Example #1

All of the visible sky triangles are in tess

Other things could be stuck in here, like birds in the sky, etc
void RB_StageIteratorSky( void ) {
	if ( r_fastsky->integer ) {

	// go through all the polygons and project them onto
	// the sky box to see which blocks on each side need
	// to be drawn
	RB_ClipSkyPolygons( &tess );

	// r_showsky will let all the sky blocks be drawn in
	// front of everything to allow developers to see how
	// much sky is getting sucked in
	if ( r_showsky->integer ) {
		qglDepthRange( 0.0, 0.0 );
	} else {
		qglDepthRange( 1.0, 1.0 );

	// draw the outer skybox
	if ( tess.shader->sky.outerbox[0] && tess.shader->sky.outerbox[0] != tr.defaultImage ) {
		mat4_t oldmodelview;
		GL_State( 0 );
		//qglTranslatef (backEnd.viewParms.or.origin[0], backEnd.viewParms.or.origin[1], backEnd.viewParms.or.origin[2]);

			// FIXME: this could be a lot cleaner
			mat4_t trans, product;

			Mat4Copy( glState.modelview, oldmodelview );
			Mat4Translation( backEnd.viewParms.or.origin, trans );
			Mat4Multiply( glState.modelview, trans, product );
			GL_SetModelviewMatrix( product );


		DrawSkyBox( tess.shader );

		GL_SetModelviewMatrix( oldmodelview );

	// generate the vertexes for all the clouds, which will be drawn
	// by the generic shader routine
	R_BuildCloudData( &tess );


	// draw the inner skybox

	// back to normal depth range
	qglDepthRange( 0.0, 1.0 );

	// note that sky was drawn so we will draw a sun later
	backEnd.skyRenderedThisView = qtrue;
Example #2
void GLSL_SetUniformMat4(shaderProgram_t *program, int uniformNum, const mat4_t matrix)
	GLint *uniforms = program->uniforms;
	vec_t *compare = (float *)(program->uniformBuffer + program->uniformBufferOffsets[uniformNum]);

	if (uniforms[uniformNum] == -1)

	if (uniformsInfo[uniformNum].type != GLSL_MAT16)
		ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "GLSL_SetUniformMat4: wrong type for uniform %i in program %s\n", uniformNum, program->name);

	if (Mat4Compare(matrix, compare))

	Mat4Copy(matrix, compare);

	qglUniformMatrix4fvARB(uniforms[uniformNum], 1, GL_FALSE, matrix);
Example #3

Because flares are simulating an occular effect, they should be drawn after
everything (all views) in the entire frame has been drawn.

Because of the way portals use the depth buffer to mark off areas, the
needed information would be lost after each view, so we are forced to draw
flares after each view.

The resulting artifact is that flares in mirrors or portals don't dim properly
when occluded by something in the main view, and portal flares that should
extend past the portal edge will be overwritten.
void RB_RenderFlares (void) {
	flare_t		*f;
	flare_t		**prev;
	qboolean	draw;
	mat4_t    oldmodelview, oldprojection, matrix;

	if ( !r_flares->integer ) {

		r_flareCoeff->modified = qfalse;

	// Reset currentEntity to world so that any previously referenced entities
	// don't have influence on the rendering of these flares (i.e. RF_ renderer flags).
	backEnd.currentEntity = &tr.worldEntity;
	backEnd.or = backEnd.viewParms.world;

	// (SA) turned light flares back on.  must evaluate problem id had with this


	// perform z buffer readback on each flare in this view
	draw = qfalse;
	prev = &r_activeFlares;
	while ( ( f = *prev ) != NULL ) {
		// throw out any flares that weren't added last frame
		if ( f->addedFrame < backEnd.viewParms.frameCount - 1 ) {
			*prev = f->next;
			f->next = r_inactiveFlares;
			r_inactiveFlares = f;

