void CheckRawValue() { typedef Tuple2<int, int> T; T x = MakeTuple(11, 22); Value v = RawToValue(x); const T& x2 = v.To<T>(); ASSERT(x2 == x); }
TEST(TupleTest, Basic) { Tuple1<int> t1(1); Tuple2<int, const char*> t2 = MakeTuple(1, static_cast<const char*>("wee")); Tuple3<int, int, int> t3(1, 2, 3); Tuple4<int, int, int, int*> t4(1, 2, 3, &t1.a); Tuple5<int, int, int, int, int*> t5(1, 2, 3, 4, &t4.a); Tuple6<int, int, int, int, int, int*> t6(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &t4.a); EXPECT_EQ(1, t1.a); EXPECT_EQ(1, t2.a); EXPECT_EQ(1, t3.a); EXPECT_EQ(2, t3.b); EXPECT_EQ(3, t3.c); EXPECT_EQ(1, t4.a); EXPECT_EQ(2, t4.b); EXPECT_EQ(3, t4.c); EXPECT_EQ(1, t5.a); EXPECT_EQ(2, t5.b); EXPECT_EQ(3, t5.c); EXPECT_EQ(4, t5.d); EXPECT_EQ(1, t6.a); EXPECT_EQ(2, t6.b); EXPECT_EQ(3, t6.c); EXPECT_EQ(4, t6.d); EXPECT_EQ(5, t6.e); EXPECT_EQ(1, t1.a); DispatchToFunction(&DoAdd, t4); EXPECT_EQ(6, t1.a); int res = 0; DispatchToFunction(&DoAdd, MakeTuple(9, 8, 7, &res)); EXPECT_EQ(24, res); Addy addy; EXPECT_EQ(1, t4.a); DispatchToMethod(&addy, &Addy::DoAdd, t5); EXPECT_EQ(10, t4.a); Addz addz; EXPECT_EQ(10, t4.a); DispatchToMethod(&addz, &Addz::DoAdd, t6); EXPECT_EQ(15, t4.a); }
void sOptimizedTextRenderer::DrawChar(int x, int _y, int chr, int width, Font font, Color color) { LTIMING("DrawChar"); if(y != _y) { Flush(); y = _y; } Chrs *c; { LTIMING("Map"); c = &cache.GetAdd(MakeTuple(font, color)); } if(c->x.GetCount() && c->x.Top() > x) { Flush(); c = &cache.GetAdd(MakeTuple(font, color)); } c->text.Cat(chr); c->x.Add(x); }
virtual void GetEdgeDofNrs ( int nr, Array<int> & dnums ) const { dnums.SetSize0(); if (ma->GetDimension() == 3) return; /* dnums += nr; dnums += GetFacetDofs(nr); */ dnums = MakeTuple (nr, GetFacetDofs(nr)); }
void GetAllMacros(Md5Stream& md5, const String& id, Index<int>& segment_id) { Vector< Tuple2<int, int> > pos; Vector<const CppMacro *> def; String r; int q = sAllMacros.Find(id); while(q >= 0) { const PPMacro& m = sAllMacros[q]; int si = segment_id.Find(m.segment_id); if(si >= 0) { pos.Add(MakeTuple(si, m.line)); def.Add(&m.macro); } q = sAllMacros.FindNext(q); } IndexSort(pos, def); int n = def.GetCount(); if(n) { md5.Put(&n, sizeof(int)); md5.Put(id); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) md5.Put(def[i]->md5, 16); } }
virtual Tuple2<Font, int> Key() const { return MakeTuple(font, angle); }
mozilla::ipc::IPCResult TestAsyncReturnsParent::RecvPong(PongResolver&& aResolve) { aResolve(MakeTuple(sMagic1, sMagic2)); return IPC_OK(); }
void TupleTutorial() { /// . Tuples /// Template class `Tuple` allows combining 2-4 values with /// different types. These are principally similar to `std::tuple`, with some advantages. /// Unlike `std::tuple`, individual elements are directly accessible as member variables /// `a`..