if (NextArg()==FLOATARG || NextArg()==INTARG) { pruneInc = GetChkedFlt(0.0,1.0E20,s); pruneLim = GetChkedFlt(0.0,1.0E20,s); } else { pruneInc = 0.0; pruneLim = pruneInit ; } break; case 'u': SetuFlags(); break; case 'v': minVar = GetChkedFlt(0.0,10.0,s); break; case 'w': mixWeightFloor = MINMIX * GetChkedFlt(0.0,10000.0,s); break;
bool CThread::MaskListMath(CString sStr, TPStrList& aMasks) { for (int m = 0; m < aMasks.Size(); m++) if (MaskMatch(sStr, *aMasks[m])) return true; return false; }
/* Accumulate stats from an utterance file */ SpkrAcc *AccGenUtt(char *SpkrPattern, char *UttFileName, SpkrAcc *sa) { char SpkrName[MAXSTRLEN]; ParmBuf pbuf; BufferInfo info; short swidth[SMAX]; Boolean eSep; Vector tempV; int i; if (MaskMatch(SpkrPattern,SpkrName,UttFileName)==TRUE){ /* open buffer and construct observation */ pbuf = OpenBuffer(&iStack,UttFileName,0,dff,FALSE_dup,FALSE_dup); GetBufferInfo(pbuf,&info); if ((info.tgtPK & HASZEROM) && strchr(oflags,'m')) { HError(-2021,"HCompV: AccGenUtt: qualifier _Z not appropriate when calculating means!\n"); } /* treat as single stream system though a bit weird */ ZeroStreamWidths(1,swidth); SetStreamWidths(info.tgtPK,info.tgtVecSize,swidth,&eSep); obs = MakeObservation(&gstack,swidth,info.tgtPK,FALSE,eSep); if (info.tgtVecSize != vSize){ vSize = info.tgtVecSize; /* if needed init a SpkrAcc */ sa = InitSpkrAcc(); fprintf(stdout,"Target observation vector size set to %d ......\n",info.tgtVecSize); fflush(stdout); } ParmKind2Str(info.tgtPK,TargetPKStr); /* accumulate stats for current utterance file */ StartBuffer(pbuf); while (BufferStatus(pbuf) != PB_CLEARED) { /* copy current observation and set vector ptr to first stream */ ReadAsBuffer(pbuf,&obs); tempV = obs.fv[1]; for (i=1;i<=vSize;i++){ sa->meanSum[i] += tempV[i]; sa->squareSum[i] += tempV[i]*tempV[i]; } sa->NumFrame += 1; } CloseBuffer(pbuf); strcpy(sa->SpkrName,SpkrName); if (trace&T_CMV){ fprintf(stdout,"Utterance %s accumulate generated for speaker %s\n",UttFileName,sa->SpkrName); fflush(stdout); } ResetHeap(&iStack); return sa; } else { HError(2039,"HCompV: AccGenUtt: speaker pattern matching failure on file: %s\n",UttFileName); return NULL; } }
/* Export number of frames, mean, var to a given directory */ void ExportNMV(SpkrAccListItem *sal, char *OutDirName, char *tgtPKStr) { FILE *oFile; Boolean isPipe; char oFileName[MAXSTRLEN]; char pathBuffer1[MAXSTRLEN]; char pathBuffer2[MAXSTRLEN]; SpkrAccListItem *p; int i; p = sal; while(p != NULL){ /* create output file name for current spkr index */ if ( pathPattern[0] != '\0'){ if ( MaskMatch(pathPattern,pathBuffer1,p->sa->SpkrName) != TRUE ){ HError(2039,"HCompV: ExportNMV: path pattern matching failure on speaker: %s\n",p->sa->SpkrName); } MakeFN(pathBuffer1,OutDirName,NULL,pathBuffer2); MakeFN(p->sa->SpkrName,pathBuffer2,NULL,oFileName); } else MakeFN(p->sa->SpkrName,OutDirName,NULL,oFileName); /* open and write */ oFile = FOpen(oFileName,NoOFilter,&isPipe); if (oFile == NULL){ HError(2011,"HCompV: ExportNMV: output file creation error %s",oFileName); } /* write header */ fprintf(oFile,"<CEPSNORM> <%s>",tgtPKStr); /* write number frames */ if (strchr(oflags,'n')){ fprintf(oFile,"\n<NFRAMES> %d",p->sa->NumFrame); } /* write mean */ if (strchr(oflags,'m')){ fprintf(oFile,"\n<MEAN> %d\n",vSize); for (i=1;i<=vSize;i++){ fprintf(oFile," %e",(p->sa->meanSum[i])); } } /* write variance */ if (strchr(oflags,'v')){ fprintf(oFile,"\n<VARIANCE> %d\n",vSize); for (i=1;i<=vSize;i++){ fprintf(oFile," %e",(p->sa->squareSum[i])); } } fprintf(oFile,"\n"); FClose(oFile,isPipe); p = p->nextSpkr; } }