		// don't draw any here that aren't from this scene / portal
		f->drawIntensity = 0;
		if ( f->frameSceneNum == backEnd.viewParms.frameSceneNum
			&& f->inPortal == backEnd.viewParms.isPortal ) {
			RB_TestFlare( f );
			if ( f->drawIntensity ) {
				draw = qtrue;
			} else {
				// this flare has completely faded out, so remove it from the chain
				*prev = f->next;
				f->next = r_inactiveFlares;
				r_inactiveFlares = f;

		prev = &f->next;

	if ( !draw ) {
		return;		// none visible

	if ( backEnd.viewParms.isPortal ) {
		qglDisable (GL_CLIP_PLANE0);

	Mat4Copy(glState.projection, oldprojection);
	Mat4Copy(glState.modelview, oldmodelview);
	Mat4Ortho( backEnd.viewParms.viewportX, backEnd.viewParms.viewportX + backEnd.viewParms.viewportWidth,
	               backEnd.viewParms.viewportY, backEnd.viewParms.viewportY + backEnd.viewParms.viewportHeight,
	               -99999, 99999, matrix );

	for ( f = r_activeFlares ; f ; f = f->next ) {
		if ( f->frameSceneNum == backEnd.viewParms.frameSceneNum
			&& f->inPortal == backEnd.viewParms.isPortal
			&& f->drawIntensity ) {
			RB_RenderFlare( f );

Example #4
void GL_SetModelviewMatrix(mat4_t matrix)
	Mat4Copy(matrix, glState.modelview);
	Mat4Multiply(glState.projection, glState.modelview, glState.modelviewProjection);	
Example #5

Draw a 3D view into a part of the window, then return
to 2D drawing.

Rendering a scene may require multiple views to be rendered
to handle mirrors,
void RE_RenderScene( const refdef_t *fd ) {
	viewParms_t		parms;
	int				startTime;

	if ( !tr.registered ) {
	GLimp_LogComment( "====== RE_RenderScene =====\n" );

	if ( r_norefresh->integer ) {

	startTime = ri.RealMilliseconds();

	if (!tr.world && !( fd->rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL ) ) {
		ri.Error (ERR_DROP, "R_RenderScene: NULL worldmodel");


	// SmileTheory: playing with shadow mapping
	if (!( fd->rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL ) && tr.refdef.num_dlights && r_dlightMode->integer >= 2)

	/* playing with more shadows */
	if(glRefConfig.framebufferObject && !( fd->rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL ) && r_shadows->integer == 4)

	// playing with even more shadows
	if(glRefConfig.framebufferObject && r_sunlightMode->integer && !( fd->rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL ) && (r_forceSun->integer || tr.sunShadows))
		if (r_shadowCascadeZFar->integer != 0)
			R_RenderSunShadowMaps(fd, 0);
			R_RenderSunShadowMaps(fd, 1);
			R_RenderSunShadowMaps(fd, 2);

		// only rerender last cascade if sun has changed position
		if (r_forceSun->integer == 2 || !VectorCompare(tr.refdef.sunDir, tr.lastCascadeSunDirection))
			VectorCopy(tr.refdef.sunDir, tr.lastCascadeSunDirection);
			R_RenderSunShadowMaps(fd, 3);
			Mat4Copy(tr.refdef.sunShadowMvp[3], tr.lastCascadeSunMvp);
			Mat4Copy(tr.lastCascadeSunMvp, tr.refdef.sunShadowMvp[3]);

	// playing with cube maps
	// this is where dynamic cubemaps would be rendered
	if (0) //(glRefConfig.framebufferObject && !( fd->rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL ))
		int i, j;

		for (i = 0; i < tr.numCubemaps; i++)
			for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
				R_RenderCubemapSide(i, j, qtrue);

	// setup view parms for the initial view
	// set up viewport
	// The refdef takes 0-at-the-top y coordinates, so
	// convert to GL's 0-at-the-bottom space
	Com_Memset( &parms, 0, sizeof( parms ) );
	parms.viewportX = tr.refdef.x;
	parms.viewportY = glConfig.vidHeight - ( tr.refdef.y + tr.refdef.height );
	parms.viewportWidth = tr.refdef.width;
	parms.viewportHeight = tr.refdef.height;
	parms.isPortal = qfalse;

	parms.fovX = tr.refdef.fov_x;
	parms.fovY = tr.refdef.fov_y;
	parms.stereoFrame = tr.refdef.stereoFrame;