`d`, `Tuple` supports persistent storage patterns (`Serialize`, `Jsonize`, `Xmlize`), hash /// code (`GetHashValue`), conversion to `String` and Value conversions. /// To create a `Tuple` value, you can use the `MakeTuple` function. Tuple<int, String, String> x = MakeTuple(12, "hello", "world"); /// Individual values are accessible as members `a` .. `d`: DUMP(x.a); DUMP(x.b); DUMP(x.c); /// Or using `Get`: DUMP(x.Get<1>()); DUMP(x.Get<int>()); /// As long as all individual types have conversion to `String` (`AsString`), the tuple also /// has such conversion and thus can e.g. be easily logged: DUMP(x); /// As long as individual types have defined `GetHashValue`, so does `Tuple`: DUMP(GetHashValue(x)); /// As long as individual types have defined `operator==`, `Tuple` has defined `operator==` /// and `operator!=`: Tuple<int, String, String> y = x; DUMP(x == y); DUMP(x != y); y.a++; DUMP(x == y); DUMP(x != y); /// As long as all individual types have defined `SgnCompare`, /// Tuple has SgnCompare, Compare method and operators <, <=, >, >=: DUMP(x.Compare(y)); DUMP(SgnCompare(x, y)); DUMP(x < y); /// GetCount returns the width of `Tuple`: DUMP(x.GetCount()); /// Elements that are directly convertible with `Value` can be 'Get'/'Set': for(int i = 0; i < x.GetCount(); i++) DUMP(x.Get(i)); /// x.Set(1, "Hi"); DUMP(x); /// As long as all individual types are convertible with `Value`, you can convert Tuple to /// `ValueArray` and back: ValueArray va = x.GetArray(); DUMP(va); va.Set(2, "Joe"); x.SetArray(va); /// It is OK to assign `Tuple` to `Tuple` with different individual types, as long as types /// are directly convertible: Tuple<double, String, String> d = x; DUMP(d); /// Tie can be used to assign tuple to l-values: int i; String s1, s2; Tie(i, s1, s2) = x; DUMP(i); DUMP(s1); DUMP(s2); /// U++ Tuples are carefully designed as POD type, which allows POD arrays to be intialized /// with classic C style: static Tuple2<int, const char *> map[] = { { 1, "one" }, { 2, "one" }, { 3, "one" }, }; /// Simple FindTuple template function is provided to search for tuple based on the first /// value (`a`) (linear O(n) search): DUMP(FindTuple(map, __countof(map), 3)->b); /// }
int main() { base::AtExitManager exit_manager; base::CommandLine::Init(0, NULL); BaseInitLoggingImpl(L"debug.log", base::LOG_ONLY_TO_FILE, base::LOCK_LOG_FILE, base::DELETE_OLD_LOG_FILE); int loga = base::Log2Floor(1); base::Environment* e = base::Environment::Create(); std::string sys_path; e->GetVar("path", &sys_path); base::CPU cpu; bool finite = base::IsFinite(1.01); base::FilePath path; std::vector<std::wstring> components; path.GetComponents(&components); path.Append(L"c:"); path.Append(L"pWRD"); path.Append(L"testDir"); path.Append(L"\\wlw.txt"); path.GetComponents(&components); bool absolute = path.IsAbsolute(); base::FilePath path2(L"wlwtxt"); path2.GetComponents(&components); absolute = path2.IsAbsolute(); base::FilePath search_path(L"C:\\"); base::CountFilesCreatedAfter(search_path, base::Time::Now()); int err = base::EnsureDirectoryForFile(path, NULL); base::Delete(base::FilePath(L"c:\\pWRD"), true); FileVersionInfo* fvi = FileVersionInfo::CreateFileVersionInfoForCurrentModule(); if(fvi) { std::wstring file_ver = fvi->file_version(); delete fvi; } base::FileEnumerator file_iter(search_path, false, base::FileEnumerator::DIRECTORIES, L"3rd"); for(base::FilePath current=file_iter.Next(); !current.Empty(); current=file_iter.Next()) { std::wcout << current.value() << std::endl; base::FileEnumerator::FindInfo