, j;
   TYPE max=0.0, t0;

   if( UPLO == AtlasUpper )
      for( j = 0, iaij= 0; j < N; j++ )
         t0 = ATL_rzero;
         for( i = 0; i < j; i++, iaij += (1 SHIFT) )
#ifdef TREAL
            t0 += Mabs( A[iaij] );
            t0 += Mabs( A[iaij] ) + Mabs( A[iaij+1] );
         if( DIAG == AtlasNonUnit ) t0 += ATL_rone;
         if (t0 > max) max = t0;
         iaij += (1 SHIFT);
      for( j = N-1, iaij = ((((N-1)*(N+2)) >> 1) SHIFT); j >= 0; j-- )
         t0 = ATL_rzero;
         if( DIAG == AtlasNonUnit ) t0 += ATL_rone;
         iaij += (1 SHIFT);
         for( i = j+1; i < N; i++, iaij += (1 SHIFT) )
#ifdef TREAL
            t0 += Mabs( A[iaij] );
            t0 += Mabs( A[iaij] ) + Mabs( A[iaij+1] );
         if (t0 > max) max = t0;

         iaij -= ( ( N - j ) << (1 SHIFT) ) + (1 SHIFT);
   return( max );
Example #27
void Mjoin( PATL, f77scal )
   const int                 N,
   const SCALAR              ALPHA,
   TYPE                      * X,
   const int                 INCX
   const F77_INTEGER         F77N = N, F77incx = Mabs(INCX);
#ifdef TCPLX
   TYPE                      alpha[2];

   *alpha   = *ALPHA;
   alpha[1] = ALPHA[1];
   TYPE                      alpha = ALPHA;

   if( INCX < 0 ) X -= ( ( 1 - N ) * INCX ) SHIFT;

   F77scal( &F77N, SADD alpha, X, &F77incx );
Example #28
TYPE Mjoin(PATL,gediffnrm1)
   (const int M, const int N, const TYPE *A, const int lda,
    const TYPE *B, const int ldb)
 * Calculates the 1-norm of (A-B)
   const int lda2 = lda SHIFT, ldb2 = ldb SHIFT;
   const int M2 = M SHIFT;
   int i, j;
   TYPE max=0.0, t0;

   for (j=0; j < N; j++)
      t0 = ATL_rzero;
      for (i=0; i != M2; i++) t0 += Mabs(A[i] - B[i]);
      if (t0 > max) max = t0;
      A += lda2;
      B += ldb2;
Example #29
int Mjoin( PATL, f77amin )
   const int                 N,
   const TYPE                * X,
   const int                 INCX
   const F77_INTEGER         F77N = N, F77incx = Mabs(INCX);
   int                       imin = 0;

	int i ;

   if( N > 0 )
      if( INCX < 0 ) X -= ( ( 1 - N ) * INCX ) SHIFT;
/* 	  for(i=0; i<N; i++) */
/* 		  printf("%f\n",X[i]); */

      imin = F77amin( &F77N, X, &F77incx );
/* 	  printf("%d\n",imin); */
   return( imin );
Example #30
int mmtst(void)
   char fnam[80];
#if defined(LDA) && LDA != 0
      const int lda=LDA;
      const int lda=2*LDA2;
#if defined(LDB) && LDB != 0
   const int ldb=LDB;
   const int ldb=2*LDB2;
#if defined(LDC) && LDC != 0
   const int ldc=LDC;
   const int ldc=2*LDC2;
   int nA, nB;
   #ifdef TCPLX
      int inca, incb, incc;
      const TYPE one=1.0, none=(-1.0);
      #if (ALPHA == 1)
         TYPE alpha[2] = {1.0, 0.0};
      #elif (ALPHA == -1)
         TYPE alpha[2] = {-1.0, 0.0};
         TYPE alpha[2] = {2.3, 0.0};
      #if (BETA == 1)
         TYPE beta[2] = {1.0, 0.0};
      #elif (BETA == -1)
         TYPE beta[2] = {-1.0, 0.0};
      #elif (BETA == 0)
         TYPE beta[2] = {0.0, 0.0};
         TYPE beta[2] = {1.3, 0.0};
      #ifdef ALPHA
         TYPE alpha=ALPHA;
         TYPE alpha=1.0;
      #ifdef BETA
         TYPE beta=BETA;
         TYPE beta=1.0;
   const TYPE rone=1.0, rnone=(-1.0);
   void *va=NULL, *vb=NULL, *vc=NULL;
   TYPE *C0, *C1, *A, *B;
   TYPE diff, tmp;
   int i, j, k, n, nerr;
   int M=MB, N=NB, K=KB;
   TYPE ErrBound;

   if (!M) M = MB0;
   if (!N) N = NB0;
   if (!K) K = KB0;
   #ifdef TREAL
      ErrBound = 2.0 * (Mabs(alpha) * 2.0*K*EPS + Mabs(beta) * EPS) + EPS;
      diff = Mabs(*alpha) + Mabs(alpha[1]);
      tmp = Mabs(*beta) + Mabs(beta[1]);
      ErrBound =  2.0 * (diff*8.0*K*EPS + tmp*EPS) + EPS;
   #ifdef NoTransA
      nA = K;
      nA = M;
   #ifdef NoTransB
      nB = N;
      nB = K;
   #ifdef TCPLX
      inca = lda*nA;
      incb = ldb*nB;
   #ifdef ATL_MinMMAlign
      va = malloc(ATL_MinMMAlign + lda*nA*ATL_sizeof);
      vb = malloc(ATL_MinMMAlign + ldb*nB*ATL_sizeof);
      vc = C0 = malloc(2*ldc*N*ATL_sizeof);
      assert(va && vb && C0);
      A = (TYPE *) ( ( ((size_t) va)/ATL_MinMMAlign ) * ATL_MinMMAlign
                     + ATL_MinMMAlign );
      B = (TYPE *) ( ( ((size_t) vb)/ATL_MinMMAlign ) * ATL_MinMMAlign
                     + ATL_MinMMAlign );
      C0 = vc = malloc( (2*ldc*N + lda*nA + ldb*nB) * ATL_sizeof);
      A = C1 + (ldc * N SHIFT);
      B = A + (lda * nA SHIFT);
   C1 = C0 + (ldc * N SHIFT);
   for (n=lda*nA SHIFT, i=0; i < n; i++) A[i] = dumb_rand();
   for (n=ldb*nB SHIFT, i=0; i < n; i++) B[i] = dumb_rand();
   for (n=ldc*N SHIFT, i=0; i < n; i++) C0[i] = C1[i] = dumb_rand();
   tst_mm(M, N, K, alpha, A, lda, B, ldb, beta, C0, ldc);
   NBmm(M, N, K, alpha, A, lda, B, ldb, beta, C1, ldc);
   nerr = 0;
   for (j=0; j < N; j++)
      for (i=0; i < M SHIFT; i++)
         k = i + j*(ldc SHIFT);
         diff = C0[k] - C1[k];
         if (diff < 0.0) diff = -diff;
         if (diff > ErrBound)
            fprintf(stderr, "C(%d,%d) : expected=%f, got=%f\n",
                    i, j, C0[k], C1[k]);
   if (va) free(va);
   if (vb) free(vb);