WindowMaker::WindowMaker(string &genomeFile, uint32_t size, uint32_t step) : _genomeFile(genomeFile) , _size(size) , _step(step) { _genome = new GenomeFile(genomeFile); MakeWindows(); }
// Initialise runtime bool CRuntime::Initialise(CRuntimeSetup* crSetup) { // Start by getting and saving the CPU capabilities. DWORD cpuFeatures = GetCPUCaps(); supportMMX = cpuFeatures & CPU_FEATURE_MMX; supportSSE = cpuFeatures & CPU_FEATURE_SSE; supportSSE2 = cpuFeatures & CPU_FEATURE_SSE2; // Construct requires MMX for collisions #ifndef APPRUNTIME if (!supportMMX) throw runtime_error("Your CPU does not support MMX technology (it must be pretty old!). Please buy a newer PC then try again!"); #endif // Save hInstance hInstance = crSetup->hInstance; CapReader.pRuntime = this; CreateTempDirectory(); // Get app properties BYTE* pData; int dataSize; HGLOBAL hData = OpenResourceBinary(997, "APPBLOCK", pData, dataSize); CapReader.ReadAppProperties(pData, dataSize, props); FreeResource(hData); // Cannot use both multisampling and motion blur #ifndef APPRUNTIME if (multisamples > 0 && motionBlur) throw runtime_error("Cannot enable both multisamples and motion blur. Please change one of these settings."); #endif #ifdef PYTHON // Get python hData = OpenResourceBinary(992, "PYTHONLIBS", pData, dataSize); CapReader.ReadPythonResources(pData, dataSize); FreeResource(hData); if(!SearchPath(NULL, "python26.dll", NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)) throw runtime_error("Python26.dll was not found and is required to run this application or feature. Reinstalling the application " "may fix this problem."); Py_Initialize(); #endif // Get menu resources hData = OpenResourceBinary(993, "MENUBLOCK", pData, dataSize); CapReader.ReadMenuResources(pData, dataSize, menus); FreeResource(hData); crSetup->winWidth = props.winWidth; crSetup->winHeight = props.winHeight; crSetup->eyeDistance = props.eyeDistance; crSetup->screensaver = props.screensaver; fpsMode = props.fpsMode; userFps = props.fps; //if (disableWindowsKey) // g_hKeyboardHook = SetWindowsHookEx( WH_KEYBOARD_LL, DisableWinKeyKeyboardProc, hInstance, 0); #ifdef CONSTRUCT_DIRECTX9 crSetup->display_params.fps_mode = props.fpsMode; crSetup->display_params.fullscreen = fullscreen = props.fullscreen; crSetup->display_params.backbuffer_width = props.winWidth; crSetup->display_params.backbuffer_height = props.winHeight; switch (multisamples) { case 0: // Off crSetup->display_params.multisamples = 0; break; case 1: // 2x crSetup->display_params.multisamples = 2; break; case 2: // 4x crSetup->display_params.multisamples = 4; break; case 3: // 8x crSetup->display_params.multisamples = 8; break; default: crSetup->display_params.multisamples = 0; break; } // PreInit gets the D3D caps and allows MakeWindows to create the correct number of windows to pass to Init() //Display.SetMultiMonitorMode(MMM_CLONE); //Display.PreInit(); renderer.LoadD3D(); #endif #ifndef CONSTRUCT_SDL // Create a window for the runtime if (!MakeWindows(crSetup)) throw runtime_error("Cannot create window"); #else if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) exit(1); // Register SDL_Quit to be called at exit; makes sure things are cleaned up when we quit. atexit(SDL_Quit); // Attempt to create window with 32bit pixels in hardware Display.screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(props.winWidth, props.winHeight, 32, SDL_HWSURFACE); SDL_SetAlpha(Display.screen, SDL_SRCALPHA, 255); // Set alpha to normal #endif InitCommonControls(); // The preview runtimes show the runtime in the title bar. #ifdef CONSTRUCT_PREVIEW #ifdef CONSTRUCT_DIRECTX9 props.appTitle += " (DX9 runtime)"; #endif #ifdef APPRUNTIME props.appTitle += " (App runtime)"; #endif #ifdef CONSTRUCT_SDL props.appTitle += " (SDL runtime)"; #endif #endif #ifndef CONSTRUCT_SDL SetWindowText(hWnds.front(), props.appTitle); #else SDL_WM_SetCaption(props.appTitle, NULL); #endif // Restore mouse cursor from hourglass if (!props.screensaver) SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW)); // Load a menu if (props.UseMenu) if (menus.size() != 0) SetMenu(hWnds.front(), menus[0]); #ifndef APPRUNTIME #ifndef CONSTRUCT_SDL // Direct-X setup crSetup->display_params.hWnds = hWnds; crSetup->display_params.hFocusWnd = hWnds.front(); winWidthOffset = 0; winHeightOffset = 0; // Retrieve all display modes: can't set an invalid display mode size if (crSetup->display_params.fullscreen) { BOOL bRetVal; DEVMODE devMode; int iMode = 0; int wantedWidth = crSetup->display_params.backbuffer_width; int wantedHeight = crSetup->display_params.backbuffer_height; int bestWidth = 100000; int bestHeight = 100000; bool found = false; do { bRetVal = ::EnumDisplaySettings(NULL, iMode, &devMode); iMode++; if (bRetVal) { int curWidth = devMode.dmPelsWidth; int curHeight = devMode.dmPelsHeight; // Display mode found! if (curWidth == wantedWidth && curHeight == wantedHeight) found = true; // This display mode is big enough to fit the display in, but is smaller than the last best size if ((curWidth >= wantedWidth && curHeight >= wantedHeight) && (curWidth < bestWidth && curHeight < bestHeight)) { bestWidth = curWidth; bestHeight = curHeight; } } } while (bRetVal); // Identical display mode not found: use next best that can fit it all on if (!found) { // Still 100000x100000: no resolution found that supports this if (bestWidth == 100000 || bestHeight == 100000) throw runtime_error("The display resolution required by this application is not supported."); #ifdef CONSTRUCT_PREVIEW CString msg; msg.Format("Switching to Fullscreen mode: Display mode %d x %d not supported, switching to next best %d x %d.\n\n" "The 'Window Width' and 'Window Height' values in Application Properties define the fullscreen resolution.", crSetup->display_params.backbuffer_width, crSetup->display_params.backbuffer_height, bestWidth, bestHeight); MessageBox(NULL, msg, "Fullscreen preview", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); #endif crSetup->display_params.backbuffer_width = wantedWidth = bestWidth; crSetup->display_params.backbuffer_height = wantedHeight = bestHeight; } } // Set the eye distance before we initialize eyeDistance = crSetup->eyeDistance; renderer.SetEyeDistance(eyeDistance); // Start up the display engine //Display.Init(&(crSetup->d3dDisplaySetup)); renderer.CreateDevice(crSetup->display_params); /* // No identical match for display mode if (crSetup->d3dDisplaySetup.resWidth != actualDisplayWidth || crSetup->d3dDisplaySetup.resHeight != actualDisplayHeight) if (tempDisplayTarget == unallocated_texture) tempDisplayTarget = CreateDisplayTargetTexture(); winWidthOffset = (actualDisplayWidth - crSetup->d3dDisplaySetup.resWidth) / 2; winHeightOffset = (actualDisplayHeight - crSetup->d3dDisplaySetup.resHeight) / 2; } */ GetSwapChains(); // Multi-monitor settings require the temp display target if (renderer.GetMultiMonitorMode() != cr::multimonitor_singlescreen) { if (tempDisplayTarget == unallocated_texture) tempDisplayTarget = CreateDisplayTargetTexture(); } // Linear resizers if (props.sampler == 0) { renderer.SetSamplerState(cr::ss_magfilter, cr::ssv_point); renderer.SetSamplerState(cr::ss_minfilter, cr::ssv_point); } if (props.sampler == 1) { renderer.SetSamplerState(cr::ss_magfilter, cr::ssv_linear); renderer.SetSamplerState(cr::ss_minfilter, cr::ssv_linear); } // Premultiplied alpha mode renderer.SetAlphaBlending(); // Runtime uses clamp-sampling renderer.SetSamplerState(cr::ss_addressu, cr::ssv_clamp); renderer.SetSamplerState(cr::ss_addressv, cr::ssv_clamp); // Create