/* DoAlignment: by creating network from transcriptions or lattices */ void DoAlignment(void) { FILE *nf; char lfn[MAXSTRLEN], buf[MAXSTRLEN]; Transcription *trans; Network *net; Boolean isPipe; int n=0; LogDouble currGenBeam; AdaptXForm *incXForm; if (trace&T_TOP) { if (loadNetworks) printf("New network will be used for each file\n"); else printf("Label file will be used to align each file\n"); fflush(stdout); } CreateHeap(&netHeap,"Net heap",MSTAK,1,0,8000,80000); while (NumArgs()>0) { if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(3219,"DoAlignment: Data file name expected"); datFN = GetStrArg(); if (trace&T_TOP) { printf("Aligning File: %s\n",datFN); fflush(stdout); } if (labFileMask != NULL ) { /* support for rescoring lattice masks */ if (!MaskMatch(labFileMask,buf,datFN)) HError(2319,"DoAlignment: mask %s has no match with segemnt %s",labFileMask,datFN); MakeFN(buf,labInDir,labInExt,lfn); } else { MakeFN(datFN,labInDir,labInExt,lfn); } if (loadNetworks) { if ( (nf = FOpen(lfn,NetFilter,&isPipe)) == NULL) HError(3210,"DoAlignment: Cannot open Word Net file %s",lfn); if((wdNet = ReadLattice(nf,&netHeap,&vocab,TRUE,FALSE))==NULL) HError(3210,"DoAlignment: ReadLattice failed"); FClose(nf,isPipe); if (trace&T_TOP) { printf("Read lattice with %d nodes / %d arcs\n", wdNet->nn,wdNet->na); fflush(stdout); } } else { LabList *ll = NULL; trans=LOpen(&netHeap,lfn,ifmt); if (trans->numLists >= 1) ll = GetLabelList(trans,1); if (!ll && !bndId) HError(3233, "DoAlignment: cannot align empty transcription"); wdNet=LatticeFromLabels(ll, bndId, &vocab,&netHeap); if (trace&T_TOP) { printf("Created lattice with %d nodes / %d arcs from label file\n", wdNet->nn,wdNet->na); fflush(stdout); } } net=ExpandWordNet(&netHeap,wdNet,&vocab,&hset); ++n; currGenBeam = genBeam; /* This handles the initial input transform, parent transform setting and output transform creation */ if (UpdateSpkrStats(&hset, &xfInfo, datFN) && (!(xfInfo.useInXForm)) && (hset.semiTied == NULL)) { xfInfo.inXForm = NULL; } if (genBeamInc == 0.0) ProcessFile (datFN, net, n, currGenBeam, FALSE); else { Boolean completed; completed = ProcessFile (datFN, net, n, currGenBeam, TRUE); currGenBeam += genBeamInc; while (!completed && (currGenBeam <= genBeamLim - genBeamInc)) { completed = ProcessFile (datFN, net, n, currGenBeam, TRUE); currGenBeam += genBeamInc; } if (!completed) ProcessFile (datFN, net, n, currGenBeam, FALSE); } if (update > 0 && n%update == 0) { if (trace&T_TOP) { printf("Transforming model set\n"); fflush(stdout); } /* at every stage a new transform is created - fix?? Estimate transform and then set it up as the input XForm */ incXForm = CreateAdaptXForm(&hset,"inc"); TidyBaseAccs(); GenAdaptXForm(&hset,incXForm); xfInfo.inXForm = GetMLLRDiagCov(incXForm);; SetXForm(&hset,xfInfo.inXForm); ApplyHMMSetXForm(&hset,xfInfo.inXForm); } ResetHeap(&netHeap); } }