Example #1
globle void *FindImportedConstruct(
  void *theEnv,
  char *constructName,
  struct defmodule *matchModule,
  char *findName,
  int *count,
  int searchCurrent,
  struct defmodule *notYetDefinedInModule)
   void *rv;
   struct moduleItem *theModuleItem;

   /* Set the number of references found to zero. */

   *count = 0;

   /* The :: should not be included */
   /* in the construct's name.      */

   if (FindModuleSeparator(findName)) return(NULL);

   /* Remember the current module since we'll be  */
   /* changing it during the search and will want */
   /* to restore it once the search is completed. */


   /* Find the module related access functions */
   /* for the construct type being sought.     */

   if ((theModuleItem = FindModuleItem(theEnv,execStatus,constructName)) == NULL)

   /* If the construct type doesn't have a find */
   /* function, then we can't look for it.      */

   if (theModuleItem->findFunction == NULL)

   /* Initialize the search by marking */
   /* all modules as unvisited.        */


   /* Search for the construct. */

   rv = SearchImportedConstructModules(theEnv,execStatus,(SYMBOL_HN *) EnvAddSymbol(theEnv,execStatus,constructName),
                                       (SYMBOL_HN *) EnvAddSymbol(theEnv,execStatus,findName),count,

   /* Restore the current module. */


   /* Return a pointer to the construct. */

Example #2
globle int EnvSave(
  void *theEnv,
  const char *fileName)
   struct callFunctionItem *saveFunction;
   FILE *filePtr;
   struct defmodule *defmodulePtr;
   intBool updated = FALSE;
   intBool unvisited = TRUE;

   /* Open the save file. */

   if ((filePtr = GenOpen(theEnv,fileName,"w")) == NULL)
     { return(FALSE); }

   /* Bypass the router system. */


   /* Mark all modules as unvisited. */
   /* Save the constructs. Repeatedly loop over the */
   /* modules until each module has been save.      */
   while (unvisited)
      unvisited = FALSE;
      updated = FALSE;
      for (defmodulePtr = (struct defmodule *) EnvGetNextDefmodule(theEnv,NULL);
           defmodulePtr != NULL;
           defmodulePtr = (struct defmodule *) EnvGetNextDefmodule(theEnv,defmodulePtr))
         /* We only want to save a module if all of the modules it imports  */
         /* from have already been saved. Since there can't be circular     */
         /* dependencies in imported modules, this should save the modules  */
         /* that don't import anything first and then work back from those. */
         if (defmodulePtr->visitedFlag)
           { /* Module has already been saved. */ }
         else if (AllImportedModulesVisited(theEnv,defmodulePtr))
            for (saveFunction = ConstructData(theEnv)->ListOfSaveFunctions;
                 saveFunction != NULL;
                 saveFunction = saveFunction->next)
               ((* (void (*)(void *,void *,char *)) saveFunction->func))(theEnv,defmodulePtr,(char *) filePtr);
            updated = TRUE;
            defmodulePtr->visitedFlag = TRUE;
           { unvisited = TRUE; }
      /* At least one module should be saved in every pass. If all have been */
      /* visited/saved, then both flags will be FALSE. If all remaining      */
      /* unvisited/unsaved modules were visited/saved, then unvisited will   */
      /* be FALSE and updated will be TRUE. If some, but not all, remaining  */
      /* unvisited/unsaved modules are visited/saved, then  unvisited will   */
      /* be TRUE and updated will be TRUE. This leaves the case where there  */
      /* are remaining unvisited/unsaved modules, but none were              */
      /* visited/saved: unvisited is TRUE and updated is FALSE.              */
      if (unvisited && (! updated))

   /* Close the save file. */


   /* Remove the router bypass. */


   /* Return TRUE to indicate */
   /* successful completion.  */

Example #3
bool Save(
  Environment *theEnv,
  const char *fileName)
   struct saveCallFunctionItem *saveFunction;
   FILE *filePtr;
   Defmodule *defmodulePtr;
   bool updated = false;
   bool unvisited = true;

   /* If embedded, clear the error flags. */
   if (EvaluationData(theEnv)->CurrentExpression == NULL)
     { ResetErrorFlags(theEnv); }

   /* Open the save file. */

   if ((filePtr = GenOpen(theEnv,fileName,"w")) == NULL)
     { return false; }

   /* Bypass the router system. */


   /* Mark all modules as unvisited. */


   /* Save the constructs. Repeatedly loop over the */
   /* modules until each module has been save.      */

   while (unvisited)
      unvisited = false;
      updated = false;

      for (defmodulePtr = GetNextDefmodule(theEnv,NULL);
           defmodulePtr != NULL;
           defmodulePtr = GetNextDefmodule(theEnv,defmodulePtr))
         /* We only want to save a module if all of the modules it imports  */
         /* from have already been saved. Since there can't be circular     */
         /* dependencies in imported modules, this should save the modules  */
         /* that don't import anything first and then work back from those. */

         if (defmodulePtr->visitedFlag)
           { /* Module has already been saved. */ }
         else if (AllImportedModulesVisited(theEnv,defmodulePtr))
            for (saveFunction = ConstructData(theEnv)->ListOfSaveFunctions;
                 saveFunction != NULL;
                 saveFunction = saveFunction->next)
              { (*saveFunction->func)(theEnv,defmodulePtr,(char *) filePtr,saveFunction->context); }

            updated = true;
            defmodulePtr->visitedFlag = true;
           { unvisited = true; }

      /* At least one module should be saved in every pass. If all have been */
      /* visited/saved, then both flags will be false. If all remaining      */
      /* unvisited/unsaved modules were visited/saved, then unvisited will   */
      /* be false and updated will be true. If some, but not all, remaining  */
      /* unvisited/unsaved modules are visited/saved, then  unvisited will   */
      /* be true and updated will be true. This leaves the case where there  */
      /* are remaining unvisited/unsaved modules, but none were              */
      /* visited/saved: unvisited is true and updated is false.              */

      if (unvisited && (! updated))

   /* Close the save file. */


   /* Remove the router bypass. */


   /* Return true to indicate */
   /* successful completion.  */

   return true;