the multisampling target if one required //if (multisamples > 0) // 0 is off // multisampleTargets[0] = renderer.CreateRenderTargetTexture(crSetup->winWidth, crSetup->winHeight, cr::texture_format_a8r8g8b8, true); #if defined(CONSTRUCT_DIRECTX9) && defined(CONSTRUCT_PREVIEW) // Handle shader simulation if (simShader != SS_NOSIM) { UINT ps_major = D3DSHADER_VERSION_MAJOR(renderer.GetCaps().PixelShaderVersion); UINT ps_minor = D3DSHADER_VERSION_MINOR(renderer.GetCaps().PixelShaderVersion); CString hardwarePS; hardwarePS.Format("%d.%d", ps_major, ps_minor); CString simulatedPS; switch (simShader) { case SS_PS14: simulatedPS = "1.4"; break; case SS_PS11: simulatedPS = "1.1"; break; case SS_PS00: simulatedPS = "0.0"; break; } float ps_version = atof(hardwarePS); float sim_version = atof(simulatedPS); // If fullscreen MessageBox()'s won't work if (!fullscreen) { if (sim_version > ps_version) { CString msg; msg.Format("You have chosen to simulate a pixel shader version (PS %s) higher than your hardware supports (PS %s). " "You can only simulate lower hardware capabilities. The application will continue to use PS %s.", simulatedPS, hardwarePS, simulatedPS); MessageBox(NULL, msg, "Simulate shader", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } else if (sim_version == ps_version) { CString msg; msg.Format("You have chosen to simulate the same pixel shader version as your hardware supports (PS %s). " "The application will continue normally.", hardwarePS); MessageBox(NULL, msg, "Simulate shader", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); } else { CString msg; msg.Format("You are simulating pixel shader %s capabilites. Your hardware supports pixel shader %s.", simulatedPS, hardwarePS); MessageBox(NULL, msg, "Simulate shader", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } } } #endif // shader sims #endif // Load the PNG image list hData = OpenResourceBinary(995, "IMAGEBLOCK", pData, dataSize); CapReader.ReadImageData(pData, dataSize, imagehandle_to_address); FreeResource(hData); #ifdef CONSTRUCT_DIRECTX9 // Initialise DirectInput if (FAILED(DirectInput8Create(GetModuleHandle(NULL), DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, IID_IDirectInput8, (void**)&dinput, NULL))) throw runtime_error("Failed to initialise DirectInput. Please ensure you have DirectX 8 or above installed!"); // Initialize the keyboard if (FAILED(dinput->CreateDevice(GUID_SysKeyboard, &d_keyboard, NULL))) throw runtime_error("Failed to initialise DirectInput."); if (FAILED(d_keyboard->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIKeyboard))) throw runtime_error("Failed to initialise DirectInput."); if (FAILED(d_keyboard->SetCooperativeLevel(hWnds.front(), DISCL_BACKGROUND | DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE))) throw runtime_error("Failed to initialise DirectInput."); if (FAILED(d_keyboard->Acquire())) throw runtime_error("Failed to initialise DirectInput."); // initialize the mouse if (FAILED(dinput->CreateDevice(GUID_SysMouse, &d_mouse, NULL))) throw runtime_error("Failed to initialise DirectInput."); if (FAILED(d_mouse->SetCooperativeLevel(hWnds.front(), DISCL_BACKGROUND | DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE))) throw runtime_error("Failed to initialise DirectInput."); if (FAILED(d_mouse->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIMouse))) throw runtime_error("Failed to initialise DirectInput."); if (FAILED(d_mouse->Acquire())) throw runtime_error("Failed to initialise DirectInput."); inputState.isDirectInput = true; #endif #endif //#ifndef APPRUNTIME // Save window dimensions winWidth = crSetup->winWidth; winHeight = crSetup->winHeight; RECT clientSize; GetClientRect(hWnds.front(), &clientSize); realWinWidth = clientSize.right - clientSize.left; realWinHeight = clientSize.bottom -; // Unpack dependencies before loading plugins UnpackDependencies(); // Unpack the resource plugins to the temp dir and load them UnpackPlugins(1000); // Read the frame data hData = OpenResourceBinary(998, "LEVELBLOCK", pData, dataSize); CapReader.ReadFrameData(pData, dataSize); FreeResource(hData); // Map object type names to their pointers for (vector<CRunObjType*>::iterator i = objects.begin(); i != objects.end(); i++) { CString lowername = (*i)->Name; lowername.MakeLower(); name_to_object[lowername] = *i; } #ifdef CONSTRUCT_DEBUGGER // Create debugger once object types are known but before parsing event block (which may send logs) // Create invisible initially pDebug->Create(); pDebug->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); #endif // Read the CAP event tree hData = OpenResourceBinary(999, "EVENTBLOCK", pData, dataSize); CapReader.ReadEventList(pData, dataSize); FreeResource(hData); // Iterate all events determining their modifiers vector<CRunLayout*>::iterator f = Frames.begin(); const vector<CRunLayout*>::const_iterator Frames_end = Frames.end(); for ( ; f != Frames_end; f++) { EventIterator e = (*f)->Events.begin(); EventConstIterator Events_end = (*f)->Events.end(); for ( ; e != Events_end; ++e) { // Recurse down tree finding SOL modifiers (*e)->GetSolModifiers(*f); // If this event line is a group, it can be marked as top level for optimisation if ((*e)->GetType() == EVENT_GROUP) ((CEventGroup*)*e)->isTopLevel = true; } } // Initialise effects #ifdef CONSTRUCT_DIRECTX9 hData = OpenResourceBinary(994, "HLSL", pData, dataSize); CapReader.ReadHLSLData(pData, dataSize); FreeResource(hData); // If motionblur is required, set up the textures if (motionBlur) { InitMotionBlur(); } #endif //APPRUNTIME // Clock offset (timers relative to Run()) clockOffset = clock(); curFrame = 0; // Mark objects which are not to serialize CRunObjType* pNoSerialize = GetTypeFromName("No serialize"); if (pNoSerialize) { if (!pNoSerialize->teams.empty()) { ObjTypeIterator t = pNoSerialize->teams.begin(); ObjTypeIterator end = pNoSerialize->teams.end(); for ( ; t != end; t++) (*t)->noSerialize = true; } } // Set current frame CRunLayout* pFirstFrame = Frames.front(); runningFrames.push_back(pFirstFrame); system.pLayout = pFirstFrame; pFirstFrame->systemDrawn = true; pFirstFrame->Load(); // Load any other layouts which want their textures loaded on startup vector<CRunLayout*>::iterator ly = Frames.begin(); ly++; // already loaded 1st layout for ( ; ly != Frames.end(); ++ly) { if ((*ly)->texture_loading == CRunLayout::tl_load_on_app_start) (*ly)->LoadLayoutTextures(); else if ((*ly)->texture_loading == CRunLayout::tl_use_app_setting && texture_loading == tl_load_on_app_start) (*ly)->LoadLayoutTextures(); } // Directories exist etc. by now. completedInitialisation = true; // Initial frame mouse coord POINT mouse; GetCursorPos(&mouse); if (!fullscreen) ScreenToClient(hWnds.front(), &mouse); pFirstFrame->mouseX = mouse.x; pFirstFrame->mouseY = mouse.y; // Create initial frame objects (generatevent works) pFirstFrame->CreateInitialObjects(); FlushDelayedObjects(); system.changeResWidth = winWidth; system.changeResHeight = winHeight; // Start of Layout triggered only if not previewing another layout if (previewLayout <= 0) GenerateEvent(-1, SYSTEM_STARTOFFRAME, NULL); #ifdef CONSTRUCT_DEBUGGER pDebug->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); pDebug->SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER); pDebug->ModifyStyleEx(0, WS_EX_TOPMOST); #endif // Previewing single layout? if (previewLayout > 0) // if == 0, no need to jump anywhere, already on layout 1 system.DoFrameChange(previewLayout, "none", 0); return true; }