fi; file_iter.GetFindInfo(&fi); if(file_iter.IsDirectory(fi)) { int64 size = base::ComputeDirectorySize(current); std::wcout << L"Directory size is: " << size << std::endl; size = base::ComputeFilesSize(current, L""); std::wcout << L"Files size is: " << size << std::endl; } } Pickle p; p.WriteInt(1); p.WriteString("I'm wlw!"); p.WriteWString(L"I'm WLW!"); int p_i; std::string p_str; std::wstring p_wstr; void* iter = NULL; p.ReadInt(&iter, &p_i); p.ReadString(&iter, &p_str); p.ReadWString(&iter, &p_wstr); base::RegKey reg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Environment", KEY_QUERY_VALUE); std::wstring reg_temp; if(reg.Valid()) { reg.ReadValue(L"TEMP", ®_temp); } CoInitialize(NULL); base::ScopedComPtr<IDropTargetHelper, &IID_IDropTargetHelper> scomp; if(SUCCEEDED(scomp.CreateInstance(CLSID_DragDropHelper))) { scomp = NULL; } CoUninitialize(); scoped_ptr<double> spd(new double(3.1)); spd.reset(); base::Singleton<FooClass>::get()->Bar(); int cvt = 0; base::StringToInt("123", &cvt); std::string str_d = base::DoubleToString(2.123); base::StringPiece s1; assert(s1.length() == 0); assert(s1.size() == 0); assert(s1.data() == NULL); base::StringPiece s2("I love you"); assert(s2.find('I') != base::StringPiece::npos); std::vector<std::string> v; base::SplitString("wlw&el", '&', &v); std::vector<std::string> subst; subst.push_back("10"); subst.push_back("20"); subst.push_back("30"); std::string add = ReplaceStringPlaceholders("$2+$1=$3", subst, NULL); string16 bytes = FormatBytes(5*1024, DATA_UNITS_KIBIBYTE, true); std::string profile = base::StringPrintf("wlw's age is %d", 29); LOG(WARNING) << "This is a warning!"; //DCHECK(1 == 0); base::Time::EnableHighResolutionTimer(true); base::Time t = base::Time::Now(); base::Time::Exploded te; t.LocalExplode(&te); base::TimeTicks tt = base::TimeTicks::Now(); base::TimeTicks tth = base::TimeTicks::HighResNow(); std::string utf8 = WideToUTF8(L"wan lian wen - мРа╛нд"); std::wstring wide = UTF8ToWide(utf8); DictionaryValue root; root.SetString("global.pages.homepage", "http://goateleporter.com"); std::string homepage = "http://google.com"; root.GetString("global.pages.homepage", &homepage); Version* ver = Version::GetVersionFromString(""); delete ver; base::WinVersion version = base::GetWinVersion(); std::wstring user_sid; base::GetUserSidString(&user_sid); std::string base64; base::Base64Encode("I'm wlw.", &base64); std::string md5 = MD5String("I'm wlw."); std::string sha1 = base::SHA1HashString("I'm wlw."); std::string sha2 = base::SHA256HashString("I'm wlw."); std::string json = base::GetDoubleQuotedJson("a<>b;\nb = 0;"); std::string json_write; base::JSONWriter::Write(&root, false, &json_write); Value* json_read = base::JSONReader::Read(json_write, false); delete json_read; Tuple3<int, double, bool> t3 = MakeTuple(10, 2.5, false); ObjClass obj; Callback0::Type* callback = NewCallback(&obj, &ObjClass::Bar); callback->Run(); delete callback; thred.Start(); thred.message_loop()->PostDelayedTask(new PrintTask(), 1000); MessageLoop msg_loop; msg_loop.PostDelayedTask(new MainThreadPrintTask(), 3000); msg_loop.Run(); thred.Stop(); return 0; }