	VectorCopy( fd->vieworg, parms.or.origin );
	VectorCopy( fd->viewaxis[0], parms.or.axis[0] );
	VectorCopy( fd->viewaxis[1], parms.or.axis[1] );
	VectorCopy( fd->viewaxis[2], parms.or.axis[2] );

	VectorCopy( fd->vieworg, parms.pvsOrigin );

	if(!( fd->rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL ) && r_depthPrepass->value && ((r_forceSun->integer) || tr.sunShadows))
		parms.flags = VPF_USESUNLIGHT;

	R_RenderView( &parms );

	if(!( fd->rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL ))


	tr.frontEndMsec += ri.RealMilliseconds() - startTime;
Example #6

All of the visible sky triangles are in tess

Other things could be stuck in here, like birds in the sky, etc
void RB_StageIteratorSky( void ) {
	if ( r_fastsky->integer ) {

	// when portal sky exists, only render skybox for the portal sky scene
	if ( skyboxportal && !( backEnd.refdef.rdflags & RDF_SKYBOXPORTAL ) ) {

	// does the current fog require fastsky?
	if ( backEnd.viewParms.glFog.registered ) {
		if ( !backEnd.viewParms.glFog.drawsky ) {
	} else if ( glfogNum > FOG_NONE )      {
		if ( !glfogsettings[FOG_CURRENT].drawsky ) {

	backEnd.refdef.rdflags |= RDF_DRAWINGSKY;

	// go through all the polygons and project them onto
	// the sky box to see which blocks on each side need
	// to be drawn
	RB_ClipSkyPolygons( &tess );

	// r_showsky will let all the sky blocks be drawn in
	// front of everything to allow developers to see how
	// much sky is getting sucked in
	if ( r_showsky->integer ) {
		qglDepthRange( 0.0, 0.0 );
	} else {
		qglDepthRange( 1.0, 1.0 );

	// draw the outer skybox
	if ( tess.shader->sky.outerbox[0] && tess.shader->sky.outerbox[0] != tr.defaultImage ) {
		mat4_t oldmodelview;

		GL_State( 0 );
		//qglTranslatef( backEnd.viewParms.or.origin[0], backEnd.viewParms.or.origin[1], backEnd.viewParms.or.origin[2] );

			// FIXME: this could be a lot cleaner
			mat4_t trans, product;

			Mat4Copy( glState.modelview, oldmodelview );
			Mat4Translation( backEnd.viewParms.or.origin, trans );
			Mat4Multiply( glState.modelview, trans, product );
			GL_SetModelviewMatrix( product );


		DrawSkyBox( tess.shader );

		GL_SetModelviewMatrix( oldmodelview );

	// generate the vertexes for all the clouds, which will be drawn
	// by the generic shader routine
	R_BuildCloudData( &tess );


	// draw the inner skybox
	// Rafael - drawing inner skybox
	if ( tess.shader->sky.innerbox[0] && tess.shader->sky.innerbox[0] != tr.defaultImage ) {
		mat4_t oldmodelview;

		GL_State( 0 );
		//qglTranslatef( backEnd.viewParms.or.origin[0], backEnd.viewParms.or.origin[1], backEnd.viewParms.or.origin[2] );

			// FIXME: this could be a lot cleaner
			mat4_t trans, product;

			Mat4Copy( glState.modelview, oldmodelview );
			Mat4Translation( backEnd.viewParms.or.origin, trans );
			Mat4Multiply( glState.modelview, trans, product );
			GL_SetModelviewMatrix( product );


		DrawSkyBoxInner( tess.shader );

		GL_SetModelviewMatrix( oldmodelview );
	// Rafael - end

	// back to normal depth range
	qglDepthRange( 0.0, 1.0 );

	backEnd.refdef.rdflags &= ~RDF_DRAWINGSKY;

	// note that sky was drawn so we will draw a sun later
	backEnd.skyRenderedThisView = qtrue;